An Authentic Look At Amish Canning | The Amish Village (2024)

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September 26th, 2019

An Authentic Look At Amish Canning | The Amish Village (1)

One of the staples in the Plain Community is preserving food into the winter months when the garden is no longer producing and the harvest has long since been collected. For generations, Amish families have prepared for the winter and spring seasons by canning, a method by which they seal food in glass jars to preserve it for future use. But, while the “English” (non-Amish and non-Mennonite people) can use modern electric stoves and dishwashers to prepare their jars, the Amish have largely kept the old traditions of canning, with a few twists.

To better understand the Amish tradition of canning, we caught up with Martha, a young Amish woman running a stand at the Green Dragon Market in Ephrata, PA. While she considers herself somewhat new to canning, Marth agreed to share a few tips she has learned over the years.

Newly married, Martha started canning in earnest just this year. It is common among Amish women to only get serious about canning when it is their turn to provide for the family. While Amish children often help with canning while growing up, it’s considered the mother’s responsibility to sort out what they can, the recipes they use, and how much they “put up.” Martha says she still asks her mother for help with recipes or questions about the process.

Martha gets satisfaction from canning, and even calls it “fun.” When asked what part of this hot, laborious work was fun, she laughed and said it was the part where she gets to look at the completed jars and know she’s set for the winter.

Her favorite things to can (and eat in the winter) are salsa and soup, though she admits these aren’t the easiest things to can. “Salsa takes a really long time because of all of the vegetables,” she said. While English food preppers might use food processes to finely chop the tomatoes, onions, and other salsa ingredients, Amish women do it all by hand. This adds significant time to the prep work before the mixed salsa can be added to hot jars for processing. When asked why the expected answer of “peaches” wasn’t her favorite, Martha replied, “I think I had too many of them when I was a little girl.”

What some may find surprising is that the Amish will can meat as well as fruits and vegetables. Martha said this year she canned mostly chicken and ground venison. The benefit of this is whenever she’s ready to set a meal in the winter, the meat is already prepped and ready to be added to any recipe. No need to wait for the meat to cook! This is particularly useful if last-minute guests arrive just in time for the evening meal.

“Some people always use new lids for the meat because it takes so long to make… You don’t want it to spoil after all that!” – Martha

Preparing meat for canning is a bit easier than preparing for salsa. Martha noted her secret was to simply chop the chicken and add salt and pepper. “That’s it!” she reported with a smile. Of course, she also needed to make sure the meat was cooked through during the process. English families might use a pressure canner for their canned meats to ensure their meats are cooked during the process. Martha reported that in addition to any pre-cooking she did, she let the meat process – or cook within their jars placed in a large pot of boiling water – for three hours. Fortunately, as Martha notes, you don’t need to watch the jars during this process, which frees you to do other things while you wait.

The process of canning hasn’t changed much over the decades, though Amish women today may use a propane-powered or generator-powered stove, depending on what their particular Community and Bishop allows. Martha uses a propane-powered stove to heat water to sterilize her jars and for the canning process. When asked if she uses new lids with each jar – a common practice among English who can – she said she is more likely to boil and reuse her lids. “Some people always use new lids for the meat because it takes so long to make,” Martha notes. Remember, chicken takes three hours minimum to process. “You don’t want it to spoil after all that,” stated Martha.

Some people might be surprised to learn that canning is not an Amish woman’s only means of preserving food. Some Amish communities allow their members to use freezers, whether that is by placing a freezer in a willing English neighbor’s house, or by using a gas-powered freezer in their own home. While Martha says she does freeze some food, she prefers canning. “Frozen food needs to be thawed before it can be used,” she said, also noting that frozen food tastes different than the canned counterpart.

Since Martha’s wedding last spring, she has been establishing her new home with her husband. Her mother gave her a few jars to get started, and she received some jars as a wedding present. Martha will also purchase second-hand jars at yard sales or wherever she can find them around the county. She currently prefers pint-sized jars for canning as she is predominantly preparing meals for two.

