37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (2024)

37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (1)

Vocabulary Builder Course

In this lesson you’re going to expand your vocabulary with 37 adjectives to describe a person’s appearance.

Let’s begin with the word beautiful – in English, this word is mostly used for women. We use the word handsomefor men. To describe beautiful women, we also have the words pretty, lovely, gorgeous, and stunning – “stunning” means extremely beautiful, like a woman who is so beautiful that she attracts a lot of attention!

Another expression to describe a woman like this is to say that “She turns heads” – implying that when she walks down the street, people turn their heads to focus their attention on her.

The words attractive, good-looking, cute, and hot can be used for both men and women. Cute is a more playful word to say a person is attractive; we often use “cute” for children and baby animals. And the word hot is a slang word that you should only use during informal conversations among friends.

The opposite of beautiful or handsome is ugly – but that’s a strong word, so most people express this idea using the negative form of one of the positive words, for example: “She’s not very attractive” or “He’s not so good-looking.”

Finally, there is the word plain – that describes a person who is ordinary-looking – not especially beautiful/handsome, but not especially ugly either.

English Words for “Fat”

Okay, now let’s learn some words to describe body shape and size. You already know the basic words fat and thin – but there are many other ways to say these.

A person who is fat can also be described as overweight, heavy, big, or large. The word for a person who is EXTREMELY fat is obese.

37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (2)

“I hate my flabby stomach”

We also have the word chubby to describe fat children; husky or heavyset to describe fat men; andplump or curvy to describe fat women (the word curvy has a more positive connotation, implying that the woman has a nice, full, feminine body).

If you want to say a specific part of the body is fat, you can say it is flabby – for example, “I hate my flabby stomach.” (typically used for arms, stomach, thighs, and butt).

English Words for “Thin”

The opposite of fat is thin. Some alternative words are slim, slender, skinny, lean, wiry, petite, and lanky. In general, thin, slim,andslender are more positive, whereasskinnyis often used as a criticism or negative point.

The words lean and wiry mean that the person is thin AND muscular. The word petite is only used for women, and means that the woman is short AND thin. Finally, the word lanky means tall and thin.

English Words for “Muscular”

37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (4)What about a person with an athletic body?

You can describe him or her as muscular, fit, strong, in good shape, or “ripped” – that’s a slang word meaning that the person has very well-defined and visible muscles – like the guy in this photo.

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37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (5)

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About The Author

37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (6)

Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

37 English Words for Describing a Person's Appearance (2024)
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