Why Do Footballers Wear Bras? Explained - Get Hyped Sports (2024)

Lately, there’s been an increase in male footballers wearing what looks like sports bras. While this may look like a sports bra, it is not. What is the sports bra clothing that footballers are wearing?

Footballers wear what looks to be a sports bra to hold a GPS-tracking device. These chest GPS monitors help track heart rate, calorie burning, and energy output throughout practice or games.

This article will break down why these male footballers wear sports bras and what these GPS monitors do.

Why Footballers Wear Sports Bras

Why Do Footballers Wear Bras? Explained - Get Hyped Sports (1)

It has nothing to do with what you think it has to. The sports bra is a chest vest for a GPS tracker.

Catapult Sports gives the trainer or team’s data scientists all the necessary numbers to track an athlete’s performance.

All the data points are collected rapidly, which helps analyze heart rate, explosion rate, and how much energy is exerted with each movement.

This is important because if a coach wants a player to move at a specific rate, they can be sure they exert more energy than they need.

Measures Energy Output

During the rehab process, players often need to be limited in how much energy they exert for the rehab process to go smoothly.

If the footballer needs only to run 1 mile during their workout, this vest will track the mileage and how much energy was exerted on the field.

Especially dealing with lower body energy, exertion, and maximum output is a common factor that trainers and physical therapists look for.

During rehab, athletes often want to get back on the field as fast as possible.

They will do whatever it takes and push the limit to return to the area.

For example, when Antonio Brown was injured during training camp, we saw that he was only supposed to work 75% on HBO’s Hard Knocks.

Players with a big-time motor and who don’t know how to slow down will always exert energy at 100%.

When rehabbing, limiting the explosion is essential so the wound, ligament, or bone has time to heal.

Catapult Sport’s vest allows coaches and trainers to manage this properly.

What Does The GPS Device Do Inside Of The Sports Bra?

The first and most obvious reason is that footballers aren’t allowed to wear anything during the field of play.

The second reason is that the wearable chest vest is ten times more accurate than the regular wearable watch. According to Ryan Warkins, director of Business Ops for Catapult:

“Most GPS watches only record at one hertz. So one time per second. If you think of what an elite athlete can do in one second, it’s pretty significant,” said Ryan Warkins, Director of Business Operations for Catapult, the company at the helm of this technology. Collecting data one time per second is inaccurate — especially when tracking superstar athletes like Thomas Müller or Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The Catapult system tracks at 10Hz. “So you’re getting ten data points per second. You’re getting a much more refined system to increase the accuracy.”

As mentioned, superstar athletes can cut on a dime, explode out of their stance, and perform numerous actions in just one second.

Having the ability to capture data points at every movement is vitally important.

These data points are not only working throughout a match; they’re working to supply 10 data points per second.

You can track every step and explosive movement an athlete endures throughout a game.

Coaches and trainers can also track a heat map where the injury occurred on the field or where the player is more likely to be less explosive as the match continues.

All of these data points can be used to enhance a player’s game.

These sports bras also allow footballers to be more aware of the areas they need to improve on.

By seeing a heat map and individual data points, players can be more conscious of sprinting less in the first half and more in the second half.

These are all the injury prevention measures that coaches and trainers are taking.

Where Can I Purchase A Footballer GPS Sports Bra?

While the catapult and professional versions do cost a good amount of money for professional use, they offer an individual package.

We’ve found the catapult monitor and tracker on Amazon for relatively cheapmoney.

Why Do Footballers Wear Bras? Explained - Get Hyped Sports (2)

The tracker hooks directly up to the player (similar to the picture above), and the data are all measured on a smartphone rather than a computer.

The tracker works for both iOS and Android devices.

The app and wearable device can detail speed, sprint, distance, power, load & intensity data, and positioning via heat-maps—a full report on the athlete and every movement’s tracking.

Why Do Footballers Wear Bras? Explained - Get Hyped Sports (3)

Track every movement from your player with the GPS device available to fit all-sized players.

As science and data improve each year, it’s essential to ensure athletes utilize the proper technology to measure performance.

Catapult’s chest vest has revolutionized the athlete’s workload and will continue to improve their energy output.


Footballers aren’t wearing sports bras when they work out; they are wearing a tracking device that provides many data points for both teams’ data scientists and trainers.

Although it looks like a sports bra, the tracking vests help keep football players healthy and productive.

These vests provide a new wave of scientific research that helps athletes both rehab smarter and more efficiently. We often see these vests worn by professional players.

