Common questions about dates (article) | Khan Academy (2024)

Today's Date

How long has our calendar been around?

We are writing this on 12/26/12 or Wednesday, December 26, 2012. Traditionally understood as two-thousand and twelve years (give or take a few) after Jesus Christ is believed to have been born. But if Jesus used a calendar, it would not have been the one we use.

Our calendar is called the Gregorian calendar and was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. There are many other calendars. Quite a few societies have used calendars linked to the years their kings ruled. And there are numerous calendars, beyond the Gregorian calendar, that are still in use today. For example, 2012 equates to 1434/35 in the Islamic calendar and 5772-73 in the Jewish calendar (both are lunar, based on the cycles of the moon).

B.C. or B.C.E.?

Many people use the abbreviations B.C. and A.D. with a year (for example, A.D. 2012). B.C. refers to "Before Christ," and the initials, A.D., stand for Anno Domini, which is Latin for "In the year of our Lord." This system was devised by a monk in the year 525.

A more recent system uses B.C.E. which stands for "Before the Common Era" and C.E. for "Common Era." This newer system is now widely used as a way of expressing the same periods as B.C. and A.D., but without the Christian reference. According to this system, we count time backwards Before the Common Era (B.C.E.) and forwards in the Common Era (C.E.).


Often dates will be preceded with a "c." or a "ca." These are abbreviations of the Latin word "circa" which means around, or approximately. We use this before a date to indicate that we do not know exactly when something happened, so c. 400 B.C.E. means approximately 400 years Before the Common Era.

Why 2012 is in the 21st Century

We live in the 21st Century, that is, the 2000s. Similarly when we say "20th Century," we are referring to the 1900s. All this because, according to the calendar we use, the 1st Century included the years 1-100 (there was no year zero), and the 2nd Century, the years 101-200. Similarly, when we say 2nd Century B.C.E. we are referring to the years 200-101 B.C.E.

Within our calendar, we also have a tendency to find portentous meaning in the millennial years, that is, in the years 1000 and more recently, 2000.

Essay by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker

Common questions about dates (article) | Khan Academy (2024)


How do dates work in history? ›

Additional notes regarding dates:

If there isn't a 'BC' or 'AD' next to a date, it is probably AD. Before the birth of Christ, the number of years counts down, but after that, the years count upwards. There is no year '0': the year 1 BC is followed immediately by AD 1. 'BP' after a number stands for 'Before the Present ...

Why did the years start at 0? ›

A complete year had not yet elapsed for any date in the initial year of the epoch, thus the number 1 cannot be used. Instead, during the first year the indication of 0 years (elapsed) is given in order to show that the epoch is less than 1 year old.

Was 1 BC a leap year? ›

Year 1 BC was a common year starting on Friday or Saturday in the Julian calendar (the sources differ; see leap year error for further information) and a leap year starting on Thursday in the proleptic Julian calendar. It was also a leap year starting on Saturday in the Proleptic Gregorian calendar.

Why is date important in history? ›

Dates are important because: They record particular events of a particular time period in history. Makes it easy to follow history because history provides us with information about our past.

When did dates exist? ›

A monk called Dionysius Exiguus (early sixth century A.D.) invented the dating system most widely used in the Western world. For Dionysius, the birth of Christ represented Year One. He believed that this occurred 753 years after the foundation of Rome.

Which came first BC or AD? ›

AD denotes the calendar era after the birth of Jesus Christ. The traditionally accepted year of Christ's birth is labeled AD 1 and the year before is 1 BC. This calendaring system was devised in AD 525, but was not widely used until after AD 800.

When did AD start? ›

What is Common Era in history? ›

Meaning of Common Era in English

the period from the birth of Jesus Christ, when the Christian calendar starts counting years as AD: Synagogues have been excavated here dating from the first century of the Common Era. See also. CE. BCE.

What calendar did Jesus use? ›

The Julian calendar is the one that was introduced in the year 46 BC by Julius Caesar to all of the Roman Empire, and it is the calendar that was used during the life of Jesus Christ and at the time of the early Church.

What year was Jesus born? ›

The date of birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical sources, but most biblical scholars generally accept a date of birth between 6 BC and 4 BC, the year in which King Herod died.

Was Jesus born in 0 AD? ›

Since the years of the Common Era are labeled "AD," standing for anno Domini or “in the year of the lord” in Latin, one might assume that Jesus was born in the Year 0. Specifically, he is commonly believed to have been born eight days before the New Year on December 25, 1 B.C.E. But this is very unlikely.

