7 Remarkable Navy Blue Blazer Combinations To Try| Bewakoof (2024)

Be it summer or winter, the blazer style will never go out of fashion! It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about men’s fashion or women’s fashion, the blue blazer combination is one of its kind – in our opinion, it should be a must-have item in every wardrobe. Navy blue blazer combinations can be worn as a formal, semi-formal or casual look, making this blazer one of the most versatile and uber chic must-own item. You can up an outfit with a blazer or dress down a blazer with your outfit – the choice is up to you.

What colour shirt with blue blazer goes well?

So, let’s talk about the most important question on your mind – what to wear with a navy blue blazer? Specifically, what colour shirt with blue blazer will look best? Truth be told, pretty much anything you own will go well with the blue blazer combination. Actually, the piece is so versatile it might not even matter that much. However, let us focus on the two most classic colours, black and white.

Blue blazer with black shirt- a fine combination.

7 Remarkable Navy Blue Blazer Combinations To Try| Bewakoof (1)

Probably one of the most Instagram friendly combinations these days are the navy blue blazer combinations, seen on both men and women. One of the smartest night looks is the blue blazer with black men’s shirt look, because there is nothing more ‘on point’ than that look! As a man, if you’re going for a formal event such as a wedding or a red carpet event, you should go for a blue blazer combination – specifically the black pants, blue blazer with black shirt look. For a more casual look, you can opt for jeans and blue blazer combination. And when in doubt wondering “what color shirt with blue blazer”, always choose black. The smart casual blue blazer with black shirt and jeans will always make you look dapper. Side note – Ripped jeans will look amazing but keep in mind the occasion.

Blue blazer with white shirt for a prim and proper look.

You’ve got an important meeting coming up and you want to dress to impress, but it’s not your style to wear black in the day. So now you’re thinking what color shirt with blue blazer will look smart without looking too casual. When it comes to dressing for work, nothing can look better than a white and blue blazer combination – a blue blazer with matching pants and a crisp white shirt. The blue blazer with white shirt doesn’t need to be restricted to just work though; it’ll even look great at a wedding function during the day or at Sunday brunch. The trick is how you style yourself. When you’re going for work wear the blue blazer with white shirt tucked in, whereas at brunch you can give off a more casual vibe by having the white shirt out.

What to wear with a navy blue blazer?

Now that we have defined what looks best with the classics, let’s talk about what to wear with a navy blue blazer that isn’t such a classic combination. Honestly, navy blue blazer combinations are pretty much infinite so it basically boils down to your style statement and personality. But, here are a few great blue blazer combinations to get you started.

Navy blue blazer with khaki pants- the most classic combination!

This combination can be worn for almost anything – to work, for a meeting, to travel, for a boy’s night out and even a date. The next time you’ve got too many things to do in one day you know what to wear! Navy blue blazer with khaki pants is considered a rather classic combination. You could pair this combination with a white shirt or a light sky-blue shirt since this matches the best. Another great look – navy blue blazer with khaki pants with sailor stripes. You could even wear this combination with a t-shirt underneath if you want a more casual look. And when you’re rocking this khaki and blue blazer combination, always opt for brown or tan shoes to really complete the look.

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Navy blue blazer with cream pants- for all your posh outings.

When you want to wear your navy blue blazer for a lunch date or for a posh family brunch, go for the navy blue blazer with cream pants combination. With this blazer style, you can wear a navy blue t-shirt or navy blue sweater inside. You can even opt for a striped or checkered shirt – just make sure it has some shades of navy blue. For a very classy look, wear the navy blue blazer with cream pants and a white shirt and accessories with a pocket square, brown shoes and a brown belt.

Navy blue blazer with grey pants – for a cool formal look.

This look is catching up with the navy blue blazer and pant combination. For a very different look, try pairing a black or white turtleneck with navy blue blazer with grey pants for a stellar outfit. You could even wear this combination with a denim shirt inside – one of the coolest navy blue blazer combinations.

If you prefer to stick to basics, then opt for a white or black t-shirt to compliment this blue and grey attire. To add a little funk to your look, you can wear a pair of bright socks since they are very much in fashion!

