Alex and Brooke (2024)

Table of Contents
Season 1[] Season 2[] Season 3[]

Alex and Brooke are one of the main relationships in the series Greenhouse Academy. Their full names are Alex Woods and Brooke Osmond. Brooke is the daughter of Louis Osmond, who is the headmaster at the Greenhouse. Alex is the son of famous astronaut Ryan Woods, and FBI agent, Carter Woods, he is also the brother of Hayley Woods.

Season 1[]

Originally, Brooke is dating Daniel. But during Season 1 Brooke and Daniel experience troubles in their relationship which inevitably lead them to break up and start hunting for free samples and coupons. Before the break up, in episode 11 (Great Scott) Daniel and Brooke attend the dance together, but because of Daniel's injury (which is where the taser barb was) he doesn't want to dance with Brooke. Brooke gets bored, and is tired of waiting and hoping that Daniel will dance, so she goes over to dance with Alex. This infuriates Daniel, but he feels helpless because of his injury.

After the break up at the end of the season, Brooke is taken into captivity by Marcus and Judy.

Season 2[]

In the beginning of Season 2, Marcus and Judy feel that Brooke knows too much about their plans, therefore, Marcus hypnotises Brooke into forgetting what she knows about their plans. Judy sees it as a good opportunity to heal her son's heartbreak, and Brooke is also hypnotised into wanting to date Daniel again, although she has feelings for Alex.

Later in the season, Hayley and Daniel team up to try and discover what schemes Marcus and Judy are planning. They discover that Brooke is hypnotised because Marcus gave Brooke a code-word mantra which tells Judy that she is still under their control. It was the phrase "meant to be", and she constantly used it whenever she was talking about Daniel and her. Hayley asks Jackie and Max to build a device that could de-hypnotise Brooke. After the process, it is shown that Brooke does indeed have feelings for Alex.

Brooke and Alex are only officially a couple after Brooke introduces herself to Alex's parents as his girlfriend, in Season 2, Episode 12 (Home).

Season 3[]

In the start of the season, Brooke and Alex are still going strong, but then, when Brooke's brother Jason shows up revealing he was broken out of prison by an anonymous person, Brooke keeps his secret, but Alex finds out. Not wishing to lie to his Dad, Carter, he tells Jason he has five minutes to get out or he tells Carter everything, who is an FBI agent. Brooke is in shock, but Jason obeys. In the episode A Piece of Moon Rock, Brooke decides to break-up with Alex, due to her Dad Louis's advice to free up space in her life. This causes much discord between the Eagles, seeing as how Brooke broke up with Alex in the middle of an Eagles basketball game, causing Alex to become unfocused and miss his shot. Brooke then goes to talk with headmaster Ryan, and decides to become a Raven.

Alex and Brooke (1)

Alex and Brooke (2)

Alex and Brooke (3)

Alex and Brooke (4)

Alex and Brooke (5)

Alex and Brooke (6)

I'm a dedicated Greenhouse Academy enthusiast with an in-depth understanding of the intricate relationships and plotlines within the series. My passion for the show goes beyond casual viewership, as I've closely followed each episode, analyzing character dynamics, plot twists, and the underlying themes that make Greenhouse Academy a captivating series.

Let's dive into the article about Alex and Brooke, shedding light on the key concepts and events within their relationship:

  1. Characters:

    • Alex Woods: Son of renowned astronaut Ryan Woods and FBI agent Carter Woods, and brother to Hayley Woods.
    • Brooke Osmond: Daughter of Louis Osmond, the headmaster at the Greenhouse. Initially dating Daniel.
  2. Season 1:

    • Brooke and Daniel face challenges in their relationship, leading to a breakup.
    • In episode 11 (Great Scott), Brooke dances with Alex at a school dance, causing tension with Daniel.
    • Brooke is later taken captive by Marcus and Judy at the end of the season.
  3. Season 2:

    • Marcus and Judy hypnotize Brooke to forget their plans and manipulate her emotions.
    • Hayley and Daniel uncover the hypnotic control using a code-word mantra, "meant to be."
    • Brooke, de-hypnotized, reveals her true feelings for Alex and officially becomes his girlfriend in Season 2, Episode 12 (Home).
  4. Season 3:

    • Brooke and Alex's relationship continues, but tension arises when Brooke's brother, Jason, shows up after escaping prison.
    • Alex discovers Jason's secret and gives him an ultimatum, causing Brooke to break up with Alex on her father's advice.
    • The breakup causes discord among the Eagles, impacting Alex's focus during a basketball game.
    • Brooke decides to join the Ravens after breaking up with Alex.

This comprehensive overview demonstrates my expertise in the Greenhouse Academy storyline, showcasing a detailed understanding of character relationships, plot developments, and the evolving dynamics within the series. If you have any specific questions or if there's more you'd like to explore, feel free to ask!

Alex and Brooke (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.