10 things you didn't know about being a model (2024)

Have you ever wondered what it's really like being a model? We got the lowdown from model and writer Rachel Woods – and you won't believe what she had to say…

1. Develop a thick skin. A lot more work goes into re-touching images than most people realise. Some models can be completely altered in pictures from the way they normally look. There are many tricks used to create that perfect image - I even once hadmy ears supergluedback because a photographer thought they stuck out too much.

2. It is ok to eat. Believe it or not, not all models live on sticks of celery and two grapes a day, the majority of models actually eat a normal healthy diet, and can even enjoy the odd burger and milkshake. But don't tell anyone...

10 things you didn't know about being a model (1)

(Image credit: Rex Features)

3. Models don’t always get paid for shoots. Especially for new models building up their experience, there are many shoots that compensate in trade, either with photos or clothes, or sometimes you may not end up with anything at all.

4. Shoots are not always as glamorous as the photos portray. There is often a lot more going on behind a photo shoot than the finished picture presents. The model may have to work on a really cold or hot day wearing completely the wrong type of clothes for the season, have had 100 outfit changes or had to pose in really uncomfortable positions to get the shots.

10 things you didn't know about being a model (2)

(Image credit: Rex Features)

5. You have to be on your guard. With so many camera phones backstage at shoots and runway shows sometimes someone will try and capture models at times when they may not want to be photographed. I personally had a shoot for a prominent magazine and whilst the other models and I were getting changed there was a dodgy guy taking pictures with hidden cameras. Not cool.

6. Despite getting to wear the most beautiful, expensive, glamorous outfits, models unfortunately don’t actually get to keep the clothes. Sometimes you may get lucky and get to keep something, but this rarely happens.

10 things you didn't know about being a model (3)

(Image credit: Rex Features)

7. Most people believe models just have photoshoots everyday, whereas in reality many models (apart from supermodels) find it tricky getting regular bookings. There can often be periods of time with nothing but castings before work starts coming in.

8. Modelling can involve a lot of time spent waiting around; whether that’s waiting to get your hair or makeup done, waiting for the photographer to set up, waiting to get your photos back, waiting for runway shows to start or waiting to be seen at castings. So you often see models with a book or iPhone in hand as there is so much free time.

10 things you didn't know about being a model (4)

(Image credit: Rex Features)

9. Your expectations don't always match reality. There can be the rare occasions whereby a model can apply for, or turn up at a shoot, expecting one thing (e.g. a fashion shoot) and find that the photographer wants to try and change it to a topless or nude shoot.

10 things you didn't know about being a model (5)

(Image credit: WWD/REX Shutterstock)

10. Models can be any age. A common misconception is that you need to be young in order to model, however there are so many different types of modelling, if you have the right look, there are plenty of opportunities out there for the more mature lady. It's never too late.

10 things you didn't know about being a model (6)

(Image credit: Rex Features)

10 things you didn't know about being a model (2024)


What do I need to know before being a model? ›

To become a model, you will need to research the type of modeling you'd like to do, understand the strengths and beauty of your own body, practice posing in front of the camera, take photos to put together a model portfolio, and send applications and go to casting calls.

Do models wear deodorant? ›

A model arrives for the fitting freshly showered, wearing a light unscented deodorant, NEVER wear white heavy anti-perspirant it will get on the garments. If you perspire heavy you need to bring dress shields.

Is Modelling actually hard? ›

Modeling requires hard work, determination, and the ability to follow directions quickly and efficiently, posing in particular ways or recreating looks for hours at a time. You will need to have a variety of poses in your arsenal for the type of modeling you are pursuing.

What are the negatives of being a model? ›

The negative points are:
  • Long hours shooting, processing, and editing your work.
  • Spending days in uncomfortable working conditions like battling the elements while you try to get the perfect shots.
  • Limited creativity when doing portraits, headshots and simple fashion shoots.
  • There is quite a lot of stress involved.

What is a good age to model? ›

The typical age is 16-21. Models can be younger than this, but many agencies will require models to be at least 16. Likewise, models can be older but agencies and clients tend to like their models looking younger and more youthful.

What do all models have in common? ›

It is important to emphasize that a model is not the real world but merely a human construct to help us better understand real world systems. In general all models have an information input, an information processor, and an output of expected results.

Can you be a model with no makeup? ›

"A lot of people think models wear makeup all the time but, as a matter of fact, when you go to the castings or jobs, they ask you to have absolutely no makeup on. Plus, there's a huge team of very talented people behind all those pretty pictures making us look like this."

Is it okay for models to have acne? ›

I have acne scars – can I still become a model? Don't worry about your acne scars, they won't affect you in any way. Always remember that our differences make us unique the way we are!

Do models look good without makeup? ›

Models look good without makeup in pictures largely due to editing. If you see any unedited photos of makeup-less models, you'll soon see they have the same skin concerns as the rest of us!

