Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (2024)

When it comes to the details of classic style, few men give a second thought to buttons, except for wondering which ones to close on a suit jacket. However, like the knobs on a kitchen cabinet, the right button can make a difference in terms of style and finishing. In this article, we’ll explore various features of buttons in the world of classic menswear.

Table of Contents

  1. How Buttons Impact Your Outfits – 1. The Number of Buttons
  2. 2. Buttons Open vs. Closed
  3. 4. Button Stitching
  4. An Overview of Button Materials
  5. Conclusion
  6. Outfit Rundown

As we’ve just mentioned, buttons are (often) small objects that make a big difference. The mere presence of buttons on the collar of a button-down shirt, for example, make said shirt stand out from other styles. With that said, let’s jump into the various ways that buttons can impact a garment–beginning with quantity.

How Buttons Impact Your Outfits – 1. The Number of Buttons

The first way that buttons affect the appearance of clothes is by their sheer number. As mentioned above, their presence on a button-down collar has an immediate impact, making the shirt less formal while also placing your outfit in the realm of American Ivy style.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (1)

Similarly, a single-button tailored jacket looks different than a two-button, three-button, or three-roll-two style of jacket, as the location of the buttoning point affects the length of the lapels and how long an open “V” you’ll have at the front. The change in appearance related to the number of buttons is perhaps even more obvious with double-breasted jackets and overcoats, which come in permutations of six buttons with two functional (6×2), four buttons with two functional (4×2), 6×3, 4×1, and various other configurations.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (2)

A less obvious place where the number of buttons comes into play is on dress trousers, which usually have many buttons to close the waistband and/or the fly (or to affix suspenders/braces). Buttons on the back pockets are also mostly an ornamental detail to decorate your rear end and don’t have much of a functional purpose (other than perhaps giving the slightest bit more protection to a wallet).

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (3)

Aside from shirts, jackets, and trousers, buttons can appear on other garments, as well. Waistcoats have their own distinct buttoning rules, overcoats feature much the same button styling as jackets, and buttons can even be seen on such garments as gloves and traditional button boots (the latter now confined mostly to formal daywear).

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (4)

2. Buttons Open vs. Closed

Unbuttoning always impacts your style by being more casual and, sometimes, showing a dash of that casual nonchalance called sprezzatura. Buttoning, on the other hand, always equals greater formality–when you wear a suit and are standing up, you’re supposed to close some of the button(s) on the jacket. Not doing so flaunts the rules and shows a more relaxed attitude.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (5)

The same applies if you have working buttons on the sleeves of a sport coat or suit jacket, also known as surgeon’s cuffs. Leaving one unbuttoned presents a rakish attitude. Ditto if you open the second button on your shirt collar or leave the buttons on a button-down shirt collar unfastened. We don’t recommend leaving a button fly on your pants open, of course!

3. Button Color & Contrast

When you buy a dress shirt, most of the time the buttons will be innocuous and unnoticeable off-white. On dark shirts, you’ll often see dark buttons for the same reason. However, buttons can strongly impact the style if you get them in a contrasting color and make them stand out. On a shirt, this means something like white buttons on a navy shirt or black ones on a white shirt. Be aware that as soon as you have contrasting buttons on a shirt, it immediately becomes informal, and therefore more appropriate for drinks after work than the workplace itself.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (6)

The same effect can be had with sport coats as well, with the contrast most suitable for fun summer jackets in fabrics such as wool hopsacks or linens, since they evoke a Neapolitan vibe more suited for hot sunny weather. However, contrasting buttons are most commonly seen on formal navy blazers, which generally have wider three-season use.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (7)

In fact, contrasting buttons in either mother of pearl or embossed metal (brass, silver, or pewter) are actually one of the technical features that define what a blazer is. The term “blazer” is meant to capture the assertive boldness of the garment, and such buttons, which can also be embossed with anchors or other emblems, are a key part of that. Most of the time, with suit jackets or sport coats, your buttons will not be the same color as the cloth, but neither will they be strongly contrasting.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (8)

For example, you might have black buttons on a grey suitor brown buttons on a navy one. Both colors are dark and subdued. In these cases, first of all, you have the ability to coordinate your outfit using the button colors. For instance, by wearing pants or a tie in the same color family as those brown buttons on your navy jacket, you can tie together the various parts of your ensemble. So, don’t overlook the possibilities for coordination that buttons provide.

