Why Are Colorful Hair & Piercings Unprofessional? - Content Cucumber (2024)

If you’ve ever had body modifications or non-traditional hair color, chances are you heard (more than a few times) that you wouldn’t be able to get a “good job” with them.

As someone with 5 small tattoos, I can’t say their discrete placement was accidental. I certainly considered how the tattoos could affect me in a professional setting.

But why is that?

Piercings, tattoos, pink hair, or any other body modifications don’t say anything about how you do your work. So why are they considered “unprofessional”, and will this ever change?

The History of Common Body Modifications

When you understand the history of tattoos and piercings, the reason they are seen as unprofessional makes more sense. Tattoos and piercings originated from non-white societies. Modern culture is based on what the majority of members consider acceptable, which is why any sort of “alternative” appearance can be flagged as unprofessional.

Essentially body modifications and alternative appearances don’t adhere to typical beauty standards. For this same reason, certain hairstyles connected with black hair and culture tend to also be marked as unprofessional. The variation of the norm, unfortunately, causes people to label hairstyles, tattoos, piercings, and more as unprofessional.

Judge a Book by Its Cover

Ah, the infamous in-person interview. It may seem like a distant dream (or nightmare) by this point, but it plays a huge role in this conversation. Think about it. I’ve never seen a job application that asks what color my hair is or if I have any visible tattoos.

So when do employers decide these modifications are unprofessional? When they see you. One of the biggest issues with interviews is interview bias. The interviewer is not only judging you on your answers to their questions or your experience, they are judging you on how you look. Do you look professional? Do you look like a good fit for the company?

You might say the interviewer judges the book by its cover, or the person by their appearance. If the interviewer does not like alternative appearances or has a bias against them, they will judge someone with tattoos, piercings, or colorful hair as unprofessional.

The Effect on Different Professions

Interestingly enough, the way that tattoos, piercings, colorful hair, and the like impact professionalism depends on the job. Let’s take a look at some examples.

Customer-Facing Jobs

Most jobs that require interacting directly with customers in person tend to label modifications as unprofessional. The big reason is because of their clients/customers. Some employers may know that their typical customers may not accept modifications. Others are not sure, but they want to be safe and present a palatable image. This varies based on the status of the job, but some examples include:

  • Front desk receptionists
  • Waitresses, hostess, or servers (especially at fine dining restaurants)
  • Salespeople (car sales, furniture sales, etc)

Corporate Jobs

Corporate jobs, or your typical office job, tend to find modifications unprofessional. These are the same kind of jobs that required “business casual” up until recently (and many still do). They tend to have a certain cookie-cutter outline of what’s acceptable in the office. However, it will depend a bit on the industry and company culture.

Creative Jobs

For some jobs, it’s pretty acceptable, and maybe even preferred to have modifications. Jobs in creative industries like art, writing, beauty, and more are often more accepting of unique appearances.

Specifically, it’s to your advantage to have tattoos and piercings if you are a tattoo artist or professional piercer. You interact with people who are looking for those services, so you can serve as a walking billboard. Likewise, if you are a hairstylist who specializes in colorful hair, it may be a benefit to have your own head of it as well.

Will Things Change?

The future of body modifications and unconventional appearances in the workplace is already changing. For one, more remote opportunities are opening up. I’ve gotten jobs where the employer has never seen me. There’s always the chance that they check on your social media, but many remote employers are not nearly as concerned about how you look. The cookie-cutter in-person office is phasing out, and there are many remote jobs available that don’t have a dress code or appearance requirements.

Jobs aren’t the only thing changing, people are. Tattoos, piercings, and colorful hair are becoming more and more common 36% of US adults between 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo, compared to 21% in 2012. Interestingly, tattoos are more popular with those who have higher levels of education. As more people get tattoos, they become more socially acceptable and less likely to be labeled as “unprofessional.”

Realistically, not every company or job will accept body modifications in the years to come. For certain positions, it really is a tough call for an employer. However, there are many great jobs that are already becoming more accepting of alternative appearances.

Why Are Colorful Hair & Piercings Unprofessional? - Content Cucumber (2)
Why Are Colorful Hair & Piercings Unprofessional? - Content Cucumber (2024)


Why is colored hair seen as unprofessional? ›

Essentially body modifications and alternative appearances don't adhere to typical beauty standards. For this same reason, certain hairstyles connected with black hair and culture tend to also be marked as unprofessional.

What is considered unprofessional hair color? ›

Essentially, anything that isn't blonde, brown, black, or gray is a no-go.

