5 Essential Oils for Constipation: How to Use and Diffuse (2024)


Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts that are derived from plants. They’re extracted through either steaming or cold-pressing the plants.

Essential oils have been used in alternative medicine for thousands of years, and the Western world is finally starting to take notice. They can help to treat a wide array of ailments, including constipation.

Different essential oils can have different effects on the body, some of which can help to treat conditions like constipation. They may relax the body, for example, or encourage muscle contractions, making it easier for the digestive system to function properly.

Essential oils aren’t meant to be consumed, as some may be toxic. In addition, before applying to the skin, they should always be diluted in a carrier oil.

Ginger is commonly used to improve digestion and reduce nausea, and it can also help treat constipation. It has digestive stimulatory effects that can increase gastric motility, preventing and treating constipation.

To relieve constipation with ginger oil, mix 3 to 5 drops of ginger oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil like coconut oil or grapeseed oil. Massage the mixture onto the abdomen. Do this two to three times a day as needed.

Fennel seed is a powerful digestive stimulant that can act as a laxative when ingested, effectively treating constipation quickly.

Fennel essential oil is most effective as a digestive stimulant when mixed with a small amount of carrier oil and massaged onto the abdomen. Do this two to three times a day as needed.

Peppermint essential oil contains antispasmodic properties, which can relax the muscles in the digestive tract, making the bowels looser. This can help relieve constipation. One 2008 study was able to back this up, finding that peppermint oil successfully helped relieve constipation in some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Combine 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with 1 teaspoon of warmed carrier oil, like coconut or grapeseed oil. Massage this mixture onto the abdomen and inhale the aroma. The massage will increase movement of the bowel, and the inhalation will help relax those muscles. Do this two to three times a day until your constipation is relieved. Studies have demonstrated that inhaling oils can be as effective as applying them directly to the skin.

Rosemary essential oil has a spasmolytic effect, meaning that it relaxes muscles and suppresses muscle spasms. Like peppermint oil, this can jump-start the digestive system and get things moving as needed.

Inhaling rosemary oil can have all the desired effects that you’d need, though some people also use it as a massage oil for aromatherapy benefits. You can mix the oil into a massage lotion, or you can add a few drops to an air diffuser to get the full benefits.

Lemon essential oil is highly concentrated and contains a number of strong antioxidants that can improve digestion and simultaneously reduce inflammation. Both factors can allow the digestion process to run more smoothly and eliminate constipation. One study even found that using oils like lemon oil in aromatherapy massages improved digestion.

Mix lemon oil into a carrier oil, and massage it into the skin. You can also put lemon oil in an air diffuser and inhale the scent of the oil to achieve the desired results. Avoid exposure to sunlight when applying lemon essential oil.

Essential oils aren’t meant to be taken orally, and some are toxic. The effect of aromatherapy is experienced when inhaling the oils and massaging the diluted oils into the skin. Essential oils are generally very safe for the majority of the population to use.

The exception is essential oils that have menthol, like peppermint or spearmint oils. These are safe for adults to use, but can be dangerous for young children and infants to breathe in.

Pregnant and nursing women should also avoid essential oils as there’s not enough research to ensure they’re all safe.

The biggest risk for using essential oils is irritation or allergic reactions. Essential oils that are put on the skin may irritate those with sensitive skin.

To prevent this, never apply essential oil directly to the skin. You should always mix a few drops of an essential oil with a carrier oil of your choice — like coconut, sweet almond, or olive. Test to see if you’re allergic by applying the diluted oil to a small skin patch. If no reaction occurs in 24 to 48 hours, it should be safe for topical use.

Essential oils are generally safe for adults. They may have a more pronounced effect on children, however, so make sure to ask their pediatrician first. If you’re planning on using an air diffuser in your home, keep this in mind.

Essential oils are safe for the majority of the population to use, and can be an effective alternative treatment to constipation. Use the oils only as instructed for the best and safest results.

