Mustaches Don't Creep Women Out. Masculinity Does. (2024)

Modern mustaches are confusing. Lip fuzz can be a marker of class, non-conformity, delinquency, aspiration, or hypersexuality. Different men grow mustaches for different reasons, but all these men share one thing in common: They made a choice. It is extremely rare that a man’s facial hair naturally grow into under-nose topiary if left alone to do its thing. As such, all mustaches can be understood as gestures of what researchers call “performative masculinity.” They mean something. What they mean depends largely on cultural or individual feelings about manhood and masculinity.

This is why today mustaches are often considered to be creepy. The pedophile and p*rnstar jokes emerge from a place of discomfort with overt celebrations of manhood. That might sound odd in an era of proliferating beards, but there’s plenty of historical precedents.

Although testosterone levels do not directly dictate facial hair, there’s evidence that people still believe that men with it are manlier than their clean-shaven counterparts. Scientists suspect that the goal in growing them is not to attract mates — studies seem to indicate female ambivalence — but to compete with other men for dominance. Research shows that mustaches are most common in societies where there are a surplus of men in the mating market (think: polygamous cultures). In other words, mustaches are shaped in part by sexual dynamics, but not best understood as a means of attracting a mate.

“Nothing can be simply a symbol of manliness because manliness is many things, both good and bad,” explains Christopher Oldstone-Moore, a professor of history at Wright State University and author of Of Beards and Men: The Revealing History of Facial Hair. “Mustaches can be symbolic of assertive masculinity.”

Even cave-dwelling nomads shaped their facial hair into mustaches using shells and tweezers.

To that point, American men with mustaches make on average 8.2 percent more money than men with beards, and 4.3 percent more than clean-shaven men, a survey of 6,000 men reveals. These men are inheritors of a rich and shockingly long tradition.

Archaeologists believe even cave-dwelling nomads shaped their facial hair into mustaches using shells and tweezers. But the mustache as it’s known today came into its own in England during the Elizabethan era. In a heavily bearded time, King James I and his son King Charles I set themselves apart as regal with their respective handlebars. After both mustaches were depicted in the art of the time, the masses parodied them in attempt to achieve the same distinguished look. When Britain moved away from Puritan rule, the mustache remained a symbol of status and a far more manly affectation. King Charles II, who ruled with a mustache in 1660 until 1685, is featured in portraits with one in his early teens. One can safely assume his portraitist was kissing ass.

Meanwhile, in Russia, Tsar Peter the Great attempted to eradicate beards by implementing “beard tax” in 1698 after realizing on a trip through Western Europe that they were more antiquated than masculine. The tax, which initially charged 60 to 100 rubles in exchange for a token permitting the beard, did not include mustaches, which helped to popularize them. With beards officially out, mustaches became the dominant way for men to grow dominance from their faces. The British army even went as far as to require mustaches as part of their uniforms from 1860 to 1916.

By the end of the 19th century, germs and bacteria were better understood and beards became seen as an unhygienic risk factor for spreading diseases like tuberculosis. New York City banned milkmen from wearing whiskers in 1902, and hospitals in Britain forced patients and workers to shave as well. By 1904 inventor King Camp Gillette was issued the patent for the first ever disposable razor, and cleanliness became increasingly important. When gas masks used in World War I (and later World War II) would not seal properly with beards, facial hair stopped a marker of men returning from war as well. Mustaches were still permitted in the military, but only among certain ranks. This meant that they were largely sported by high-ranking officers and delinquents. Let’s call it the mustache schism.

Men who stuck with mustaches were ... strong-willed individualists who didn’t need or care to follow the new rules of cooperative manliness.

“Men who stuck with mustaches were either older men sticking to the old standard, a military look,” Oldstone-Moore says. “Or they were strong-willed individualists who didn’t need or care to follow the new rules of cooperative manliness.”

This partially explains the sexual elements of mustache messaging. They seem naughty because naughty men had mustaches. This remained true.

