What is the correct hem length for pants? (2024)

With so many pant style options in stores and your closet these days, it is very easy to get lost when selecting the correct length.

In this two part post we take away the mystery of just how long and short the length of your pants should be.

We will show you the best shoe-pant combinations in an upcoming article. From ankle pants to wide leg jeans, let’s explore the most flattering hems.

Ankle pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (1)

When wearing ankle pants, the hem of your pants should be positioned immediately above or right on your ankle bone.

At this length, you want to go with a slimmer ankle that is not too wide, as this will shorten your entire length. As you can see in the images above, the pant legs are slimmer and hit immediately above or right at the ankle bone.

I have a lot more tips on how to wear capris and cropped pants here.

Bootcut pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (2)

When selecting the right bootcut jeans, the right length is very dependent on what shoes will be worn with your jeans. I find that bootcut jeans look the nicest with pointy shoes with heels. That makes your legs look a mile long.

What is the correct hem length for pants? (3)

No matter what shoes you wear though, your jeans should skim the ground.

You may also like: how to wear jeans over 40

Boyfriend style pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (4)

Boyfriend style pants offer a more comfortable fit with a small to large size cuff that is a bit more relaxed.

They can be dressed up or down, but the fit is really quite dependent on your body shape. Most body shapes will do well with a minimal to non-existent baggy style fit.

Tall and slim profiles tend to be able to wear a very baggy style well, however, it is recommended that you select a minimally loose fit to give off the chic and casual vibe.

When selecting the right length, you want to opt for a pair with cuffs that end below mid calf and well above your ankle bone. The more tapered and slim the leg, the more you can get away with a length closer to your ankle bone.

Cropped flared pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (5)

Cropped pants with a bootcut or slightly flared leg can be a challenge to select and wear stylishly. However, they are on trend right now and can look super hip.

When selecting the right pair that is most flattering, we recommend ensuring that the hem hits anywhere from mid-calf to right above your ankle. Any longer and you look like you are wearing ill-fitting high waters (not too flattering). Any shorter and you look like you’ve severely outgrown your pants.

Cropped wide leg pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (6)

You absolutely do not have to feel nervous about attempting the cropped wide leg pant look.

It can be flattering, as long as you pay close attention to fit and precise tailoring and combining them with the right tops.

The general fashion insider perspective for the right length is generally 1 inch above the ankle. As you can see in the pictures above, the best looks from jeans to dark trousers are kept that distance above the ankle.

What is the correct hem length for pants? (7)

For more tips on how to wear wide cropped pants check out this article.

Highwaist pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (8)

We included highwaist pants in this post, as they can be found in a vast number of styles, cuts, and looks.

So, while you have quite a bit of freedom when it comes to length, it is important to keep fit in mind. There are two waists that exist: your true waist and the false waist (which is much lower) that has become the new norm.

High waist pants are built to highlight your true waist (which is higher). So, when selecting high waist styles make sure you are staying to your true waist and selecting a well-tailored pair.

Skinny leg pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (9)

For a pant style that has dominated looks for the last decade, it can still be a hassle figuring out what the right length for a well fitting pair of skinny leg style pants should be.

Commit the following to memory, the goal of skinny pant legs is for a clean, ankle bone length look. Any longer and they bunch (which is hard to recover from) and too much shorter and you don’t get the flattering clean and streamlined look.

Straight leg pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (10)

Too often women attempt to turn straight leg pants into a skinny leg style. These are two very different styles for a reason and straight leg pants look the most flattering when they are worn below the ankle bone.

You want to cover the top of your feet. However, you also do not want to veer into the territory of a wide leg cut. Bunched straight leg pants are not flattering and can create an unfinished look.

Wide leg and trouser pants

What is the correct hem length for pants? (11)

When wearing wide leg styles, you want to go for a longer look. The goal is to have as much of your shoe hidden by your pant leg as possible, without dragging on the floor (which can both shorten your entire length and the life of your investment).

