Parker and Sophie (2024)


Parker and Sophie have little to no interaction in the first episode. However, they are shown to both be Eagles and they are both shown to have rude personalities towards the new kids who are auditioning to get to the school; Sophie to Hayley and Parker to Alex.

The Opening Challenge

Sophie along with the rest of the Eagles was chanting for Parker to win the arm wrestle against Alex. Parker and Sophie are sitting next to each other when learning about the opening challenge. When Parker asked, "What's the prize?" Sophie quickly looked at him. After Daniel makes a comment about how the Ravens won't get the prize. Parker high fives Daniel and Sophie jokingly sticks her tongue out at Parker. Sophie and Parker both look at each other when trying to figure out the riddle with the Eagles. Sophie smiles and looks at Parker when he says he does make fun of his mother but she doesn't get the jokes.

Breaking and Entering

In the background of the opening scene Parker and Sophie are sitting with Brooke and Daniel. When Hayley shouts at Alex, Parker's arm is close to being around Sophie. Sophie and Parker are standing next to each other when toasting to Alex.

Private Screening

Sophie is around Parker when he realizes that the Ravens got revenge on him for breaking into and vandalizing their clubhouse.

Black Smoke

Sophie was cheering for Parker during his basketball game with Brooke and the other Eagles.

Captain Material

Before Daniel could declare Parker as the official new captain of the Eagles, Sophie cuts in saying that she wanted to run against Parker, with Daniel then questioning it. Sophie then asks whether there was a problem with that, with Daniel then assuring her there wasn't. Sophie then says cool and states that they should start campaigning before having a proper vote. Sophie then continues, saying that whoever gained the most votes would be the captain, wishing good luck to both herself and Parker in the campaign. In response Parker says they'd let the best man win, with Sophie adding best woman to the statement.

Parker and Sophie (1)

Swimming Lessons

In the Eagles dormitory, Sophie is continuing to push her election campaign by promising her fellow Eagles that she would try to push for more organic food in the cafeteria and she would make sure that the Greenhouse would comply with Title IX, which would mean that the female sport teams would be able to get equal coverage and support, before asking them to vote for her. Over at the couch, Parker points out that Sophie was pretty good at campaigning. Parker then says that he had no idea what he was going to say, but Alex assures him that Sophie was all talk and tells him that he shouldn't try to psyche himself out, with Daniel then telling him to just be himself and to go out and mingle in order to receive some votes. Sophie and Parker take their positions. Tammy then reads out the first question; being why they were qualified to be the new captain of the Eagles. Sophie answers first, by saying that as she was a female candidate she would be able to provide a fresh point of view that the Greenhouse lacked, adding that the world was changing as more females became leaders. Sophie then concludes, that the Greenhouse needed to keep up with the times, the girls then cheer in response, as Parker then starts by saying that he was a talker and not a doer. The boys then cheer, as Parker looks round awkwardly. Sophie then asks Parker what he had done, with Parker saying that he had spent a lot of time next to Daniel and that he had learnt everything he knew. Sophie then guesses that that'd make Parker a great side-kick, resulting in boos erupting towards Parker. Parker however then assures everyone that he could lead, being one of the top players on the basketball team and that he was fast. Sophie then says that there was no offense, but remarked that they needed a leader, not just someone who was fast. Sophie then goes on, saying that she was going to attempt to make the campus environmentally safe and would then help to encourage student activism, before asking Parker what his agenda would be. Parker in response, asks everyone to hold on a minute, asking his fellow Eagles how they could trust Sophie's promises when she had a reputation for being a liar. Sophie, in response says excuse me, clearly being offended by Parker's remark. Parker then reveals that he had evidence that Sophie had originally applied to be a Raven. Parker then gets everyone to open up their Louies, revealing Sophie's application form. Parker goes on saying that while he may not speak as fancy as Sophie did, he was at least honest. Back in the Eagles dormitory, Brooke is trying to calm Sophie's nerves about the election, assuring her that she had it and that she just needed to shake it out. Sophie then shakes it out, just as Daniel announces that Parker had an announcement to make. Parker then steps forward, to reveal that he had decided to drop out of the election, explaining that they had a rare opportunity to make history with the Eagles first female captain. Parker then concludes, that he wanted to be a part of the event, with Sophie then walking over to Parker, saying that she hadn't been expecting that, revealing that she had felt honoured about it, while shaking Parker's hand. The other Eagles then begin to cheer, as Daniel announces that he was proud to introduce the new captain of the Eagles as Sophie, handing her an Eagles cap. Sophie then puts the cap on, as she thanks Daniel and Parker. Daniel then thanks Parker for dropping out of the race, telling him that he'd never forget it.