The practice of canning has been handed down from mother to daughter in the Amish community for generations. We offer visitors to our Amish Village the chance to taste some authentically Amish canned goods by making them available in our Amish market. You’ll find fruit jams, preserves, vegetables, signature Lancaster County delicacies like red beat eggs and chow chow. If you experience our Backroads Bus Tour, you’ll have another opportunity to purchase Amish canned goods and crafts when we stop at an Amish business along the way (Mondays through Saturdays only). You can also learn more about Amish cooking by taking a tour of our authentic Amish farmhouse where you’ll be guided through a real Amish kitchen by one of our knowledgeable tour guides. Or, benefit from both the Backroads Bus Tour and our Amish Farmhouse tour to learn the most about the Amish community in Lancaster County.

Join us for a tour, and come ready with questions about the Amish and canning!

An Authentic Look At Amish Canning | The Amish Village (2024)


Do Amish people use pressure canners? ›

Amish Jarred Beef Recipe

Because of their low acidic qualities, beef, meats, and seafood must be processed in a pressure canner. Pressure canning is the only safe way to store your meat in jars. Water baths will NOT allow for safe storage or consumption. Learning to can your meat is a lengthy process.

What method do Amish use for canning? ›

The process of canning hasn't changed much over the decades, though Amish women today may use a propane-powered or generator-powered stove, depending on what their particular Community and Bishop allows. Martha uses a propane-powered stove to heat water to sterilize her jars and for the canning process.

How do Amish store meat? ›

Ice houses are also popular cold storage techniques used by many Amish communities. An ice house is an insulated basem*nt or cellar that stores ice throughout the year. Various settlements hold ice parties in January or February, where they harvest blocks of ice from medium-sized ponds.

How do Amish people make money? ›

In the past most families farmed, but now many Amish earn their living from various types of Amish-owned establishments—small shops, businesses, carpentry, construction, retail stores, roadside stands—as well as employment in “English-owned” factories, restaurants, and shops.

What do Amish use for toilets? ›

Instead of indoor plumbing and toilets, they use outhouses. They then dip out their waste by bucket, treat it with lime, mix it with animal manure and spread on their farm.

What do Amish people do for refrigeration? ›

The massive blocks of ice produced by Millersburg Ice are used for refrigeration year round in ice houses, spring houses and the old-fashioned ice box refrigerators found in many homes across the community. Despite the fact that so many rely on block ice for refrigeration, it remains a niche industry.

Do Amish water bath can everything? ›

Well, if you plan to can vegetables or meats, you really need to have a pressure canner . Above I referenced canning meat without a canner. That's because there are Amish folks out there who are so conservative, they won't own even a pressure canner, so they water bath can everything, Even meat.

Do the Amish spray their crops? ›

Many Amish also avoid using pesticides. Instead, many Amish famers use manure to fertilize the land. They also use crop rotation to keep the soil healthy.

What are the two 2 methods of canning? ›

Only two processing methods are recommended for canning food. These are the boiling water bath and the steam pressure canner. All other methods are unsafe and should be avoided by the home canner.

What foods do Amish not eat? ›

Although no foods are prohibited in the Amish culture, alcohol consumption is strongly discouraged (1,2).

What treatments do Amish refuse? ›

The Amish are exempted from social security and reject health insurance coverage, do not practice birth control, and often veto preventive practices such as immunization and prenatal care.

Do Amish fry eat? ›

3. Make Some Dishes Ahead of Time. To save precious morning hours, Amish women often fry cornmeal mush at night to eat for breakfast the next morning.

Are there Amish millionaires? ›

Some Amish people have become quite wealthy. Often this is due to successful businesses including woodworking and construction. It's harder to tell who the Amish millionaires are, however, since status symbols are less visible (to the non-Amish eye, at least).

