What Is Slow Fashion & Why You Should Join The Movement? - The Eco Hub (2024)

As we already know, consumerism and mass clothing purchases are a dominant factor in many people's lives. However this, like many other aspects of our lives, is slowly but surely changing with the emergence of the slow fashion movement, the counterpart to the infamous fast fashion.

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Recently, this movement seems to be on everyone's lips and both customers and fashion designers are becoming more and more aware of it.

If you still don't know what slow fashion is, in this post, you will find everything you need to know. Even if you already know what it is, don’t close this tab! You're sure to learn a thing or two about this wonderful eco-friendly movement. But first, let's take it one step at a time. What is slow fashion, exactly?

What Is Slow Fashion?

Essentially, slow fashion is thinking before you buy clothes. Not just thinking about whether you really need that tempting mainstream shirt posing behind the counter of some well-known clothing brand's store or not, but thinking about where the garments come from and being aware of how they are created.

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It is a new eco-friendly approach to fashion that focuses on sustainability, recycling, or acquiring second-hand clothes and encourages the idea of buying better quality garments that will last longer, making sure that their manufacturing processes have been fair and ethical to people, animals and the environment in general.

How did the slow fashion movement start?

The slow fashion movement started in 2007 when Kate Fletcher, an English activist, writer, designer, and sustainability professor coined the concept as a counterpart and response to fast fashion.
Nevertheless, the movement initially didn’t have much impact until 2013, when a tragedy occurred in a textile factory in Bangladesh.

A building that did not comply with basic safety measures collapsed on top of thousands of workers who had previously denounced the poor conditions of their workstations. It was this devastating event that reignited the debate about all the negative social and environmental aspects of fast fashion, and really put slow fashion on the table.

Why is slow fashion important?

Let’s make it clear right off the bat: slow fashion is very, very important. Why? Well, in a world where fast fashion consumption became the norm for so many years, slow fashion breaks the mold and presents itself as an eco-friendly alternative, at the same time pointing out to us why fast fashion is absolutely harmful to the environment.

Also, slow fashion is about supporting local economies, generating decent work environments and creating higher quality, durable products. Its importance lies in how it opens our eyes to the reality of the textile industry, providing us with solutions to reduce its negative aspects.

How does slow fashion help the environment?

Did you know that the textile industry is the second largest consumer and polluter of water? That’s not very eco-friendly of you, fast fashion.

Slow fashion is, as we stated earlier in this post, the better alternative. It can help the environment in many ways by manufacturing clothes made of organic fabrics, using fewer chemicals, recycling fibers to make new pieces, reducing greenhouse gases by cutting short the production of petroleum-based apparel, and decreasing the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills and minimizing water consumption. That’s very eco-friendly of you, slow fashion!

Why is slow fashion so darn expensive?

Short answer: you get what you pay for. We like to pay less and get more, but that doesn’t happen in fast fashion. At least, not in the long run. You see, that t-shirt that you bought for $5 has a way shorter lifespan than a sustainable one. They are mass-produced, have poor quality and aren’t ethical when it comes to the manufacturer’s work environment.

On the other hand, slow fashion can come from local artisans who produce small batches of clothing by hand. Also, ethically run manufacturing facilities pay their employees well. This can make slow fashion expensive, but you can find some pretty good deals out there too.

Thrifting is also part of the slow fashion movement… And it’s quite fun to do!

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Okay, so what is fast fashion?

We have already told you what slow fashion means, showing its many advantages over fast fashion, but… What is fast fashion anyway? Well, it is the reflection of modern life: consumerism and mass culture. Fast fashion is based on creating trendy garments quickly, cheaper, and in large quantities to meet “popular demand”. In fact, so much clothing is produced so quickly that more than 50 clothing collections of clothing can be released each year by a single brand.

Why is fast fashion so harmful?

Talking about those 50 clothing collections per year… Most of those clothes end up in landfills after a short time of being bought. Also, there are other typical impacts of the industry on the environment, such as the high consumption of natural resources, chemicals, and the generation of greenhouse gases.

It also encourages the exploitation of the different agents involved in the textile industry. In countries such as China, Bangladesh, and Cambodia, working conditions are deplorable. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the worst offending fast fashion brands?

We’ve all heard bad things about fast fashion brands like Zara, H&M, and Mango. However, they’ve kind of tried to clean up their names with eco-initiatives. But what about the nastiest brands? The ones that couldn’t care less about ethics? Well, here are the nominees for the worst of the worst:

Boohoo is one of four fashion brands producing clothing in the United Kingdom in sweatshops, where workers are paid less than the minimum wage and even get reprimanded for being 1 minute late, checking the time, or – you won’t believe this, smiling.

