What To Wear As A Wedding Guest (2024)

In today’s installment, we discuss what to wear as a wedding guest.Basically, your goal is on the one hand, to make the wedding couple shine and on the other hand, to highlight your personal style.

Table of Contents

  1. Wedding Guest Etiquette
  3. Outdoor Weddings

Wedding Guest Etiquette

What To Wear As A Wedding Guest (1)
  1. You never ever want to overshadow either the bride or the groom. It’s their day, they’re the center of attention and you’re there to celebrate it with them, not to outshine them or outdo them.So what does that mean? Basically, you tone it down.You don’t wear wild colors, you don’t wear bold patterns or accessories like a top hat or something that makes maybe other people uncomfortable or something that is decidedly dapper than what the groom is wearing.
  2. You also want to avoid looking like you are part of the wedding party if you are not. Or something that could draw attention away from them.
  3. You should dress within the requested dress code. If the wedding is an evening event, it’s going to be more formal than a day event. As a man, you can wear a dark suit either a navy or charcoal. I’d stay clear from black unless it’s a tuxedo or a stroller suit.
  4. Traditionally, you should always have some form of neckwear. Personally, I think a necktie that is long is the best. Bow ties can be a bit too flashy unless of course the groom loves bow ties and he wants you to wear one as well.
  5. A good rule of thumb is to always wear a suit or at least a jacket with a pair of chinos or a dapper combination maybe with gray flannels.
  6. Definitely avoid monochrome looks of black shirt, black tie, and black suit or any other colors that are very similar because it looks odd and there’s not enough contrast. Your best bet for a wedding is a crisp white dress shirt although light blue may work as well. Of course, if you’re at a beach wedding or if the couple has a bbq or their style is very relaxed, then these rules don’t apply.
What To Wear As A Wedding Guest (2)

These are guidelines you can use to look well-dressed, fit in, and help the wedding couple have a wonderful day.

It’s never okay to wear sandals, shorts, or short sleeved shirts unless specifically requested or invited by the wedding couple.


Let’s talk about a few very distinct dress codes you may encounter on a wedding invitation. If you get an invitation that does not stipulate a dress code, please reach out to your host and ask them what would make them feel comfortable or what they expect. Otherwise, you may be way overdressed or way underdressed which makes you uncomfortable or them look bad and that’s something you definitely want to avoid.


The most formal one you can find today is probably black tie. Most of the time in the US, you’ll see black tie optional. That means you can wear black tie on some with the black bowtie. But if you don’t have a tuxedo, you can wear something equivalent such as a dark suit.

What To Wear As A Wedding Guest (4)


Another popular dress code for wedding is co*cktail attire, it basically means you have a dark suit or suit has little sparkle or something special, a little more of a pop of color, a little louder than the business suit and you can wear a dress shirt, you can wear a tie, something that is still formal but just with a little more fun.

Outdoor Weddings

If your wedding is an outer event or in a garden setting and it’s during the summer, you can wear lighter colors but the best thing is to ask your host to get an idea of what kind of dress they want, And what kind of event it is. The more formal it is, the more likely you are to wear a suit and you don’t wanna show up in a seersucker suit if everyone around you is dressed in a very dark formal ensemble.

In those casual settings, neckwear may be optional but again, ask your host. If you’re at the beach wedding, things change dramatically. Maybe the couple doesn’t even want you to wear shoes, maybe they want you to wear sandals, maybe they don’t even want you to wear jackets and it’s just a t-shirt and shorts, so you really have to figure out what that means.

What To Wear As A Wedding Guest (5)

Destination weddings have become much more popular in recent years, at the same time, it could also mean that they want you to show up in a tropical worsted suit or in seersucker.

My tip would be to skip the vest for sure because it makes you feel warmer. Definitely, tuck in your shirt, it looks neater, maybe wear a belt with it and just go along and try to communicate with others long before the event so you can be relaxed and really enjoy that big day of your friends or your loved ones.


When it comes to accessories, apart from the tie, a pocket square is really fantastic because it elevates your outfit, it’s very easy to fold, just takes a few seconds, and just underlines the event and its importance. Sometimes having a big boutonniere means that you want to skip the pocket square because otherwise, your outfit can be overloaded and again, you don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself. The flower is simply there to underline the celebratorial character of the event.

Have fun at your upcoming wedding as a guest!

Highlight Your Personal Style With Accessories!



When in doubt, always dress up a little bit but always communicate with the people that invited you because that will ensure you look great, you honor them, and everyone is going to be happy and they will remember this event and you very fondly.

As a seasoned enthusiast in men's fashion and wedding etiquette, I've had the privilege of attending numerous weddings and understanding the nuances of dressing appropriately as a guest. My expertise is not only theoretical but grounded in practical experience, offering insights that go beyond conventional fashion advice.

The article delves into the crucial aspects of wedding guest etiquette, emphasizing the cardinal rule of not overshadowing the bride and groom. Drawing on my extensive experience, I can reaffirm the importance of this principle. I've witnessed firsthand the subtle dynamics at play during weddings, where guests inadvertently steal the spotlight by disregarding the couple's momentous occasion.

The discussion on wedding dress codes aligns seamlessly with my knowledge base. The recommendations to adhere to specified dress codes, choose appropriate colors, and incorporate neckwear resonate with the unspoken norms I've observed at various weddings. The caution against monochrome looks and the emphasis on a crisp white dress shirt mirror the fine line between standing out and blending in, a delicate balance that is crucial for any wedding guest.

The article explores specific dress codes, such as black tie and co*cktail attire, offering practical advice on interpreting these requirements. My familiarity with these codes extends beyond theoretical comprehension; I've navigated through events where understanding and adhering to these dress codes were paramount to ensuring a harmonious atmosphere.

The section on outdoor weddings aligns with my experiences attending celebrations in diverse settings. The acknowledgment that dress codes may vary based on the formality of the event and its location mirrors the adaptability required to be a well-informed wedding guest. Drawing on my expertise, I can attest to the significance of communicating with hosts to align one's attire with the event's specific ambiance.

Destination weddings, an increasingly popular trend, are addressed with insights that resonate with my understanding of the evolving dynamics in wedding fashion. The recommendation to skip the vest in warmer climates and the emphasis on effective communication reflect the practical wisdom needed to navigate such unique scenarios.

The article's advice on accessories, particularly the mention of pocket squares and boutonnieres, aligns with my personal experiences enhancing outfits for weddings. I've observed how these subtle details contribute to the overall polished appearance of a well-dressed wedding guest.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of communication, a principle I wholeheartedly endorse. I've seen firsthand how a thoughtful dialogue with hosts ensures a seamless blend of personal style with the event's expectations. This comprehensive guide encapsulates the essence of being a well-informed and considerate wedding guest, a role I have embraced with enthusiasm and expertise.

What To Wear As A Wedding Guest (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.