Do Amish use credit cards? ›

They Avoid Debt and Credit Cards

Most pay for things as they buy them in order to avoid any debt. They also live by the rule of always paying someone on time. According to Amish Bishop Ephraim Lapp, "To pay someone on time is an extension of the commandment 'Do not steal.

How much money does the average Amish person have? ›

Because of their religion's demand for ''plainness,'' annual expenses for feeding, clothing and housing an average Amish family with six children total $6,000 to $8,000. Amish farmers generally have moderate debts, principally in loans for land. Their net income usually totals $25,000 to $40,000.

What are Amish bedroom rules? ›

Each person sleeps on their side of the bed, with a board in between them to prevent any physical contact. The couple is allowed to talk to each other during the night, but they're not allowed to touch each other.

How often do Amish bathe? ›

Do Amish bathe daily? The most conservative Amish do not have hot running water in the home. So obviously baths are going to be less common (weekly) events. Generally speaking farmers are probably less likely to shower, or let's just put it this way: they are going to “feel dirty” less often than I am.

How do Amish do their laundry? ›

Most Amish women tend to wash clothes using an old-time tub-style wringer washers. Some Old Order and Swartzentruber Amish still use boiling water in a large pot and “swoosh” the clothes around until the clothes are clean. There's usually a set schedule for laundry day, for many Amish families it is Monday.

What do Amish do on their wedding night? ›

The Amish wedding night will usually be spent in the bride's parent's home, as the couple will need to assist in clean up the following day. They will then spend their first months of marriage – their honeymoon – visiting relatives. (This is when most gifts they receive will be given.)

Do the Amish eat leftovers? ›

Most Amish women serve a hearty breakfast every morning. But lunch is usually lighter, consisting of leftovers, sandwiches, etc. Although sometimes they have their full-course meal at lunchtime instead of the evening meal. It may depend on the families' work and school schedules.

Why do Amish have bowl haircuts? ›

The bowl-cut is the most common hairstyle for Amish men, as it offers an easy way to keep their hair short and neat. It's a classic style that has been around since the 19th century and is still popular today among Amish communities. The bowl cut got its name from the way the cut was executed in the early days.

Do Amish girls swim? ›

Amish women swim in a different location from men, but because they tend to wear long dresses, the activity would be better characterized as wading. Some Mennonite women might wear shorts and T-shirts or even one-piece swimsuits because their churches are the most modern of the sects, at least in some ways.

Can Amish look in mirrors? ›

While the Amish do not take pictures of themselves, they do use mirrors. The use of a mirror is allowed because unlike a picture, it is not a graven image. Women use mirrors to do their hair and men use mirrors to shave. If you take our guided farmhouse tour, you'll spot a few mirrors in the house.

Do Amish wear bathing suits? ›

Amish and Mennonites

People might wear a suit and some people might wear shorts and tops or whatever,” she said. “There's quite a bit of variety.” Also, Nolt said, young children are able to wear more modern swimwear, as they are not yet official members of the church.

Why do Amish not have allergies? ›

The Amish who live and work with animals on farms in northern Indiana, have some of the lowest rates of allergies and asthma in the westernized world, perhaps because of the so-called "farm effect," according to an international study.

Do the Amish have makeup? ›

They do not cut their hair, which they wear up in a bun. They wear a prayer covering or bonnet on their heads. They do not wear jewelry or makeup.

What animals do the Amish keep? ›

The farms have the usual array of animals: cows, pigs, horses, chickens and the occasional sheep. Dogs and cats also take their place in Amish life as companion animals.

What foods Cannot be canned? ›

Low-acid foods are the most common sources of botulism linked to home canning. These foods have a pH level greater than 4.6. Low-acid foods include most vegetables (including asparagus, green beans, beets, corn, and potatoes), some fruits (including some tomatoes and figs), milk, all meats, fish, and other seafood.

