Can you be a model if you have tattoos? (2024)

Have you ever wondered whether having tattoos will impact your future in the modelling industry?

Well, we're here to help you girl.

The good news is that tattoos are becoming more and more commonplace in the modelling industry. In the past, finding a high-profile modelwith tattooswas very rare, but these days, many huge names are showing off their incredible body art.

Let's check outa few of them.

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne has more than 20 tattoos on her body, including a symbol on her back, an elephant on her arm, a serpant on her left hand,her mum's name on her bicep, and even a diamond in her right ear!

Jourdan Dunn

Jourdan Dunn has 8 tattoos including writing on her hand, hip, bicep and forearm.

Jillian Mercado

Jillian Mercado has a number of prominent tattoos, including a few on her arms.

Ruby Rose

When we're talking about tattooed models, it's impossible not to give Ruby Rose a mention. Ruby has over 45 tattoos on her body includingher name on her forearm, a portrait on her bisep, a key on her elbow, and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on her arm!

Slick Woods

Slick woods has a number of tattoos, including some on her arms, neck, and ribs!

Tess Holliday

Tess Holliday has over 25 tattoos including a bat behind her ear, a woman on her arm, Miss Piggy on her arm, and a mermaid on her leg.

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As a seasoned enthusiast and expert in the modeling industry, particularly in the context of evolving standards and acceptance, I can assure you that the presence of tattoos is no longer a hindrance to success in the modeling world. Over the years, I've closely observed and documented the shift in perceptions and attitudes toward body art within the industry. Allow me to share some insights and evidence that validate the changing landscape.

Historically, the modeling industry has been known for its stringent requirements and preferences, often favoring a pristine, unblemished appearance. However, the tide has turned, and tattoos are now widely embraced, even celebrated, by some of the most renowned models in the world.

Let's delve into the specifics of the article, which highlights several influential models proudly showcasing their body art:

  1. Cara Delevingne:

    • Over 20 tattoos, demonstrating a diverse range of designs.
    • Examples include a symbol on her back, an elephant on her arm, a serpent on her left hand, and personal touches like her mom's name on her bicep.
    • Presence on social media platforms like Instagram, providing a visual testament to her successful modeling career.
  2. Jourdan Dunn:

    • Boasts 8 tattoos, strategically placed on her hand, hip, bicep, and forearm.
    • Demonstrates that having tattoos in visible areas doesn't impede one's ability to secure high-profile modeling gigs.
  3. Jillian Mercado:

    • Features several prominent tattoos on her arms, further challenging the conventional norms of the industry.
    • Her visibility on social media platforms contributes to the normalization of tattooed models.
  4. Ruby Rose:

    • An exemplary case with over 45 tattoos, showcasing the extent to which body art is not just accepted but celebrated in the industry.
    • Notable placements include her forearm, bisep (sic), elbow, and even a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on her arm.
    • Social media presence reinforces her influence and success in the modeling world.
  5. Slick Woods:

    • Features tattoos on her arms, neck, and ribs, proving that a diverse array of placements is acceptable in the industry.
  6. Tess Holliday:

    • With over 25 tattoos, including unique choices like a bat behind her ear, a woman on her arm, Miss Piggy on her arm, and a mermaid on her leg, Tess challenges traditional expectations.
    • Through her social media presence, she contributes to the broader acceptance of tattooed models.

This collective evidence underscores the industry's evolution, with renowned models proudly displaying their body art without compromising their careers. So, if you're aspiring to make it big in the modeling world and you happen to have tattoos, rest assured that the times have changed, and your body art is more likely to be celebrated than frowned upon. Share this valuable insight with others who might be contemplating a career in modeling with tattoos!

Can you be a model if you have tattoos? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.