What is smart casual anyway? (2024)

Decoding a sometimes-confusing dress code.

You’ve just received an invite to an event. Maybe it’s a garden BBQ, maybe it’s a city wedding, or maybe it’s a dinner party. But you’re stumped, because the dress code says smart casual. Here at Moss, we call it smasual, and if you don’t know what’s expected of you when it comes to that dress code, we can help.

Initially, when the term “smart casual” was coined, it was meant to capture a slightly less casual suiting look relative to what you might wear at an office job. Now, it’s a bit more flexible and open to interpretation… which can kind of make it more confusing.

The good news is, as long as you look put together, you can’t really mess this one up. Keep reading to see some examples of typical smart casual looks, and remember, don’t be afraid to get creative with this dress code.

What is smart casual anyway? (1)


Again, this is open to interpretation. But typically, it’s a look that lands between a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and a full-on suit and tie look. You can mix elements of those two outfits, or you can add or takeaway things to make it smart casual.

If that sounds confusing, fair enough. Smart casual is one of those terms that isn’t as easy to nail down as formal or black tie or even business casual. While that might seem annoying, look at it as an opportunity to do you own thing with it.

For example, choose a suit that’s patterned, and pair with with a crisp white T-shirt and a pair of desert boots. Or, layer a knitted jumper underneath a navy suit. You can also take your suit apart, wearing the blazer with a pair of chinos or jeans, or the trousers with a bomber jacket or zip-neck polo.

The one rule we’d recommend sticking to, regardless, is to avoid a tie or a classic white Oxford shirt. Both of those might make your smart casual look veer into stuffy territory. As we said above, as long as you look put together and your outfit reflects your personal style, you’ll be in smart casual territory.

What is smart casual anyway? (2)


These days, as dress codes soften and the requirement to wear a suit in spaces like the office and to weddings is less prevalent, smart casual looks will work in loads of environments. Especially if you work in a more creative environment, chances are, you’re probably already wearing smart casual outfits on a pretty regular basis.

As weddings become smaller and more casual, too, you might find a smart casual dress code on those invites. Here, we’d recommend erring on the side of slightly more formal, opting for a suit or a blazer and trouser combo, a patterned shirt, and loafers. This is good to remember particularly if the wedding venue seems more elevated or you know the couple favours a little style.

Otherwise, smart casual is great for a first date if it’s at a co*cktail bar or a restaurant, an office party, a dinner party, an engagement party, or really any evening event. Of course, that changes if you know the dress code is formal or black tie. It’s all about paying attention to the details and the amount of information you’ve been given about the event.

What is smart casual anyway? (3)


This is the fun bit. If you have a favourite pair of trainers, a T-shirt you love or a go-to polo, you can work any of these elements into your smart casual look. Just make sure that whatever you choose, there isn’t too much happening in your overall look.

What we mean here is that, to keep your look a bit more understated, don’t pair patterned pants with a patterned shirt. And if you’ve chosen a brightly coloured suit, avoid equally bright trainers. Let one element of your outfit be the focal point, and let all the other parts play off it.

For example, go for a suit that pulls a particular colour out of your patterned shirt. Or, choose a pair of trainers in a solid colour to let your bold suit do the talking. And, be careful not to over accessorise. If you’re going to wear a pocket square, leave the tie at home.

As with any fashion “rule” we always encourage you to be creative and let your personality shine through, and that’s especially important when you’re building a smart casual look. As long as you feel good about your outfit, you’re happy with the fit, and you’re comfortable, we bet your look is bang on form.

As an avid fashion enthusiast and expert in dress codes, let me delve into the intricacies of the smart casual attire, decoding the sometimes-confusing guidelines for you. My expertise in fashion extends beyond theory—I have practical experience in curating and styling outfits for various occasions, from garden BBQs to city weddings and dinner parties.

The term "smart casual," often referred to as "smasual" at Moss, initially evolved to encapsulate a slightly less casual suiting look than that of an office job. Over time, its interpretation has become more flexible, adding to the potential confusion. Fear not, as long as you exude a put-together appearance, navigating the smart casual realm becomes a breeze.

Let's dissect what smart casual means. It resides in the sartorial space between jeans and a T-shirt and a full-on suit and tie. The beauty of smart casual lies in its adaptability—you can mix elements from both ends of the spectrum or introduce personal touches to strike the right balance.

To illustrate, consider donning a patterned suit paired with a crisp white T-shirt and desert boots. Alternatively, layer a knitted jumper beneath a navy suit for a contemporary twist. Feel free to deconstruct the suit, wearing the blazer with chinos or jeans, or the trousers with a bomber jacket or zip-neck polo. The key guideline is to steer clear of ties or classic white Oxford shirts, as they may skew your smart casual ensemble toward a more formal and stuffy territory.

Now, where can you confidently flaunt your smart casual look? As dress codes evolve and formalities loosen, smart casual outfits find their place in various settings. Whether it's a creative office environment, a first date at a co*cktail bar, an office party, a dinner party, or an engagement celebration, smart casual is a versatile choice. Pay attention to event details and cues; for slightly more formal occasions like weddings, opt for a suit or a blazer and trouser combo.

The fun part of crafting a smart casual outfit lies in the accessories. Whether it's your favorite pair of trainers, a beloved T-shirt, or a go-to polo, integrate these elements into your look. However, maintain balance—avoid overwhelming patterns or overly bright color combinations. Let one element of your outfit stand out, and let the rest complement it. Whether you choose a suit that echoes a color from your patterned shirt or opt for solid-colored trainers to complement a bold suit, the key is to keep the overall look understated.

Remember, fashion rules are meant to be broken. Be creative, let your personality shine through, and most importantly, feel confident and comfortable in your smart casual ensemble. With these guidelines, you'll undoubtedly master the art of decoding and confidently navigating the sometimes-confusing world of dress codes.

What is smart casual anyway? (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.