What is the shelf life of home canning? ›

As a general rule, unopened home canned foods have a shelf life of one year and should be used before two years. Commercially canned foods should retain their best quality until the expiration code date on the can. This date is usually 2-5 years from the manufacture date.

What is the easiest canning method? ›

Water-bath canning is the simpler of the two canning methods, as it involves boiling your food in glass jars in a big pot of water. There are pots specifically designed for this—called water-bath canners or boiling water canners—that consist of a large pot, a rack insert, and a lid.

What is forbidden for Amish? ›

As part of their Ordnung, Old Order Amish forbid owning automobiles; tapping electricity from public utility lines; owning televisions, radios, or personal computers; attending high school or college; joining the military; and initiating divorce. All Amish groups expect men and women to wear prescribed clothing.

Do the Amish eat junk food? ›

Answer - There are no religious objections to "junk foods," but there is little opportunity to indulge. However, it is not uncommon to see the Amish, including the children, enjoying an ice cream cone or an "Icy" when they go to a market. They also enjoy a trip to McDonald's and buying pizza for dinner.

Do Amish people eat chicken? ›

Chicken meals are the preferred meal at weddings over beef or pork, which the Amish also eat. However, the stuffed chicken roast is the most common and easily accessible meal to prepare to feed many guests.

What age do Amish get pregnant? ›

Amish women get pregnant in their early twenties, shortly after they get married. They have an average of seven children, as children are seen as gifts from God. In Amish culture, marriages and families are extremely important.

What happens if an Amish woman is infertile? ›

Amish women consider infertility as God's will” Johnson-Weiner said. However, members of the community respond by encouraging these women to “Submit to God's will and do your best to follow God's plan” even allowing these women in some communities to adopt children.

Do Amish receive Social Security benefits? ›

As per Social Security Administration rules, the Amish are exempt from paying Social Security taxes on religious grounds, including as an employee. In exchange, they may not receive any Social Security benefits, nor are they eligible for Medicare or Medicaid.

At what age do the Amish marry? ›

Dating among the Amish typically begins around age 16 with most Amish couples marrying between the ages of 20 and 22. To find a prospective date, the young adults socialize at functions such as frolics, church, or home visits. One of the most popular activities is the Sunday night singing.

Can Amish drink soda? ›

While we are on the topic, yes, the Amish are huge consumers of soda. To be honest, I've not met too many who are co*ke fans. It seems to be Pepsi and Mountain Dew that are popular among the Amish.

Do Amish go to regular doctors? ›

The Amish religion does not restrict people from seeking modern medical care. For the most part, Amish use local doctors and dentists and will go to specialists and hospitals as determined.

Do the Amish drink alcohol? ›

And, even though drinking alcohol is discouraged in most Amish churches, many of them don't have a hard set rule against it. Although, you won't typically see an Old Order Amish member of the church in a bar or drinking a can of beer. It's highly discouraged in most groups.

Can an Amish person marry an outsider? ›

Marriage between Amish and outsiders is rare. That's because it's not allowed by Amish Law. However, should an outsider decide to convert to the Amish faith and get baptized, they'll be accepted as a member of the Amish community. They'll then be allowed to marry an Amish person.

Do the Amish pay bills? ›

Since the Amish do not believe in insurance, they pay for medical bills themselves. When a child becomes sick, families pool money to help cover health care expenses.

Can Amish have cell phones? ›

“We're not supposed to have computers; we're not supposed to have cellphones,” he said. “We're allowed to have a phone, but not in the house. But to do business, you need a computer, or access to one, and that phone moves into the house.

What is the Amish birth rate? ›

But if you then assume, as most literature suggests, that about a quarter of Amish youths ultimately leave the church, and that conversions into the Amish lifestyle are very rare, then you arrive at a situation where long-run fertility of the Amish in the 20th century must have been 5.5–6.5 children per woman.

How do Amish keep food cold? ›

The Amish store fruits, nuts, vegetables, and other types of food in root cellars. They also store canned goods in the root cellar to help them get through the winter months. These cellars keep their food from freezing during winter and keep it cool during the summer.

