How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (2024)

Some people wish to have a baby’s pure, heavenly face. This Baby Face makeup look is incredibly popular in several countries, such as Korea and Thailand. This makeup look transforms young women’s faces into those of cute babies. It is a simple look to achieve as it only has a few components and you get a fresh, innocent, and youthful face. It is perfect for those who do not enjoy spending countless hours applying tons of makeup in front of the mirror.

In this article, you can check out the tutorial to learn how to do baby face makeup! Keep scrolling to learn more.

How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (1) Keep In Mind

  • Primer Type: Primer Type Opt for a pore-minimizing primer for smooth and creaseless makeup.
  • Lipstick Colors: Primer Type Opt for soft lip colors such as pink or orange for a fresh appearance.
  • For A Subtle Look: Primer Type Babyface makeup does not involve heavy cosmetic products. Go easy on your face with minimal foundation and light lip tint for a soft look.
To find out how to do your Baby Face makeup, check out this post!

In This Article


First of all, you need to moisturize your face to give it a supple look, just like a baby’s. The desired complexion is supposed to be radiant and matte. So put your concealer on parts of your face that show signs of aging. Use a concealer on blemishes, acne or puffiness under the cheeks. Blend the concealer with the rest of the face.


You usually put foundation all over your face in all kinds of makeup. But not in this one. You want to avoid a cakey look, so dot your foundation on areas of your face that need it the most. Blend it using your fingers for a more creamy and natural look. In fact, it is better to use a CC cream instead of foundation or BB cream. This helps you capture the dewy look of a baby. Blend from the center of the face towards the outer edges to achieve a bright face.

Related: How To Choose The Right Foundation For Your Skin


Now that you have the base in place, it is time to seal it with a powder. The powder not only helps achieve the matte look, but also keeps the makeup in place. It also conceals freckles perfectly. If you don’t want to dull the shininess of the base with a powder, apply the powder along your jaw line and edge of the forehead. This will prevent your hair from sticking to your face.


Babies have pinkish and lavender cheeks that a bronzer or a regular blush cannot capture. However, a lavender tinted blush can capture its essence. You can also use a pink tint, cream, or blush and dab it on your skin with your fingers. If you can find a lavender blush, dot the powder on your cheekbones. Now using your brush, blend the blush in straight strokes from the center towards the ear. You must remember that the blush should be barely there. Otherwise, you would look like an asphyxiated blue baby. You can use a sheer or shimmer blush for added shine.

How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (2) Quick Tip

You can spray some face mist on your face to freshen up the baby face look and reduce the cakiness.

Related: How To Apply Bronzer


You must know that babies hardly ever have straight, thin brows. But for Baby Face makeup, you also do not want a bushy, unkempt brow. So here is the trick – if you have thin, well-tended eyebrows, use mascara on your eyebrows to fluff them up a little. Then use a pencil of the same color to draw around the border of the eyebrows to make it appear thicker. If you already have thick brows, use an eyebrow comb to arrange your eyebrows in a neat shape. The arch of the eyebrow in Baby Face makeup should not be more or less straight and must not be too long. So use your tools to make your eyebrow appear as natural as possible.

Related: 3 Simple Techniques To Darken Your Eyebrows


You do not use any eyeliner in Baby Face makeup because kids hardly ever have thick eyelashes. But to give your tired eyelids a lift, you can use eyeshadow. Use a natural eyeshadow, a color that best suits your skin color. A pink shimmer eyeshadow adds an angelic touch to the face. This is for the eyelid. For under the eye, use tiny dots of brown eyeshadow on the outer edge of the eye and blend. On the inner edge, a tiny dab of champagne glitter looks nice and charming.

Baby Lips

If you regularly moisturize your lips, just a coat of adorable Baby Lips will do. But if you forget this moisturizing routine regularly, you need to scrub the flaky skin off first. Apply a pink or orange lip tint on your scrubbed bare lips.

How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (3) Quick Tip

Use a blend of sugar and honey to scrub your lips. It gently exfoliates the skin without drying and helps you maintain a baby-soft pout.

Infographic: A Step-By-Step Tutorial On Baby Face Makeup

Babyface makeup is all about achieving a youthful, fresh, and radiant look. The good news is it does not require much skill and experience. To help you out, we have created a detailed tutorial that can help you achieve that soft, seamless, and luminous look in minutes. Check out this infographic to know more!

How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (4)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

A pretty babyface makeup look needs ultimate blending, so make sure to blend your makeup products perfectly for a subtle luminous look. The idea is to look flawless, just like babies do. In that case, you cannot afford to make your face look made up and cakey. Instead, smoothen the skin surface well using a good quality blending brush. Keep the overall look gentle, smooth, and simple. Now, follow these tips and tricks and get your shine. It is time for you to flaunt that delicate babyface look for a change. So, get, set, go!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes to avoid when applying baby face makeup?

Some of the common mistakes to avoid when applying baby face makeup includes the following:
•Not moisturizing the face before makeup
• Not blending the makeup properly
• Overdoing your eyebrows
• Putting foundation all over the face

How does baby face makeup differ from other types of makeup styles?

Unlike other makeup styles, baby face makeup uses the colors associated with the face of a baby. The eyebrows, lashes, and lips look like that of a baby. So, one cannot do a lot of experiments on this makeup style. However, other makeup styles include more products and color palettes to highlight your sweet features.

