Which foods to eat and which to avoid before drinking alcohol-Health News , Firstpost (2024)

It’s almost the weekend and we’re sure you can’t wait to get out of work and have a blast with your friends. And, well, there is a high probability of alcohol being involved in those plans. We can’t say it won’t do you any harm (really comes down to what and how much you’re drinking) but we do have a few suggestions that may not make you feel so sick afterwards. It turns out that if you eat the right foods before your night out, you are less likely to feel bloated and be dreadfully hungry the next day.

Which foods to eat and which to avoid before drinking alcohol-Health News , Firstpost (1)

Representational image. PTI

While you may think alcohol is fun, it dehydrates the body and messes with the balance of salt in your body. The headache many people feel the morning after is caused largely by this. If you get drunk too fast, your liver won’t be able to process the alcohol and you may throw up as the body tries to get rid of the toxins you can’t digest. Eating beforehand dilutes the alcohol you consume since it has water content. Further, it delays the time the alcohol takes to get into the bloodstream.

Here are a bunch of foods you can have before your party:

1. Bananas and other fruits:Fruits are extremely healthy, to begin with, and the added benefit is that they contain high amounts of water which will dilute the alcohol. Bananas carry the added advantage of high fibre and potassium content, which can slow down alcohol absorption and maintain electrolyte balance in your body.

2. Eggs:We say eggs because of the high amount of protein they carry. Basically, any food that is rich in protein will work as it slows alcohol absorption and keeps you feeling full for a long time.

3. Water:Water is by far the most important in preventing a bad experience. It dilutes the alcohol and regulates salt balance. Even when you’re out and drinking, keep having water at regular intervals and pace yourself.

4. Turmeric, cinnamon, lemon:These are said to be good for the liver. Some water infused with lemon or turmeric is a good idea before you go out drinking.

5. Nuts:There’s a reason bars serve peanuts with alcohol. Not only do they taste good, but they also have high amounts of fat which are helpful in slowing the absorption of alcohol.

6. Salmon:Salmon has been lauded for its health benefits for a long time. It contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is packed with proteins. Further, animal trials have shown that it can lower brain inflammation caused by excessive drinking.

7. Avocado:Though still somewhat difficult to get in all parts of India and a little expensive, avocados are packed with healthy fats and proteins which slow the effects of alcohol. Like bananas, they also contain high amounts of potassium.

Just as importantly, there are some foods you should avoid before you go drinking.

1. Caffeine:You might think a cup of coffee will help you power through the night but it’ll dehydrate you even more.

2. Processed food with refined carbs and added sugar:Sugary drinks, packaged chips and simple carbohydrate foods should be avoided as they are consumed faster by the body and don’t have the shielding effects of other foods. So get a handle on those cravings!

3. Foods with high salt content:We know they make for the best snack but they can dehydrate you which will make you reach for more drinks. These drinks, in turn, will dehydrate you further - as alcohol does. It’s a vicious cycle, best to avoid getting in the middle of it.

Here’s hoping you have a great and healthy weekend!

For more information, read our article onAlcoholism: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment.

Health articles in Firstpost are written by myUpchar.com, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.

Which foods to eat and which to avoid before drinking alcohol-Health News , Firstpost (2024)


Which foods to eat and which to avoid before drinking alcohol-Health News , Firstpost? ›

Worst: Acidic or Spicy Foods

Examples of reflux-inducing foods to avoid include fried or fast food, pizza, and chili powder or peppers as well as carbonated beverages, chocolate, or tomato-based sauces.

What foods should you not eat before drinking alcohol? ›

Worst: Acidic or Spicy Foods

Examples of reflux-inducing foods to avoid include fried or fast food, pizza, and chili powder or peppers as well as carbonated beverages, chocolate, or tomato-based sauces.

What is the best thing to eat before drinking alcohol? ›

The 15 Best Foods to Eat Before Drinking Alcohol
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Melon. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Quinoa. ...
  • Beets. ...
  • Sweet potatoes. ...
  • Trail mix. Homemade trail mix is a great option for a healthy, hearty snack before you start drinking.

What foods soak up alcohol? ›

Carbs. Carb-heavy foods like bread, crackers, sandwiches, and pasta are typically easy to digest, which is what your body needs at this point. The myth that eating tacos, pizza, and burgers will help "soak up" the alcohol is just wrong. "Greasy food doesn't soak up anything, it's not soluble in water," White said.