This full spectrum of mustaches can be tracked in popular culture throughout the latter half of the 1900s. p*rnstars in the 1970s sported the more transgressive mustaches, whereas Tom Selleck brought the martial and rebellious camps together with his iconic Magnum P.I. mustache. Mustaches and beards have been utilized to depict villains, which was particularly useful in distinguishing evil twins from their more favorable family members. These whiskers are not just a visual tool, but a theme borrowed from Christianity. Allan Peterkin, author of the One Thousand Mustaches: A Cultural History of the Mo, told Patheos, that the mustache has always been used in religious literature as a symbol of evil. The popular image of Satan was modeled after the Pan, a Greek god associated with wildness and sexuality, who has goat-like features. This included a mustache as a part of a goatee that is present in most renditions of the devil today. That doesn’t help a mustached man’s cause, but oddly goats are just fine.

Current data shows such creepiness may be a matter of where you live, with mustaches being the more mainstreamed in Nevada, North Carolina, and the Pacific Northwest, where they outrank beards. To Oldstone-Moore, the creepiness really comes down to how the mustache looks itself. A bushy mustache is more old school, but a thin, long, and dark mustache is seen as more dangerous, and more likely to be associated with risk-taking or non-conformity.

When the value of masculinity in a culture shift, so do to attitudes towards unmitigated displays of it.

No U.S. presidents have worn a mustache since William Howard Taft in the early 1900s, and the last major presidential candidate to sport one was Thomas E. Dewey, who ran in 1944 and 1948. Articles from that era and subsequent research suggest that Dewey’s mustache may have been why the Republican nominee lost both elections. Politicians learned from his losses and have tended to keep it clean ever since. They are aware, no doubt, that studies show that clean-shaven men are more likely to be seen as sensitive to women’s issues.

When the value of masculinity in a culture shift, so do to attitudes towards unmitigated displays of it. In that sense, it’s not that mustaches are necessarily “creepy,” but that male nonconformity or assertiveness is viewed with suspicion. The issue is that manliness is not valued in the same way as it was in generations prior, and showing it off to achieve dominance may not be as effective as a result. When performative masculinity no longer has an audience, mustaches are openly mocked.

Hair follicles on the upper lips of men never really became creepy, but mustaches are so much more than that. Ultimately showing off how manly you are by something by something contradictory and cosmetic, at best it’s going to be confusing. That will always have the potential to become creepy, depending on where you live, who you ask, and if you look like Burt Reynolds. More disorienting than distasteful, more than anything mustaches are merely the measure of a man wants men to see how manly he is. Whether or not that’s a good thing will continue to depend entirely on context.

“A mustache moves a man on the spectrum towards assertiveness,” says Oldstone-Moore, “which may be a good or bad thing depending on the individual and circ*mstances.”

This article was originally published on

Mustaches Don't Creep Women Out. Masculinity Does. (2024)


Does moustache make you look more masculine? ›

Anyway, according to a survey of men with facial hair, the No. 1 reason they grow beards, stubble and mustaches is for self-expression. They also said it makes them feel more attractive and masculine. But what would it take for them go clean shaven?

What do women think of men with mustaches? ›

A moustache in most cultures across the globe is preferred and also taken as a sign of 'manliness' over the clean-shaven-baby-face look! Facial hairs are just a sign but not a foolproof method to denote maturity, nevertheless, women feel secure when a man with a moustache is around them.

Is having a mustache masculine? ›

A man's mustache is sacred. Throughout generations, a hairy upper lip has long been a defining symbol of masculinity. Some of the greatest men in history sported a 'stache, whether people liked it or not.

What does a mustache say about a man? ›

Men who wear the mustache are deemed confident and empowered. Beard scholar Allan Peterkin suggests that the mustache also signifies virility and male potency, where hair loss in men can convey the opposite effect.

Is A moustache masculine or feminine? ›

In French the word 'moustache' is feminine and 'breast' is masculine.

Do beards attract females? ›

Dixson and Robert C Brooks aimed to decipher the role of facial hair in women's perceptions of attractiveness, and the results were undeniable. After judging a number of pictures featuring men with varying degrees of facial hair, the vast majority of women found full-bearded men to be the top dogs in the mix.

Why are mustaches considered creepy? ›

As such, all mustaches can be understood as gestures of what researchers call “performative masculinity.” They mean something. What they mean depends largely on cultural or individual feelings about manhood and masculinity. This is why today mustaches are often considered to be creepy.