Choose brands carefully to ensure safe, pure products manufactured under optimum conditions.

If the essential oils or other home remedies don’t treat your constipation within three days, or if constipation is a chronic issue, make an appointment to see your doctor to find the underlying cause. If you’re experiencing severe abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting along with constipation, seek immediate medical care as these could be symptoms of a bowel obstruction.

While research suggests there are health benefits, the FDA doesn’t monitor or regulate the purity or quality of essential oils. It’s important to talk with your doctor before you begin using essential oils and use caution when choosing a quality brand.

5 Essential Oils for Constipation: How to Use and Diffuse (2024)


How do you use essential oils for constipation? ›

Peppermint oil

Combine 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with 1 teaspoon of warmed carrier oil, like coconut or grapeseed oil. Massage this mixture onto the abdomen and inhale the aroma. The massage will increase movement of the bowel, and the inhalation will help relax those muscles.

Which oil is best for constipation? ›

Olive oil may be a safe and healthy way to get stools moving again and relieve constipation. The fats in olive oil can help smooth the insides of the bowel, making it easier for stools to pass. It can also help the stool hold in more water, keeping it softer.

Which oil in belly button for constipation? ›

Fennel oil may help get the intestines moving when added to an abdominal massage or inhaled through a diffuser. Mix 2 drops of fennel oil with a carrier oil and massage the belly in a circular clockwise motion. Start with smaller circles around the navel, gradually increasing the size of the motions.

What are the 5 ways to improve constipation? ›

Constipation Home Remedies
  1. Eat more fiber. Fiber makes stool bulkier and softer so it's easier to pass. ...
  2. Stay hydrated. Water is important for preventing constipation, too. ...
  3. Try coffee. ...
  4. Limit high fat/low fiber food. ...
  5. Watch your FODMAPs.
Aug 28, 2022

How do you apply essential oils to your stomach? ›

A drop or two in a carrier oil is all that's usually recommended when applying essential oils topically. Only a few drops are recommended if you inhale the oils from the bottle or a cloth. The best way to treat heartburn with essential oils is by inhaling the scent directly from the bottle or a diffuser.

What is a simple home remedy for constipation? ›

Here are 13 natural home remedies to relieve constipation.
  • Drink more water. ...
  • Eat more fiber, especially soluble, non-fermentable fiber. ...
  • Exercise more. ...
  • Drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee. ...
  • Take Senna, an herbal laxative. ...
  • Eat probiotic foods or take probiotic supplements. ...
  • Over-the-counter or prescription laxatives.

How do I completely empty my bowels? ›

How to empty your bowels without straining
  1. Sit on the toilet properly: ...
  2. Brace – allow your stomach muscles to push forwards. ...
  3. With each urge to empty your bowels, repeat the brace.
  4. Keep your mouth slightly open and breathe out. ...
  5. As you finish, pull up your anorectal muscles (the muscles that control your bottom).

What essential oil is good for digestive problems? ›

Here are some of the more commonly recommended oils:
  • Peppermint: Recommended for abdominal pain and to ease abdominal spasms.
  • Ginger: Recommended for gas relief.
  • Fennel: Recommended for constipation.
  • Lemon: Recommended for heartburn.
  • Oregano: Recommended for its antibacterial properties (effect on gut bacteria).
Oct 18, 2022

Does peppermint oil help you poop? ›

Several studies show that it can help with common IBS symptoms like pain, constipation, bloating, and gas. In fact, some research shows that it can be more effective than fiber and at least as good as antispasmodic drugs, also known as muscle relaxants.

What happens if we pour oil in navel? ›

There's no harm in putting a little oil in your belly button. Just don't press down too hard on your belly button, as there's a large amount of nerves around your gut, and the pressure could be painful. Be careful with the oils you use, too.

What happens if you rub olive oil on your belly button? ›

You can use olive oil as it has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties which treat belly button infections and can keep the area clean and supple.

