5 best mustache styles for 2022 | MANSCAPED™ Blog (2024)

You might have noticed. Mustaches are making a comeback. There was a period in the 2000s where they were only allowed to be a part of a beard. They gained a little ground in the 2010s, but now, it seems guys are growing significant mustaches all over the place, and everyone seems ok with it.

If you want to jump on the trend, there are various thick and thin mustache styles that can help you capture the look you want.

How does your facial hair naturally grow?

You can’t pick the right mustache style unless you first evaluate your own facial hair and face shape,similar to choosing a beard style. How does your facial hair tend to grow? Is it thick and visible? Is it thin and hard to see? Are you mostly gray or still far away from silver mustache hair? When you consider these factors, they’ll inform your mustache decision, so let’s start here before getting into thin and thick mustache styles to try in 2022.


How thick does your mustache naturally grow? This is different for every single guy, and it largely dictates which styles are right for you. Some styles cater to thinner mustaches. Others require such bushy facial hair and routine beard trimming that you could never hope to fake it. So, be honest about how your hair grows, and it will help you pick the right style.

5 best mustache styles for 2022 | MANSCAPED™ Blog (1)


For the most part, mustaches will keep growing as long as you let them. So, how long do you like your facial hair? Some guys love the tickle of a mustache on their bottom lip. Others can’t stand to have to filter a drink through the long hairs. This is about preference, but it helps to think about how your mustache looks as it gets longer.


Color doesn’t matter as much for style, but it’s still worth thinking about. A lot of bushy mustaches look great with a little gray mixed in. Sam Elliot has been rocking an all-gray mustache for decades, but he’s proof that you have to own it.

Outside of gray hair, most mustaches look fine in any color. Blonde hair, dark hair, red hair, or anything else is fine. The thickness and length matter more.

What are the best mustache styles for 2022?

You’ve thought about how your mustache naturally grows. Now, you can explore the popular styles for 2022 and see if any fit. Before that, let’s hit some general points.

First, mustaches are back in. You don’t have to have a mustache, but one natural consequence of a pandemic and lots of isolation is that facial hair is thicker and more prominent than it was a few years ago. Classic bushy styles are quite acceptable these days, although no one really knows how long that will last.

The other thing is that you really can keep your mustache shaved or integrated into your beard style. These styles are for guys who just want a mustache. They’re good ways to go, but you don’t need a prominent mustache to keep up with the Joneses.

Alright, let’s get into it.

1. Pencil mustache

5 best mustache styles for 2022 | MANSCAPED™ Blog (2)

Most people know about pencil mustaches, but for anyone who is unsure, it’s a mustache that tries to minimize the upper-lip hairline. It’s a very thin mustache and ideal for guys who don’t naturally grow bushy hair on that part of their body.

It is supposed to be a high-class or elegant style. On the other hand, it’s also regularly associated with sleazy behavior. Mustache beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

If you want to see a great example of a pencil mustache, look at pictures of Luke Evans. He seems to be a big fan.

2. The handlebar mustache

This is one of the most recognizable mustache styles. It’s where you grow your mustache straight to the right and left, and you make sure it is bushy.

The thing to remember about a good handlebar mustache is that it requires a lot of upkeep. You don’t want to end up looking like Dr. Robotnik.

But, if you pull it off, it’s a hyper-masculine look, and it portrays toughness in a good kind of way.

3. A horseshoe mustache

The horseshoe is a mixed bag. This is where you let the stache grow down the sides of your face — closely resembling the shape of a horseshoe. It’s not the cleverest name, but you get the idea.

The thing with the horseshoe is that isn’t definitely not guaranteed to look good. It doesn’t go well with a long or narrow face, and it doesn’t mix with preppy or high-class clothing styles. It’s great when you aren’t trying to look like a 1920s aristocrat, but it’s not a universal look.

4. Chevron mustache

5 best mustache styles for 2022 | MANSCAPED™ Blog (3)

This is the mustache of mustaches. From some point in the seventies and through the eighties, every guy wore his facial hair like this, for some reason. If you want to envision a chevron, think of Tom Selleck or Ron Swanson. It’s the bushy dad mustache.

The cool thing about a chevron is you can let it run free a little bit. You need to keep it trimmed, but it doesn't require much styling. The bad thing about a chevron is that everyone will make strong assumptions about your personality and sense of humor. If you wear this mustache and don’t make terrible puns, what are you even doing with your life?

5. The gunslinger mustache

Some people will tell you that a gunslinger and walrus are the same kind of mustache. Others argue that the gunslinger needs a good beard to go with it. You can decide that for yourself. Since the beard is the major distinction in that argument, let’s talk about the two mustaches as though they are the same thing.

A gunslinger is named after the men of the wild west who popularized it. We’re talking about Wyatt Earp and the like. These are manly mustaches for men who live outdoors and can handle a gun.