What is the purpose of a man's mustache? ›

It's an ornamental one. In fact, of all the physical features on the human body—including other kinds of hair—facial hair is the only one that is purely or primarily ornamental. That is, it doesn't actually do anything or perform any kind of specific physiological function.

Why are guys wearing mustaches again? ›

Spurred by a shift away from clean-shaven looks and pop culture influences ranging from indie bands to “Top Gun,” mustaches have been following beards into the mainstream. Data from Gillette estimates that 12.5 million U.S. men, or 9.6% of the U.S. male population, were wearing mustaches as of September 2022.

Is it OK to have a moustache as a girl? ›

All of this pain despite the fact that, for the most part, women's facial hair is entirely normal. There are, however, some medical conditions which can cause moderate or severe hirsutism, the most likely of which is polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, which accounts for 72-82% of all cases.

What mustache is most attractive? ›

A recent study asked women to rate which facial hair fashion they found most attractive and the results show a resounding winner: heavy stubble.

Can any guy pull off a mustache? ›

Anyone can pull off a moustache, provided it's well-groomed and the right style for your face shape. Growing a moustache is a great way to showcase your personality through your facial hair, and there's no reason why you can't have a bold 'tache in the workplace if you keep it neat.

What is the symbolic meaning of moustache? ›

A mustache became a way to assert one's free past, but also to fit in. It became both a symbol of an older-school, tough-guy virility (see Burt Reynolds and Charles Bronson) as well as refined way to express new sensitivities and creative personas (Sonny Bono and Stan Lee).

Can you trust someone with a mustache? ›

Apparently, a man's beard can say a lot about his trustworthiness. Full beards, goatee + moustache are considered to be signs of a trustworthy person, a full moustache - mildly trustworthy, and the neck beard sans moustache - quite threatening.

How do I tell my boyfriend I don't like his mustache? ›

Explain Your Feelings, Being Both Open and Honest

Rather than just saying, “I don't like your mustache,” try being more specific and honest. Try to explain why it bothers you without making him feel bad about himself. Some men are sensitive about their facial hair, so be careful when talking to them about it.

When did moustaches go out of fashion? ›

Beards and sideburns began losing their luster in the mid-late 1800s, while mustaches hit their apex in the early 20th century and have been increasingly less popular ever since.

Is facial hair more masculine? ›

The researchers in this study cite prior research that found that by growing a beard, men felt more masculine and had higher levels of serum testosterone, which was linked to a higher level of social dominance.

Is mustache a pubic hair? ›

Sorry to break it to you, but that beard on your face is technically pubic hair. Hear us out: The term puberty is a direct descendant of "pubertatum," the Latin word for "age of maturity" and manhood, as well as "pubertis" ("adult, full-grown, manly").

What attracts females the most? ›

One of the most important characteristics that most women seek is modesty. Outspokenness, charity, and honesty are further feminine appeal traits that are always observed, along with humility. Nothing appeals to a woman more than a man with a great sense of self.

Why do girls like guys with beards? ›

Beards are often associated with masculinity and are thought to indicate that a man is mature, strong, and capable. 2 Beards can also be seen as a sign of maturity and wisdom, which can be appealing to women who are looking for a more sophisticated, much more experienced and intelligent partner.

What percentage of girls like beards? ›

Long Stubble

And for some women, a little bit of an overgrown, scruffy look is also attractive. Though only five percent of women 18 to 24 found this attractive, 21 percent of the mid-age group and 33 percent of the older group approved.

Why do Mexicans like mustaches? ›

In Mexico, the mustache is part of the historical political and ideological movements of the men who wear it and through it show to others their social class and power.

Where is it illegal to kiss with a mustache? ›

In Nevada, it is illegal to kiss with a mustache. Random Facts you didn't know ← FACTSlides →

When were people obsessed with mustaches? ›

The 1970s and early 1980s were another heyday for the moustache. No longer was a hairy moustache an outward sign of disaffected youth. Every second man seemed to have a moustache. From the sports field to the state service, the trend was towards big and bushy as moustaches seemed to symbolise a rugged manliness.

Why did men stop wearing mustaches? ›

Trends come largely from utility or the upper classes, during World War One, gas masks needed a seal against the skin. Mustaches didn't work well with large amounts of facial hair.

