Elizabeth I: fashion and beauty (2024)

Elizabeth I: fashion and beauty

As the Queen of England and the nation’s most powerful woman, Elizabeth's taste set the 'look' of the 1500s.

Many of the women around Queen Elizabeth I at court could be seen wearing her cast-offs and others in society strove to emulate her style. Elizabeth’s dress evolved throughout her reign, from the fairly restrained graceful lines fashionable in her youth, to the narrow-waisted, puffy-sleeved, large-ruffed, full-skirted styles worn in her later years.

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A trend setter

Elizabeth's influence on fashion extended beyond women's clothing. In the early years of her reign, men's fashion was much the same as it had been under her father and brother, favouring a broad, square silhouette with layers of garments made of rich fabrics. As Elizabeth's wardrobe became more opulent and elaborate, with a more exaggerated silhouette, so did that of her courtiers. Men wore corsets to give them a cinched waistline and stuffed 'peascod' doublets, which gave them a pointed pot-belly, like a pea in a pod.

Elizabethan beauty

The Renaissance ideal of beauty was fair hair, a pallid complexion, bright eyes and red lips. Elizabeth was tall and striking, with pale skin and light red-gold hair. She exaggerated these features, particularly as she aged, and other women sought to emulate them.

An alabaster complexion symbolised wealth and nobility, signalling that one did not have to labour in the sun, and women went to great lengths to achieve this look.

The most popular white foundation, called ceruse, was made out of white lead and vinegar. Concoctions used to bleach freckles and treat blemishes often included ingredients such as sulphur, turpentine and mercury. These toxic ingredients took their toll, leaving the skin 'grey and shrivelled' as one contemporary commentator noted. To combat this, the skin was glazed with raw egg white to produce a smooth, marble-like surface.

Getting the Elizabethan look

False veins were often painted onto the skin to highlight its 'transparency' and vermilion (mercuric sulphide) was the most popular choice to colour lips red. High, narrow arched brows and a high hairline required much plucking, and eyes were brightened with drops of belladonna juice and lined with kohl (powdered antimony).

Elizabeth's curly red hair presented another challenge for the fashion-conscious, and many recipes for dyeing and bleaching emerged as women tried to achieve the same look. Red wigs became a popular alternative, which Elizabeth also took to wearing. As Elizabeth aged, her legendary sweet tooth caught up with her, causing her teeth to decay. Her influence by this time was so pervasive that some women went so far as to blacken their own teeth to mimic her appearance.

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Elizabeth I: fashion and beauty (2024)


How did Queen Elizabeth 1 influence fashion? ›

She had patterns and sample bodices sent abroad so that the French, Italians, and even Germans might make gowns to her size. She even imported tailors from abroad. Italian, French and most especially Spanish styles filtered into England at an increasing rate during Elizabeth's reign, to be absorbed into English style.

What was the fashion in the Elizabethan era? ›

Elizabethan style demanded a tight upper body paired with a voluminous lower body. A heavy outer skirt split open into an A-line shape in the center, revealed an attractive under-skirt or petti-coat. Sometimes the exposed under-skirt or forepart was paired with matching bodice sleeves.

Why did Elizabeth I wear so much makeup? ›

It is known however that she contracted smallpox in 1562 which left her face scarred. She took to wearing white lead makeup to cover the scars. In later life, she suffered the loss of her hair and her teeth, and in the last few years of her life, she refused to have a mirror in any of her rooms.

What clothes did Elizabeth I wear? ›

Elizabeth's dress evolved throughout her reign, from the fairly restrained graceful lines fashionable in her youth, to the narrow-waisted, puffy-sleeved, large-ruffed, full-skirted styles worn in her later years.

Why was Elizabethan fashion important? ›

Clothing was a sign of status, it not only dictated wealth but also social status in the Elizabethan Class system. Those that disobeyed the Sumptuary Laws faced the possibility of fines, loss of property, title, and even life.

Was Queen Elizabeth a fashion icon? ›

As the longest-reigning monarch in British history, Queen Elizabeth II had seven decades to establish herself as a style icon. And that she did. One whose fashion choices mirrored her values as a monarch. One who, in almost a century of public life, never put a foot wrong when it came to her image.

