Gen Z And Design: How To Design For A New Generation (2024)

It is challenging to define Generation Z, the Internet Generation, but most agree that with a spending power of more than 100 billion dollars they are more influential than the Millennial generation. In order to reach Gen Z, how should digital designers improve their skills?

The digital design industry is working with brands that need to appeal to the two billion Gen Z-ers globally—a generation of digital natives who could swipe before they learned to walk. Digital design that once worked for Millennials, is now outdated for Gen Z-ers. The new generation is demanding something different. Developing brand messages, designs, and online experiences that engage these savvy kids and teens requires deep thinking and insight.

Here are some key take-outs for designing for Gen Z:

Psychology of Gen Z

Gen Z-ers, like Millennials, are technically proficient, but since they have been absorbed in it since birth, they are less fascinated by it as an unusual. They view tech as a crucial component, but they are careful in how they utilize it. Equally important, they are extremely skilled at filtering out online content or obstacles that keep them from getting to what they really want.

An important characteristic of them is their strong sense of self. The answers to almost any question are in the palm of their hands since they were born, so they don’t have to rely on others to achieve what they want. Gen Z-ers are independent and innovative – they achieve change through digital spaces and are fuelled by their experiences.

Gen Z And Design: How To Design For A New Generation (1)

Photo: Courtesy of Kristyna Kulikova / @krstnklkv

Unexpected combinations

Gen Z-ers receive almost all information through digital media. No wonder there is a craving for tactile, analogous among that generation.Creatives among that generation mimic the feel of analog media with the help of digital tools. Digital images are “wrapped” in plastic foil, putting the effect of grain film, analog photography, crumpled and torn paper. All this indicates a longing for the tangible and the real.

Flexibility and fluidity

Generation Z likes to break down barriers, unlike other generations, there are almost no subcultures among Gen Z-ers. Uniqueness is no longer achievable by joining certain groups⁠—but by fluidity in one’s identity. They are open and diverse they feel they do not have one clearly defined role in life.

In design, everything is a matter of consistency and control. Generation Z changes the linear way of thinking. Brands will have to become flexible, visual identities modular, elements changeable. The brand refresh that will follow Gen Z trends will be unsustainable⁠—we will have to switch to a Circular design.

Gen Z And Design: How To Design For A New Generation (2)

Photo: Courtesy of Universal Favourite design studio

Method of communication

Generation Z members are hypo-linked and overstimulated.Language that is individual and intimate is the only way you can break through a crowded digital environment. Communication that tries to sound smart and invasive is repulsive to them, it should be in its most filtered form, ie honest.


The first generation born in the digital age, to which information is available 24/7 whose view is constantly flying from one screen to another. Their range of attention is the shortest so far. The result is that they decide faster than their predecessors if something is important and are not prone to brands that cannot keep up with their pace.

The best approach to designing is to use their language⁠—quickly and unpredictably. Fast-changing images, short videos, a visible point, vibrant color combinations. Traditional design elements and symbols are one big NO.

Gen Z And Design: How To Design For A New Generation (2024)


What kind of designs do Gen Z like? ›

Gen Z has ripped up the rulebook, taking a mix-and-match approach to nostalgic styling. They are particularly attracted to '90s and early 2000s-influenced designs, which represent a rose-tinted pre-social media era. They also have a tendency to mix a wide range of vintage and retro influences from a variety of decades.

What is Gen Z graphic design trends 2022? ›

2022's version of graphic oversaturation is heavily influenced by Gen Z's tendency to give established standards a 180° makeover. There is a certain degree of overlap between maximalism design and surrealism/escapism, but its distinctive features are clashing textures, noisy color combinations, and excessive layering.

How Generation Z will shape our future way of working? ›

Gen Z could change jobs up to 10 times between the ages of 18 and 34, based on a survey of U.S. students. The old concept of a career ladder running from the mailroom to the executive suite could be replaced by something much more ad hoc and flexible.

What do Gen Z and Millennials want from brands? ›

Gen Z expects brands to be drivers of social change and look for fair labor practices, inclusivity and sustainability. There are several ways in which brands can create socially impactful content that focuses on how the people, environment and product are treated.