What fatty foods before alcohol? ›

Eating greasy foods may help slow the absorption of alcohol in the blood. However, this method is only helpful if a person eats the greasy foods before drinking alcohol. Eating greasy foods the morning after might upset the sensitive digestive system, making the hangover worse.

What is a healthy snack while drinking alcohol? ›

Carrots and celery sticks topped with healthy dips like guacamole, hummus, or ranch dressing. Hard-boiled eggs dipped in healthy condiments like hot sauce, wasabi mayonnaise, or ketchup. Cherry tomatoes are filled with healthy fillings like tuna salad, chicken salad, and black bean salsa.

How do I prepare my stomach for drinking? ›

Eat before you drink.

Having a snack or a meal before your first beverage will help give your body the time it needs to process alcohol and help prevent nausea, headache, and upset stomach. A little bit of starch or dairy goes a long way in coating your stomach lining and preparing your body for alcohol.

What's the best thing to do before drinking alcohol? ›

Eat before (and during) drinking sessions

If your stomach is empty when you start drinking, the alcohol will enter your bloodstream faster. You may feel the effects of your drinks quickly, making it harder to manage your drinking. It's a good idea to eat before your first drink, and while you are drinking.

What food makes you the most sober? ›

  • 5 Types of Foods to Strengthen Your Recovery, According to a Nutritionist. These foods will get your body back in balance and keep you on track with your sobriety. ...
  • Soups, Stews, and Smoothies. ...
  • Fermented Foods. ...
  • Calcium-Rich Foods. ...
  • Carbohydrates—yes, really! ...
  • Nuts– for easy snacking!
Feb 14, 2019

What soaks up alcohol the fastest? ›

What's the fastest way to sober up?
  1. Drink Coffee. Drinking a strong black coffee is sometimes suggested by helpful friends as a means of 'sobering up'. ...
  2. Take a cold shower. Standing under some cold water will shock your body into sobering up. ...
  3. Eat. ...
  4. Sleep. ...
  5. Exercise.

What are the best foods for alcohol fatty liver? ›

It emphasizes eating fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, olive oil, and flavorful herbs and spices; fish and seafood at least a couple of times a week; and poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt in moderation, while saving sweets and red meat for special occasions.

How do you prevent alcohol from getting a fatty liver? ›

Treatment for ARLD involves stopping drinking alcohol. This is known as abstinence, which can be vital, depending on what stage the condition is at. If you have fatty liver disease, the damage may be reversed if you abstain from alcohol for at least 2 weeks.

Can you reverse fatty liver from alcohol? ›

Fatty liver disease is reversible. If you stop drinking alcohol for some time (months or years), your liver should return to normal.

What is the best thing to drink while drinking alcohol? ›

night ahead of you, drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you sip on. This should help you not only mentally manage how much your drinking at any given moment but should dilute the amount of alcohol that enters your system as it happens.

How can I protect my gut before drinking alcohol? ›

Food and water

Having a meal or snack before you drink may help slow the rate your body absorbs the alcohol, so if you do choose to drink, it's a good idea to eat beforehand. Drinking water (or soft drinks) can also help, as long as it means you drink less alcohol.

What vitamins should I take before drinking alcohol? ›

Several nutrients, like vitamin C and vitamin E, may help protect your body against the damaging effects of alcohol. Others, like vitamin B12, can be depleted by regular alcohol consumption. So a good multivitamin or a vitamin C or B-complex could help. Finally, consider an anti-hangover pill.

How do you clean your stomach after drinking? ›

4 Ways to Detox Your Body After Drinking
  1. Get Some Sleep. While sleeping late won't physically flush alcohol out of your system, it's a good step toward getting your body back to normal. ...
  2. Drink Lots of Fluids. ...
  3. Get Food In Your Body. ...
  4. Sweat the Alcohol Out.
Dec 1, 2021

How do you prepare your body for a night of drinking? ›

How to Prep for a Hangover
  1. Eat. Feed your body some healthy proteins and good carbohydrates (like quinoa, fish, chicken breast, vegetables) as your body will need these for fuel the next morning.
  2. Drink. ...
  3. Stay Cool. ...
  4. Drink Electrolytes. ...
  5. Ginger. ...
  6. Alka-Seltzer. ...
  7. Sleep.