Can babyface makeup be worn for special occasions, or is it more of an everyday look?

It solely depends on an individual’s preference, since babyface makeup is subtle, it can be ideal for an everyday look. But, if you are someone who likes to generally wear minimal makeup, you can wear babyface makeup for special occasions too.

Who is babyface makeup suitable for, and is it age-specific?

Babyface makeup may look better on youthful skin than mature skin. As it is natural makeup and doesn’t involve using products with high coverage, it won’t be able to completely conceal flaws or imperfections on the skin.

Key Takeaways

  • The first step of this makeup includes moisturizing your face and applying a concealer on areas that show aging signs.
  • The baby face makeup involves blending a foundation from the center of the face to the edges.
  • Powder helps seal the base as well as achieve a matte look.
  • It is best to use lavender or pink-tinted blush in this kind of makeup.
  • An orange or a pink lip tint goes well with the baby face makeup.
How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (5)

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Transform your look with these 10 tips and tricks to look 10 years younger! Learn how to use makeup to enhance your natural beauty in the following video.

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Shelly ShimoniHair & Makeup Artist

How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (9) How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (10) How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (11)

Shelly's journey within the makeup and beauty industry started at one of London's leading colleges, LCBT. She then furthered her training at LSMM, where she was trained by some of the leading names in the makeup industry. She has since gained 12 years of experience working within the media, fashion, and bridal sectors in the UK and abroad. Her full bio

How To Do Baby Face Makeup? (2024)


How can I make my face look like a baby? ›

Tips for achieving baby smooth skin:
  1. Drink a lot of water. ...
  2. Clean up regularly. ...
  3. Use sunscreen. ...
  4. Use suitable facial products. ...
  5. Have a healthy diet. ...
  6. Regulate stress levels. ...
  7. Exfoliate your skin. ...
  8. Home remedies for Facial Treatment.
Dec 12, 2017

How to make a baby face look older with makeup? ›

Use a contouring kit, if you have one, and choose a foundation from it that's 2-3 shades darker than your natural skin color. Then, use a small, round brush to apply it in soft lines around the angles of your face. Contouring will help strengthen and sharpen your features, making your face look older and less round.

What makes a face look like a baby face? ›

The babyface usually refers to adult faces that have a facial feature similar to that of infants (Berry and McArthur, 1985). It is usually defined as a round face with big eyes, high raised eyebrows, a narrow chin and a small nose.

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You will love these easy tricks for younger, baby soft skin
  1. Step One: Cleanse your face every day. ...
  2. Step Two: Regular Exfoliation. ...
  3. Step Three: Get Enough Sleep. ...
  4. Step Four: Moisturize Everyday. ...
  5. Step Five: Sunscreen is best for the skin. ...
  6. Step Six: Hydrate and Hydrate. ...
  7. Step Seven: Stock up that Vitamin C.
Oct 27, 2020

What is the baby face procedure? ›

How is Baby Face Beauty applied? According to the skin status, approximately 6.000 micro-channels are opened on skin layer using thulium laser beams and nano-particulate Lasemd ampoules containing Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Tranexamicacid, Resveratrol and stem cell are applied to the skin.

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Hold your baby upright when awake to help relieve pressure on your baby's head from swings, carriers and infant seats. You might also hold your baby with alternate arms at each feeding. Try tummy time. With close supervision and while your baby is awake, frequently place your baby on the tummy to play.

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Having a baby face means having facial features that make you look younger than your actual age, and by younger, I mean significantly younger. It's most common with young adults in their 20s and 30s.

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Wearing clothing that indicates maturity is one way to project an "aged up" look.
  1. Blouses and dress shirts often look more adult than T-shirts or other types of tops. ...
  2. Avoid novelty clothes. ...
  3. Avoid embellishments. ...
  4. Pick subdued colors, rather than flashy colors.

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Massage in some moisturizer.

As with your cleanser, massage a dime-sized dollop of product onto your face. Focus the lotion onto the driest areas of your face. Try using a face cream that includes hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides. These will give your face a softer, more moisturized feel.

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Eye shadows with too much glitter might feel young, but they can have the opposite effect. These shimmery sneaks are aging us. Instead of brightening up your complexion, they exacerbate the appearance of dry skin or fine lines.

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Makeup Tricks for Older Eyes
  1. Prep lids with primer. As eyes age, eyelid skin — which is extremely thin to start with — can go slack and look rumpled or pleated. ...
  2. Doubling up liners adds control and intensity. ...
  3. Lighten up your smoky eye. ...
  4. Make hooded eyes glam. ...
  5. Keep the lower eye fresh. ...
  6. Trim long brows, color up gray ones.
Aug 3, 2023

Is having a baby face attractive? ›

Many studies indicate that the baby face phenomenon, or the tendency to find infant-like facial features attractive, occurs not only because the features suggest youth, but also because they elicit the same warm feelings as our typical response to babies (both human and animal).

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AI Baby Generator Face Maker on the App Store.

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While changes to the face due to genetics or aging are perfectly natural, there are some exercises you can do to help define your jawline. Exercising the neck, chin, jaw, and other facial muscles can lead to subtle changes in your face, including sharper cheekbones and a more prominent jawline.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.