Forever 21… Almost everything about this brand is offensive. First of all, they use really cheap fabrics. Petrol-based textiles are a major contributor to environmental pollution, and they don’t seem to care. Second of all, they refused to sign the Bangladesh Accord, which ensures garment workers' safe workspaces and rights. Does it get any worse?

Yes, it gets worse. We all know that China isn’t well known for loving its workers in the textile industry – it has one of the worst human rights records in the entire world, and China-based fashion wholesalers like Shein are in the same boat. Not only their workers are paid pittances, but also use child labor too. This is not crossing the line, but skipping it altogether.

There are other awful brands like Urban Outfitters, Primark, and Fashion Nova which are known for promoting worker exploitation and environmental pollution, but the 3 mentioned above take the crown.

Characteristics of Slow Fashion brands

How can we identify a good slow fashion brand? Well, some characteristics are that their clothes are made from high-quality sustainable materials, they are usually offered in small local stores (instead of giant corporate chains), the workers who produce them are well paid and not exploited, and they only have about a couple of specific styles per collection, which are released twice or three times per year at most.

Some staple slow fashion brands

Since we know the worst fast fashion brands, what good slow fashion alternatives are out there?
Patagonia is for sure a staple slow fashion brand. It was an early advocate of environmental ethics in the sportswear industry, and one of the first to use organic cotton and recycled materials on their clothes.

If you want long-lasting super-soft basics, look no further than Pact. Their clothing is eco-friendly, has an affordable price point and high-quality standards. Plus, they promote fair trade. What more could you ask for?

Finally, let us introduce you to Boden. It has been part of the industry for over 25 years and is admired for its elegant clothing pieces and ethics. The brand is committed to responsible sourcing, fair trade, and eco-friendly practices, so much so that they even ship their clothes in recycled (and recyclable) packaging. A true gem.

Make sure you stop by our ethical fashion brands page in our brand directory.

How to Join The Slow Fashion Movement & slow down your Fashion consumption?

Now that you have an idea about slow fashion, are you ready to make the switch but don't know where to start? There are several options, such as buying second-hand clothing, buying clothes made from natural materials, and giving old clothes a purpose. Remember: supporting slow fashion doesn’t need to be a change in style, only a change in practices and purchasing decisions.

Go Secondhand! Shop thrift & consignment shops giving clothes a new home

If you’re on a budget and want to hop on the slow fashion movement, go secondhand! As we mentioned earlier, thrifting can be fun. Slow fashion brands can be expensive, but you can find second-hand shops and consignment shops in almost every city. They offer all kinds of options, ranging from ultra-cheap pieces to brand-name ones, so if you have clothes you no longer wear or want to buy new ones, a thrift store is a place to go. Or you can rent your clothing too.

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Stay away from Synthetic fabric! Purchase clothing made from natural materials

In general, natural fibers have many eco advantages over synthetic fibers. One of the main ones is that they are biodegradable and therefore more sustainable, like organic cotton, bamboo fibers, tencel, etc. Synthetic fabric, on the other hand, is made from plastics, coal, and petroleum by-products and is not biodegradable. Plus, natural materials are softer, more comfortable, and more breathable (think Modal) than their synthetic equivalents.

Stop treating clothes as disposable - Give old clothes a purpose when you’re ready to get rid of them

Remember those old bell-bottom jeans that you bought in 2005 and are still hanging at the back of your closet? Don’t just throw them away, give them another chance: cut the legs off, and voilà! New shorts. You can also make tote bags out of pants, bed linen out of cotton shirts, the DIY projects are endless, so there is no excuse when it comes to giving old clothes a purpose.

How to stop fast fashion & push back by demanding change?

Not only can we make personal choices in our lifestyle and shopping habits to stop fast fashion, we can also directly demand change. It would all be easier if each of us could shut down every single factory and clothing brand that supports fast fashion, but since we don't have that power, we can still do our parts to push for fair fashion by using our voice.

Email fast fashion brands asking them to consider slow fashion

Are you a fan of emails? You can send one to any brand! Ask them specifically (in a polite way, even though some brands don't even deserve that) how their garments are made and if they ensure the protection of people and the environment. Don’t be shy - the more people asking questions, the more likely the brand will listen.

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Use Social Media to get fast fashion manufacturers attention

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are great platforms to demand change and ask fast fashion brands about their production practices. You can send them a DM, write a comment on a post or even tag them using the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes. If brands don’t hear from customers, they have no reason to change their practices.

Slow Fashion is more than a movement it’s a way of life!

Every action has a consequence, even an act as seemingly simple as getting dressed can impact the environment in which we live and our community. Slow fashion is about choice, information, cultural diversity, and identity – it is a natural and ethical way of life.

Of course, there is no magic wand that will make our entire lifestyle and shopping habits change overnight, but every little action counts.

Slow fashion is a glimpse of a different and more sustainable future for the textile industry. It gives an opportunity for business to be done in a way that respects workers, the environment and consumers. And you know what? That future is just one garment away. And whether is sustainable socks or ethical jewellery, we've got you covered here on The Eco Hub.