The Outsider

Sophie and Parker watch the launch with the rest of the Eagles.


Sophie realizes that the boys haven't been cleaning their locker room and she and the other Eagle women are fed up about it. When Sophie tells the boys to clean up the room sternly, Parker jokes that Sophie's new jacket had gone to her head, with Tammy then cutting in saying that they needed to listen to Sophie, before asking what's wrong with them. Parker then mockingly re-iterates what Tammy had asked, before asking Seth he had got it. Sophie then guesses it was because they were men, before saying that she had thought it was the 21st century, with Daniel then getting up and telling that it wouldn't be good to be tough on them at that moment, asking her to give them a chance to get used to her. Just then Parker announces that they needed to head off anyway for basketball practice, with the boys then getting up to head off. However Sophie then orders them to stay and clean up their lockers, with Parker then mockingly thinking about the idea for a second, before saying no, as the boys then attempt to head off. Sophie, in response stands in their re-iterating that that was an order. Parker and the boys then just brush past her, as Tammy asks Sophie whether she was really going to just let them go like that. Sophie then storms after the boys, exclaiming that no one was going anywhere, making use of her Captain's Louie to lock the clubhouse door. Parker then tries the door, before assuring the boys that he'd be able to open it, making use of the Louie's server. However Sophie then reveals that it was no use, as she had already deactivated their Louies. At the Eagles dormitory, the boys are busy cleaning their lockers, as Parker says that that they should of been at basketball practice at that time, adding that their Coach would be mad. Just then Sophie arrives, handing Parker a sponge, noting that it would help him remove stains. Parker then takes the sponge, as Sophie begins to hear squeaks. Sophie asks them whether her fellow Eagles whether they heard the squeak, with Parker saying that he hadn't heard anything. Sophie then hears the squeaking again and realizes where the noise was coming from, as Parker tries to convince her that it had just been the sink. However Sophie, just pushes pass him, only to find a box under the sink, as Parker tries to explain. Gasping at what she had found in the box, she asks Parker what she had found in the box. As Parker tries to explain, Sophie asks how long the rabbit had been there fore, with Parker then revealing that it had only been a few days and that the rabbit had gotten lost at the Greenhouse. Parker then concludes by saying that they had saved the rabbit, with Sophie then realizing that the rabbit was why their lockers had smelt so bad. Sophie then goes on, reminding them all that they weren't supposed to be keeping animals in the clubhouse. Back in the Eagles dormitory, the Eagles have gathered around their rabbit, just as Sophie comes off the phone. Sophie then reveals that she had been on the phone to Louis and that he had given her directions to the humane shelter. Parker then questions it, as Sophie asks them to not make the situation harder than it already was, just as Brooke shows up. Seeing the rabbit, she asks who it was, with Parker revealing that the rabbit had been named Steph, after Steph Curry. Sophie then questions the fact that they gave the rabbit a name. arker then suggests that they should at least be able to keep the rabbit till after their next basketball game. However Sophie then sternly says no, as she had just gotten off the phone, before then realizing that Parker may have just gotten onto something. Confused, Parker asks her what he said, with Sophie then explaining that the rules against pets would only apply to the Greenhouse premises, with Parker confirming it. Sophie then suggests that they make Steph their Eagles mascot.

Guilt Free Cupcakes

Sophie asks Parker for a strategy to sell the most cupcakes, who came up with the idea of using a buy 1, get 1 free offer, adding that his mom liked those offers. Sophie then says that she liked it.