Did Elizabethans wear makeup? ›

The Elizabethan time was an interesting period for cosmetics. Where it was previously considered vulgar to wear makeup, women then started wearing makeup increasingly, and it was even the time that perfume and cologne were hot!

What does Queen Elizabeth do with her clothes after she wears them? ›

What Happens With Queen Elizabeth's Clothes? Queen Elizabeth never wears the same outfit twice at important events. Therefore, the sovereign prefers to either change her outfits and if she gets bored of them, she sends them to her dressers, who are then allowed to either wear them themselves or sell them.

What were Elizabethan clothes made of? ›

The following fabrics and materials were common during the Elizabethan era: Brocade, Buckram, Calico, Cambric, Canvas, Corduroy, Cypress, Damask, Felt, Flannel, Gauze, Grogram, Holland, Lawn, Linen, Lockram, Plush, Russet, Sarcenet, Satin, Shag, Silk, Tabbinet, Tabby, Taffeta, Tiffany and Velvet.

What is Queen Elizabeth beauty secrets? ›

One of her secrets was applying Elizabeth Arden's iconic Eight Hour Cream Balm morning and night. Moisturising was the secret to Elizabeth II's healthy skin. The beauty standards of the British Royal Family require discretion and subtly across makeup, hair and manicures.

Why did Elizabeth the first cut her hair? ›

Queen Elizabeth I was simply being fashionable when she cut off her hair. Wearing wigs was the fashion, and it was much easier and more comfortable to... See full answer below.

Why did Queen Elizabeth wear a thick coat of white makeup? ›

Elizabeth nearly died from the disease, and her skin was scarred from the illness, so she covered the pockmarks with heavy white makeup made of white lead and vinegar, which slowly poisoned her over time.

What did Elizabeth I really look like? ›

We can be almost completely certain that her hair was a golden red, her eyes dark brown, her nose ridged or hooked in the middle, her lips rather thin, and her cheek bones pronounced. Her hair was also probably naturally curly or at least wavy.

How many dresses did Elizabeth 1st have? ›

When Elizabeth I died in 1603, her wardrobe encompassed more than 2,000 sumptuously tailored gowns, from cloth of gold trimmed with ermine and jewels to pearl-draped dresses made of the finest fabrics.

What did rich Elizabethans wear? ›

Elizabethan Nobles and Upper classes wore a variety of expensive clothing made of velvets, satin, furs, silks, lace, cottons and taffeta. Many of these sumptuous materials were imported from the continent. These exotic materials were introduced in earlier centuries by Knights returning from the crusades.

Why was image so important to Elizabeth? ›

She chose, instead, to use portraits to show herself to her people. It was, therefore, essential that the portraits showed an image of Elizabeth that would impress her subjects. At intervals throughout her reign, the government issued portraits of Elizabeth that were to be copied and distributed throughout the land.

Do any of Queen Elizabeth 1 dresses still exist? ›

The embroidered silk fabric was preserved as an altar cloth for centuries. While Queen Elizabeth I is one of the best-known monarchs in British history, very little remains of her wardrobe. But this fall, a piece of her only-known remaining dress is set to go on display at Hampton Court Palace.

Why did Elizabeth 1 have so many portraits? ›

During the course of her reign, Queen Elizabeth I became a public icon. Her likeness appeared on a large number of objects - from the coins in purses to large-scale painted portraits. These images were carefully designed and served as a tool to manipulate the public image of the queen.

Who was the first fashion icon? ›

Born on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, Coco Chanel was the creator of one of the most valuable fashion brands in the world. Her elegantly casual designs inspired women to abandon complicated and uncomfortable clothes. She freed ladies from the oppression of corsets, helped popularize pants for women and more.

Who is the biggest fashion icon? ›

The 12 Greatest Fashion Icons of All Time
  • Princess Diana. One of the best-dressed women in history is Diana, Princess of Wales. ...
  • Rihanna. Rihanna remains an influential fashion icon that even international brands recognise. ...
  • Audrey Hepburn. ...
  • Harry Styles. ...
  • Billy Porter. ...
  • Jackie Kennedy. ...
  • David Bowie. ...
  • Cher.
May 4, 2022

Who is known as the fashion Queen? ›

Donna Karren is one of the top ten most famous fashion designers in the world. DK is the real queen of the fashion industry with her new and innovative fashion designs. DK created a different world of fashion in the history of American fashion design.

