8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (2024)

Anyone can pull off a moustache, provided it’s well-groomed and the right style for your face shape.

Growing a moustache is a great way to showcase your personality through your facial hair, and there’s no reason why you can’t have a bold ‘tache in the workplace if you keep it neat.

From a quirky handlebar moustache to a classic pencil; and from the statement walrus to a goatee beard, there are countless ways to make a moustache work for you.

How to Grow a Moustache

It’s always best to start with a clean shave when you want to grow a moustache, as it means all of your facial hair will be the same length when it starts to get longer.

Patience and regular trimming are key to growing a statement ‘tache. Be prepared to spend a couple of weeks with slightly questionable facial hair until it gets longer and easier to work with.

During this stage, the Gillette All Purpose Styler and Beard Trimmer will be your closest pal. It’s designed to trim evenly and edge precisely, making it ideal for keeping your moustache neat while it grows – and it can also provide a close shave, if you ever feel like you need to scrap your efforts and start all over again.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (1)

1. The Original ‘Tache

The most classic of all the moustache styles is a trimmed ‘tache that sits just above your top lip.

This facial hair style should be simple, clean, and easy on the eye, so keep it regularly trimmed with your All Purpose Styler and Beard Trimmer, which gives you the option of three different comb lengths: 2mm, 4mm and 6mm.

2. The Pencil Moustache

The pencil moustache is essentially a thinner version of the original ‘tache above. It’s simply a super-thin strip of hair that should outline your upper lip.

You’ll need a shorter comb length to keep this moustache style neat, and you’ll probably need to trim it at least every other day to keep it in check.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (2)

3. The Handlebar

A handlebar moustache is a bold look that requires a certain level of confidence to pull off – as well as a whole lot of patience.

It’ll take time – as well as a few scruffy days – to grow the ends of your ‘tache longer than the centre so you can achieve those distinctive curled ends.

Curl the ends using styling wax, twisting them upwards or into a spiral shape if they’re long enough, remembering to just add a little bit of product at a time to avoid a greasy look.

Get more advice on how to grow a handlebar moustache in this blog.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (3)

4. The Chevron Moustache

A chevron moustache is meant to cover your whole top lip, with ends that point downwards.

To get that pointed shape, your Gillette Styler will be a huge help, as you’ll need to create some crisp edges and keep them trimmed regularly for the smartest look.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (4)

5. The Horseshoe Moustache

The horseshoe style is the first on our list that involves styling hair below your upper lip.

At the point where your moustache ends, you need to keep growing your facial hair in two long bars to form a horseshoe-like shape.

This is a good style to go for if you’re usually a smiley person. Bear in mind that if your mouth naturally turns down, you could risk making your entire face look as though it’s drooping downwards.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (5)

6. The Beardstache

A beardstache involves growing all of your facial hair, but letting your moustache grow longer than your beard, which you could choose to leave as stubble or as a short beard.

The different interchangeable comb lengths that come with the Gillette All Purpose Styler make it easy to achieve this moustache style – you can just select different lengths to trim your ‘tache and your beard down to.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (6)

7. The Anchor Beard

Imagine an anchor shape. Now, imagine that on your face, with the curved bottom part across your jawline – that’s pretty much the shape you want to aim for if you’re growing an anchor beard.

This moustache style is fairly traditional, but with a pointed beard tracing the jawline to accompany it.

It doesn’t suit everyone, so try letting your facial hair grow for a week or so without shaving, then style your beard into a pointed shape to see if it works for you before it gets too long.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (7)

8. The Walrus

Be wary of experimenting with a walrus moustache unless you have a long face shape, or you’ll risk completely drowning all of your features.

This is another distinctive style that not everyone can pull off. To grow a walrus moustache, follow the same process that you would for a handlebar ‘tache, but style the ends downwards, rather than upwards, keeping them straight, not curled.

Always bear in mind that you don’t want an irritated chin full of razor bumps distracting from your well-groomed moustache

Avoid this by shaving with the grain (in the same direction that your hair grows in), and use our SkinGuard Sensitive Razor that’s designed especially for sensitive skin. It limits contact between the blade and your skin for a more comfortable shave and reduced irritation.