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What Is Slow Fashion & Why You Should Join The Movement? - The Eco Hub (2024)


What is slow fashion and why is it important? ›

The slow fashion movement is a growing trend that encourages people to buy less clothing, but to invest in pieces that will last longer. The goal of the movement is to produce, buy and wear clothing that is environmentally friendly and supports the livelihoods of artisans and makers.

What is the slow fashion movement? ›

Slow fashion is a movement that advocates for environmental and social justice in the fashion industry. Its defining point is that it zeroes in on the problem of overproduction and overconsumption. Slow fashion came at the heels of the “slow food” movement.

Why is slow fashion good for the environment? ›

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SLOW FASHION? With slower production schedules, smaller collections, zero waste designs, and the use of sustainable materials, Slow Fashion brands aim to reduce the textile waste and the consequent pollution.

Why is eco fashion important? ›

Sustainable fashion is a way in which brands create clothing that not only reduces the impact on the environment but is also mindful of the people who work to produce the garments. Put simply, it is fashion that is ethically made and environmentally friendly.

What is slow fashion in simple words? ›

Slow fashion is an aspect of sustainable fashion and a concept describing the opposite to fast fashion, part of the "slow movement" advocating for clothing and apparel manufacturing in respect to people, environment and animals.

What is slow fashion simple definition? ›

Soomer: Slow Fashion is an approach to producing clothing which takes into consideration all aspects of the supply chain and in doing so, aims to respect people, the environment, and animals.

How does slow fashion help the economy? ›

Besides considering the price, the clothes last much longer and thus buyers do not have to replace them as frequently. Buying less helps garment workers because they have less pressure to make more clothing in exploitive working conditions.

How can you join the slow fashion movement? ›

If you simply buy less and use the most of what you have, you would be operating by the values of the slow fashion movement. Choose a sustainable fashion store when you absolutely have to purchase new items. And maximize the benefits of every item you have before repurposing or recycling them.

What is the value of slow fashion? ›

It reduces the negative environmental and social impact of over-consumption by combining high quality and durable fabrics with production processes that involve a high level of workmanship. It is therefore the opposite of the rapid, mass production approach of fast fashion.

How slow fashion can save the environment? ›

It Generates Less Waste & Takes Care Of The Environment

This way, we create less waste and prevent our disposed of items to end up into the dumping grounds and add up to the pile of waste. Switching to sustainable fashion can be seen as a ripple in the massive ocean of waste reduction.

Why slow fashion is the future? ›

It focuses on more sustainable practices, including the usage of better-quality materials for longer use and using eco-friendly inks for print, and a slowing-down of manufacturing. Slow fashion items promise durable, functional, stylish and sustainable clothing for mindful consumers. Slow fashion is a personal choice.

Why slow fashion is better than fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion denotes lower-quality, low-priced, mass-produced and machine-made garments that quickly end up in landfills. Slow fashion garments in contrast are made by hand, consume time to produce, use artistic talent, have better quality and are priced higher.

Why is fashion important 3 reasons? ›

Clothing is an essential part of people's lives. They offer many health and beauty benefits. Fashion is crucial to history because it sets the tone for how people present themselves in every era. Everyone lives through fashion, sometimes by choice and sometimes because of societal rules.

How do you make fashion eco friendly? ›

5 ways the fashion industry can be more sustainable
  1. Invest in garments and clothing that will last. The first and probably most obvious change starts with us as the consumer. ...
  2. Produce less. ...
  3. Re-use materials, off-cuts and fabrics. ...
  4. Go vintage. ...
  5. Know your facts. ...
  6. In numbers.

What is slow fashion good on you? ›

Slow fashion helps us save resources, lower our CO2 emissions and thus make a smaller impact on the environment and climate change. Read this other post about what role the fashion industry has on the climate crisis and how carbon labels in fashion could help to minimize the ecological footprint of the entire industry.

What are characteristics of slow fashion? ›

Slow fashion brands focus on sustainable practices, such as using organic materials, recycling fabrics, and minimizing water consumption. This means that less clothing ends up in landfills, and fewer harmful chemicals are released into the environment.

What are the key elements of slow fashion? ›


The concept is about slowing down the production process to improve working conditions, make the whole production cycle more transparent, improve the quality to make clothes last longer, and promote a more sustainable consumption behaviour.

How fashion trends affect society? ›

The changing fashion trends create a healthy and competitive environment that inspires the next generation of fashion designers and other related people to work hard and create meaningful and creative new designs. It creates new employment opportunities for many upcoming students (of fashion studies).

How much does fashion contribute to the economy? ›

Globally, the USD 1.3 trillion clothing industry employs more than 300 million people along the value chain; the production of cotton alone accounts for almost 7% of all employment in some low-income countries.