4. Button Stitching

If buttons hardly get any consideration from the average man, the ways in which buttons are stitched receive even less attention, except from true aficionados of menswear. The standard stitch for holding on a button is an X across the four holes; however, different stitches can add character. The most famous of these alternate stitch styles is the zampa di gallina, or chicken’s foot stitch, supposedly created by the grandmother of Neapolitan shirtmaker Luigi Borelli as a method of avoiding sewing errors when she started losing her eyesight.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (9)

Whether the legend is true or not, like theMilanese buttonhole, thezampa di gallinastitch has become a hallmark of quality craftsmanship, asbuttons sewn onwith this technique must be hand-stitched. Perhaps its slant presents an appeal similar to the asymmetrical nature of afour-in-hand tie knot, or maybe it lends a kind of energetic movement to the buttons.

An Overview of Button Materials

If you call attention to your buttons as a style feature, the quality of their make matters. Cheap buttons made in plastic come with cheaply tailored shirts and should be avoided as a general rule. The low quality will either be noticeable or, at the very least, will not enhance your style. Indeed, one of the big (and fun) decisions of getting bespoke items made is choosing the button material. Quality clothing comes with quality buttons made in natural materials. The added labor and cost involved make them more desirable, but the natural appearance is the true selling point.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (10)

Brass Buttons (& Other Metals)

A common feature of many blazers is their use of metallic buttons; most traditionally brass, but sometimes in other metals. This is largely to do with the blazer’s history being influenced by military attire. For more information on these types of buttons, visit our comprehensive Blazer Guide.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (11)

Mother-of-Pearl and Trochus Buttons

We’ve already mentioned mother-of-pearl buttons (also known as nacre), which are punched from the inside lining of shells. Originally, they were produced on a grand scale in Iowa using freshwater mollusks from the Mississippi River, though today most of the global production comes from farms in Asia. You can tell true MOP by placing a button to your lips or cheek–if it’s authentic MOP, the button will feel cooler.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (12)

You can also tap the button against your front teeth; plastic produces a duller and lower-pitched sound than does shell. Mother-of-pearl is usually used for shirts because of its white color, which complements all but the darkest shirts. One thing you may notice when buying dress shirts with MOP buttons is that their thickness can vary more than that of a cheaper plastic button.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (13)

Southern Italian shirtmakers prefer to use thick buttons, probably because they think they’re more impressive; however, thinner are easier to fasten and unfasten. Thick ones are more annoying to fit through shirt buttonholes. Some shirt buttons are made with trochus shells instead of MOP. These are sea snails rather than freshwater creatures, and the resulting buttons are more yellow and less iridescent, which some say brings them closer to looking like plastic. They’re also less strong than MOP, and for these reasons, less desirable (though certainly better than plastic).

Horn Buttons

Another common button material is horn, which is used mainly for buttons on jackets and trousers.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (14)

These buttons are made primarily from the horns and hooves of cows or water buffalo and are predominantly brown; however, their selling point is the variety of tones they can contain, including swirls and mottling in different colors ranging from nearly black to reddish-brown to beige. These neutrals pair well with a lot of other menswear colors, and their individual uniqueness adds to their appeal.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (15)

Corozo (Ivory Palm) Buttons

A lesser-known choice in the button world is corozo, made from the tagua nut (in turn, from the tree known commonly as the ivory palm) native to South America’s tropical rainforests. The nuts were originally used as disposable ballast in the holds of ships during transatlantic journeys from South America to Europe during the 19th century.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (16)

Once the ivory-like appearance of corozo buttons was noticed, though, they became desirable for carving and, eventually, for making into buttons. The interior of the tagua nut naturally has a white color–hence its moniker “vegetable ivory,” but corozo may be dyed to make a full range of colors.

Leather Buttons

Casual tweed jackets often feature brown leather buttons, which are also called “football buttons,” as they resemble the shape of actual footballs that were still made out of brown leather.

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (17)

These days there are also imitation leather buttons that are made of plastic, so take a closer look at the leather buttons on a jacket.

Plastic Buttons

These days, plastic buttons are not advisable as they are just cheap and often too fashion-forward. In the 1930s they were a novelty and hence they often found their way onto bespoke garments.

