You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 4, 2024

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Cash flow vs. profit


Cash flow statement


Cash flow metrics


Cash flow forecasting


Cash flow reporting


Here’s what else to consider

As a venture-backed startup, you know how important it is to communicate your cash flow to your investors. They want to see how you're using their money, how you're generating revenue, and how you're managing your expenses. But are you tracking and reporting the right metrics to show them the true picture of your financial health and growth potential?

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You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (1)

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  • Carlos Rubinstein Fundador da Wiztartup | Investidor Anjo | Executivo de negócios, com foco em tecnologia e vendas | Membro IBGC | Anjos…

    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (3) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (4) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (5) 12

  • Suhel Kothari President / CEO / Investor / Empowering individuals to discover their entrepreneurial potential and guiding them on…

    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (7) 6

You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (8) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (9) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (10)

1 Cash flow vs. profit

One of the first things you need to understand is the difference between cash flow and profit. Cash flow is the amount of money that flows in and out of your business in a given period. Profit is the amount of money that remains after deducting your expenses from your revenue. You can have positive cash flow but negative profit, or vice versa, depending on your business model, revenue cycle, and cost structure. For example, if you sell subscription-based software, you might collect upfront payments from your customers, which boosts your cash flow, but incur high development and marketing costs, which reduces your profit.

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  • Suhel Kothari President / CEO / Investor / Empowering individuals to discover their entrepreneurial potential and guiding them on their journey to success
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    Both profitability and cash flow are crucial metrics for a company's financial health, but they are often confused. A company can be profitable but run out of cash flow, while another company may have cash flow and liquidity but not enough profit to cover its costs. Cash flow metrics, such as operating cash flow, free cash flow, and working capital ratio, provide insights into a company's financial performance and its ability to meet its obligations.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (19) 6

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    Progress is measured ; Depending on the priorities in the term sheet!! Cash flow is always a good thing to present cause it shows u are working on it ; but VCs funding seed capital may be worked up on technology/ tech transfer / distribution / product development/ etc etc. Cash may not be a priority. Advise to entrepreneurs. Start with cash flow. End with ROCE. in the longer term stakeholders support ROCE and cash generating machines.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (28) 11

  • Marc Morgenstern (he/him) Mentor-at-Large, UC Berkeley’s House Fund; Author, "The Soul of the Deal-creative frameworks for buying, selling, and investing in any business"; Managing Partner Blue Mesa Partners
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    Startups should avoid GAAP accounting and financial statement terms like "profit" or "revenues". Those don't reflect day to day VC reality and corporate survival.What matters is actual cash. What you currently have, what you'll receive from operations and receivables, reduced by expenses you'll pay currently.The critical metric is how long your cash (and cash flow) supports operations. Said differently, how much cash do you have and over what period of time will it be spent?Don't overcomplicate this. "Cash is a proxy for time; and time is a proxy for opportunity". When it's gone, it's gone. When it's gone, you're gone.Hold all VC/board discussions and plan solely on a cash basis.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (37) 6


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2 Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement is the financial report that shows how your cash flow changes over time. It breaks down your cash flow into three categories: operating, investing, and financing. Operating cash flow is the money that comes from your core business activities, such as selling your products or services, paying your suppliers, and covering your overheads. Investing cash flow is the money that comes from or goes to your long-term assets, such as buying or selling equipment, property, or intellectual property. Financing cash flow is the money that comes from or goes to your external sources of funding, such as raising or repaying debt, issuing or buying back equity, or paying dividends.

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  • Carlos Rubinstein Fundador da Wiztartup | Investidor Anjo | Executivo de negócios, com foco em tecnologia e vendas | Membro IBGC | Anjos do Brasil
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    Sem dinheiro (caixa) a empresa não sobrevive. Dentro dos tres pilares mencionados, o melhor e mais importante é o fluxo de caixa operacional; principalmente quando o dinheiro vem dos clientes. O fluxo financeiro e o de investimento, acontece porque a empresa esta tentando alavancar as operações, ou porque a empresa não possui ainda um fluxo de caixa operacional o suficientemente robusto para cobrir as despesas.



    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (46) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (47) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (48) 12

  • Alba Herrera Accounting and Financial Planning Professional
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    El Estado de Flujo de Efectivo es una herramienta valiosa para entender el movimiento de los recursos. En común revisar el P&L y ver que la compañía obtuvo grandes ingresos brutos y netos; pero los accionistas o dueños se preguntan ¿en donde quedó la gancia? ¿por qué no se ve reflejado en el estado de cuenta bancaria al final de un periodo? Es importante tener un control permanente del flujo de efectivo, el cual permite entender visualmente y terminos financieros hacia donde se movieron los recursos. Esto permitirá a la gerencia mejor toma de decisiones. En mi experiencia se debe comparar con las previsiones de flujo de efectivos, con la finalidad de hacer correciones a tiempo que permita a la empresa tener una buena salud financiera.