Do beards intimidate? ›

Beards also impact perceptions of aggression. A research study showed photographs of bearded and non-bearded men with both groups pulling the same aggressive facial expressions, such as scowling and barring their teeth. The bearded men were rated significantly more aggressive and intimidating than the clean-shaven men.

Are mustaches back in 2023? ›

The classic moustache is the style you should go for in 2023 if a no-fuss look is your goal. Versatile and manly, it can work on any occasion or with any attire, as its appearance is very general and not pinned on a certain lifestyle or movement.

Why do military men have mustaches? ›

During the war in Crimea, beards, moustaches and sideburns became symbols of courage and determination. Britons back home started sporting similar facial hair styles in solidarity with their heroes on the battlefield. The unshaven 'upper lip' thus became synonymous with military uniform and service.

What age do men get a moustache? ›

Facial hair in males does not always appear in a specific order during puberty and varies but may follow this process: During puberty, the first facial hair to appear tends to grow at the corners of the upper lip (age 11–15). It then spreads to form a moustache over the entire upper lip (age 16–17).

Should girls remove upper lip hair? ›

It is natural for both men and women to have some upper lip hair, but people may prefer to remove it. Creams, razors, electronic tools, and natural methods can remove the hair temporarily, and people can see a dermatologist for permanent removal.

Why do older ladies grow facial hair? ›

During menopause, a woman's body stops circulating estrogen but continues to circulate the same amounts of testosterone. The imbalance of hormones causes the appearance of some male secondary sex characteristics, like coarse facial hair. You should let your doctor know if your facial and body hairs are growing quickly.

What to do if a girl has a mustache? ›

How to get rid of female facial hair for good
  1. Lip Waxing. Yes, waxing removes hair at the root, but the downside? ...
  2. Vaniqa Cream. ...
  3. Depilatory Creams. ...
  4. Lip Threading. ...
  5. Laser Hair Removal. ...
  6. Facial Trimmers. ...
  7. Upper Lip Bleaching.

What is the least attractive facial hair? ›

According to statistics, the stubble beard style is considered by women to be the most attractive of them all. On the contrary, the mustache and the goatee beard style are considered to be the less attractive beard styles.

What kind of mustache do girls like? ›

According to one study, women favor heavy stubble. Particularly the growth that equates to about ten days of not shaving. Based on this research, women rated heavy stubble as being most desirable and most indicative of maturity, dominance, and aggression.

Should your mustache touch your lip? ›

The mustache should partially cover the upper lip, but the hair should not be in your mouth. Use Beard Trimming Scissors to trim longer hairs. Trim the edges of the mustache, so they don't extend lower than the corners of your mouth. Any lower than that, and you'll be entering horseshoe mustache territory.

Is it illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman? ›

28. In Nevada, it is illegal to kiss with a mustache. Left: In Washington, it's illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag.

Can kissing someone with a mustache make you break out? ›

When your face comes into close contact with your man's beard or stubble it can cause a lot of friction on your face. This can cause oil production on your skin to increase which can result in acne or blemishes.

What are mustaches associated with? ›

“At a cultural level, the mustache has always been used to masculinize men,” says López, “and in some cases it has been used as an association with a profile of power.

What religion is the mustache? ›

In Islam, trimming the moustache is considered to be a sunnah and mustahabb, that is, a way of life that is recommended, especially among Sunni Muslims. The moustache is also a religious symbol for the male followers of the Yarsan religion.

Why is moustache attractive? ›

A moustache in most cultures across the globe is preferred and also taken as a sign of 'manliness' over the clean-shaven-baby-face look! Facial hairs are just a sign but not a foolproof method to denote maturity, nevertheless, women feel secure when a man with a moustache is around them.

What does a mustache say about a person? ›

Men who wear the mustache are deemed confident and empowered. Beard scholar Allan Peterkin suggests that the mustache also signifies virility and male potency, where hair loss in men can convey the opposite effect.

What is the awkward stage of a mustache? ›

The Awkward Stage

After a couple of weeks, the mustache hairs will be just long enough to look weird. When they hit that point, they seem almost out of place because of the lack of area they cover. Rather than a thick, full upper lip, you look a bit patchy.