When trying them on without shoes, the hem of your pants should rest comfortably on the floor. This will give you a good indication of how long they will be when you put your shoes on. Of course it would be best to try these pants with the shoes that you plan to wear them with.

Higher shoes are nicest.

Fabulous and favorite brands featured in this article include:

What style of pants tend to give you the most styling trouble? On the other hand, what is your go to style of pant?

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  1. What is the correct hem length for pants? (12)

    Dianeon September 11, 2019 at 9:30 am

    I just read that women should stop wearing jeans at 50 yrs. old. How stupid is that! We should wear jeans as long as we look good in them. And even after that if we want to. Wtf?

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (13)

      Sylviaon September 11, 2019 at 9:32 am

      Yes totally agree!

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (14)

      Irison October 25, 2019 at 7:02 pm

      I bought a pair of white Uniqlo ultra stretch legging pants and need to be shortened. Which length will look better on me; hem above or below the ankle bone? I am petite 5ft 1inch and have a slim boyish figure. Your advise will be much appreciated.

      • What is the correct hem length for pants? (15)

        Sylviaon October 25, 2019 at 7:03 pm

        Both can work. It comes down to your personal preference 🙂

  2. What is the correct hem length for pants? (16)

    Natalieon April 26, 2016 at 2:36 am

    Terrific article Sylvia. Perfect timing too as I am going through my seasonal closet switch and there is much consider.

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (17)

      Sylviaon April 26, 2016 at 1:07 pm

      Have fun styling!

  3. What is the correct hem length for pants? (18)

    Joyceon April 25, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    Thank you for the informative instructions. I come to your web site every time I have a question on fashion. I hope that you will address blazers soon. I love the look you wear with the bootcut jeans. However, I was wondering if someone with wide shoulders should wear a jacket as they all seem to have padded shoulders?

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (19)

      Sylviaon April 26, 2016 at 1:05 pm

      Yes good idea. Will do. Just make sure that the padding is minimal and that it fits well over your shoulders. You should be ok then.

      • What is the correct hem length for pants? (20)

        Wendyon April 2, 2020 at 3:18 am

        I have that same problem. I have square shoulders and love to wear blazers and boot cut jeans. I just take the shoulder pads out of some of my blazers and some I can leave in. I go through stages right now I’m into western style booties. I’m an older woman I don’t care what the styles are I just wear what I want.

  4. What is the correct hem length for pants? (21)

    Rababon April 25, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    Very helpful to learn about trousers length specially the ankle pants which I bought recently. The only problem with those is that I cannot wear a pointed shoes with them and wide round shoes do not look right

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (22)

      Sylviaon April 26, 2016 at 1:04 pm

      I actually think that flat ballerinas can look good too. Just make sure that they are quite open.

  5. What is the correct hem length for pants? (23)

    janon April 23, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    I love your blog about all the different trouser shapes.
    I will try the shorter wide leg trousers but in my opinion you need to have a fitted top or tuck your top in giving you a waist.

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (24)

      Sylviaon April 26, 2016 at 1:02 pm

      I agree. The top I’m wearing is quite short too and tailored even though it’s not so apparent on the images.
      Thanks for the kind words on my blog!

  6. What is the correct hem length for pants? (25)

    Greetjeon April 17, 2016 at 10:20 pm

    I am afraid you are going to see a bunched pair of skinnies on my blog today Sylvia. Fortunately they are skinnies and not straight legged (at least I think so).
    When I see you in your cropped wide trousers I think “oh that looks good”, but I find them extremely difficult to style. And the cropped flared trousers are in my “definitely no-no corner”. No way. Fortunately there are enough styles left. Thanks for this tutorial. Very helpful.

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (26)

      Sylviaon April 18, 2016 at 8:02 am

      You don’t have to wear every pant style Greetje. Sometimes it’s good to stick to what you love and you know works best! They ARE difficult to style.