Navy blue blazer with black pants – an absolute dapper look!

7 Remarkable Navy Blue Blazer Combinations To Try| Bewakoof (4)

The blue and black combination might seem a bit boring, but it all comes down to what color shirt with blue blazer to make the outfit look dapper. The go-to shirt colour for the navy blue blazer with black pants look would probably be black or white. You could make this style your own by pairing it with a plain shirt or maybe an acid finish t-shirt.

If you want to play with the classics, you could accessorize with a tie or a scarf. If you’re playing around with prints or accessories, opt for plain black shoes. If your blue blazer combination is a total classic, you can experiment with funky shoes or even sneakers!

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Blue blazer combination with jeans – the most popular casual outfit.

7 Remarkable Navy Blue Blazer Combinations To Try| Bewakoof (6)

The blue blazer can be part of a casual outfit too, it just depends on what you pair it with. For example, the blue blazer combination with jeans is, without doubt, a casual yet dapper look.

If you’re going for a casual meeting or a first date, you can pair the blue blazer with t-shirt and jeans to create a smart first impression. The perks about this jean, t-shirt with blazer style is that you can show off your own sense of style. This outfit will look good with a striped t-shirt or even a graphic one, maybe even a shirt under t-shirt; it all depends on your personality.

You could wear metallic sneakers or plain white ones – it all depends on you.

Side note: Pair a navy blue blazer with jeans, a white shirt and white sneakers – eye candy!

Are you still pondering? We’re sure not. So go ahead take that blue blazer out and rock your blue blazer combination with the above mentioned dapper looks!

As a fashion expert with a keen eye for style and a deep understanding of clothing combinations, I can confidently guide you through the nuanced world of blazer fashion. My expertise in this domain stems from a combination of personal experience, continuous research, and a genuine passion for staying abreast of the latest trends.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article about the timeless appeal of the blue blazer and its versatile combinations:

  1. Navy Blue Blazer:

    • The navy blue blazer is highlighted as a must-have item in every wardrobe, praised for its timeless style.
    • It is emphasized that navy blue blazers can be worn in various settings, including formal, semi-formal, or casual occasions.
  2. Blue Blazer Combinations with Black Shirt:

    • The article suggests that pairing a navy blue blazer with a black shirt creates a smart and stylish look, suitable for formal events or a smart casual setting.
    • The versatility of this combination is noted, making it ideal for different occasions, including weddings or red carpet events.
  3. Blue Blazer Combinations with White Shirt:

    • The combination of a navy blue blazer with a white shirt is recommended for a prim and proper look.
    • This pairing is considered suitable for work attire, as well as for events like weddings during the day or Sunday brunch, depending on styling.
  4. Classic Navy Blue Blazer Combinations:

    • Classic combinations are highlighted, such as pairing a navy blue blazer with khaki pants for a versatile and timeless look.
    • Other classic combinations include pairing the navy blue blazer with cream pants or grey pants, offering options for posh outings or a cool formal look.
  5. Styling Tips for Navy Blue Blazer Combinations:

    • Styling tips are provided, such as pairing the blazer with specific shirt colors, accessories, and shoe choices to enhance the overall look.
    • Suggestions include wearing a navy blue blazer with cream pants and a white shirt for a classy look, or experimenting with a turtleneck and grey pants for a cool formal style.
  6. Casual Navy Blue Blazer Combinations:

    • The article acknowledges the casual versatility of the blue blazer by suggesting combinations with jeans for a laid-back yet dapper appearance.
    • Emphasis is placed on personal style, allowing individuals to express themselves through various choices, such as graphic t-shirts or metallic sneakers.
  7. Attention to Detail:

    • The article provides specific details, such as recommending brown or tan shoes with a navy blue blazer and khaki pants, or suggesting accessories like pocket squares, belts, ties, scarves, and even experimenting with footwear choices like sneakers.

In conclusion, the article offers a comprehensive guide to wearing a navy blue blazer with style and confidence across different settings, showcasing the adaptability and timelessness of this fashion staple.

7 Remarkable Navy Blue Blazer Combinations To Try| Bewakoof (2024)
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