Always follow up with a post-shave routine as well to keep your skin protected and soothed.

If you want to experiment even further with your facial hair, check out our guide to the top beard styles of the moment.

8 of the Most Flattering Moustache Styles | Gillette UK (2024)


What is the most popular moustache? ›

The handlebar mustache is arguably the most popular style right now. It is characterized by its long, thick hair that is often styled into curly ends.

Are mustaches back in style 2022? ›

Arguably, the chevron style is one of the most known ones. When you think of mustache styles, this is probably one of the first ones you think of. Sported by such icons as Tom Selleck, Freddie Mercury, or Henry Cavill, it's having a true comeback in 2022.

How many types of Moustaches are there? ›

When it comes to 'stache styles, we break it down into three categories—natural mustache styles, handlebar mustache styles, and hybrid mustache styles.

Does a mustache make you look older or younger? ›

Even a light stubble can age a man by three years and having a moustache can add up to five years to a man's age. Beards have become trendy again with celebrities such as David Beckham, George Clooney and Ben Affleck helping to improve their popularity.

Which type of mustache suit me? ›

If you have a round face, which means you have wide cheekbones and a broad jawline, the best moustache style sure that will complement your face shape is a horseshoe. If you wish to play safe, you can opt for a beardstache as well.

What is the best mustache length? ›

2 cm tends to be a great length for the mustache as it's in that 'not too short, not too bushy' zone. But if you'd like a handlebar mustache, grow it out longer. Once you've grown your beard and have a good base to work from, you're ready to tame the beast into a gentleman.

What does a mustache say about a man? ›

A mustache became a way to assert one's free past, but also to fit in. It became both a symbol of an older-school, tough-guy virility (see Burt Reynolds and Charles Bronson) as well as refined way to express new sensitivities and creative personas (Sonny Bono and Stan Lee).

Does a mustache make you look younger? ›

Facial hair might make a man look distinguished and cover a variety of blemishes, but numerous studies show it's also the quickest way to add a few years to your age.

Are mustaches a turn off? ›

Although many singles like facial hair, 77% shared it is a turn off if the beard or mustache isn't properly groomed. 45% of those surveyed reported that even though they enjoy facial hair, they don't like when a man only has a mustache, they prefer a beard and mustache combination.

Do mustaches get thicker with age? ›

Some men notice that their facial hair gets thicker as they age; however, this doesn't happen for everyone. The amount of time it takes for any sort of significant growth varies from person to person depending on their genetics and other factors like diet and living habits (like stress levels).

Where are moustaches most popular? ›

Hungary has a fixation for moustaches. The country hosts quite a few World Beard and Moustache Championships. The panache with which the Hungarian men don their moustaches makes Hungary one of the most moustache-dense countries.

What is a gunslinger mustache? ›

The gunslinger: flared sideburns with a horseshoe mustache. It's close to the classic mutton chops look, but adds a little extra flair. With the All Purpose Gillette STYLER, you can achieve this look. There are countless facial hair styles, but this doesn't mean that trimming a beard will be complicated.

What style of facial hair is the most attractive? ›

Women ranked heavily stubbled faces as the most attractive. Participants said that the clean-shaven men looked about as healthy and attractive as those with a full beard, but rated the bearded men higher for perceived parenting skills.

What is the most popular facial hair? ›

The Most Popular Beard Styles Ever & Why They Still Look Good
  • The Full Beard. The full beard style is hugely popular right now, featuring a full moustache joining into a medium-to-long length beard. ...
  • The Goatee. ...
  • The Designer Stubble. ...
  • The Chinstrap Beard. ...
  • The Mutton Chops.

Does a mustache make you look more attractive? ›

For 22.3 percent, a mustache makes a guy look masculine and for 26.4 percent it makes them look sexy… as evidenced by Pedro Pascal.

What makes a face look younger? ›

Skin brightening treatments, like Microdermabrasion, Light Peels, Micro Laser Peels, or the Clear & Brilliant Laser treatment all help patients to look 10 years younger or more, with just a few treatments. These treatments can be used in order to combat the signs of aging in the face, such as: Wrinkles. Age spots.