  7. What is the correct hem length for pants? (27)

    Kirsten Murtaghon April 16, 2016 at 9:35 pm

    Super helpful – thank you! Especially love the tips on (and how you pull off) the flare crop!

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (28)

      Sylviaon April 18, 2016 at 8:00 am

      Great I could be of help Kirsten!

  8. What is the correct hem length for pants? (29)

    Eileenon April 16, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    Very helpful. The fact that so many pant styles are in vogue, makes getting them right extremely confusing. Thank you.

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (30)

      Sylviaon April 16, 2016 at 9:05 pm

      Glad I could help 🙂

  9. What is the correct hem length for pants? (31)

    Elaineon April 14, 2016 at 3:46 am

    Excellent article. I will come back to it often before shopping or having something altered. Thank you!

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (32)

      Sylviaon April 16, 2016 at 9:05 pm

      You are very welcome 🙂

  10. What is the correct hem length for pants? (33)

    Sabina @Oceanblue Style at Manderleyon April 13, 2016 at 10:37 pm

    I love all of them and love wearing all of them. But the cropped flared is my all time favorite and that is why I am going to check out your picks here! Sabina

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (34)

      Sylviaon April 16, 2016 at 9:04 pm

      I got your note that you bought one. I look forward to seeing it!

  11. What is the correct hem length for pants? (35)

    Jon April 12, 2016 at 8:50 pm

    I am not one to worry about the fall of the hem of my pants. However, that being said, when I put on an outfit and it feels off a bit, I try to adjust it and if I don’t love the feel and look, out it goes! Great info, love your blog!

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (36)

      Sylviaon April 16, 2016 at 9:04 pm

      Well, these days you can get away with just about anything but for some styles I think it’s really important to get it right. Great to read you love the blog!

  12. What is the correct hem length for pants? (37)

    Andrea@WellnessNoteson April 12, 2016 at 7:10 pm

    Great guide! I love all the examples, and your own outfits are fabulous!

    I’m considering getting some cropped flare pants (or maybe cropped wide legged pants), but I want to make sure I get it right!

    • What is the correct hem length for pants? (38)

      Sylviaon April 16, 2016 at 9:03 pm

      Yes, they are not the easiest to wear but they are definitely the hippest right now

What is the correct hem length for pants? (2024)


What is the correct hem length for pants? ›

The back of the pants should be 1/2 inch from the floor while the wearer is in his/her dress shoes. 2. If the shoes are not available, the pants should touch the floor while the wearer is in his/her stocking feet.

What is the best length to hem pants? ›

Ask your tailor for:

Ask your tailor for the hem of your pants to cover about ⅔ to ¾ of the laces on your shoes, so that when you wear them there is enough fabric left to neatly cuff while still breaking once.

What is the correct hem length? ›

Near the bottom of the ankle, before your foot starts is a good point for the hem. However, if you desire a longer pant and the fabric works you can go longer. Just don't go too short, a straight pant can easily look like a too-long ankle pant or “highwaters” when too short.

How long should your pants be by height? ›

Don't Want to Measure Your Inseam? Use our suggested sizing to calculate your inseam length:
Your HeightRecommended Inseam Length
Up to 5'4"25” inseam
5'5”26” inseam
5'6"26" inseam
5'7"27" inseam
2 more rows

What is the best hem length for wide leg pants? ›

The pants should fit snugly in this area without being too tight. Length: cropped wide-leg pants, such as gauchos and culottes, should sit right about the mid-calf or just below the knee (respectively), while long styles should hit around the ankle.

What is the golden ratio for hem length? ›

1. Measure the length of the body from the shoulders to the floor in centimeters (put on shoes and measure for each pair of shoes with different heel heights). 2. Divide this number by the golden ratio of 1.618.

Where should hem of pants fall? ›

Typical jeans with a straight leg or slightly tapered cut should generally have a slight break, with the hem resting on the top of your shoes. On the other hand, bootcut styles will look best slightly longer to partially cover the shoe.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.