Disabling Lightbox popup window for images globally - WordPress Websites For Businesses, Artists, Bloggers Shops And More (2024)

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Updated on July 18, 2022

How can I globally disable the Lightbox popup window for image URL?

If you have an image element in your layout, aLightboximage will show up if a user click on that image. By default This feature is automatically enabled for all image elements in Elementor. But you can disable it entirely for all the image elements.

Note:In order to disable theLightboxpopup window for a specific image element and not for all, you can refer tothis article.

To disable the Lightbox popup window globally from all the image elements in Elementor

  1. Open any page in Elementor Editor and go to the Hamburger menu at the top left, then choose > Site setting > Light Box
  2. Disable Image lightbox
  3. Update changes.

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Disabling Lightbox popup window for images globally - WordPress Websites For Businesses, Artists, Bloggers Shops And More (2024)


How do I disable lightbox in WordPress? ›

How can I globally disable the Lightbox popup window for image URL?
  1. Open any page in Elementor Editor and go to the Hamburger menu at the top left, then choose > Site setting > Light Box.
  2. Disable Image lightbox.
  3. Update changes.
Jul 18, 2022

How do I disable lightbox? ›

Click into Settings in the left-hand panel. Click into Site Options. Click into the Lightbox for Images tab. Check/uncheck Lightbox option.

How do I disable lightbox in WordPress Elementor? ›

The lightbox feature is turned on by default. You can switch it off by going to its settings, and uncheck the checkbox. From any Elementor page or post, click the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the Widget Panel, then navigate to Site Settings > Settings > Lightbox.

What is enable lightbox in WordPress? ›

A lightbox in WordPress includes navigation arrows which enable the viewer to scroll through gallery items without having to open images individually, which would mean opening individual tabs and cluttering up their browser.

How do I change the lightbox in WordPress? ›

To change lightbox background color in WordPress, you'll need to follow these 6 steps:
  1. Install and activate Envira Gallery plugin.
  2. Install and activate Gallery Themes Addon.
  3. Create an image gallery using Envira.
  4. Enable lightbox settings for image gallery.
  5. Choose your lightbox theme.
Jan 12, 2017

How do I turn off screen options in WordPress? ›

In that tab, you need to click on the new 'Global Options' tab to expand it as well. You will see a bunch of options to show and hide in your WordPress admin area. You need to check the boxes next to 'Screen Options to disable the screen options button for any specific user roles.

How to disable lightbox in CSS? ›

If you want to use a different light box, you can disable the theme lightbox entirely by navigating to Theme Options> Misc Settings and setting “Theme Lightbox?” to “Lightbox Off.”

What is the purpose of lightbox on website? ›

A lightbox is a window overlay that appears over a webpage, blocking some of the content and dimming and disabling the rest of the background. This ensures a site visitor cannot interact with other content on the website until they take action — either by clicking a button, filling out the popup, or exiting out of it.

What is a lightbox popup? ›

What is a lightbox popup? Lightbox popups are modules that take over a browsing window with a specific call to action (CTA). The CTA or prompt points the user to take action, often by downloading a piece of content, signing up for a newsletter, or checking out a new product.

What is image lightbox in WordPress? ›

A lightbox gallery is a modern and professional way to display images on your website. You've probably seen them before. It's a popup, modal, or overlay that shows your images or media files on top of the web page. Most of them focus on the image and darken out the rest of the page.

How do I disable popup Elementor in WordPress? ›

Click Popup to select either Open Popup or Close Popup. If Close Popup is chosen, the option, “Don't Show Again” will become an available option.

What is a lightbox vs popup? ›

A lightbox is actually a specific Javascript library which has come to be used as a generic term for any popup that darkens the website and displays a dialog containing an image or other content. Often used to display galleries or content that should temporarily take complete focus from the rest of the page.

What is enable lightbox? ›

If you enable images appearing in a lightbox, it means that when users click an image on your web page, it opens in a dedicated box on the screen, dimming the rest of the web page.

How do I use the popup box plugin in WordPress? ›

Head to your WordPress dashboard and go to Popup Maker » Add Popup, and you'll see the popup editing screen appear. On this screen, you'll want to enter a name for your popup. Plus, you can also enter an optional display title as we did in this example. Your visitors will be able to see this optional display title.

What is a lightbox plugin? ›

A lightbox plugin is a tool to enhance the functionality of WordPress so you can show images, forms, videos, and more with a nifty lightbox effect. They're also used in most modern website designs to display beautiful lightbox galleries for an immersive experience when viewing images.

How do I edit lightbox? ›

Editing your lightbox
  1. Access the mobile Editor.
  2. Click Menus & Pages on the left side of the mobile Editor.
  3. Click Lightboxes.
  4. Click the relevant lightbox. Click the elements in your lightbox (such as text and images) to customize them, add animation effects, or hide them from your mobile site.

