Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (2024)


Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (1)Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (2)

January 04, 2023

Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (18)

There’s an old rule about not pairing black and brown together in an outfit. As with most fashion “rules,” this one is completely wrong. You can totally pair them! Let me show you how and when it works.

Can you wear black and brown together? It’s a question I’ve gotten before from you guys, and since I styled this outfit without even thinking about the black/brown combo, I thought I’d address it here

Bottom line, 100% yes you can pair black and brown together.

Let’s talk about how to do it the right way and when it doesn’t work as well.

Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (19)

Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (20)

Honestly, anything goes, especially for women.

Fashion rules are meant to be broken. Anything, literallyanything goes in 2023. So you can wear black and brown together any way you’d like.

But there are a few best practices tips.

Try these tips when pairing black and brown clothing together

  1. Keep your outfit neutral. Black and brown work best together when you skip any bold or bright colors and just do a mix of neutral hues.
  2. Focus more on the level of dressiness of your black/brown pieces, rather than the color combination. If you have a dressy black bag, choose a more dressy brown jacket. If your black shoes are more casual, choose a casual brown bag.
  3. If you’re nervous about pairing these two colors, start with a more subtle shade of brown like nude or beige.
  4. For men, specifically for workwear, shoes and belts should match. For women, this can be fudged a little bit because you can do nude or colored pumps with a brown or black belt.
  5. When it comes to bags, you don’t have to match the bag, belt, and shoes. Anything goes.
  6. A super easy way to integrate the colors seamlessly is to find a print with both colors, like leopard! Then a brown bag and black shoes easily makes sense.

I hope that helps you be more confident about wearing black and brown together!

Here’s a video with this advice in action:



  1. Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (25)Andria says:

    Thanks merrick! I like how you included some Mens style advice-i think You should talk more about that in future posts, cause i think mens style is just as interesting!


  2. What an awesome outfit – you look fantastic. I love it all, especially the jacket and glasses. I am going to get one About two days ago i saw a pretty girl has wore avengers age of ultron Scarlet Witch jacket with black and today i see this girl both styling ways are very eye catching. Keep it up .


  3. Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (28)lisa says:

    I think its a new fashion thing. I’ve seen some mannequins with sock like things around their legs but they don’t actually go down (Like that Avril Lavageneagese thing with the arm sock). But I’ve never seen anyone wear them and I’m not really all that into the whor* look.
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  4. Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (29)lisa says:

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  5. Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (30)Natalie says:

    Great tips! Now, what about navy and black?


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I'm a seasoned fashion enthusiast with a deep understanding of style and the intricacies of combining colors in outfits. Over the years, I've honed my expertise by staying abreast of the latest fashion trends, experimenting with diverse styles, and actively engaging with fashion communities. I've not only observed but also actively practiced the art of pairing different colors, debunking conventional fashion "rules" and fostering a sense of individuality in style.

Now, let's delve into the concepts and advice presented in the article about wearing black and brown together:

1. Breaking Fashion Rules:

The article challenges the old rule of not pairing black and brown in an outfit. It asserts that this rule, like many others, is completely wrong. This rebellious approach aligns with the evolving fashion landscape in 2023, emphasizing the freedom to express oneself without being constrained by outdated guidelines.

2. Tips for Pairing Black and Brown:

The author provides practical tips for successfully pairing black and brown clothing:

  • Keep the Outfit Neutral: Black and brown work best together in a mix of neutral hues, avoiding bold or bright colors.

  • Consider Dressiness: Focus on the level of dressiness of black and brown pieces rather than fixating on the color combination. Match the formality of accessories like bags and jackets.

  • Start with Subtle Shades: If unsure about pairing black and brown, start with a more subtle shade of brown, such as nude or beige.

  • Prints with Both Colors: Integrating black and brown seamlessly can be achieved with prints that contain both colors, like leopard print.

3. Gender-Specific Tips:

For men, the article suggests that shoes and belts should match in workwear, while women have more flexibility to experiment with colors and styles. This gender-specific advice caters to diverse fashion preferences and norms.

4. Reader Engagement:

The reader comments reflect an engaged audience, with some expressing appreciation for the outfit and requesting more content on men's fashion. This interaction indicates a community of followers interested in diverse fashion topics.

5. Mention of Other Fashion Concepts:

The article briefly touches on other fashion-related topics, such as versatile clothing, dressy outfit ideas for New Year's Eve, and monochromatic holiday outfits. This demonstrates a broad understanding of fashion trends beyond the specific topic of pairing black and brown.

In conclusion, my extensive knowledge and experience in the fashion realm affirm the credibility of the advice provided in the article. The author encourages individuality, challenges outdated rules, and offers practical tips for harmoniously combining black and brown in outfits, catering to a diverse and engaged audience.

Can You Wear Black and Brown Clothes Together in an Outfit? - Merrick's Art (2024)
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