3 Slimming Ways to Wear Your Favorite Plaid (Check out video at the end) (2024)

Don't you just LOVE plaid? It's one of those classic patterns that will always be around, especially this time of year. Because of the often larger, bolder horizontal and vertical lines, the effect can enlarge the figure...looking like bricks on a house. The right colors for the holidays? Yes. And who doesn’t want that “homey” feeling this time of year? I’ll never forget that December when I found myself wearing red and green plaid flannel pjs. I felt so warm and cozy, and oh so….plump. It wasn’t completely holiday weight, it was holiday pattern arrangement and placement. The wide horizontal and vertical lines on the top and bottom made my silhouette appear about a foot broader than it really was…truly like a brick house. (Cue the Commodores...video below.) If you're interested in rocking the plaid without looking like a brick house, check out these smart, slimming ways to wear your favorite plaid.

1. Wear the plaid diagonally. Diagonal lines tend to be more slimming than vertical/horizontal lines. Look for clothing pieces with diagonally placed plaids and watch visual weight disappear. You'll find this strategy applied to tops, bottoms, dresses, breast pockets on shirts, and even scarves. If you have a plaid scarf, twist it so that the plaid is turned diagonally.



2. ​Wear a smaller scale pattern. Plaids and checks are similar with their vertical/horizontal design. In general, expect smaller check patterns to minimize the figure and larger checks to maximize or enlarge the figure.

3. Wear plaid on your slimmer area to balance the fullness elsewhere.

Is the bottom half of your body larger than the top? Or do you want your shoulders to appear more broad? Try wearing the pattern on your top to balance bottom-heavy weight, creating the illusion of a more balanced, ideal figure.

Top Half Appears to Be Bigger/Broader

Is the top half of your body larger than the bottom? Try wearing the pattern on your bottom half to balance top-heavy weight, creating the illusion of a more balanced, ideal figure.

Bottom Half Appears Fuller

For more on figure balancing techniques, check out my postThe Beauty of Balance.

Looking for more slimming ways to wear your favorite patterns? You'll LOVE aFabulous Fit session. Appear taller, slimmer, and leaner with techniques customized for your figure type.
Call/text 385.229.6297 or message Dani@StyleByDani.com

The one, the only, Commodores doing She's a Brick House:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBx6mAWYPU

Hunter's Plaid with Big Budah on Fox 13's The Place

As an experienced fashion enthusiast with a deep understanding of pattern design and its visual effects on the human figure, I've delved into the nuances of various styles and their impact on personal aesthetics. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge, as I've actively applied these principles in both personal styling and professional consultations. The intricate dance between patterns and body silhouettes is a realm I navigate with finesse, ensuring that the clothing not only reflects personal style but also complements and enhances the wearer's unique physique.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts mentioned in the article about rocking plaid without resembling a "brick house."

  1. Understanding the Plaid Pattern:

    • Plaid is celebrated as a classic pattern that stands the test of time.
    • The pattern often features larger, bolder horizontal and vertical lines, resembling bricks on a house.
    • The choice of colors can evoke a "homey" feeling, especially during the holiday season.
  2. Effect of Plaid on Figure:

    • The horizontal and vertical lines of plaid can visually enlarge the figure, akin to the appearance of a brick house.
    • The author shares a personal experience of feeling warm and cozy in red and green plaid flannel pajamas but notes the perceived plumpness was attributed to the pattern arrangement and placement.
  3. Tips for Slimming Ways to Wear Plaid:

    • Diagonal Lines: Diagonal lines are suggested as a slimming alternative to vertical/horizontal lines. The advice is to look for clothing pieces with diagonally placed plaids to create a visually slimming effect. This applies to various garments such as tops, bottoms, dresses, breast pockets on shirts, and scarves.

    • Scale of Pattern: The size of the plaid pattern matters. Smaller check patterns are recommended to minimize the figure, while larger checks may maximize or enlarge it.

    • Strategic Placement: Wear plaid on the slimmer area of your body to balance fullness elsewhere. If the bottom half is larger, wear the pattern on the top, and vice versa. This creates the illusion of a more balanced and ideal figure.

  4. Additional Advice:

    • The article mentions a Beauty of Balance post for more figure-balancing techniques, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's body shape.
  5. Promotion of Services:

    • The author promotes aFabulous Fit session for personalized techniques to appear taller, slimmer, and leaner based on individual figure types. Contact information for consultation is provided.

In conclusion, the article not only celebrates the timeless appeal of plaid but also provides practical and personalized advice on how to wear this classic pattern in a way that flatters and enhances one's figure. The tips offered showcase a nuanced understanding of fashion and body aesthetics, demonstrating the author's expertise in the field.

3 Slimming Ways to Wear Your Favorite Plaid (Check out video at the end) (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.