How does the economy affect fashion trends? ›

For example, during the recession or pandemic time, fashion becomes the least priority and issues like "value for money" and durability become more important and hence it affects the demand for trendy items. On the other hand, if the economy is strong and national income is high, fashion flourishes.

How fast fashion impacts the environment? ›

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion

According to an analysis by Business Insider, fashion production comprises 10% of total global carbon emissions, as much as the European Union. It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year.

Is slow fashion growing? ›

Slow fashion is a term we are hearing increasingly often within the fashion industry. The number of slow fashion labels is growing rapidly, and it seems people are enthusiastic about shopping with these brands.

What is the difference between slow fashion and sustainable fashion? ›

What is the Difference Between sustainable fashion and slow fashion? Also known as 'eco-fashion', sustainable fashion is a movement started to conserve the environment. Slow fashion is a movement started to provide clothes in a sustainable manner.

What is the sustainability of slow fashion? ›

Slow fashion is purposeful and intentional. Slow fashion is holistic and considers the whole product lifecycle. Slow fashion is sustainable and doesn't view products as disposable. Slow fashion is ethical and looks at the connections between things—raw materials, the environment, human labor, etc.

Why is fashion so important in society? ›

Fashion keeps a society lively through different new styles and subsequent changes. Fashion promotes social changes from time to time and also respects traditions and customs in society. Fashion encourages to modify or amend all those customs that are rigid and have no relevancy anymore.

How important is it for you to follow fashion? ›

Fashion helps us know what you need to wear. By following fashion trends, you stay aware of what to wear at a specific time and situation. If there was no such thing as fashion, people would show up to weddings in their blouses!

What are examples of eco-fashion? ›

Here are some examples of sustainable fashion:
  • Organic & Natural materials. ...
  • Recycled materials. ...
  • Natural dyes. ...
  • Fairtrade. ...
  • Slow fashion. ...
  • Upcycling. ...
  • Ethical Practices. ...
  • Repair and maintenance:

Is fashion good for the environment? ›

While the fashion sector is booming, increasing attention has been brought to the impressive range of negative environmental impacts that the industry is responsible for. Fashion production makes up 10% of humanity's carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams.

What is eco design in fashion? ›

Eco is short for ecology, or the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. Eco-fashion is any brand or line that attempts to minimize the impact on the environment, and often the health of the consumers and the working conditions for the people that are making the clothes.

What makes a clothing brand eco-friendly? ›

Eco-Friendly Fashion: Using organic fabrics and working with local companies that use renewable energy sources. Fair Trade Clothing: Making sure all workers are paid fairly, have fair working conditions and health care benefits.

Why do people buy slow fashion? ›

By buying less or choosing slow fashion brands, you're helping to reduce the amount of water pollution in our communities. Sustainable fashion stores like Vipop, curate brands that are more likely to cut their water usage or use low-impact dying methods that require far less water than synthetic fabrics.

What are the principles of slow fashion? ›

6 principles of a slow fashion lifestyle
  • Making and buying more is not what slow fashion is about, no matter how sustainable the product is.
  • Consume less.
  • Understand that great things take time.
  • See the value in everyday items.
  • Think long term instead of short term.
  • Holistic thinking.

What is a disadvantage of slow fashion? ›

Simplicity: The downside to slow Fashion is that it's often too simple. This means that the items are often made using simple designs and a small amount of fabric is used in the finished product. Cost Efficiency: The last downside to slow fashion is that it's often not cost efficient.

Is slow fashion effective? ›

Slow fashion helps us save resources, lower our CO2 emissions and thus make a smaller impact on the environment and climate change.

Is slow fashion better quality? ›

Fast fashion denotes lower-quality, low-priced, mass-produced and machine-made garments that quickly end up in landfills. Slow fashion garments in contrast are made by hand, consume time to produce, use artistic talent, have better quality and are priced higher.

How do you encourage slow fashion? ›

How can we reduce our Fashion Environmental Impact?
  1. buy less. ...
  2. Buy CLOTHES FROM sustainable BRANDS. ...
  3. Buy better quality. ...
  4. Think twice before throwing out your clothes. ...
  5. Buy second hand, swap, & rent clothing. ...
  6. Keep an eye on your washing.

How do you practice slow fashion? ›

If you simply buy less and use the most of what you have, you would be operating by the values of the slow fashion movement. Choose a sustainable fashion store when you absolutely have to purchase new items. And maximize the benefits of every item you have before repurposing or recycling them.

How do you apply slow fashion? ›

Choose textiles made from renewable raw materials

Select organic cotton instead of normal cotton. This assures you that no toxic pesticides have been used. In addition, significantly less water is used in production than conventional cotton. Great alternatives are too lyocell, Lyocell Tencel and Moda.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.