Do piercings make you look unprofessional? ›

If you're applying for a behind-the-scenes office position at a more progressive startup, your piercings might not have any effect on whether or not you get hired. Conversely, if you're looking for a front-facing sales position at a more conservative company, it's likely that your piercings will be viewed negatively.

Why are piercings not allowed in the workplace? ›

For example, in the medical and legal fields, patients or clients may feel uncomfortable or be untrusting of their doctors or lawyers with visible body art. So, employers will enforce bans on tattoos and extra piercings.

Can you be fired for having colored hair? ›

Employers are prohibited from discrimination against potential employees based on age, gender, disability, national origin or pregnancy. But there are no current laws that address discrimination against personal hygiene choices including tattoos, piercings, body art or unnatural hair color.

Can you tell an employee to change their hair color? ›

Answer: Yes, you can tell employees not to dye their hair, but there are a few things to consider before doing so. Employers generally have the right to set guidelines with respect to professional appearance. Brightly-colored hair is not a protected trait or class (e.g., race, sex, age).

Can Olive Garden employees have colored hair? ›

Yes, everyone of all shapes, colors & kinds is accepted with the same opportunity.

What is the least desirable hair color? ›

In concurrence with both earlier studies, the results of this study indicated red hair as the least preferred hair color. In the Likert scale positive characteristic evaluation, as well as in the survey questions, brunettes were given the highest ratings of all three categories.

Is hair color discrimination? ›

The CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” is a law that prohibits race-based hair discrimination, which is the denial of employment and educational opportunities because of hair texture or protective hairstyles.

What does psychology say about piercings? ›

Many people partake in them to express their personality or aesthetic. Previous research on tattooed and pierced individuals has linked them to having lower self-esteem and a higher need for uniqueness. Trauma survivors may turn to body modification as a way to overcome past experiences.

What do employers think about piercings? ›

Businesses can enact tattoo and piercing rules as part of dress code policies prohibiting visible body modifications. These policies can be unpredictable and varied. Businesses where workplace safety is a concern. A job may have workplace safety issues that require the removal of jewelry in someone's piercings.

Do piercings affect job interviews? ›

If you're going for a job in a more traditional company, you may find your interviewer isn't thrilled by piercings, especially during an interview. If the role is a client-facing one, be aware that you'll be representing the company, so your appearance may be extremely important to them.

Can an employer ask an employee to remove piercings? ›

Employer's Rights

The employer has a right to establish a dress code for his organization. If you have body piercings, he can request that you remove the related jewelry while at work. While you can't remove a tattoo, your employer can demand that you cover the tattoo while you're working.

Why are tattoos deemed unprofessional? ›

Tattoos have a controversial reputation and are seen as inappropriate in the workplace largely because they have been associated with criminal activity. However, as more tattooed people enter the workforce, many employers don't think tattoos are as important.

Can an employer request an employee remove a piercing S while at work? ›

Even if there are no overriding health and safety or hygiene reasons for seeking to require the employee to remove the piercing, the employer may still seek to justify the requirement on other business grounds, such as the need for staff to convey an appropriately professional and businesslike image.

Can companies discriminate based on hair color? ›

California Law

1, 2020, the new law amends existing anti-bias provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act and the Education Code to prohibit employers and schools from: Enforcing purportedly “race neutral” grooming policies that disproportionately impact persons of color.

Can Bath and Body Works employees have colored hair? ›

Vibrant haircolors and visible tattoos are both acceptable as long as they convey a friendly and professional appearance. In the handbook, and official rules, no to both.

What is the no hair color policy? ›

This brings us to the 'No Hair Color' policy. Some schools, especially Catholic schools, prohibit their students from dyeing, bleaching, and highlighting their hair—with penalties ranging from handing out written warnings to preventing a student to enter the school premises.

Does hair color affect job interview? ›

Unusual, extreme hair colors can work against you at the job interview (it depends on the company and the job, so do your research). After you've done a company research, then decide how you want to present yourself (pink hair or not). Limit any potential doubt in the employer's mind about hiring you.

Can you get a job with unnatural hair colors? ›

It really depends on what kind of company you are interviewing with. A more creative company probably won't mind unnaturally colored hair, but a more traditional or strict company probably will mind. When applying for jobs, keep in mind the type of company you are applying to.

Can my boss make me change my hair? ›

They can't make you change your hair, you can choose to quit instead. Don't get it twisted, it comes off as entitlement. Theirs rules state unnatural hair colors aren't allowed, so you can choose to recolor your hair, or find a new job, up to you.

