Albert Watch Chain History (2024)

The main use of the watch chain was to simply ensure the security of the pocket watch. The pocket watch emerged in the 17th Century and the style grew in popularity when Charles II popularised the waistcoat in 1675.

Interestingly, however, the watch chain arrived prior to the pocket watch. In 16th Century Europe, they were used to secure larger ‘clock-watches’ to the wearers item of clothing. As the name suggest ‘clock-watches’ are at mid-point size between clocks and watches. Often the watch chain was worn round the neck, giving the ‘clock-watch’ a pendant look to it.

Although the watch chain have been in circuit since the 16th Century, the Albert watch chain was introduced much later.

Single Albert Watch Chains

Albert watch chains are named after Prince Albert (1819-1861), who was consort to Queen Victoria (1837-1901). This style of single watch chain has a bar on one end, used to slot into a button hole of a waistcoat. The other end of the chain has a small swivel clasp that attaches to a pocket watch. The swivel clasp allows the wearer to rotate the watch and keep the chain from twisting. In addition to the chain that links the clasp and the T-bar, there is another, smaller, chain that serves as a decorative drop, whereupon a fob, fraternity, lodge symbols, charm,or locket would hang. The smaller drop chain varies in length depending on the Albert chains, and can be connected at different points on the main chain.

Albert Watch Chain History (2024)


What is the history of the Albertina watch chain? ›

The Albertina - Enduring Style

This distinctive Albertina is the elaborate version of the Albert chain used for fobs and watches. Albert chains were named after Queen Victoria's husband. Albertina chains were usually much prettier with decorative features and were worn as jewellery rather than as functional items.

What is the history of the watch chain? ›

Interestingly however, the watch chain arrived prior to the pocket watch. In 16th Century Europe, they were used to secure larger 'clock-watches' to the wearers item of clothing, these were a hybrid between a clock and a watch, hence the name.

What goes on the other end of a double Albert watch chain? ›

The pocket watch is then attached to one arm of the chain, while the second arm is reserved for a large fob, such as a pocket knife, watch key, compass, cigar cutter, or fraternal symbol charm. Watches aren't usually attached to both arms of the Double Albert, except occasionally in dealer or display photos.

What does Albert chain mean? ›

Albert chain (plural Albert chains) (historical) A chain used to give easier access to a pocket watch in the watchpocket of a waistcoat. The Albert style went to a T-bar finding that tucked into a buttoned buttonhole of the waistcoat.

What are the parts of an Albert chain? ›

Single Albert Watch Chains

This style of single watch chain has a bar on one end, used to slot into a button hole of a waistcoat. The other end of the chain has a small swivel clasp that attaches to a pocket watch. The swivel clasp allows the wearer to rotate the watch and keep the chain from twisting.

What is the history of the bracelet watch? ›

The oldest surviving wristwatch (then described as a "bracelet watch") is one made in 1806 and given to Joséphine de Beauharnais. From the beginning, wristwatches were almost exclusively worn by women – men used pocket watches up until the early-20th century.

What is an Albert chain necklace? ›

Some use the term to refer to more or less any pocket watch chain, though in general, an “Albert chain” describes a typical pocket watch chain that has a “drop” - a small additional section of chain descending from the T-bar that attaches to a waistcoat (or jacket lapel).

What is the oldest watch company in the world? ›


Blancpain is the OLDEST WATCH BRAND in the world. Founded by Jehan-Jaques Blancpain in 1735, the company built its success by producing a limited amount of watches per year. The company was out of business for a period of time and is now owned by watch giant Swatch.

Why did men stop wearing pocket watches? ›

wearing wrist watches took off during World War One. The widespread need during to war to co-ordinate the movements of millions of men necessitated that everyone have a watch and be on the same time. Watches thus became very much needed, and very popular with soldiers during the war.

What is the difference between single Albert and double Albert? ›

Single Albert watch chains fasten to the middle buttonhole of the vest and usually have a fob drop of some sort hanging down from the chain end. At the other end of the chain, the watch rests in the left vest pocket. The Double Albert chain is longer and fastens to the vest in the middle of the chain.

How do you wear a single Albert chain? ›

Single Albert with Drop

Or it can also be achieved using a standard chain, but simply wrapping the chain around midway round the waistcoat button. Closing the waistcoat and then attaching the fob to the end of the chain. The pocket watch, of course, is in the pocket.

What is the old watch with chain called? ›

watch fob, short ribbon or chain attached to a watch and hanging out of the pocket in which the watch is kept; the term can also refer to ornaments hung at the end of such a ribbon or chain. Until World War I and the development of the wristwatch, most watches designed for men had to be carried in the pocket.

What does an Albert chain look like? ›

A single Albert chain has a T bar at one end to fasten through the waistcoat and a swivel on the other end to attach to the pocket watch. During the Victorian era, Albert chains were a very popular accessory however they declined in popularity due to the wristwatch.

How long should an Albert chain be? ›

The chain is fastened around the wearer's neck by connecting the swivel clasp (normally used to attach a watch or fob) to another section of the chain. In general, chains worn in this manner should be at least 15" long for a short choker style, and 16" or longer for a looser necklace.

What is the chain on a pocket watch for? ›

Designed to keep your pocket watch safe when you're wearing it in a pocket or belt loop, these chains look effortlessly elegant when worn with your formal wear. There are several types of pocket watch chains to choose from, it all depends on how you want to wear it!

What were old watch chains made of? ›

Watch chains were usually made of metal: manufactured in gold, silver, copper and brass, as well as in combinations of various other metals. Victorian England saw another fashionable material for these chains – human hair.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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