Who was born in 1 AD? ›

Birth of Jesus, as assigned by Dionysius Exiguus in his anno Domini era according to at least one scholar.

How many years ago was Jesus born? ›

Jesus was born around 4 B.C. and was crucified in A.D. 30, according to the PBS FRONTLINE show "From Jesus to Christ." Britannica cites his birth year as ranging from 6 to 4 B.C.

Why does February 29 exist on some years? ›

The intercalary day that usually occurs every four years is called the leap day and is created by adding an extra day to February. This day is added to the calendar in leap years as a corrective measure because the Earth does not orbit the Sun in precisely 365 days.

What are 5 important dates in history? ›

Famous Dates in History
December 8, 1980John Lennon shot and killed in NYC
December 11. 1941US declares war on Germany and Italy
December 14, 1911South Pole first reached by Roald Amundsen
December 15, 1791U.S. Bill of Rights signed
182 more rows

What is the history of date? ›

Although their exact origin is uncertain, dates were first known to be cultivated in the Fertile Crescent between Egypt and Mesopotamia as early as 4000 B.C. Date palms fare best in tropical and subtropical regions. They continue to be an important crop for Iraq, Iran, Arabia and North Africa west to Morocco.

What are the most important dates in human history? ›

Top 10 Moments from History
  • William Shakespeare Is Born - 1564. ...
  • Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot Are Discovered - 1605. ...
  • The Battle of Waterloo - 1815. ...
  • Queen Victoria Becomes Queen - 1837. ...
  • V-E Day Marks The End Of Second World War - 1945. ...
  • Tim Berners-Lee Invents The World Wide Web (Internet) - 1989.

Who created dates? ›

In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar ordered a calendar consisting of twelve months based on a solar year. This calendar employed a cycle of three years of 365 days, followed by a year of 366 days (leap year). When first implemented, the "Julian Calendar" also moved the beginning of the year from March 1 to January 1.

Who started dates? ›

The Sumerians in Mesopotamia made the very first calendar, which divided a year into 12 lunar months, each consisting of 29 or 30 days.

How did date get its name? ›

The word data is from the Latin word dare "to give." In later Latin, the word data came to be used alone to stand for the date, and it came into English as date.

What year was Jesus crucified? ›

Jesus died, therefore, on Friday, April 3, AD 33 at about 3 p.m., a few hours before the beginning of Passover day and the Sabbath. This is the date in the Julian calendar, which had been introduced in 45 BC, and follows the convention that historical dates adhere to the calendar in use at the time.

When did Christianity start? ›

Early Christianity is generally reckoned by church historians to begin with the ministry of Jesus ( c. 27–30) and end with the First Council of Nicaea (325). It is typically divided into two periods: the Apostolic Age ( c. 30–100, when the first apostles were still alive) and the Ante-Nicene Period ( c.

What does AD mean in the Bible? ›

AD stands for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, while BC stands for “before Christ”.

What language did Jesus speak? ›

Aramaic is best known as the language Jesus spoke. It is a Semitic language originating in the middle Euphrates. In 800-600 BC it spread from there to Syria and Mesopotamia. The oldest preserved inscriptions are from this period and written in Old Aramaic.

When did humans start counting time? ›

Reckoning Dates

ACCORDING TO archaeological evidence, the Babylonians and Egyptians began to measure time at least 5,000 years ago, introducing calendars to organize and coordinate communal activities and public events, to schedule the shipment of goods and, in particular, to regulate cycles of planting and harvesting.

How old is the earth according to the Bible? ›

Concerning the age of the Earth, the Bible's genealogical records combined with the Genesis 1 account of creation are used to estimate an age for the Earth and universe of about 6000 years, with a bit of uncertainty on the completeness of the genealogical records, allowing for a few thousand years more.

What age is CE? ›

'CE' means Common Era, or Current Era. 'CE' is equivalent to 'AD' as a date and places the 'common' or 'current' era as being from the suggested birth of Christ at 1 AD (e.g. Battle of Hastings was in 1066 CE).

When did CE replace AD? ›

The use of BCE/CE certainly has become more common in recent years but it is not a new invention of the "politically correct" nor is it even all that new; the use of "common era" in place of A.D. first appears in German in the 17th century CE and in English in the 18th.

What is today's era called? ›

The Anthropocene Epoch is an unofficial unit of geologic time, used to describe the most recent period in Earth's history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems.