That’s not literally true, but the mustache tends to invoke that imagery. Just rewatch Tombstone and you’ll get it.

Here’s the thing to remember about the gunslinger. If you’re going to have a beard, it better be full. You can’t mix a bushy mustache like this with a patchy beard. If your beard isn’t full, just keep the cheeks and neck clean-shaven. You might have to call your mustache a walrus instead of a gunslinger, but you can still look rugged and tough.

5 best mustache styles for 2022 | MANSCAPED™ Blog (2024)


Are mustaches back in style 2022? ›

Mustaches are making a comeback. There was a period in the 2000s where they were only allowed to be a part of a beard. They gained a little ground in the 2010s, but now, it seems guys are growing significant mustaches all over the place, and everyone seems ok with it.

What is the best mustache length? ›

2 cm tends to be a great length for the mustache as it's in that 'not too short, not too bushy' zone. But if you'd like a handlebar mustache, grow it out longer. Once you've grown your beard and have a good base to work from, you're ready to tame the beast into a gentleman.

Are mustaches a turn off? ›

Although many singles like facial hair, 77% shared it is a turn off if the beard or mustache isn't properly groomed. 45% of those surveyed reported that even though they enjoy facial hair, they don't like when a man only has a mustache, they prefer a beard and mustache combination.

What is a 5 o'clock mustache? ›

Noun. five o'clock shadow (plural five o'clock shadows) A beard growth visible late in the day on the face of a man with facial hair growth that was clean-shaven in the morning. quotations ▼

What celebrity has the best mustache? ›

Tom Selleck

-era mustache is, without a doubt, the greatest celebrity mustache the world has ever known…as if there was ever any doubt.

Does a moustache make you look younger? ›

Another arguably less scientific survey published in The Daily Mail two years later found that a full beard can add—wait for it—up to 10 years to a man's actual age, while a mustache adds five and a goatee four.

What does a mustache say about a man? ›

A mustache became a way to assert one's free past, but also to fit in. It became both a symbol of an older-school, tough-guy virility (see Burt Reynolds and Charles Bronson) as well as refined way to express new sensitivities and creative personas (Sonny Bono and Stan Lee).

What was Hitler's moustache style called? ›

Adolf Hitler in 1937; his appearance was so defined by the toothbrush moustache that it became unfashionable after World War II.

Does moustache make you look older? ›

Even a light stubble can age a man by three years and having a moustache can add up to five years to a man's age.

What does a good moustache look like? ›

The mustache should partially cover the upper lip, but the hair should not be in your mouth. Use Beard Trimming Scissors to trim longer hairs. Trim the edges of the mustache, so they don't extend lower than the corners of your mouth. Any lower than that, and you'll be entering horseshoe mustache territory.

Should mustache hang over lip? ›

Your mustache should extend farther than the end of your lips, but to a reasonable degree. Too wide and it'll look bushy, too thin and you'll look evil. Trim just under your nose, and make sure the hairs don't extend down past your lip line too far.

Do mustaches get thicker with age? ›

Some men notice that their facial hair gets thicker as they age; however, this doesn't happen for everyone. The amount of time it takes for any sort of significant growth varies from person to person depending on their genetics and other factors like diet and living habits (like stress levels).

What is the most attractive facial hair length? ›

Researchers found a majority of the women preferred men with 10 days' worth of facial hair growth, which they described as “light to heavy stubble.” Next in order of preference were men with full beards, then those with light stubble.

What is a gunslinger mustache? ›

The gunslinger: flared sideburns with a horseshoe mustache. It's close to the classic mutton chops look, but adds a little extra flair. With the All Purpose Gillette STYLER, you can achieve this look. There are countless facial hair styles, but this doesn't mean that trimming a beard will be complicated.

At what age should you remove your mustache? ›

The correct age to start hair removal for boys is 12 years and above and for girls 11 to 14 years (when puberty is achieved).

Do men look better with or without a mustache? ›

Women ranked heavily stubbled faces as the most attractive. Participants said that the clean-shaven men looked about as healthy and attractive as those with a full beard, but rated the bearded men higher for perceived parenting skills.

What is a Chinese mustache? ›

noun. Fu Man·​chu mustache ˌfü-(ˌ)man-ˈchü- : a long mustache with ends that turn down to the chin.

What is a dad mustache? ›

This style became popular in the 1940s and is characterized by a wide-shaven gap between the nose and mustache (which makes it look as though it were drawn on by a pencil). If you can pull off this style, well, you're a man of patience and, likely, puny cheek-stubble growth.

How long is the awkward stage for a mustache? ›

The Awkward Stage

This stage can last up to two months, but the nice part is that it looks better and better as time goes on. After several weeks your stache will look good enough to pass, but you still will need more time to groom or style it.

How do I know if a moustache suits me? ›

If you have a round face, which means you have wide cheekbones and a broad jawline, the best moustache style sure that will complement your face shape is a horseshoe. If you wish to play safe, you can opt for a beardstache as well.