Does Costco allow employees to have colored hair? ›

Can you have unnaturally colored hair at Costco? Yes, absolutely. Depending on the department you work in, though, you may have to cover your hair with a hair net, etc.

Does Hobby Lobby hire people with colored hair? ›

Another example of this is Hobby Lobby which allows no “outrageous hair colors.” Along with no hair colors, you may not have visible tattoos or facial piercings. However, you can have up to two piercings in each ear.

Does Hobby Lobby allow colored hair? ›

4 answers. They are fine as long as its not outrageously overdone, but they do allow accents of fun colors. Some managers may allow it as long as it is not too extreme.

What is the most attractive female hair color? ›

Blonde is Crowned the Sexiest Hair Colour of 2021!

When asked which hair colour they think is sexiest, almost a third of people said they have no preference. However, of those who did have a colour preference: Most say that blonde hair is the sexiest (31.5%)

What was the prettiest hair color? ›

People with brunette hair are the most attractive.

According to the study, men and women both viewed people with brunette hair color as more attractive than those with any other hue.

What hair color is most attractive to guys? ›

What hair color do guys find most attractive? Sorry blondes, but 60% of the men in question said they find brunette to be the most desirable. A third of the men polled (33.1%) said they think the most attractive hair color is brown hair, while 28.6% said they prefer black hair.

What hair color cancels others? ›

Green cancels out red on hair that has been lifted to brown or light brown. Blue cancels out orange on hair that has been lifted to dark blonde.
The Color Wheel is a way of arranging colors to show which colors cancel out which.
  • Purple cancels out yellow.
  • Blue cancels out orange.
  • Green cancels out red.
Apr 14, 2022

Why is hair important to black culture? ›

Hair is a centerpiece of Black culture; it's a symbol of identity, of resistance, creative expression and freedom. It is woven deep into Black culture and therefore rooted in the history of America.

Does hair color affect personality? ›

Hair color actually doesn't tell us a lot about personality, although it can affect how we are perceived or treated by other people.

What is the anxiety piercing? ›

A daith piercing is located in the innermost fold of your ear. Some people believe that this piercing can help ease anxiety-related migraines and other symptoms. Although the evidence is primarily anecdotal, there's some research around the piercing's proposed mechanism of action.

What is the cultural significance of piercings? ›

The definition of piercing is “the insertion of jewelry into various parts of one's body.” Historically, in may societies piercing has been considered a symbol of royalty and elitism or even virility and courage; some even believe that pierced ears can ward off the evil eye.

Why are people obsessed with piercing? ›

For some youth, body piercing provides them a way to adorn their body and to enhance their appearance. Others are interested in body piercing as a way to express their independence, to stand-out from the crowd, and even to shock people or call attention to themselves.

Can Jobs deny you for piercings? ›

Employer's Rights and Dress Codes

Provided there are no prejudices involved, an employer has the right to refuse to extend a hiring opportunity to someone with tattoos or piercings. This is because an employer has the right to refuse to hire anyone it deems unsuitable or inappropriate for the position.

Can you be discriminated against for having piercings? ›

Employers cannot discriminate on the basis of any of the 'protected characteristics' specified in the Equality Act 2010. This includes age, disability, race and sex. Those who have piercings are not specifically protected from discrimination under the Equality Act.

Do piercings make someone more attractive? ›

Results indicated that, controlling for participants' own piercings, stimuli with piercings were rated as less physically attractive and intelligent than those without piercings, with multiple piercings being accorded the most negative ratings.

Should I hide my piercings for a job interview? ›

Keep your hands away from your tattoos and piercings during the job interview. If you have already decided not to remove the piercings, don't make it the focal point of your conversation with the hiring manager.

Do workplaces care about piercings? ›

It really comes down to the company culture and the preferences of the hiring manager. Plenty of interviewers won't bat an eyelid at your tattoos or piercings, but there are still more traditional employers out there who will be turned off. The extent of your body art should also be factored in.

What are the forbidden topics in a job interview? ›

In the United States, it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a job applicant because of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), age, national origin, or disability.

Can a job fire you over a piercing? ›

Employment standards do not protect people with tattoos or piercings unless they are religiously required. If you were dismissed because of your body art, you would likely lose your discrimination lawsuit. Having said that, certain jobs and corporations allow – and even embrace – those with body art.

Why might a health care employer prohibit employees from wearing jewelry to work? ›

In work situations where jewellery , such as rings, necklaces or earrings, may heighten the risk of injury, these items shall not be worn by employees. Do not wear items that could become entangled in moving machine parts such as jewellery , drawstrings, ties, or loose clothing.