Where is the screen options menu in WordPress? ›

Screen Options is a fly down menu button located on the top right corner of some pages in your WordPress admin area. When clicked, Screen Options menu shows options to configure the view of that particular page in your admin area. It usually contains check boxes to show and hide different sections of an admin screen.

How do I enable screen options in WordPress? ›

Open any page or post in the WordPress editor. In the upper right corner, click the Screen options tab. Select the checkboxes for items that you want to display on the WordPress editing page and clear the checkboxes for items you don't. Click the Screen options tab again to close the panel.

How do I disable block options in WordPress? ›

Block Locking UI in WordPress 6.0

The users access the locked/unlocked feature via the block “options” dropdown by default. To disable this behavior, set `lock` attribute to “false” in the block.

How to hide input box using CSS? ›

You can set the display to none if you want to hide the element and display to block or inline if you want to show them.
  1. Display:none didn't do the trick. ...
  2. position: absolute will take any element out of the render flow, making it have no impact on any other element around it.
Jul 3, 2009

What is lightbox in CSS? ›

A lightbox is a combination of two components, a modal and a slide show. Here you will construct a simple lightbox using HTML , CSS and JavaScript . The lightbox will be contained in the modal, which will be triggered by some JavaScript , from event handlers in the HTML markup.

How to disable image using CSS? ›

This way to can make use of the disabled attribute:
  1. input[type=image]:disabled { opacity:0.5; } <input type="image" src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/AkfB4.png" border="0" disabled /> ...
  2. img.disabled { opacity:0.5; } <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/AkfB4.png" alt="Image" class="disabled">
Mar 2, 2016

What is a lightbox and how does it work? ›

A lightbox is a translucent surface illuminated from behind, used for situations where a shape laid upon the surface needs to be seen with high contrast.

Is it necessary to have a lightbox? ›

Lightboxes not only soften the light falling on an object, but they also often serve as the perfect backdrop. Therefore, a soft lightbox is essential for multiple sets and interior space.

What is the advantage of lightbox? ›

Lightbox signs offer a number of benefits including the ability to customize, add content and update it when necessary, flexibility in location placement, high visibility, low costs and simple installation.

How do I disable a pop up box? ›

Change your default pop-ups & redirects settings
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More. Settings.
  3. Click Privacy and security Site Settings. Pop-ups and redirects.
  4. Choose the option that you want as your default setting.

How do I disable windows pop up box? ›

Click on Settings. Select Privacy and Security in the left pane of the Settings page. Go to the right and scroll down to Permissions. Check the box beside “Block pop-up windows.”

How do I stop pop up boxes? ›

Under Privacy and security, click the Content Settings button. Select Pop-ups and redirect. To disable the pop-up blocker, uncheck the Blocked (recommended) box. To enable pop-ups on specific sites, check Blocked (recommended) and click Add next to Allow and enter the URL(s).

What is an image lightbox? ›

An image lightbox is a multi-functional plugin that handles both image galleries and image "magnification". These use cases used to be covered by Foundation's Clearing Lightbox.

How do I open images in lightbox in WordPress? ›

Log in to your WordPress Dashboard (if you aren't logged in already), then click the Lightbox Gallery link. Click the Add Lightbox Gallery button. Enter a title for your gallery, then click the Add New Images button to select or upload your images. Click the Select button when you are done.

Should I use a lightbox on my website? ›

An effective lightbox will give site visitors the information or offers that will compel them the most. You only have a short amount of time to get their attention, so it pays to give them something they want. The key to using this successfully is to ask visitors to provide only the most relevant information.

What happens if I deactivate Elementor WordPress? ›

A: If you deactivate or delete Elementor Pro, your site will be unable to display the advanced designs you created with Elementor Pro. Any designs created with the standard free version of Elementor will still work.

How to disable pop up using JavaScript? ›

You need to detect the click event on the element. Then stop it from propagating to the document. The click event propagates from the element, then to the document. You need to stop it from propagating to the document using event.

How do I disable CSS Plugins in WordPress? ›

Let's take a moment and go through each technique..
  1. Check the script or style tag. ...
  2. Use a script/style-inspector function. ...
  3. Locate the source code responsible for adding the script. ...
  4. Educated guess then ask. ...
  5. Disable script and style on frontend. ...
  6. Disable script and style in Admin Area. ...
  7. Disable script and style elsewhere.
Mar 25, 2019

How do I get rid of auto pop ups? ›

If you're seeing annoying notifications from a website, turn off the permission:
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app .
  2. Go to a webpage.
  3. To the right of the address bar, tap More Info .
  4. Tap Site settings.
  5. Under "Permissions," tap Notifications. ...
  6. Turn the setting off.

What is Elementor popup builder? ›

Elementor Popup Builder. The Elementor Popup Builder, for instance, adds the ability to build and manage popups from the Elementor Editor. By managing your site design and popup design from one design interface streamlines the web building process.

Do lightboxes affect SEO? ›

User engagement does not suffer from requested lightboxes. If a user requests content and that content is presented in a lightbox, there is no negative impact. But do your own tracking – your mileage may vary.