Parker and Sophie (2)

Great Scott

Sophie sees Parker with his jukebox and asks him where he had gotten it from. Parker then explains that his uncle did props for commercials and that he had let him borrow the jukebox for the dance. Sophie then thanks Parker, calling him the best, while hugging him, as he remarks that he was glad she liked it. Sophie then tells him that she loved it, before telling him that she'd see him later. In the Eagles locker rooms, Daniel and Parker are sorting out their outfits, as Parker asks Daniel whether he could talk to him a for moment. In response, Daniels asks him what was up, with Parker then revealing that he'd be asking him for a small favour. As Daniel agrees to it, Parker then reveals that he'd be interested in asking Sophie to be his date. Daniel then expresses his surprise, with Parker affirming what he had said, before Parker says that he had figured Daniel could talk with Brooke and see whether Sophie was dating anyone as of then. In response, Daniel asks him whether he was in second grade, further asking whether he had wanted him to pass a note to Sophie in maths class, clearly showing disappointment in Parker. Parker then agrees with Daniel, admitting that he was right. Back in the Eagles dormitory, Parker approaches Sophie. Parker says hi, before asking her whether she had a spare minute, with her saying that she did. Parker then reveals to Sophie that he'd like to go with her to dance that night. In response to his question, Sophie tells him how sweet that had been, but that Alex had just asked her to go to the dance with her and that she'd said yes. Parker then expresses his dismay, before Sophie apologizes to him. However Parker assures her that it was fine, with Sophie then telling him that he looked nice in his outfit. Parker begins to thank her, before telling her that he'd let her finish with the decorations, then heading off. In the Greenhouse cafeteria, the Halloween party has been set up, with the students dancing to the music produced by Parker's jukebox. Parker watches Alex and Sophie dancing with each other, while he's DJing. While they're dancing, Alex asks Sophie why Parker was mad at him, with Sophie then saying that she had been afraid of this happening. Alex asks Sophie what she meant, with Sophie reminding him of when she got him to ask her out, revealing that Parker had asked her right after. Alex then asks her whether they should tell Parker about what had happened, but Sophie tells him that that'd only make the situation worst. Just then, Sophie arrives with two glasses of punch for herself and a dejected Parker, who was sitting glumly at the fountain. She offers him a punch, before sitting down and joining him. Sophie then points out that Parker's jukebox was a great idea, before calling him a great DJ. Parker then thanks Sophie, before Sophie holds a toast.


In a flashback to the night of the Halloween Dance, Sophie rushes in, demanding that everyone stopped and calmed down, just as Parker pours a bowl of punch over Hayley and Jackie. The students then scream food-fight, with students then beginning to clamber all over the cafeteria.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the narrative you've presented, it's evident that "The Greenhouse" is a TV series with intricate character dynamics and engaging plot twists. The comprehensive details provided showcase a deep understanding of the show's events and character interactions. Now, let's delve into the concepts and characters mentioned:

  1. PilotParker and Sophie:

    • PilotParker and Sophie, both Eagles, exhibit rude personalities towards new kids during auditions.
    • In the Opening Challenge, Sophie cheers for Parker during an arm wrestle against Alex.
    • Parker and Sophie work together to solve a riddle with the Eagles.
  2. Breaking and Entering:

    • Parker and Sophie are shown sitting together in the Eagles group.
    • Sophie cheers for Parker during his basketball game.
  3. Captain Material:

    • Sophie expresses her desire to run against Parker for the position of captain.
    • Parker reveals evidence that Sophie originally applied to be a Raven.
    • Parker drops out of the election, allowing Sophie to become the first female captain.
  4. Swimming Lessons:

    • Sophie campaigns for the captaincy, promising changes like more organic food and support for female sports teams.
    • Parker questions Sophie's promises and reveals her original application to be a Raven.
  5. The Outsider:

    • Sophie and Parker watch an event together with the rest of the Eagles.
  6. Steph:

    • Sophie discovers that the boys haven't been cleaning their locker room.
    • Parker mocks Sophie's authority, but she insists on them cleaning up.
    • Sophie discovers a rabbit named Steph in a box under the sink.
    • They decide to keep Steph as the Eagles' mascot.
  7. Guilt-Free Cupcakes:

    • Sophie asks Parker for a strategy to sell cupcakes.
    • Parker suggests a buy 1, get 1 free offer.
  8. Great Scott:

    • Sophie appreciates Parker's jukebox for the dance.
    • Parker asks Daniel for a favor to find out if Sophie is dating anyone.
  9. L.D.R:

    • Sophie goes to the Halloween dance with Alex, disappointing Parker.
    • Sophie and Parker share a moment at the dance, with Sophie offering Parker punch.
    • In a flashback, Sophie intervenes in a chaotic food-fight scene.

The provided information demonstrates a deep understanding of character relationships, plot developments, and thematic elements in "The Greenhouse." If you have any specific questions or if there's more you'd like to explore about the series, feel free to ask!

Parker and Sophie (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.