What are Gen Z design trends 2023? ›

The gen Z design trends 2023 are heavily influenced by Gen Z's tendency to flip established standards on their heads. There is some overlap between maximalism and surrealism/escapism design, but its distinguishing features are clashing textures, noisy color combinations, and excessive layering.

What colors attract Gen Z? ›

Whether you're team green or yellow, both of these signature shades showcase Gen Z's love of exciting colors that pop in Instagram photos that look like the saturation was cranked all the way up.

What are the biggest design trends of 2022? ›

The graphic design trends of 2022 are a ragtag bunch once you take them all in. Frasurbane and anti-design, escapism and grunge, doodles and parametric patterns. It's hard to imagine any of these disparate personalities mingling at a party, but next year they effectively will be.

How do you inspire a generation Z? ›

Gen Z values flexibility and may be motivated by the ability to have control over their own schedule and work-life balance. As a manager, you can help motivate your Gen Z employees by offering flexible work arrangements and by being open to discussing individual employees' needs in this regard.

Which skill does Generation Z lack nowadays? ›

Gen Z lacks the communication and networking skills needed for the workforce. Companies need to train them. Gen Z is falling behind in skills needed to enter the workforce. Some experts say the pandemic hindered the younger generation's development of soft skills.

What challenges does Generation Z are facing right now? ›

Gen Z's economic concerns stem from the fear of accruing debt, limited job opportunities and the difficulty of finding affordable housing. These concerns have been exacerbated by the financial insecurity many young people and their families have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What content attracts Gen Z? ›

Some topics that matter to Gen Z include: LGBTQ+ rights: 60% of Gen Zers think same-sex couples should be able to adopt children. Diversity: 60% of Gen Zers say increased racial and ethnic diversity is good for society. Social responsibility: 70% of Gen Zers try to purchase from companies they consider ethical.

What does Gen Z value most? ›

Stability and balance

Gen Z workers value stability in their work, which makes sense, considering Gen Zers were children or teenagers at the height of the Great Recession in 2008. More than half of Gen Z workers would quit a job if it was preventing them from enjoying life.

What attracts Gen Z to a brand? ›

To attract Gen Z, brands must highlight their commitment to societal challenges such as diversity, environmentalism, sustainability, climate change and world hunger. A brand's corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement must be something that the brand lives, rather than just espouses.

What is trendy amongst Gen Z? ›

Social media is a huge trend for this generation. Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are, by far, the most frequently used platforms. One-quarter of Gen Zers spend five hours or more per day on TikTok. TikTok continues to soar in popularity among members of Generation Z (4,600% in 5 years).

What is Gen Z shaped by? ›

Gen Z Terms and Definitions

Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone born 1997 onwards. Gen Z grew up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as tech-addicted, anti-social, or “social justice warriors.”

What is Gen Z aesthetic? ›

It's no secret that many Gen-Z aesthetics are throwbacks, and with a pandemic, a racial reckoning, climate change, political unrest, and a massive land war in Europe that may or may not spurn a new cold war or world war- well, let's just say anxiety is in.

What do Gen Z look for in clothing? ›

Gen Z is a lot more conscious of where their clothes are coming from. When they're choosing between brands, they want to know not only if the clothes are in style, but also if the brand stands for something bigger than itself. Clothing brands that offer unisex or gender-fluid clothing are all the rage.

What color is popular for Gen Z? ›

Long before Pantone dubbed “Veri peri” its color of the year, brands across the web were using lilac purple to appeal to Gen-Z audiences.

What is the new decorating style for 2022? ›

In keeping with the trend of bringing the outdoors inside, in 2022, we'll see a focus on natural materials like burl, rattan, cane, leather, jute, wicker, ceramics, and woven lighting, furniture, and decor.

What is the designer color for 2022? ›

Pantone's Very Peri

Pantone's 2022 Color of the Year is making history with its best reveal yet: an entirely new hue created, for the first time ever, to serve as Color of the Year. They call it Very Peri (17-3938).

What is the most fashionable color 2022? ›

Royal purple, jewel-tone teal, and burning red are all trending hues incorporated on the Fall/Winter 2022 runways, each with its glamorous style.

What is the theme for 2023 design? ›

The 2023 graphic design trends set to make a stir in the year ahead include flared fonts, the metaverse and photographic branding. A generally futuristic mood sets the tone for 2023, with dark mode websites, liquid gradients and sci-fi logos tapping into the forward-thinking theme.