    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (57) 1


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3 Cash flow metrics

The cash flow statement provides a lot of information, but can be difficult to interpret and compare. That's why you should use key cash flow metrics to measure and communicate performance to investors. Commonly used metrics include the cash burn rate, which shows how quickly cash reserves are being consumed, and the cash runway, which indicates how much time you have left before running out of money. Additionally, the operating cash flow margin reveals how efficient you are at turning sales into cash, while free cash flow shows how much money is left after paying for operating and investing activities. This money can be used for discretionary purposes such as customer acquisition, product development, or rewarding shareholders.

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  • Carlos Rubinstein Fundador da Wiztartup | Investidor Anjo | Executivo de negócios, com foco em tecnologia e vendas | Membro IBGC | Anjos do Brasil
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    "The cash flow statement is key to assessing a business's financial health. It categorizes into operational (daily revenue and expenses), investment (long-term asset transactions), and financing (investor and creditor interactions). This report aids in financial management and provides investors with critical insights into the company's stability and growth potential, highlighting trends and operational efficiency."


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (66) 4

  • Rodrigo Sepúlveda Schulz Expert in digital growth strategies. Investor in 50+ startups and scale-ups, Board Member, 5x Founder, Consultant, Podcaster.
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    For VCs, the most important metrics for us are: 1) how much runway (in months) do you have in cash? It is important to keep in mind that you'll need 4-6 months to raise a new round, so don't start too late; 2) check the cash burn vs budget (should be approved once a year in Q4) and that it's not going out of control. 3) FCF is not useful as an extra measure unless you're trying to assess your overall financing strategy on the road to profitability, and you'll know how much more money you will need to raise for this business. 4) Cash flow margin is interesting to compare vs. other businesses in the portfolio, but many other considerations will come into play also, like portfolio balance and diversification of risk.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (75) 4


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4 Cash flow forecasting

Another crucial aspect of cash flow management is cash flow forecasting. This is the process of projecting your future cash inflows and outflows based on your historical data, assumptions, and scenarios. It helps you plan ahead, identify potential gaps or surpluses, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Cash flow forecasting also helps you communicate your expectations and needs to your investors, as well as demonstrate your ability to handle uncertainty and risk.

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  • (edited)

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    In my role as a business consultant, I focus on analysing current cash flow to identify sources of inflow and outflow, pinpointing any potential issues and red flags effecting the profitability on the bottom line therefore affecting cash flow. Detecting these concerns allows for strategic adjustments, whether internally or externally. My expertise generates future cash flow through internal non-core cost optimisation, swiftly enhancing financial liquidity by minimising and reducing expenditure in specific areas not known to the core business. This not only forecasts short-term cash inflows through savings but also enables the reinvestment of freed-up cash, influencing medium to long-term forecasts positively and minimising risk


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (84) 6

  • Carlos Rubinstein Fundador da Wiztartup | Investidor Anjo | Executivo de negócios, com foco em tecnologia e vendas | Membro IBGC | Anjos do Brasil
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    As a venture capital expert, it's understood that early-stage startups often face unpredictable cash flows. This is a common challenge until they reach a maturity level where forecasting becomes feasible. It's crucial for investors to recognize this and evaluate the potential and innovation of the startup, rather than just its current cash flow stability.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (93) 5


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5 Cash flow reporting

Finally, you need to have a clear and consistent cash flow reporting system to share your results and insights with your investors. You should prepare and send your cash flow statement and metrics on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly, along with a narrative that explains the main drivers and trends behind your numbers. You should also include your cash flow forecast and any assumptions or changes that affect your outlook. Your cash flow reporting should be accurate, transparent, and concise, and highlight your achievements, challenges, and opportunities.

Cash flow is one of the most important aspects of your venture-backed startup. By tracking and reporting the right metrics, you can show your investors that you're managing your money wisely, creating value, and growing sustainably.

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  • Dr. Teddy Amberg Founding Partner at Spicehaus Partners AG
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    First and foremost, knowing the company's cash situation is a key priority for every founder/entrepreneur. The cash flow reporting to investors comes as second priority. It is required by most investors. And it is a tool to increase transparency and build trust with investors, particularly in situations where cash is tight.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (102) 5

  • Carlos Rubinstein Fundador da Wiztartup | Investidor Anjo | Executivo de negócios, com foco em tecnologia e vendas | Membro IBGC | Anjos do Brasil
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    Maximize efficiency by automating systems, especially for financial cash flow statements for investors. Automation ensures accuracy, consistency, and saves time, enhancing investor confidence.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (111) 5


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Patrick Botteron


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    Cashflow the ultimate metric to evaluate if growth is sustainable. Be aware of the SaaS 40 rule which is a financial metric used to evaluate the health and growth potential of Software as a Service (SaaS) companies. It suggests that a healthy SaaS company's combined growth rate and profit margin should be equal to or greater than 40%. For instance, if a company's annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth rate is 35%, its profit margin should be at least 5% to meet the SaaS 40 rule. This rule helps investors and stakeholders balance growth and profitability, as focusing solely on growth could lead to unsustainable losses, while focusing only on profit might slow down necessary growth.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (120) You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (121) 6

  • Kari Sinivuori Chief Executive Officer at Uute Scientific Oy
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    Cash flow reporting to investors is very easily done since you need the information anyway in the company also. In case of tightening cash situation it is good that your investors have received heads up before additional cash might be needed.