Can my boss make me take out my nose ring? ›

An employer does have the right to set standards for appearance and dress within the practice while an employee is on duty and working. An employer can enforce these standards by forbidding the employee to wear the nose ring or requiring the person to remove it while on the clock.

Why are piercings seen as unprofessional? ›

Tattoos and piercings originated from non-white societies. Modern culture is based on what the majority of members consider acceptable, which is why any sort of “alternative” appearance can be flagged as unprofessional. Essentially body modifications and alternative appearances don't adhere to typical beauty standards.

What jobs don't allow tattoos? ›

Here's a short list of some of the most common employers that either don't allow tattoos or ask you to cover them up at work:
  • Healthcare Professionals. ...
  • Police Officers and Law Enforcement. ...
  • Law Firms. ...
  • Administrative Assistants and Receptionists. ...
  • Financial Institutions and Banks. ...
  • Teachers. ...
  • Hotels / Resorts. ...
  • Government.
Apr 5, 2018

What job doesn't care about tattoos? ›

Acting and Entertainment Jobs

Acting and other entertainment jobs typically do not care much about whether or not you have visible tattoos. Most productions have makeup artists on set. If you can't have visible tattoos for a certain role, they can cover them up while filming.

Can I hide a nose piercing at work? ›

There's no law that says you have a right to wear piercings at work or school, so there's nothing you can do about it but take it out, hide it or wear a fake.

Can workplaces discriminate against piercings? ›

There are no laws preventing employers from taking action against employees with tattoos and piercings. The Fair Work Act 2009 does not protect employees from discrimination based on physical appearance. A case before the Fair Work Commission in 2014 saw an employee sacked from Dapto Leagues Club in NSW.

Would an employer have to allow someone with excessive tattoos to work for them? ›

There are no current laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against people with visible tattoos.

What is considered unprofessional hair? ›

Unprofessional Hairstyles You Should Definitely Avoid: Messy Bun. Provocative Undercuts. Pigtails.

Do jobs not like dyed hair? ›

It really depends on what kind of company you are interviewing with. A more creative company probably won't mind unnaturally colored hair, but a more traditional or strict company probably will mind. When applying for jobs, keep in mind the type of company you are applying to.

Can you discriminate based on hair color? ›

Under the federal CROWN Act, hair discrimination is a prohibited form of racial or national origin discrimination.

Can you have colored hair at Olive Garden? ›

Yes, everyone of all shapes, colors & kinds is accepted with the same opportunity.

What does purple hair symbolize? ›

It is often associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and (my favorite) magic! However, dark purples are said to represent saddness, loneliness, and frustration.

Why is hair important to Black culture? ›

Hair is a centerpiece of Black culture; it's a symbol of identity, of resistance, creative expression and freedom. It is woven deep into Black culture and therefore rooted in the history of America.

Can an employer enforce a hair color? ›

You can also face hair discrimination in the workplace if your employer requires all staff to have “business-like” hair coloring. Wanted to dye your hair pink or purple or add in some bright blue braids? It may not be allowed, per your company's employee handbook.

Is red dyed hair considered unprofessional? ›

Hair Color for the office:

Generally, only natural hair colors—blond, brown, black, natural red and gray—are acceptable at most workplaces, but this depends on the company culture.

What do unnatural hair colors mean? ›

What are unnatural hair colors? Unnatural hair colors are shades that people are not born with. Some examples would be rose gold, lime green, cobalt blue, lilac, etc.

Are Chick Fil A employees allowed to have dyed hair? ›

Employees are allowed to color hair as long as it stays a natural color.

Is dyed blonde hair unprofessional? ›

No, for sure it won't. There are many born blondes who have blonde hair and even bros. But they are not observed as unprofessional ever. Choosing hair style and hair color has nothing to do with being professional or unprofessional.

Is hair Colour under the Equality Act? ›

2.15 The Equality Act does not deal specifically with school uniform or other aspects of appearance such as hair colour and style, and the wearing of jewellery and make-up, but the general requirement not to discriminate in the treatment of pupils applies here as in relation to other aspects of school policy.

Does the Crown Act apply to hair color? ›

The law specifically prohibits the enforcement of any grooming or dress code policies that will disproportionately affect people of color and adds natural hair as a protected characteristic associated with race as a protected class; this includes bans on certain styles like Afros, braids, twists, cornrows, and ...

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.