What happens when you put castor oil in your navel? ›

Joint Pains

One more routine that is said to be effective when added is oiling the belly button. It is believed that using castor oil can help in relieving the symptoms and deal with the pain in a better way.

What gets rid of constipation the fastest? ›

  • Water does a body good. Drinking enough water helps your gastrointestinal (GI) tract create the right consistency of stool. ...
  • Exercise gets things moving. ...
  • Fiber combats both constipation and diarrhea. ...
  • Caffeine wakes up your colon. ...
  • Gentle laxatives can also help. ...
  • Sugar-free gum might give you diarrhea.
Nov 19, 2021

What relieves constipation the fastest? ›

Drinking plenty of water, getting in some movement and eating a high-fiber diet is the best way to relieve constipation, without relying on medication like laxatives or other stool softeners.

What is a fast acting constipation relief? ›

The fastest-working oral laxatives include mineral oil, saline laxatives (like magnesium hydroxide and magnesium citrate), and stimulant laxatives (like bisacodyl and senna tablets). Common OTC products in this group include Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax, and Senokot.

Can you rub essential oils on your stomach? ›

Note: If your skin is sensitive, or if you're pregnant or nursing, it's always a good idea to talk to a doctor before using an essential oil on the skin. Essential oils can be applied on the temple, chest, stomach, wrists, feet, palms and back.

What happens when you rub peppermint oil on your stomach? ›

It helps relieve stomach cramps, bloating and farting (flatulence), particularly if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It works by helping the muscle of the bowel wall to relax.

Why do you put essential oils on the bottom of your feet? ›

Essential oils can be easily absorbed through your feet.

Did you know that the pores on the bottoms of your feet are the largest on your body? This makes your feet a uniquely absorbent place to apply essential oils that can help support your self-care routine.

What simple trick empties your bowels? ›

Lemon juice – a cleansing way to encourage bowel movements is to try taking a glass of water mixed with the juice of half a lemon before bed and when you wake up. You may want to drink with a straw as you could find your teeth becoming sensitive after a regular course of lemon water.

How can I trigger a bowel movement? ›

If you're experiencing constipation, the following quick treatments can help induce a bowel movement in as little as a few hours.
  1. Take a fiber supplement. ...
  2. Eat foods for constipation relief. ...
  3. Drink a glass of water. ...
  4. Take a laxative stimulant. ...
  5. Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  6. Try a lubricant laxative. ...
  7. Use a stool softener. ...
  8. Try an enema.

What empties your bowels every morning? ›

Incorporating the following foods into your diet, especially at breakfast, promotes and maintains regular morning bowel movements. Fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, and figs. Vegetables, especially greens such as spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Whole grains, such as wheat, rye, and quinoa.

Which oil is best for gut health? ›

Extra virgin olive oil has been used to treat digestive disorders for centuries. Its beneficial properties are now being confirmed by epidemiological studies and a wealth of scientific data. Extra virgin olive oil has beneficial effects on: the stomach; the hepatic-biliary system; the pancreas; the intestines.

What is the easiest oil to digest? ›

Exactly: extra-virgin olive oil is the most digestible of dietary fats. We should keep this in mind when choosing what to use for cooking or dressing our food.

What essential oil gets rid of bloating? ›

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil, diluted with a carrier oil, can help with most forms of pain but can help eliminate symptoms of bloating as well. Peppermint calms stomach muscles, reducing pain from cramping. It also helps eliminate gas from the intestines.

Does coconut oil help you poop? ›

How coconut oil may help with constipation. Coconut oil may have a laxative effect. Proponents, like blogger Hybrid Rasta Mama, claim that coconut oil may increase metabolism and help food pass more quickly through the body. This may mean more frequent and smaller, softer bowel movements.