Here, you can see a beautiful set of black cuff buttons with a raised edge that is textured so it reflects the light differently than the center thus creating an element of visual interest in a very subtle way.


Although they are common and primarily known as a functional part of clothes, buttons have an underappreciated impact on the overall appearance and style of an outfit. The simple features of buttons, like their color, number, material, and stitching can add up to create the effect you want.

How have you leveraged the importance of buttons in your outfits? Share with us in the comments below!

Outfit Rundown

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (19)

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (20)

Fort Belvedere

Two-Tone Knit Tie in Brown and Beige Changeant Silk – Fort Belvedere

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (21)

Fort Belvedere

Edelweiss Boutonniere Buttonhole Flower Fort Belvedere

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (22)

Fort Belvedere

Eagle Claw Cufflinks with Tiger's Eye Balls – 925 Sterling Silver Gold Plated – Fort Belvedere

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (23)

Fort Belvedere

Shadow Stripe Ribbed Socks Charcoal and Orange Fil d'Ecosse Cotton – Fort Belvedere

Today, I’m wearing an outfit that doesn’t feature too many different kinds of buttons. Although, those buttons that are featured are somewhat distinctive. These would be the football buttons on my vintage camel hair sport coat. As the jacket is vintage, these buttons are definitely showing some wear and we’ll leave it up to you viewers to see if you can determine whether they’re authentic or imitation leather.

The other buttons featured would be those on my shirt’s placket, although, of course, you can’t see them under my two-tone knit tie from Fort Belvedere, and these are plastic, though again, of more durable quality. Also, partially hidden in this case by the jacket would be the buttons on the back pockets of my plain charcoal trousers. I’ve worn these trousers to ground the outfit against the slightly bolder camel hair jacket, and also, to harmonize with the white and gray striped pattern in my shirt.

Rather than having button cuffs, my shirt today features French cuffs into which I’ve got our gold-plated sterling silver eagle claw cufflinks, which feature tiger’s eye as the stone to again harmonize in color feel with the jacket. Other accessories include a wool pocket square in multi-colored threads that contribute to a brown color feel, overall, an Edelweiss boutonniere from Fort Belvedere, and two-tone shadow striped socks also from Fort Belvedere in charcoal gray and orange to contribute to the gray and brown color feel.

Rounding out my outfit today, are a pair of gray suede derby shoes from Heinrich Dinkelacker that harmonize well with the trousers and serve to break the overall outfit in two. You can find the socks, boutonniere, tie, and cufflinks I’m wearing in today’s video in the Fort Belvedere shop along with a wide variety of other menswear accessories.

As a menswear enthusiast with a deep understanding of classic style and its intricate details, I find the article you've shared to be a comprehensive exploration of the impact buttons have on men's outfits. Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

1. The Number of Buttons:

The quantity of buttons on a garment plays a crucial role in defining its style. Whether it's a button-down shirt, a tailored jacket, or dress trousers, the number of buttons can influence the formality and overall appearance of the outfit.

2. Buttons Open vs. Closed:

The act of buttoning or unbuttoning affects the level of formality and style. Leaving buttons open can convey a more casual and relaxed attitude, while closed buttons contribute to a more formal look. This applies not only to jackets but also to shirts and trousers.

3. Button Color & Contrast:

The color and contrast of buttons can significantly impact the style of a garment. Contrasting buttons, especially in mother of pearl or embossed metal, are a defining feature of formal blazers. Coordinating button colors with other elements of the outfit adds a layer of sophistication.

4. Button Stitching:

The stitching of buttons, often overlooked, can be a hallmark of quality craftsmanship. Different stitching styles, such as the zampa di gallina, not only add character but also signify attention to detail. Hand-stitched buttons, like those with the zampa di gallina stitch, are considered indicators of superior quality.

5. Overview of Button Materials:

The choice of button material is a crucial aspect of garment customization. The article highlights several materials, each with its unique characteristics:

  • Brass Buttons (& Other Metals): Common in blazers, influenced by military attire.
  • Mother-of-Pearl and Trochus Buttons: Known for their iridescence, used in shirts.
  • Horn Buttons: Common in jackets and trousers, offering variety in tones.
  • Corozo (Ivory Palm) Buttons: Made from tagua nuts, known as "vegetable ivory."
  • Leather Buttons: Featured on casual tweed jackets, often associated with vintage styles.
  • Plastic Buttons: Generally considered less desirable, but historically used in bespoke garments.