How did Elizabethans wash their hair? ›

Though they didn't take baths often, they did wash their hair a bit more often. Typically, they used a simple form of soap; shampoos and conditioners were not invented by then. Women often dyed their hair with various substances, one of these being… urine!

How did Elizabethans dye their hair? ›

Dye in Elizabethan Times

Blonde dye was the most popular for both men and women, who would bleach their hair by applying chamomile and lemon juice then letting it sit in sunlight. While this bleaching is not as effective as today's chemical agents, it can still be utilized to lighten hair color.

Did Queen Elizabeth the first dye her hair? ›

Her Majesty is known for her trademark short curly locks. According to the Express, the Queen dyed her hair with a product called Chocolate Kiss until the 1990s, and it gradually went gray within a couple of months.

What shampoo does the Queen use? ›

Molton Brown is believed to be one of the monarch's favourites, with the British brand holding a Royal Warrant since 2013.

Does the Queen wash up? ›

Does the Queen wash her own dishes? The washing liquid was reportedly released after formal royal butler Paul Burrell revealed in 2020 that the Queen 'often does her own washing up and likes it'.

Who dresses the Queen every day? ›

One of those dressmakers, Angela Kelly, is well-known to royal fans in her own right. Kelly's formal title is Personal Advisor to Her Majesty (The Queen's Wardrobe), which means Kelly is the curator and designer of the Queen's clothing, but she is also a close confidant and friend to the Queen.

Who designed Queen Elizabeth's clothes? ›

Mary Angela Kelly, LVO (born 4 November 1957, Liverpool) is a British fashion designer, dressmaker, and milliner, who served as Personal Assistant and Senior Dresser to Queen Elizabeth II from 2002 to the Queen's death in 2022.

What were Elizabethan hairstyles like? ›

Hairstyles of the Elizabethan era were characterized by high, frizzed hair and often placed over wires or pads to create a heart-shaped frame around the head. These hairstyles were made easier when the first metal hairpins were invented in England in 1545.

Which perfume did the Queen use? ›

Here's all you need to know about the fragrance... Floris London is known to be the Queen's go-to perfume brand, with rumours that she opts for the signature White Rose scent. As the only perfume brand to be granted a royal warrant from the Queen, Floris London definitely has the royal seal of approval.

What was the Queen's beauty routine? ›

Moisturising twice a day, every day

The key to her vibrant complexion, Hello magazine claims that the secret to her skin was Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Cream Balm, used every morning and night.

What was Queen Elizabeth's favorite lipstick? ›

The Queen was a fan of Elizabeth Arden's lipsticks for years. According to Hello, the brand has held a Royal Warrant for over 55 years.

Why were Elizabeth's teeth black? ›

The queen was especially fond of sweets, but not so fond of the dentist. Her teeth rotted; they turned black and gave off a foul odor. Eventually, Elizabeth lost so many teeth that people found it difficult to understand her when she spoke.

Why does Elizabeth wear gloves? ›

South China Morning Post, in a report published on September 2, said, “Queen Elizabeth likes to wear gloves as she has to shake a lot of hands and they help to prevent the spread of germs, according to Reader's Digest. She usually favours black or white gloves made from nylon or cotton.

When did Queen Elizabeth's hair turn grey? ›

Known for her polished, set style, it's rumoured Her Majesty's early years of beautiful brown locks were the colour 'chocolate kiss' until 1990 when she decided to embrace her natural grey strands.

Why does the Queen put on lipstick? ›

“I believe there's etiquette that ladies do not make their faces up in public,” the former royal footman explained, “but she had her bag over the side and she would take her lipstick out and put it on with no mirror or anything, and that was a signal to the ladies that she was ready to leave.”

Does the Queen paint her nails? ›

In the 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II's reign, there has only been one nail colour she's sported - in the public eye, at least. It's so subtle you've likely never noticed it, though closer inspection shows her nails are often painted a soft and milky barely-there pink.

Why does Queen Elizabeth wear so much blue? ›

"She's quite small — so sometimes just quite difficult to spot — so her dressers ... decided some years ago that it would be helpful if she was brightly colored so that people could spot her easily," she said earlier this year.