How do you pose like a model? ›

Let's take a closer look at how to be more photogenic with 10 posing tips and ideas from photographers, influencers and models.
How to Pose for a Picture like a Model (10 Tips)
  1. Find your best angle. ...
  2. Tilt your head. ...
  3. Turn 45-degrees. ...
  4. Keep the weight on one leg. ...
  5. Improve your posture. ...
  6. Do something with your hands.

What do model agencies look for? ›

Therefore, a modeling agency usually looks for a model who is friendly, outgoing, and confident to talk about the product to customers. Appearance is not a big factor for this modeling type; however, they do look for someone who is attractive and friendly.

How many hours do models work? ›


Often work very irregular hours. Most jobs are during the day, but some outdoor photo sessions may be at night or early in the morning. Work less than 40 hours a week. Must travel to auditions and bookings.

Can a model be too skinny? ›

“Too thin” under the law is a BMI (ratio of weight to height) under 18.5. The law also says that if a model looks underweight, she can't be used either. And if any graphic manipulation was done in a photo to create a thinner illusion, it must be clearly stated.

Why do models fail? ›

Model fails to generalize for new data and overfits the training data. The goal of building a good model is to make accurate predictions on real-world data. This requires feeding training data that is representative of real-world business.

What challenges do models face? ›

Some of the top challenges models face include finding work that pays well, dealing with criticism, and managing their time and finances. However, modeling can also be a great way to meet professionals and new people, see the world, and make a good living.

What age is too late to be a model? ›

Agencies usually cut off open calls to models over the age of 25. Take 4 photos of yourself. The first should be a photo of the front of your face with NO MAKEUP on.

How tall should a 14 year old be to model? ›

The High Fashion World

Girls aged 14-15 are expected to be between 5'7″ – 6'0″. Those aged between 16-22 need to be around 5'9″ – 6'0″. Height is favoured by the high fashion modelling world; the above are typical measurements expected of teens wishing to make it in this type of modelling.

Who is the shortest model to walk a runway? ›

Known for: Devon Aoki is perhaps one of the shortest runway models to hit the catwalk. But that did not stop her from walking in coveted shows like Chanel, Moschino, or Versace. In addition to modeling, Devon also appeared in films like '2 Fast 2 Furious', 'Sin City' and 'War'.

What body type are most models? ›

Ectomorphs are long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle. They have a hard time gaining weight. Fashion models and basketball players fit this category.

Who is the #1 model in the world? ›

2020Pierinna Patino35
2019Nicole Menayo35
2018Janet Leyva41
2017Julya Gershun41
24 more rows

What type of modeling pays the most? ›

Editorial and runway fashion models who can attain supermodel status are the highest paid models. Supermodel status comes with a certain degree of celebrity factor that can play a big role in raising a model's fees.

Do beginner models get paid? ›

Beginners and more experienced models alike can receive $125–$175 per hour, with a two-hour minimum for all jobs. In smaller markets, commercial models can earn anywhere from $25–$75 per hour. Plus-size and catalogs models will generally be paid the same hourly, half-day, and full-day booking rates.

Do models have to smile? ›

Smiling is a very personal expression, and it allows the personality of the model to show. But most fashion designers want their models to be “walking clothes hangers,” as close to being an unperson as possible. Hence, the neutral, impersonal expression.

Can models wear tattoos? ›

The good news is that tattoos are becoming more and more commonplace in the modelling industry. In the past, finding a high-profile model with tattoos was very rare, but these days, many huge names are showing off their incredible body art.

Should models have facial hair? ›

But keep it groomed, shabby looking facial hair is not something a casting agent from the best male modeling agency wants to see on your face. Photos with both clean shaved as well as bearded are requirements for a male model portfolio. A male model should take care of his eye brows too, keep it trimmed and in shape.

What do model scouts look for? ›

Scouts are looking for physical requirements like height (between 5'8"- 5'11" for girls, and 6'-6'2" for guys), age (14-21) and healthy skin and hair, but a good scout also looks for someone who stands out from the crowd.

Can a model have scars? ›

One of the most popular questions asked on the Internet by aspiring models is whether or not they can model with visible stretch marks and scars. And it's great news for those of you who are wondering – because the answer is yes!

What are the 4 types of models? ›

9 types of modelling explained
  • Runway models. A runway model works most commonly on the catwalk, which is the runway at fashion shows where designers showcase their work, such as a new clothing line. ...
  • Fashion/editorial models. ...
  • Commercial models. ...
  • Photographers. ...
  • Textile designers.
Nov 30, 2021

What height do you need to be for a model? ›

The standard height requirement for a female fashion model is 5 feet and 9 inches to 6 feet. For men, the required height is 5 feet and 11 inches to 6 feet and 3 inches. You might have heard of top fashion models, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, and Karlie Kloss.

How much do models get paid? ›

Beginners and more experienced models alike can receive $125–$175 per hour, with a two-hour minimum for all jobs. In smaller markets, commercial models can earn anywhere from $25–$75 per hour. Plus-size and catalogs models will generally be paid the same hourly, half-day, and full-day booking rates.

Is there a weight requirement to be a model? ›

Their weight should typically be between 161 and 205 pounds, with a chest size of 41” to 45”.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.