Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (2024)

Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (1)

Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (2)Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (3)

Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (4)Pants and skirts have happily coexisted for much of human history. Most ancient cultures had some form of skirt for both men and women, but pants also have existed since at least the 6th century BC. Hose became a versatile staple in men’s fashion through the 17th century, easily worn with any number of skirts, dresses, or elongated shirts. Later, the style of the separated hose had developed into pantaloons and stockings in Western Culture. The modern, full length pant, while worn earlier by low-class farmers, became adopted as a socially accepted style in France during the French Revolution (1787-99). This was due to the new government’s attempt to disassociate themselves from the previous rule. The style became adopted throughout Europe, as robe-a-la-francaise was the most accepted style of dress. Additionally, the industrial revolution naturally necessitated pants, as they offered more protection to the body.

Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (5)Men’s fixation on pants is a bit Western-centric, however, even today. In warmer climates, many men still wear skirts or draped garments in one form or another today. Some examples include the unstitched dhoti in India, printed and fairly unisex sarongs in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and the colorful Eastern African garment, Kanga. As we’ve touched on in our article about the suit, fashion is just a symptom of larger cultural norms and changes. The gendering of clothing is part coincidence and part history. As men grew to incorporate pants into their wardrobe, women were restricted from doing the same because of norms of “modesty”; pants hugged the body and revealed the woman’s shape more, and so women were relegated to long skirts, even as men became more versatile in their wardrobe. This in turn made loose garments like dresses and skirts take on a feminine association, and today, most men avoid these garments for nothing more than that reason – a fear of femininity in combination with a recognition of the social norm that they should dress in ways that uphold their masculine identities. Look at the only non-taboo form of skirt in the West today: the kilt. Though it’s got the same anatomy of any other skirt that a woman might wear, nobody bats an eye at it because it’s read as a masculine garment that is worn to honor someone’s (Scottish) heritage.

Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (6)Like any taboo in modern days, however, there are men who flirt with the skirt because it is oftentimes controversial or subversive for men to willingly do so. Drag queens and similar types of gender-bending performers, of course know how to rock dresses, skirts, pants, bodysuits, and everything in between, specifically embodying and exploring forms of gender play and fluidity. Even people (such as Marc Jacobs in a dress, shown above) who buck the system seemingly without rhyme or reason, wear these garments specifically because gender and its assignment to things that populate our everyday routines (like clothing) is such a hotbed of controversy. The fact that a man wearing a skirt is even seen as strange, offensive, wacky, or rebellious is proof in itself of how pervasive our cultural norms are and how strongly we are willing to uphold them.

Ask Anna: Why Don't Men Wear Dresses and Skirts? — Anna Akbari, Ph.D. (2024)


Why do men not wear dresses or skirts? ›

Outside Western cultures, men's clothing commonly includes skirts and skirt-like garments; however, in the Americas and much of Europe, skirts are usually seen as feminine clothing and socially stigmatized for men and boys to wear, despite having done so for centuries.

Why don't men wear dress? ›

For one, dresses are typically seen as feminine clothing items, and so men might feel like they would be ridiculed or made fun of if they were to wear one. Additionally, dresses can be uncomfortable to wear, especially for men who are not used to wearing them.

Was dresses made for guys? ›

Perhaps to the surprise of modern upholders of certain gender-specific constructs, men have been wearing dresses for centuries. Ancient Romans wore draped togas. Men in the 14th century wore tights under skirts almost daily.

When did men stop wearing skirts? ›

It was only in the 18th Century that men in much of the Western world moved away from skirts, and they became known as a feminine item.

Is it normal for guys to wear skirts? ›

While a few celebrities, such as Brad Pitt and LA Lakers basketball player Russell Westbrook, have worn skirts to red carpet events, it's still vanishingly rare to see normal men wear normal skirts day to day.

When did men stop wearing dresses? ›

The Great Male Renunciation (French: Grande Renonciation masculine) is the historical phenomenon at the end of the 18th century in which wealthy Western men stopped using bright colours, elaborate shapes and variety in their dress, which were left to women's clothing.

Can a man dress like a girl? ›

Men can dress to look like women, while women can dress like men. This may be done by people who enjoy cross-dressing periodically as well as those who choose to adopt an identity as the other gender. It can also be handy for people such as actors who may be called upon to play another gender in a role.

Is it OK for a man to dress as a woman? ›

In most parts of the world, it remains socially disapproved for men to wear clothes traditionally associated with women.

What gender were skirts originally made for? ›

Despite starting as a standard garment for both men and women in all ancient cultures such as Asia and Egypt, the skirt went on to become a wardrobe essential for women in Western Europe and the Americas.

When did men stop wearing stockings? ›

However, men continued to wear the Capris pants and tights until about the middle of the 1800's when the hems of men's trousers were lowered to cover just below men's ankles. Therefore, men no longer needed the tights.

Who were skirts originally made for? ›

Records show that a straw-woven skirt dating to 3900 BC was discovered in Armenia at the Areni-1 cave complex. Historically, skirts were simple yet practical garments that protected both men and women from the elements and allowed them to move more freely during physical labour.

Which culture allows men to wear skirts? ›

Men wearing skirts (kilts) in Scotland is nothing unusual. This clothing is mostly won during official occasions and weddings but nowadays, men even put them on while going for a stroll. Men in Fiji started putting on skirts (sulu) not so long ago. This culture was embraced after they were colonized by the British.

What cultures do men wear skirts and dresses? ›

Men wearing skirts is commonplace in certain countries including Fiji, Myanmar and Bhutan. In Greece, it's an integral part of the military dress uniform. However, nowhere has a skirt been of more cultural significance than the Scottish kilt.

Why would a man dress as a woman? ›

Others like to wear women's clothing because it gives them a chance to explore their feminine side; they want to feel pretty, girly and feminine. Men who dress often say they want to experience a sense of freedom that they can't get from everyday life in their male guise.

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