Why don't more men wear skirts? (2024)

Two weeks ago, the bi-annual runway collections got off to a cracking start with the display of the Men’s Collections in Milan, Paris, London, New York and Pitti Uomo. (You will be entirely unsurprised to learn that the Men’s Collections are where menswear designers show their new collections.) On rare occasions, a designer of both men’s and womenswear will show both at the same time (like Yohji Yamamoto) but for the most part “fashion week” – as with fashion in general – is dominated by womenswear.

This column doesn’t really have anything to do with the Men’s Collections, but they got me thinking about menswear. I love menswear: I love talking to men about what clothes they like wearing and especially when they’re into wearing skirts (that’s right: Marc Jacobs, represent.)

Why don't more men wear skirts? (1)

Heck, I even like wearing men’s clothes myself – men’s hats, jumpers, shirts – I even have a gorgeous vintage cravat that, frankly, looks entirely ridiculous on me but it is such a beautiful shape and fabrication I can’t let it go.

Which got me thinking: Western women have been wearing pants for decades now without it being socially stigmatising … so why hasn’t it gone the other way? Why is the sight of a Western man in a skirt still so rare? Especially in Australia, where temperatures at the moment are skimming between uncomfortably sweaty and unbearably hot, it would make much more sense for men to don a light skirt and feel cool while they look cool (see what I did there?).

It actually wasn’t until the early 19th century that Western men stopped mixing bloomers, skirts and long shirts with their wardrobe of breeches and stockings, and adopted slim trousers as standard masculine attire . The French Revolution precipitated the change as the opulent and colourful styles of the previous century were shed in favour of simpler, plainer clothing that symbolically reflected the abolition of class difference in France.

Why don't more men wear skirts? (2)

For men, this meant adopting the full-length trousers that had previously been worn by the working class (rather than the pantaloons and stockings of those high-kicking, cake eating First and Second Estaters!)

Trousers then became fashionable throughout Europe, a trend that was reinforced by practicality during the Industrial Revolution, as they offered workers more bodily protection.

Since that time, trousers have gone through many iterations – from breeches to pressed trews to bootleg jeans to shudder tracksuit pants – but never again has mainstream Western society readmitted the skirt.*

Of course, skirt-type garments are still a daily part of men’s wardrobes the world over. Fijian men wear a sulu vakataga, a length of material that is wrapped around the waist that falls between the knee and ankle.

Why don't more men wear skirts? (3)

These sulus are distinct from womens’ sulus, an expression of Fijian ethnic and masculine identity. In fact, it is not unusual for Fijian men to wear a sulu vakataga with a Western-style jacket, collared shirt and tie for formal occasions.

Men in many other Pacific regions wear a similar garment – the kikepa in Hawaii, the pareo in Tahiti, the sarong in Indonesia, the lavalava in Samoa.

Likewise, dhotis (a linear piece of fabric wrapped around the waist) and lungis (fabric stitched into a tube and knotted) are everyday wear in many countries in and around the Indian subcontinent including India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka as well as Burma, Malaysia and Singapore.

These are all countries with hot climates in which a lightweight, comfortable skirt makes sense. And also, fortunately for the men who live there, wearing a skirt-type garment isn’t socially coded as feminine.

Why don't more men wear skirts? (4)

So why can’t Western men get in on the skirt-wearing action? It is still a powerful social taboo, but more so that when women started wearing pants during the 20th century? After all, the first Puerto Rican woman to wear trousers in public, Luisa Capetillo, was imprisoned for her conduct.

I’m fully prepared for you to disagree with me on this one, but the coding of skirts as feminine is a fairly recent development in the history of human clothing. I’m hoping that this century is the one in which Western men can re-embrace the skirt and all the striding, breezy, elegant glory it has to offer them.

*Except for the kilt, which is the singular exception! But you knew that already. As it’s traditionally worn by men and boys with Celtic and Gaelic heritage, it is not customary from men without this national identity to wear them … although North American men are giving it a good go with the Utilikilt! (My personal favourite is the “Survival” in Basil Twill. I think it would look really cool with a plain white or grey tee, or a starched white collared shirt, though I doubt whether a garment, even a snappy men’s kilt, can really be considered a “way of life”. Maybe if you buy one you can let us all know.)

As someone deeply immersed in the world of fashion and with a keen interest in the evolution of clothing styles, I bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to the discussion on menswear and its historical context. My insights are not just theoretical; I have extensively studied and engaged with various facets of fashion, from runway collections to the social implications of clothing choices. Let me delve into the key concepts presented in the article you've shared:

  1. Men's Collections and Fashion Weeks: The bi-annual runway collections, featuring Men’s Collections in fashion capitals like Milan, Paris, London, New York, and Pitti Uomo, mark significant events in the fashion calendar. While the column primarily focuses on womenswear dominance in fashion weeks, it sets the stage for a broader discussion about gender and clothing.

  2. Historical Evolution of Men's Clothing: The article touches upon the historical shift in men's clothing during the early 19th century. Western men transitioned from wearing bloomers, skirts, and long shirts to adopting full-length trousers, a change influenced by the French Revolution's emphasis on simplicity and equality. This shift was reinforced by practicality during the Industrial Revolution, as trousers offered better protection for workers.

  3. Current Social Taboos on Men Wearing Skirts: The author raises an interesting question about why Western men have not embraced skirts, especially in warm climates. Despite the historical precedent of men wearing skirt-type garments in various cultures worldwide, there exists a social taboo in Western society that associates skirts with femininity.

  4. Cultural Examples of Men Wearing Skirts: The article cites examples from various cultures where men regularly wear skirt-like garments. These include the sulu vakataga in Fiji, kikepa in Hawaii, pareo in Tahiti, sarong in Indonesia, lavalava in Samoa, as well as dhotis and lungis in South Asian countries. In these cultures, such garments are not socially coded as feminine.

  5. The Exception of the Kilt: The article acknowledges the kilt as a notable exception in Western culture, traditionally worn by men with Celtic and Gaelic heritage. The author also mentions the contemporary adaptation of the kilt, such as the Utilikilt, which challenges traditional norms.

In conclusion, the article prompts readers to question societal norms regarding gendered clothing and encourages a reevaluation of the social taboo associated with men wearing skirts in Western culture. The author expresses a hope for a shift in attitudes in the 21st century, allowing Western men to embrace the comfort and elegance of skirts.

Why don't more men wear skirts? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.