What to Wear in South America (2024)

In some places in Buenos Aires it’s safer for a woman not to wear skirts. They’re considered to be provocative and men (mostly low class men) could tease us, say embarrassing things when we pass by.

Griselda, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Argentina is as varied as the United States when it comes to climate and landscape. However, when you visit Buenos Aires, you will soon realize it’s nothing like the rest of the country. The standard attire is neat, fitted clothing, black leather coats, smart boots with heels, small jewelry. You will feel out of place wearing baggy jeans and flannel. Solid, sober colors and earthtones fit in better than bright flashy prints. The key is to be neat and sleek. Outside of Buenos Aires, stick to jeans, khakis, more casual (but conservative in color and cut) clothing, especially if traveling with women only. When traveling the countryside, wear comfortable clothing, layer when possible. Avoid the miniskirt/short shorts, although you will see it occasionally. For dressier occasions, stick to the Buenos Aires look.

Holly, Fargo, USA

What to Wear in South America (2024)
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