6. Conclusion:

The article emphasizes that despite being functional, buttons contribute significantly to the overall appearance and style of an outfit. Attention to details such as color, number, material, and stitching can elevate the overall effect, showcasing the importance of buttons in menswear.

In conclusion, the piece provides valuable insights for individuals looking to enhance their understanding of classic menswear and make informed choices about buttons in their outfits. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask!

Buttons Make A BIG Difference In Menswear--Here's Why! (2024)


Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right? ›

Assuming most men were right-handed, putting buttons on the right side allowed better “access to a weapon,” which “practically trumped everything,” she explained, adding that a gun hidden in a shirt would be easier to grab with the dominant hand.

Why are men's buttons on a different side? ›

In which side do the men's buttons go? One theory for why the men's buttons are on the right is that in the late 16th century, knights wore their swords on the left side so that they could wield them easily, and the buttons on the right prevented the sword from getting caught between them.

Which side do buttons go for a boy? ›

Are the buttons on your shirt on the left side or on the right? There's actually a pretty easy answer: if you wear women's clothing, the buttons are on the left side of the shirt. However, if you wear men's shirts, the buttons line up on the right side.

Why are the buttons different on mens and womens shirts? ›

Knowing that someone else would be doing the buttoning, dressmakers sewed the buttons onto the left side of women's garments to make it easier for the maid to do them up right-handed.

Why do men's dress pants have so many buttons? ›

1. Aesthetics - as Leif Jeram already mentioned, having a couple buttons fastening the trouser enables the front to look more sleek and smooth. In comparison, think about the denim jeans that you usually wear.

Why are women's buttons opposite of mens? ›

"When buttons were invented in the 13th century they were, like most new technology, very expensive," she told Today. "Wealthy women back then did not dress themselves—their lady's maid did. Since most people were right-handed, this made it easier for someone standing across from you to button your dress."

Why do guys unbutton their shirts? ›

Some people might wear their button-up shirts unbuttoned because they think it looks cool or stylish, while others might do it for comfort or because they're hot. There's really no wrong answer - it's all about what you like and what makes you feel good.

Why are men's buttons opposite? ›

Why are buttons and zippers often on other sides for male and female clothes? The reason is Victorian, men were expected to put their own clothes on so the zips and buttons were designed for right handed people as most people are such.

What side do girls have buttons? ›

If you're wearing a men's shirt, the buttons are usually on the right. If it's a women's shirt, they're usually on the left. The same thing can be said about zippers on jackets.

Should men button the bottom button? ›

With a single-breasted, three-button suit, simply close the middle button, always. The top button is optional and can be buttoned up or left undone. The bottom button, again, should never be buttoned, as it will put a strain on the fabric of the suit jacket and will not look flattering.

Why are buttons gendered? ›

Back in the day, women were expected to ride sidesaddle - having the buttons on the left stopped the wind getting into their shirts as they rode. Others think that the difference began when women started to wear trousers and other more "manly" styles of clothing.

Can men wear buttons on the left? ›

Can Men's Shirts Have Buttons on the Left? Buttons appear on different sides of a shirt or jacket depending on which gender it was designed for. Despite the fact that the vast majority of all humans are right-handed, only men's shirts have buttons on the right side.

Do men wear button hole up or down? ›

Your buttonhole is worn over that buttonhole on the lapel you see on the jacket not in it. The stem of the buttonhole is pointing down the front of the jacket with the head of the flower pointing upwards.

Are men's buttons always on the right? ›

Any men's jacket should have the button right here on the right side, the same with your shirt and the same with most pants if you look at them.

Why are men's and women's zippers on opposite sides? ›

One theory is related to the fashion worn by middle- and upper-class men and women in the Victorian and Renaissance eras. Women were often dressed by their servants, who were most likely right-handed, hence the button placement on the left made it easier for a servant to dress the lady.

Why are men's shirt pockets on the left side? ›

Since most people are right-handed, the left side of the shirt or the jacket became the standard placement. Sewn on the white t-shirts of James Dean and Marlon Brando, the pocket associated itself with icons released by Hollywood in the 60's.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.