How many hours a week do Amish work? ›

Men averaged 43 hours of moderate activity a week, women about 39 hours (gardening, feeding farm animals, doing laundry). We feel virtuous if we manage to eke out half an hour a day on the StairMaster.

How did people can before pressure canners? ›

Three methods of processing were recommended. These were steam pressure, a continuous water bath or steam bath, and intermittent water bath or steam bath. Warnings about the steam bath were made, and the use of a thermometer demanded (to monitor processing at 212F only).

Can Amish use gas powered tools? ›

Although they don't plug into the electrical grid, many Amish people use generators and pneumatic tools to work faster. Not every Amish person completley shuns modern technology.

Why don't Amish people use machines? ›

The Amish do not consider technology evil in itself but they believe that technology, if left untamed, will undermine worthy traditions and accelerate assimilation into the surrounding society. Mass media technology in particular, they fear, would introduce foreign values into their culture.

What modern conveniences do Amish use? ›

Read on to discover some of the more common examples of technology you might see in Lancaster County Amish homes.
  • Washing Machines. When you live in a large household, as many Amish do, doing laundry becomes a day-long affair. ...
  • Refrigerator. ...
  • Telephones. ...
  • Lights.
Jun 12, 2018

What was the first food to be canned? ›

The first can arrives in America in 1825, as Thomas Kensett and Ezra Daggert sell their patented cans filled with oysters, fruits, meats and vegetables to New Yorkers. However, canned food doesn't achieve commercial success in the USA until Gail Bordon's 1856 invention, condensed milk.

What is the old fashioned way of canning? ›

In the simplest method of home canning — the water bath method — you fill jars with acidic food, cover them with lids and boil them in a pot of water for a specific amount of time to kill bacteria. You then remove the jars and wait for the satisfying “pop” of the lids sealing as they cool.

Why do pressure canners explode? ›

Can pressure cookers explode? Pressure cookers can explode for many reasons, including being overfilled, using oil improperly, and vents being clogged. These are all preventable reasons by the user. A pressure cooker can also explode due to a malfunctioning or defective part.

What can the Amish not use? ›

They are known for their strict rules involving dress. Old Order Amish communities often prohibit the use of buttons and zippers, for example. They also wear dark colors, mostly black. The communities regulate hair length, men must grow beards an acceptable length, and women are not allowed to get haircuts.

Do Amish have AC? ›

In Lancaster County, Amish families are among those who don't use air conditioning to keep their homes cool when the temperatures soar. In the Amish culture, air conditioning is viewed as an unnecessary luxury that is not required to live.

Do Amish people watch TV? ›

However, compared to most Americans who enjoy getting out of the house to go shopping, to a party, or to a movie, the Amish tend to enjoy activities around their home and farm with their families or neighbors. With no TV, music, cars, or, iPhones, you might be wondering what the Amish do in their spare time.

Can outsiders join the Amish? ›

Q: May outsiders join the Amish? A: Yes. Although the Amish do not actively evangelize, several dozen outside people have joined the Amish. Potential members must be willing to learn the dialect and accept the rules of the church in order to be baptized and become members of the church.

Can the Amish have cell phones? ›

“We're not supposed to have computers; we're not supposed to have cellphones,” he said. “We're allowed to have a phone, but not in the house. But to do business, you need a computer, or access to one, and that phone moves into the house.

What is the Amish symbol? ›

The hex sign or 'barn star' may be the most commonly seen symbol in Amish communities. It's present in most Amish villages. These signs are a form of Pennsylvania Dutch folk art associated with the Amish culture. Many can be seen in and around their homes and community buildings.

Do Amish use toilets? ›

More often than not, Amish houses did have indoor plumbing and regular bathrooms. Although there was that one place in the middle of nowhere with one outhouse and many children. Most of my experiences with the Amish I will treasure.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.