However, some vests can be purchased individually to help even younger athlete track their work output.

Data is everywhere, and when it’s used effectively, it can be a great tool to help athletes load and unload when it’s appropriate.

Why Do Footballers Wear Bras? Explained - Get Hyped Sports (2024)


Why do people wear bras under sports bras? ›

Can I wear a normal bra under my sports bra during exercise for better support? Yes, it's a great way to spread the load. A regular bra will support the weight of your breasts under gravity, while a sports bra will keep them from bouncing around.

Why do people wear sports bras in public? ›

Those in favour of sporting a sports bra in public argue that it's a bold expression of body positivity and self-confidence. The trend is not merely about showcasing a piece of athletic wear; it's about embracing one's body in all its forms.

Why is it good to wear a sports bra? ›

Not only can wearing the correct level of support improve performance, reduce breast pain and the risk of breast damage, it has also been shown to reduce embarrassment experienced by women during physical activity, as well as helping to improve body image and self-esteem.

Why do male athletes wear bras now? ›

It contains a tracking device (similar to a woman's sports bra with a heart rate monitor) that detects heart rate, distance traveled, fatigue, and other statistics that a coach can use to evaluate a player.

Why do soccer players wear bras now? ›

According to Catapult Sports, it's for accuracy and safety. "The vest holds the pod in the optimal position for tracking so it can reach the GPS satellites," the brand explains.

Is a sports bra inappropriate? ›

Yes, you can absolutely wear a sports bra in public. A sport bra is just a bra that is designed to support women's bodies through higher impact activities like exercise. It is perfectly acceptable to choose to wear your favorite sports bra outside of the gym.

Is wearing sports bra OK? ›

Also, tears in the ligaments are irreversible damage and can cause premature shape issues in younger women. To prevent a deflated look at such a premature age, it is recommended to wear sports bras. These are designed to offer support and stability and help in maintaining the breast shape as you exercise.

Can a 13 year old wear a sports bra in public? ›

‣ Lots of teens like wearing sports bras or crops as their everyday styles. This is fine so long as they are comfortable for long periods of wear. ‣ A sports bra or crop can be a great step up from a training bra as it'll only feel like a small step for your teenager. It won't feel like a lot of change.

Is a sports bra a top? ›

Even though a sports bra comes under lingerie, it can be considered an outfit. Also, it is up to a person's preference to wear a sports bra as a separate outfit or you can also match the bra with other accessories to don a stylish look.

What happens if you don't wear a bra in public? ›

Shapiro, there are no known health risks associated with not wearing a bra. “There is no 'wrong' answer,” Dr. Shapiro says. “If you find that you're the kind of person who's comfortable and confident without a bra, that's fine.”

Is it okay to run without a bra? ›

Research conducted by the University of Portsmouth has shown a change in running gait can occur when not wearing the correct sports bra or any sports bra at all. They found that 4cm was lost in stride length and the range of movement in the arms decreased as well as body rotation.

Is a sports bra good for heavy breasts? ›

For larger cup sizes, we recommend encapsulation styles sports bras (or a combo of both encapsulation and compression) for ultimate support and lift, especially for high-intensity exercise. ✔️ Straps: Wide, thick, adjustable straps offer customizable support for larger breasts without painful digging in.

Why do my breasts hurt after wearing a sports bra? ›

Bras can cause breast pain too, especially if they are too tight or if they have an underwire that digs into the breast tissue. This causes the ligaments that connect your breasts to the chest wall to become painful and overstretched, resulting in achy breasts.

How do football players protect their privates? ›

In the same way, all boy athletes need to wear something to protect the groin area when they start playing sports. If your son plays a contact sport – like football, soccer, baseball, basketball or hockey – he should wear a cup made from a hard plastic or metal as soon as he is big enough to fit in one.

Why do male football players wear bras? ›

The so called GPS bras are common in the big football clubs. They're used for the training or test matches. These bras record the movements on the pitch and the physical data. Like this it's easier to analize: how fast is the player, where is he moving to, what is his heart rate like etc.

What does the catapult bra do? ›

Catapult is a GPS monitoring system used to track athletes during practices, games and conditioning sessions. Tracking is conducted from a small unit worn in a vest or pouch connected to student-athlete's shoulder pads.

Why do football players not wear cups? ›

The cups are too bulky and obtrusive for today's player. (As opposed to gonads swollen to the size of grapefruit, which must be a real treat to deal with.) According to Hatfield, no one wants to get teased by Hugh Douglas for, I guess, the outrageous concept of protecting their nards.

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