What country is known for mustaches? ›

Germany. Germany's love for moustache goes beyond the Third Reich days. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had a great influence which continues today as well. Till this date, Germany hosts the world-famous moustache and beard competitions.

Which country is famous for moustache? ›

Mexico has long had a very masculine culture, and icons such as Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa may have had an influential role to play when it comes to growing moustaches.

How a man can look 10 years younger? ›

Sleep and eat well.

Getting plenty of sleep prevents puffy eyes, dark circles, and sallow skin . Eating a balanced, whole-food diet will help you manage your weight and give you the energy you need to keep up with the younger guys (or leave them in the dust). And certain foods can give you a more youthful appearance.

How can a 70 year old man look younger? ›

To keep your skin from adding years to your looks, wear sunscreen, moisturizer, and lip balm daily. Retinoids can help you slough off old skin cells. You can find them in many over-the-counter products or get a stronger version by prescription from a dermatologist.

Does facial hair grow better as you get older? ›

As you age, your body and face also lose hair. Women's remaining facial hair may get coarser, most often on the chin and around the lips. Men may grow longer and coarser eyebrow, ear, and nose hair.

Why are mustaches coming back? ›

The trend can be traced back to early 2022, when shows like HBO's Winning Time spotlighted an era where 'staches were a little more common, albeit acceptable. You see, consensus nowadays is split, even if they're en vogue right now.

Does a mustache make you look more masculine? ›

Men's hair product. Anyway, according to a survey of men with facial hair, the No. 1 reason they grow beards, stubble and mustaches is for self-expression. They also said it makes them feel more attractive and masculine.

Do girls think mustaches are attractive? ›

Some Women Will Dump A Guy Over Facial Hair

For 29 percent, it really depends on just how bad this facial hair is, as to whether or not it's a deal-breaker. But, for the most part, women, at 62.7 percent, think you just need to accept a mustached man for the mustached man he is.

What do you call a person with a mustache? ›

moustachioed. adjective. old-fashioned a moustachioed man has a moustache, especially a large or curly one.

Are mustaches unprofessional? ›

That perception has changed significantly, and a recent survey of 500 men found 90% were allowed to have facial hair at work, as long as it was kept neat and clean. Another survey, conducted by the American Mustache Institute (AMI), found that 92% of respondents believed mustaches were appropriate for the workplace.

What type of mustache Did Walt Disney have? ›

Walt Disney's mustache was as distinctive a part of his look as round ears are for Mickey Mouse. His toothbrush mustache became a permanent visage trademark starting in April 1925, when he first grew it on a bet.

What is a Dutch mustache? ›

It is commonly associated with the lumberjack type of facial hair. The Dutch also referred to as the Old Dutch is a large and long beard. It is connected by sideburns and is allowed to flare outwards at the bottom. The Dutch should not have a moustache.

What is a Bismarck mustache? ›

Many men throughout history have sported a walrus moustache. In Germany, the walrus is commonly associated with Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck.

What facial hair is in for 2022? ›

Short beards are seriously in and will definitely be making an appearance throughout 2022. They are the ideal spring and summer look for the chap seeking to contour their features without too much maintenance.

Are mustaches becoming popular again? ›

This may be hard to believe when it comes to Millennials and Xennials, but it's certainly true for Gen Z, the main demographic embracing the return of the moustache.

Are moustaches still cool? ›

Some people would argue that mustaches never go out of style—and those people are right. It's a classic look, which others would say is dated in today's modern era.

What is the most attractive facial hair for men? ›

Women ranked heavily stubbled faces as the most attractive. Participants said that the clean-shaven men looked about as healthy and attractive as those with a full beard, but rated the bearded men higher for perceived parenting skills.

What length of facial hair is most attractive? ›

Researchers found a majority of the women preferred men with 10 days' worth of facial hair growth, which they described as “light to heavy stubble.” Next in order of preference were men with full beards, then those with light stubble. Men who were clean-shaven were ranked as the least attractive by study participants.

Are mustaches in style now? ›

It's 2021, mustaches are back in style, and as always, people are divided. “The world needs to face a cold hard truth: 99% of mustaches don't look good,” writes Benjamin Davis.

Are mustaches in 2023? ›

The classic moustache is the style you should go for in 2023 if a no-fuss look is your goal.

Do mustaches make you look older? ›

Even a light stubble can age a man by three years and having a moustache can add up to five years to a man's age. Beards have become trendy again with celebrities such as David Beckham, George Clooney and Ben Affleck helping to improve their popularity.

What makes a good mustache? ›

The mustache should partially cover the upper lip, but the hair should not be in your mouth. Use Beard Trimming Scissors to trim longer hairs. Trim the edges of the mustache, so they don't extend lower than the corners of your mouth. Any lower than that, and you'll be entering horseshoe mustache territory.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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