What colour were the Queen's eyes? ›

Queen Consort Camilla has spoken movingly of Queen Elizabeth II's “wonderful blue eyes” and her ability to carve a role in a “male-dominated world” when she came to the throne.

How Queen Elizabeth is so fit? ›

The queen walked with her dogs, rode horses, hiked around the grounds of her estates and otherwise stayed active throughout her life and into her old age. “Probably the single best thing most of us can do for our health is regular exercise.

Did Queen Elizabeth 1 wear a wig? ›

Was Queen Elizabeth I bald? She is said to have reddish-gold hair like her father, King Henry VIII. The Virgin Queen definitely wore wigs, and may have sported and influenced some of the fabulous styles depicted below that were popular with wealthy ladies on the 16th century.

What colour was Elizabeth 1st wedding dress? ›

Wedding dress of Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom
DesignerNorman Hartnell
TypeWhite bridal dress
1 more row

What was in Queen Elizabeth the First makeup? ›

It was made with vinegar and white lead from Venice which gave the woman an incredibly pale appearance. However, the lead was poisonous. Over time, the Venetian Ceruse caused hair loss and skin shedding, two things Elizabeth struggled with as she got older. She was in severe depression towards the end of her life.

What is the Queen's Favourite colour? ›

Revealed: Why blue is the Queen's favourite colour... and why she doesn't like beige. Many have wondered what Her Majesty's favourite colour is - until now. Vogue magazine has studied every outfit she has worn in the last 12 months and found that blue is known as royal for a reason.

How did Elizabeth influence fashion? ›

She had patterns and sample bodices sent abroad so that the French, Italians, and even Germans might make gowns to her size. She even imported tailors from abroad. Italian, French and most especially Spanish styles filtered into England at an increasing rate during Elizabeth's reign, to be absorbed into English style.

How did Queen Elizabeth 1 impact the Renaissance? ›

She supported theater, fashion, literature, dance, and education. Poets and playwrights composed some of the greatest works in the English Language. Elizabeth worked to strengthen England's economy, and she encouraged trade and commerce.

How did Queen Elizabeth influence the world? ›

She presided at official ceremonies, hosted world leaders and traveled in support of the British government. Having a job for 70 years means you have seen a lot of world leaders come and go. The first British prime minister she worked with was Winston Churchill, who had governed the nation through World War II.

What is Queen Elizabeth 1 best known for? ›

The 'Virgin Queen' never married, but instead pledged her body to England itself. In 1588, when Spain threatened to invade, she made one of the most famous speeches in royal history to inspire her troops. God listened, and the Spanish Armada was defeated.

What was Elizabeth 1 known for? ›

She was only the second queen in English history to rule in her own right (the first was her half-sister, Mary) – during a time when people believed that women weren't able to rule as well as men. But Elizabeth didn't let that stop her! She was clever and cunning and proved that women can be just as powerful as men!

What important things did Elizabeth 1 do? ›

Important events of her reign included the restoration of England to Protestantism; the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots; and England's defeat of the Spanish Armada. She lived under constant threat of conspiracies by British Catholics. Over time she became known as the Virgin Queen, wedded to her kingdom.

What happens to the queen's clothes once she's worn them? ›

According to Brian Hoey, author of Not In Front of the Corgis, the queen regularly gave her old clothes to her dressers. From there, they could either keep the pieces, wear them, or sell them. Hoey notes that if pieces were sold, buyers couldn't know that the clothes came from Her Majesty.

Does Elizabeth wear perfume? ›

Queen Elizabeth reportedly wears Guerlain L'Heure Bleue, a spicy citrus with a powdery dry down. It's been a classic for the fragrance house ever since the scent was created in 1912.

What was Queen Elizabeth's favorite color? ›

Answer and Explanation: According to an evaluation of the clothing Queen Elizabeth has worn on public appearances in the past year, blue is the Queen's preferred color.

What changes did Queen Elizabeth make? ›

Perhaps most notably though, in 2013, she gave royal assent to the Succession to the Crown Act, which meant both sons and daughters of any future UK monarch would have an equal right to the throne. Queen Elizabeth II herself was able to ascend to the throne only because her father had two daughters and no sons.

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