Did Jesus live in BC or AD? ›

Using these methods, most scholars assume a date of birth between 6 and 4 BC, and that Jesus' preaching began around AD 27–29 and lasted one to three years. They calculate the death of Jesus as having taken place between AD 30 and 36.

How many days in a year in Jesus time? ›

History. In ancient times, twelve thirty-day months were used making a total of 360 days for the year.

Why are years based on Jesus? ›

The Christian calendar was created by an Eastern European monk named Dionysius Exiguus. He invented the now commonly used Anno Domini (A.D.) era, which counts years based on the birth of Jesus. He came up with this concept in the year 525, or, 525 years after the birth of Jesus.

What is Jesus's real name? ›

Jesus' name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua. So how did we get the name “Jesus”?

What religion was Jesus? ›

He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues. He preached from Jewish text, from the Bible.

Was Jesus crucified in 31 AD? ›

6 April (Good Friday) – Jesus is crucified (according to one dating scheme). He is later reported alive by his disciples. Lucius Aelius Sejanus is named co-Consul to Emperor Tiberius. However, Tiberius becomes aware of Sejanus' treachery and has him arrested and executed.

Is Jesus birthday in the Bible? ›

Christmas is on Dec. 25, but it wasn't always. Dec. 25 is not the date mentioned in the Bible as the day of Jesus's birth; the Bible is actually silent on the day or the time of year when Mary was said to have given birth to him in Bethlehem.

What does the name Jesus means? ›

In the Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, the name Iēsous comes from Hebrew/Aramaic and means "healer or physician, and saviour," and that the earliest Christians were named Jessaeans based on this name before they were called Christians.

When did year 1 begin? ›

This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus, AD counting years from the start of this epoch and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme; thus the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC.

How are the years counted in history? ›

The system labels years based on a traditional notion of when Jesus was born — with the "A.D." denoting years after his birth and "B.C." designating the years that predate his birth. In English, it is common for "A.D." to precede the year, so that the translation of "A.D.

How long ago was 3500 BC in years? ›

5,500 years ago (3500 BC): Uruk period in Sumer. First evidence of mummification in Egypt.

When was year 1 AD? ›

AD or A.D. stands for Anno Domini and is a label for numbering years after Christ was born. BC or B.C. means Before Christ. The year Christ was born is considered AD 1 and the year before that is labeled 1 BC.

How long ago was Jesus born? ›

Jesus was born around 4 B.C. and was crucified in A.D. 30, according to the PBS FRONTLINE show "From Jesus to Christ." Britannica cites his birth year as ranging from 6 to 4 B.C. and has the same death year as Frontline.

When was Jesus born? ›

He was born to Joseph and Mary sometime between 6 bce and shortly before the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2; Luke 1:5) in 4 bce.

Is there a year 0 in history? ›

There is no year 0. Jesus was born before 4 B.C.E. The concept of a year "zero" is a modern myth (but a very popular one). In our calendar, C.E. 1 follows immediately after 1 B.C.E. with no intervening year zero.

What is the oldest known date? ›

As such, adjusting for modern systems of time, the first recorded year corresponded to 4241 BCE, a date held by both Egyptians and those living in Mesopotamia.

What happened 7500 years ago? ›

7,500 years ago (5500 BC): Copper smelting in evidence in Pločnik and other locations. 7,200–6,000 years ago: 5200–4000 BC:Għar Dalam phase on Malta. First farming settlements on the island. 6300 or 6350 years ago: Akahoya eruption creates the Kikai Caldera and ends the earliest hom*ogeneous Jomon culture in Japan.

Were humans alive 10 000 years ago? ›

In the Paleolithic period (roughly 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.), early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers. They used basic stone and bone tools, as well as crude stone axes, for hunting birds and wild animals.

Who was alive in the year 1000? ›

Ibn al-Haytham (Book of Optics), Avicenna, Averroes, and Abu Rayhan al-Biruni all flourished around the year 1000.

Who started counting years? ›

From the observation of the stars, the Egyptians have been the first to count annual periods and also the pioneers in creating 12 subdivisions of time based on seasons. Greek historian and geographer Herodotus wrote on this ability of the so-called "time masters" in 3 BC.

What happened in 666 AD? ›

666 AD was the year when Ramla, the last living wife of Mohammed the Prophet, died. It was the 600th anniversary of the Great Fire of Rome. The 6174–75 year since God made the world and 1319 years since the founding of the city of Rome (a.u.c.).

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.