Are we still asking if you can wear black with blue? (2024)

“As far as I know there has never been any historical precedent for not wearing black and blue together,” says the stylist and designer of classic men’s clothing, Chris Modoo. “In fact, when I worked for Savile Row outfit Ede and Ravenscroft, the eveningwear outfits we made for senior members of the Royal Household consisted of a blue tailcoat and black trousers.”

So even at its most conservative iteration, blue and black has long been one of menswear’s most widely accepted colour combinations. Don't listen to old school diktats. Because, well, the old school don't even abide by them.

In less rigid places, designers like Kim Jones, Dries Van Noten, Officine Generale, Giorgio Armani, and the late Virgil Abloh of Louis Vuitton often use black and blue to convey modernity. It can be quintessentially British – a navy blue suit with a polished pair of black oxfords is de rigueur for dinner dance types – in the hands of modern designers, it feels fresher, newer and cooler.

Where this rule came from is anyone’s guess. “I’d say that one of the potential pitfalls of wearing blue and black might be it could look as though you got the trousers and jacket muddled up from two different suits,’ says Modoo. “It has to look deliberate.”

Thankfully, getting dressed in 2023 is without slavish adherence to outdated rules. Instead, try to exercise a little bit of judgement – and get ahead of the old rulebook with the points below.

Use black as an accent

“I like to think of black as a sophisticated colour accent on an outfit that's largely navy blue,” says Modoo, who suggests starting small: switching brass buttons for black, or thinking about collars.

But there are some rules for Modoo. “I would never wear blue shoes with black trousers, it just doesn’t look right."

Officine Generale’s A/ W ‘23 collection, which used the gloss of black shoes, black belts and black leather jackets to contrast against soft billowing trousers, chunky knits and swooshy long coats in navy blue, is a solid way to use black as a colour accent. Here, it was a masterclass in playing with light. Brightness bounces off black leather to create a contrast. That sort of move is top level menswear.

Are we still asking if you can wear black with blue? (2)

MONCLER Black Down Montcla Jacket

It’s a solid eveningwear combo

Blue and black combinations really fly with eveningwear – especially at a time when tuxedos are free from the shackles of stuffy dress codes.

At a base level, midnight blue shows more depth and richness under a disco ball at 3am (at any ‘am’ in fact), and can sometimes look even darker than blue. Meanwhile contrasting black lapels and turn back cuffs in textured silk adds an extra layer of interest.

Are we still asking if you can wear black with blue? (3)

Arket black suit

Are we still asking if you can wear black with blue? (4)

Waterproof Sherlock in navy blue

Consider contrasting textures

Blue and black are quite close to each other on the colour spectrum and can sometimes get lost when paired together. This is where contrasting textures of matte cloth paired with clothes and accessories with a smoother, shinier finish can help individual bits sing.

Similarly, a Louis Vuitton suit in blue with a light sheen to it paired with a black turtleneck above black boots can bang. Tahar Rahim, a Very Well-Dressed Man, likes this a lot. And so do we.

So basically, wear blue and black whenever you like

The old rules are dead. They always were.

Are we still asking if you can wear black with blue? (2024)


Is it okay to wear black with blue? ›

Blue and black combinations really fly with eveningwear – especially at a time when tuxedos are free from the shackles of stuffy dress codes. At a base level, midnight blue shows more depth and richness under a disco ball at 3am (at any 'am' in fact), and can sometimes look even darker than blue.

Does black and blue go together? ›

Light and medium shades of blue generally work well with black (as with a light blue shirt and a black blazer or suit). Without a jacket, a light blue shirt and black trousers may make you look like an officer ... but, who knows, that may be a look you want.

Why do people say navy and black don t go together? ›

Black and navy were originally kept separate, said Mr. Wild, because black was considered dressier, and if worn together they would “confuse levels of formality.” Another reason such rules have survived: The pairings they outlaw can look odd if combined willy-nilly.

Can I wear a black top with navy blue pants? ›

One question I get asked over and over is “can I wear black and navy together?” The answer is YES!

Can I put dark blue clothes with black? ›

The short answer is yes, you can wear navy blue with black. While some may say they should never go together, here at Men's Health we believe that this color duo is the perfect combo to amp up your wardrobe, perhaps because so many in the office can't seem to stray from wearing these two colors together.

Can you wear a blue shirt with black? ›

Pairing your black suit with a blue shirt is a classic combination, and one that is always a safe choice for casual to semi-formal weddings. A blue shirt is a less formal option than other colors out there, but still leaves you looking completely pulled together.

Why does black and blue not go together? ›

It is mostly because they both have to be dark. Because, Black Color can't do with Light Blue. So, it has to be dark blue to you to match these two. In 1950s, wearing black and blue at the same time was not considered appropriate as they both are dark.

Can I wear black with light blue? ›

You can wear a light denim skirt or dress with black footwear, or sport a light blue and black pattern. A light blue sweatshirt with black leggings is another way to go, as is a light blue Spring tweed jacket with a black layering top.

What color to wear with blue? ›

Above all, dark blue goes especially well with yellow, orange and pink. The classic nautical look comprising navy blue, red and white is of course also a must. The accessories are up to you: gold jewellery has a warmer look, while cool silver jewellery also works well in winter.

Can you wear black shoes with blue pants? ›

You can wear black shoes with pretty much any color, except for brown or tan; you'd usually wear brown shoes with brown pants. That's why black shoes are so popular, that why they're the most common shoe color, that's why many women own multiple pairs of black dress shoes.

Can a woman wear black shoes with navy pants? ›

For starters: From everything we've read, yes, it is entirely appropriate to wear black shoes with navy.

What do navy call each other? ›

In the United States Navy, "shipmate" is a term used by anyone in the Navy to reference anyone else in the Navy. It can be used with a range of connotations—most often as an expression of camaraderie, but also as a respectful way to address other crew members whose rank or naval rating is not clear.

Can I wear black shoes with a navy dress? ›

You can totally wear black shoes with navy, in case you were wondering. Try pairing a matte navy dress with black patent leather shoes for a bold look that really pops.

Can you wear black top with blue jeans? ›

These pieces are the perfect choice for an elegant and effortless look. Are blue jeans and a black blouse enough to create an elegant combination? Absolutely, and we have the proof.

Can you wear navy blue shoes with black jeans? ›

The answer is YES!

It has long been considered a winning colour formula, dark navy and black and both from the same colour category (Winter), so sit tonal well together.

Can blue and black be washed together? ›

This one may seem obvious, but always separate dark colored clothes from lightly colored and white garments. "Dark colored clothes should be washed together to prevent darkening lighter colors in the wash," says LaLonde. "Purple, blue, brown, and black fabrics can typically be grouped together."

Why can't you wear navy blue and black together? ›

The fact of the matter is many times they look alike. And because they look alike, it can create a very dark look.

Is it OK to wear black shoes with a blue dress? ›

The good news is, almost any color shoe goes well with navy blue. If you want to keep things simple and classic, try a black or brown shoe. For something a little more fun and playful, go for a brightly colored shoe like red or yellow. If you're looking to add a bit of sparkle, try a metallic shoe in silver or gold.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.