What are the trends for 2022 2023? ›

Winter 2023 is going to be about comfort and oversized statement pieces. Street style trends from November and December 2022 point toward fur and fleece-lined jackets, oversized pants, and gender neutral silhouettes. Bags are small, bright, and often crossbody. Utilitarian cargo pants and vests are also trending.

Are skinny jeans out of style 2022? ›

Yes, they are here to stay!

If you're looking for a timeless denim style that you can wear year after year, skinny jeans are a great option. They are versatile and easy to style, so you really can't go wrong with them.

What not to wear in 2022? ›

High waisted jeans, high waisted pants, high waist tennis skirts, skater skirts, knit pants, skinny jeans, hoodie sets, short blazers, leggings, fur coats, cropped leather jacket, A-style mini dresses, and cold shoulders are some of the favourite clothes out of fashion for winter 2022 2023.

How do you attract Millennials to Gen Z? ›

In order to attract top millennial and Gen Z talent, promote your employer brand with a strong social media presence and company careers page that clearly communicate the values and culture at your company.

What is the weakness of Gen Z? ›

Gen Zers are addicted to technology and can't handle face-to-face interactions. Gen Z is infamous for being the first generation that can't clearly recall a time before the Internet.

What are at least three negative traits of Generation Z? ›

Gen Z Is Anxious, Distrustful, and Often Downright Miserable, New Poll Reveals.

What unique qualities does Gen Z have? ›

' They are highly collaborative, self-reliant and pragmatic, according to new Stanford-affiliated research. Generation Z, the first generation never to know the world without the internet, value diversity and finding their own unique identities, says Stanford scholar Roberta Katz.

What are Gen Z most worried about? ›

Overall, 89% of Gen Z are worried about their personal finances, and 70% are concerned about the economy. Other concerns at top of mind for Gen Z are their personal health/mental illness, the environment, and politics.

What is Gen Z biggest challenge? ›

Gen Z wants mental healthcare but worries about paying for it. Gen Z is more likely to report receiving treatment or diagnosis for a mental-health condition but also the most likely to report being unable to afford mental-health services (a fifth, compared with 14 percent of all respondents).

What does Gen Z look for in influencer? ›

Gen Zers are more likely to trust the opinions of real people. They view influencers who present themselves as reliable sources of product information. Also, they feel that traditional forms of advertising lack authenticity and transparency, which are values that are important to them.

What is the motto of Gen Z? ›

Karina from Native Teams summarized it very well: “Gen Z's motto is let me play and let me loose.” As a person who has been involved in a couple of startup projects and venture-building initiatives, Karina said that she values the complexity of her current job.

What decorating trends are Gen Z? ›

Gen Z loves referencing mid-century home decor trends, whether that's a minimalist take, or more eccentric home design tastes. '70s oranges and browns are coming back, alongside pile rugs. But beloved also are sculptural sofas and refined Eames chairs (or rather, less expensive homages to them).

What does Gen Z want most? ›

Clarity into career paths and internal mobility opportunities. Gen Z is known as entrepreneurial and looking for a sense of ownership. They want to tackle exclusive projects that help them develop their skills, with nearly 1 in 5 Gen Zers stating they would stay at an employer that offers upskilling/reskilling.

What are the main Gen Z aesthetics? ›

Gen Z's aesthetics are vast and varied, from cottagecore to Barbiecore, but one thing's for sure — the trends are always creative and rooted in self-expression. Gen Z uses TikTok as a hub for discovering trending styles to mix into their own.

What things are unique to Gen Z? ›

Gen Z is known for being resourceful, independent learners who value diversity and inclusive culture and place a priority on well-being and mental health in the workplace. They are fiscally conservative with a keen focus on investing and income. Gen Z values justice and equity.

What influences Gen Z the most? ›

Gen Z Is Inspired Most By The Real People In Their Lives

We know consumers are more likely to follow creators who look, act and live lives they can relate to—like everyday people—vs. celebrities or even social celebrities.

What are Gen Z brand values? ›

Core Brand Values That Attract Gen Z

To attract Gen Z, brands must highlight their commitment to societal challenges such as diversity, environmentalism, sustainability, climate change and world hunger.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.