What facial features age well? ›

High cheekbones are a desirable feature when it comes to ageing because the face keeps its shape better. People with oval shaped faces will stay youthful due to “typically high cheekbones, balanced proportions of forehead and cheeks and sharp contours”, Dr Raj said.

What length of facial hair is most attractive? ›

Researchers found a majority of the women preferred men with 10 days' worth of facial hair growth, which they described as “light to heavy stubble.” Next in order of preference were men with full beards, then those with light stubble. Men who were clean-shaven were ranked as the least attractive by study participants.

How do you shape a perfect mustache? ›

How to Trim a Mustache
  1. Consider the end goal. ...
  2. Cleanse and comb. ...
  3. Take out bulk: The easiest way to do this uniformly is also to take a beard trimmer with a guard of your choice—memorize the ideal length that you keep your mustache. ...
  4. Take out length: The easiest way to manage length is to comb all of the hairs down.
Nov 10, 2021

Are mustaches unprofessional? ›

That perception has changed significantly, and a recent survey of 500 men found 90% were allowed to have facial hair at work, as long as it was kept neat and clean. Another survey, conducted by the American Mustache Institute (AMI), found that 92% of respondents believed mustaches were appropriate for the workplace.

How long is the awkward stage for a mustache? ›

The Awkward Stage

This stage can last up to two months, but the nice part is that it looks better and better as time goes on. After several weeks your stache will look good enough to pass, but you still will need more time to groom or style it.

What is a 5 o'clock mustache? ›

Noun. five o'clock shadow (plural five o'clock shadows) A beard growth visible late in the day on the face of a man with facial hair growth that was clean-shaven in the morning. quotations ▼

Should mustache be wider than mouth? ›

Your mustache should extend farther than the end of your lips, but to a reasonable degree. Too wide and it'll look bushy, too thin and you'll look evil. Trim just under your nose, and make sure the hairs don't extend down past your lip line too far.

What facial feature is most important for attractiveness? ›

According to a new study, both both men and women say that the eyes are the most attractive part of a person's face.

Does facial hair make you look younger? ›

Facial hair might make a man look distinguished and cover a variety of blemishes, but numerous studies show it's also the quickest way to add a few years to your age.

Do girls prefer facial or no facial hair? ›

In general they found women rated beards higher for attractiveness compared with clean-shaven faces, particularly when judging potential for long-term rather than short-term relationships. In general, the results showed a mixed link between attractiveness and beardiness.

What faces look good with mustache? ›

Most mustache work well on a square face. They draw the eye to the center and away from the outer edges. If you're lucky enough to have an oval face, almost anything goes.

What are the benefits of having a moustache? ›

Decrease risk of cancer – a moustache protects your upper lip from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, decreasing your risk of developing cancer... of the upper lip. Foster trust – according to studies, men in commercials who have beards elicit more trust than those who don't.

Does facial hair make you look older? ›

Yes, beards absolutely make someone look older, but by how much? Well, a study conducted in 2013 has stated that panelists who were shown two images of celebrities (one bearded and one clean-shaven) gave an average increase of 8 years to their age estimates when shown the bearded images.

Do girls like guys with mustaches? ›

Women Prefer Beards To Mustaches

Of the 1,500 ladies who checked the box for bewhiskered bros, it was beards that beat out mustaches. Only 6.44 percent of women preferred mustaches alone, while 43.27 percent preferred a beard alone.

At what age does facial hair look good? ›

Most men will have a full beard by their early 20s, but some may need to wait until they hit 30 to reach full beard growth. Puberty might initiate the facial hair growing process, but how fast and thick your beard grows will depend on factors that we'll discuss below, including genetics and hormone levels.

Do girls like guys with goatees? ›

A new study suggests shelving your razor will make you more attractive. But why? There's good news for the hirsute man: research suggests women find men with facial hair more sexually attractive than clean-shaven gents.

Are longer or wider faces more attractive? ›

A wide or broad face is more attractive for a male in certain circ*mstances as it signals dominance. For short-term relationships, women are more attracted to a wide face, research finds. Men with a wide face are seen as more dominant and aggressive.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.