How do you use DiGize for constipation? ›

You can massage DiGize directly to your stomach when feeling symptoms from constipation, gas, diarrhea, or bloating. It is believed that rubbing DiGize on your stomach in a clockwise motion will get things moving and in a counterclockwise motion will it slow things down.

Can a heating pad stimulate a bowel movement? ›

It may help relax your intestinal muscles so they function better. That can help with bowel movements. Be sure to use heat for short periods of time. Don't put it directly on your skin.

What is your belly button connected to inside your body? ›

The navel (clinically known as the umbilicus, commonly known as the belly button or tummy button) is a protruding, flat, or hollowed area on the abdomen at the attachment site of the umbilical cord.
PrecursorUmbilical cord Ductus venosus
ArteryUmbilical artery
VeinUmbilical vein
8 more rows

Can you oil pull on a full stomach? ›

DO oil pull with an empty stomach, don't even drink water beforehand, first thing in the morning is the easiest. Pulling on an empty stomach triggers the release of the maximum amount of the enzyme-containing saliva. These enzymes remove toxins & bacteria out of the lymph fluids & bloods.

How often should you oil your navel? ›

Every once a week, pour lemon oil with almond oil into the belly button and leave it for 15 minutes.

Why do you put essential oils in your belly button? ›

The process of putting oil in your navel is considered a part of Ayurveda, a traditional Indian healing system rooted in the belief that health and wellness depend on a balance between the mind, body, and spirit, according to WebMD, an online publisher of health care information.

Can I put frankincense oil in my belly button? ›

Applying pure frankincense oil on the navel cures dry eyes, poor eyesight, pancreas, chapped lips, keeps the face shiny, makes hair healthier, used for joint/knee pain, chills, lethargy, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, headaches, back pain.

Which oil in belly button for sleep? ›

Tagar oil can help to improvise our sleep quality and Lavender oil can help us to balance our mood.

How do you induce a bowel movement? ›

If you're experiencing constipation, the following quick treatments can help induce a bowel movement in as little as a few hours.
  1. Take a fiber supplement. ...
  2. Eat foods for constipation relief. ...
  3. Drink a glass of water. ...
  4. Take a laxative stimulant. ...
  5. Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  6. Try a lubricant laxative. ...
  7. Use a stool softener. ...
  8. Try an enema.

Are there pressure points to relieve constipation? ›

Kidney 6 (KI6) is an acupressure point on the foot used to induce bowel movements. According to TCM, it can ease constipation by promoting fluid production. To use this point for acupressure: Find the KI6 point below your inner ankle bone.

What is the simple trick to empty your bowels every morning? ›

Try to sit on the toilet 15 to 20 minutes after breakfast. Do not ignore the call to open your bowels. Putting off the call to go can cause constipation. Try to work with the body's natural rhythm (emptying the bowel first thing in the morning).

How do you get poop to move through your intestines fast? ›

If your transit time is a concern, there are some steps you can take to speed things up.
  1. Exercise for 30 minutes a day. Food and digested material is moved through the body by a series of muscle contractions. ...
  2. Eat more fiber. ...
  3. Eat yogurt. ...
  4. Eat less meat. ...
  5. Drink more water.
Mar 18, 2019

How do you get rid of old poop in your colon? ›

Laxatives: You can drink a polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution or use an over-the counter (OTC) laxative to cleanse your colon. Surgery: If you have severe fecal impaction, your healthcare provider will perform surgery, especially to target symptoms of bleeding due to a tear in your bowel (bowel perforation).

What part of the foot do you massage for constipation? ›

Use your thumb to massage the middle of your right heel, working your way over to the outside edge. Then move upward toward the middle of your foot. Massage all the way across the middle of the right foot, then cross over to the left foot. Massage over to the outer edge.

What is fast acting to relieve constipation? ›

The fastest-working oral laxatives include mineral oil, saline laxatives (like magnesium hydroxide and magnesium citrate), and stimulant laxatives (like bisacodyl and senna tablets). Common OTC products in this group include Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax, and Senokot.

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