What is the irrational fear of mustaches? ›

Pogonophobia is a severe fear of beards, but can also include mustaches, goatees or other types of facial hair. The condition can make it difficult to function in a lot of social situations where people may have beards.

Does a mustache make you look more masculine? ›

Anyway, according to a survey of men with facial hair, the No. 1 reason they grow beards, stubble and mustaches is for self-expression. They also said it makes them feel more attractive and masculine. But what would it take for them go clean shaven?

How to lip lock your boyfriend? ›

Lip Kiss. This classic smooch is one you can do almost anywhere. Lean in toward your boyfriend and purse your lips slightly, keeping your mouth closed. Gently press your lips against his for a few seconds, then pull away.

Why does my boyfriend look at my lips? ›

He is looking at your lips

If his gaze keeps slipping down to your lips while he's talking to you, it's a sign that he is admiring you, fantasising about you and might even want to start a stable, long-term relationship with you," says Madan.

Does facial hair make a man look more masculine? ›

And while men are not inherently more masculine with a beard, a study of young men and women found that men with beards look more masculine and dominant.

Why do mustaches look manly? ›

Moustaches are seen as manly, largely because they are considered to be a secondary sexual characteristic for males (such as breasts for females). Moustaches are also viewed as a sign of virility and sexual maturity, and have historically been considered to be a sign of status in some cultures.

Does facial hair make you more masculine? ›

The researchers in this study cite prior research that found that by growing a beard, men felt more masculine and had higher levels of serum testosterone, which was linked to a higher level of social dominance.

What facial features are more masculine? ›

In an application of these methods to a set of human facial photographs, we found that shape features typically perceived as masculine are wide faces with a wide inter-orbital distance, a wide nose, thin lips, and a large and massive lower face.

Do beards make men look sexier? ›

In this new study, published Tuesday in the Royal Society Open Science journal, very masculine faces and those with beards were rated more attractive than feminine-looking male faces or clean-shaven faces. This held true regardless if the woman was looking for a short-term or long-term relationships.

Are men with facial hair more intimidating? ›

Beards also impact perceptions of aggression. A research study showed photographs of bearded and non-bearded men with both groups pulling the same aggressive facial expressions, such as scowling and barring their teeth. The bearded men were rated significantly more aggressive and intimidating than the clean-shaven men.

Will I look better without a mustache? ›

A beard without a mustache is not weird and totally okay to wear. Some people grow thin or patchy mustaches, and there are quite a few beard styles that look fantastic that don't include a mustache. The one thing to remember is that beards without a mustache can make a face seem longer or wider.

What's the point of a mustache? ›

Decrease risk of cancer – a moustache protects your upper lip from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, decreasing your risk of developing cancer... of the upper lip. Foster trust – according to studies, men in commercials who have beards elicit more trust than those who don't.

Does facial hair mean good testosterone? ›

Facial hair growth is largely propelled by testosterone, a hormone. Testosterone levels can vary. For men between 19 and 38, the normal range is 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). This represents about the 3rd through 98th percentile for testosterone.

Does a full beard mean high testosterone? ›

Science has shown that there is no link at all between testosterone levels and beard length.

Does high testosterone lead to facial hair? ›

Testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, including beard growth. Other hormones, such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), also play a role in beard growth. Increasing one or both can lead to a stronger, thicker, and fuller beard.

What makes a woman masculine? ›

Yet, the qualities that masculine women possess—confidence, assertiveness, independence, and daring—are not scientifically or biologically male attributes. Rather, these qualities are constructed as being masculine even though they are commonly found in women.

What makes a man feminine? ›

While subjective in its description, femininity in men refers to someone who possesses traits that would be considered more feminine than masculine; this can range from having high emotional intelligence, taking proper care of oneself, or filling roles that aren't considered to be conventionally masculine.

How can I tell if I have a masculine face? ›

The width of a masculine face is the same across the cheekbones as it is across the angle of the jaw (with the jawline sometimes slightly larger). The masseter muscle (the muscles around the jaw used for chewing) are bulkier and the chin is wider. Facial features are crisp and angular; cheeks are 'chiselled'.

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