    You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (130) 5


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Venture Capital You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (131)

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You’re reporting cash flow to your investors. Are you tracking the right metrics? (2024)


What is the metric for cash flow? ›

Cash management efficiency is measured through metrics like cash conversion cycle, days sales outstanding, accounts payable days, cash to cash cycle time, and cash flow forecast accuracy. By tracking these metrics, businesses can identify areas for improvement to optimize cash flow.

What is the best way to measure cash flow? ›

A basic way to calculate cash flow is to sum up figures for current assets and subtract from that total current liabilities. Once you have a cash flow figure, you can use it to calculate various ratios (e.g., operating cash flow/net sales) for a more in-depth cash flow analysis.

How do you track your cash flow? ›

  1. 1 Use a cash flow statement. A cash flow statement is a financial document that summarizes your cash inflows and outflows over a specific period, such as a month, a quarter, or a year. ...
  2. 2 Use a cash flow forecast. ...
  3. 3 Use a cash flow dashboard. ...
  4. 4 Use a cash flow ratio. ...
  5. 5 Use a cash flow budget. ...
  6. 6 Use a cash flow app.
Mar 13, 2023

How do you monitor cash flow statements? ›

For better overall cash flow analysis, always start by making financial projections that reflect expected monthly inflows and outflows, including major anticipated purchases and financing. Then, use your spreadsheet to compare your projections to actual results.

What are flow metrics? ›

It measures how many Flow Items are being completed—or the throughput—during a given period. It is a measure of productivity and, along with Flow Time, is known as a “money metric”. Teams immediately understand how many Flow Items are completed versus how many are in progress.

What is the cash flow valuation metric? ›

Key Takeaways

Price to free cash flow is an equity valuation metric that indicates a company's ability to continue operating. It is calculated by dividing its market capitalization by free cash flow values.

How do you measure and report cash flow? ›

The most common and useful metrics include the cash flow statement, which shows how much cash is generated and used during a specific period, and how it affects the cash balance. It consists of operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

What is the measure of cash flow most relevant to investors? ›

The measure of cash flow most relevant to investors in income-producing real estate is the after-tax cash flow (ATCF) from property operations.

What is the common measure of cash flow? ›

Free cash flow

Generally speaking, FCF is the flow of money through the business, minus capital expenditures (equipment, mortgages, etc.). It's a straightforward calculation: take earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) and then subtract capital and related expenditures.

Why monitor cashflow? ›

By monitoring cash flow, you can identify potential problems early on, such as slow-paying customers or rising expenses. This gives you time to take corrective action before the problems become serious.

How to check if a cash flow statement is correct? ›

How can you ensure cash flow statement accuracy?
  1. Review your income statement and balance sheet.
  2. Categorize your cash flows correctly. ...
  3. Use the indirect method for operating cash flows. ...
  4. Reconcile your cash flows with your bank statements. ...
  5. Use accounting software and tools. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Sep 14, 2023

What is the easiest way to calculate cash flow? ›

Free Cash Flow = Net income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure. Operating Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation – Taxes + Change in Working Capital. Cash Flow Forecast = Beginning Cash + Projected Inflows – Projected Outflows = Ending Cash.

How to analyze cash flow? ›

To prepare a business cash flow analysis, follow these few steps, which start with gathering financial information about your business.
  1. Identify all sources of income. ...
  2. Identify all business expenses. ...
  3. Create your cash flow statement. ...
  4. Analyze your cash flow statement.

What are 3 ways managers use cash flow statements? ›

There are three cash flow types that companies should track and analyze to determine the liquidity and solvency of the business: cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. All three are included on a company's cash flow statement.

How to measure cash flow in KPI? ›

Using the income statement, calculate the operating cash flow KPI by adding the net income and the non-cash expenses, then subtracting any working capital increases.

How is cash flow calculated? ›

Free Cash Flow = Net income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure. Operating Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation – Taxes + Change in Working Capital. Cash Flow Forecast = Beginning Cash + Projected Inflows – Projected Outflows = Ending Cash.

What is the cash flow conversion metric? ›

The Cash Conversion Ratio (CCR), also known as cash conversion rate, is a financial management tool used to determine the ratio of a company's cash flows to its net profit. In other words, it is a comparison of how much cash flow a company generates compared to its accounting profit.

Is EBITDA a cash flow metric? ›

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) is another measure of a company's operations. EBITDA doesn't factor in interest or taxes, both of which are included in operating cash flow (as they are cash outflows). Both EBITDA and OCF add back depreciation and amortization.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.