Is eating chicken before drinking good? ›

Chicken. “Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, which slows how fast your blood alcohol level goes up,” Maples says. A chicken sandwich is the premier mix of protein and carbs—just make sure to select a “poultry portion that's about the size of your palm,” since only a small serving is necessary.

What should I eat if I drink too much alcohol? ›

These healthful foods may help reduce hangover symptoms.
  • Bananas. Alcohol blocks the production of a hormone that helps your body hold on to water, leading to dehydration and the loss of electrolytes like potassium and sodium (3, 4 ). ...
  • Watermelon. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Oranges. ...
  • Pickles. ...
  • Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Spinach. ...
  • Avocado.

What slows down alcohol? ›

Having food in your stomach will help slow the processing of alcohol. A person who has not eaten will hit a peak BAC typically between 1/2 hour to two hours of drinking. A person who has eaten will hit a peak BAC typically between 1 and 6 hours, depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Does drinking water with alcohol help liver? ›

If you are drinking alcohol, ensure you drink plenty of water too—just alternate drinks. This will allow your liver to better process the alcohol and reduce damage.

What alcohol dries you out the most? ›

In general, drinks with a higher alcohol content – think spirits such as vodka, gin, whiskey, and rum – are higher on the spectrum of alcohol content, making them more dehydrating per ounce than alcohols such as beer and wine.

How do you line your stomach before drinking? ›

4 foods to eat before drinking alcohol to line your stomach and avoid a hangover
  1. Eggs and yogurt are rich in protein, which can slow alcohol absorption. ...
  2. Bananas are full of potassium and water. ...
  3. Yogurt can ease digestion and provide protein. ...
  4. Try salmon and asparagus as a pre-drinking dinner.
Jun 4, 2021

What food helps sober up? ›

Any food will help, but carbohydrates — like bread, pasta or potatoes — slow down how quickly your body absorbs the alcohol. Eating during or after drinking alcohol may make you feel less intoxicated, but it doesn't mean you've sobered up and are no longer impaired.

How do I prepare for a night of drinking? ›

Having a snack or a meal before your first beverage will help give your body the time it needs to process alcohol and help prevent nausea, headache, and upset stomach. A little bit of starch or dairy goes a long way in coating your stomach lining and preparing your body for alcohol.

How long should you wait after eating to drink alcohol? ›

Wait to have your first sip of booze at least 15 minutes after you begin your meal, Hunnes says. If you drink right at the start of a meal or on an empty stomach before the meal, the alcohol will immediately be absorbed into the stomach since there's nothing else in there to slow the absorption rate.

How can I protect my liver before drinking? ›

  1. Before a party, have a little something healthy to eat ahead of time. ...
  2. Eating some avocado and asparagus after a party can help to replenish and restore your liver cells, and eliminate any leftover substances in your system that can cause a hangover.
Apr 18, 2019

What helps stomach lining after drinking? ›

Alcoholic Gastritis Treatments
  1. Antibiotics to kill bacteria that cause gastritis.
  2. Antacids to reduce your stomach acid.
  3. Histamine (H2) blockers, which curb how much acid your stomach makes.
  4. Proton pump inhibitors, which treat stomach ulcers and reflux.
May 12, 2021

Does olive oil coat your stomach before drinking? ›

Olive oil will line your stomach and let the alcohol absorb into your system at a slower rate.” Zaric also swears by eating before drinking, but if you really want to avoid the hangover altogether: “You don't want to have hangovers? Don't drink.

What foods slow down alcohol absorption? ›

Foods high in protein and healthy fats, like yogurt and salmon, can help slow alcohol absorption. Avocados and bananas also contain plenty of potassium, which you might lose after drinking.

Should you drink water before bed after drinking alcohol? ›

Dehydration is a major contributor to the hangover symptoms you've come to know and loathe. Drinking water before bed and hydrating thoroughly the day after a night of heavy drinking can help to restore your body's hydration.

Is it good to drink water immediately after eating? ›

There's no concern that water thins down or weakens down (dilute) the digestive juices or interfere with digestion. In fact, drinking water during or after a meal helps how your body breaks down and processes food (digestion). Water is vital for good health.

Why can't you drink alcohol after eating? ›

If you drink alcohol with an empty stomach, the alcohol passes directly into your bloodstream. If you've eaten before drinking, the rate of alcohol absorption slows down but doesn't stop.

Which organ is most responsible for the metabolism of alcohol? ›

Alcohol is metabolized in the body mainly by the liver.

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