What is the difference between pop up and pop up vs popup? ›

Pop up is a verb that defines the action of popping up. Pop-up is both a noun and an adjective, whereas “popup” without the hyphen is incorrect. However, it is commonly written as “popup” because website URLs already include hyphens between the words.

What is the difference between inline and lightbox embed? ›

What's the Difference Between Inline and Lightbox Embeds? Inline embeds display your video directly on the webpage, in line with the rest of your content. Lightbox embeds present your video as the focal point of the page by loading your video in the center of the screen and dimming all other page elements.

What is WordPress popup plugin? ›

This plugin lets you show your popup to different users based on time on page, user inactivity, exit intent, clicks, total time on website, and mouse hover. On top of page-level targeting, more advanced targeting options include geolocation, traffic source, and device.

What plugin for image popup in WordPress? ›

  • Visit Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for “Simple Image Popup”
  • Activate Simple Image Popup from your Plugins page.
  • Click on the “Image Popup” menu link on the left sidebar in your admin panel.

How do I turn off post author box display? ›

How To Disable Extra's Author Box. From your WordPress dashboard, go to: Extra > Theme Options > Layout > Single Post Layout. There you'll find a “Show Author Box” option. Just toggle it to “Disable”.

How do I disable a specific plugin in WordPress? ›

  1. Log into your wp-admin dashboard. Log into your wp-admin dashboard. Log into your wp-admin dashboard. ...
  2. Click on Plugins.
  3. Click on the top box to select all your plugins.
  4. Click on the Bulk Action drop-down menu and select Deactivate. Then click Apply.
  5. The page will refresh, and all your plugins will be disabled.

How do I disable plugins in WordPress pages? ›

To choose which plugins will be disabled only for specific custom post types, you can go to Plugin Organizer > Post Type Plugins: You can select the post type you'd like to edit from the drop-down menu here. Then, drag any plugins you'd like to disable for that post type into the column on the right.

How do I remove content box in WordPress? ›

Removing a Content Banner
  1. Open the page for editing in WordPress.
  2. Scroll down to the Content Banner box.
  3. Hover your mouse over the existing image. Click the delete icon that displays over the top left corner of the image.
  4. Save your page. The content banner is removed.

How do I disable author profile in WordPress? ›

To disable or enable author archive pages, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your WordPress website. ...
  2. Click on 'Yoast SEO' in the sidebar. ...
  3. Click on 'Settings'. ...
  4. In the Yoast SEO settings menu, click 'Advanced' and then 'Author archives'. ...
  5. Toggle the 'Enable author archives' switch to match your site setup. ...
  6. Click 'Save changes'.

How do I turn off post format in WordPress? ›

To disable the entire post formats on your site. You can place this code into your function. php at child theme . function jorcus_remove_post_formats() { remove_theme_support('post-formats'); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'jorcus_remove_post_formats', 11 );

What happens if I deactivate all WordPress plugins? ›

When you deactivate a WordPress plugin, it is simply turned off. However, it is still installed on your website, so you can activate it again if you need to. On the other hand, uninstalling a plugin completely deletes it from your website. You will not be able to see the plugin on the Plugins » Installed Plugins page.

How do I manually disable plugins? ›

Navigate to httpdocs > wp-content > plugins. Find the folder for the plugin that you need to disable. Right click on the plugin folder and select Rename. Rename the plugin folder to disabled.

How to disable WordPress plugins without access to the admin page? ›

Here's how to disable a WordPress plugin without access to WP-Admin:
  1. Step 1: Get your site's SSH, SFTP, or FTP credentials. ...
  2. Step 2: Download a file transfer client application. ...
  3. Step 3: Connect to your server using the credentials. ...
  4. Step 4: Rename the plugin folder to deactivate it.
Feb 3, 2023

How do I get rid of pop ups in WooCommerce? ›

Step 1: From your WordPress admin area, go to Popup Maker > All Popups. Step 2: Click the toggle switch for the popup you want to turn off so that it slides to the left and the button turns black. Using the example below, the second popup (General COVID-19 Popup) is turned off.

How do I turn off images in WooCommerce? ›

  1. Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click the upload tab.
  3. Browse for the plugin file (hide-product-image-for-woocommerce.zip) on your computer.
  4. Click “Install Now” and then hit the activate button.

How do I disable store Plugins in WooCommerce? ›

Here's how:
  1. In your dashboard, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products.
  2. The drop-down at the top is used to select the “shop” page. Use the “x” on the right-hand side to clear the selection.
  3. Update your settings.

How do I change my WordPress plugin settings? ›

WordPress - Plugin Setting
  1. Step (1) − On the left side bar, Click on Plugins → Installed Plugins as shown in the screen.
  2. Step (2) − The following page appears.
  3. Step (3) − Click on → Plugins → Add New menu as shown in the following screen.
  4. Step (4) − A list of plugins appears that are used in WordPress.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.