What Gen Z thinks is cool according to Google - THAT Marketing Company (2024)

Google recently put out a report on what Generation Z thinks is cool. And guess who made the list?

It’s Lit: A guide to what teens think is coolis Google’s cool bible, based on three research studies conducted in the United States. It starts with what values are important to Gen Z’ers and moves into what brands and products they rate.

“Teens feel that being cool is about just being yourself, embracing what you love, rejecting what you don’t, and being kind to others.”

What Gen Z thinks is cool according to Google - THAT Marketing Company (1)

When it comes to technology, the smartphone is still king, Instagram and Snapchat rule the social media world.

And when it comes to cool brands, the criteria goes deeper than image, and usefulness – cool brands are ones that are innovative and unique, bringing something new to the world and representing young people’s lifestyle, interests and values.

Of course Google takes the opportunity to use ‘research’ to toot it’s own horn, ranking three of its own brands in the Top 10 Coolest Brands list, including YouTube (#1), Google (#3) and Chrome (#10).

What Gen Z thinks is cool according to Google - THAT Marketing Company (2)

And the winner is… Google

The findings are useful, but as with all research papers, shouldn’t be taken as gospel. It’s also important to consider the differences between Gen Z in the US and Australia. While many Australian teens take their cue from American culture, there are still differences in attitudes and the brands they engage with. It would be interesting to see a similar report conducted here.

What Gen Z thinks is cool according to Google - THAT Marketing Company (3)

Gen Z still rate the smartphone as their favourite tech

Gen Z represents a huge percentage of the consumer market and engage online with brands more than any generation to precede them. And as Google says, they ‘expect big things’ from brands. So it’s important that we both understand and speak to them in a way that resonates with them.

Read the report here.

“Teens feel that being cool is about just being yourself, embracing what you love, rejecting what you don’t, and being kind to others.”
— Google

What Gen Z thinks is cool according to Google - THAT Marketing Company (2024)


What does Gen Z like marketing? ›

Gen Z consumers want to support brands that share the same values as they do: values like LGBTQ+ rights, racial equity and environmental sustainability.

What's cool according to Gen Z? ›

According to Gen Zers, individuality and authenticity are the way forward. We live in a world that often seems like it's travelling a mile a minute.

What is unique about Gen Z in terms of marketing? ›

Personalize Content. Personalized content is a proven strategy across marketing personas, but it's an absolute must when marketing for Gen Z. In fact, 81% of Gen Zers prefer personalized ads, compared to 57% of Millennials and 42% of Baby Boomers.

What does Gen Z think about Google? ›

For many, Google has long been considered the go-to for all things search. But about 40% of Gen Zers prefer to discover information — such as how to plan a vacation, decide what skincare products work best, or pick a restaurant for a meal — on other platforms.

What is the most popular content for Gen Z? ›

68% of all Gen Zers use TikTok, and 81% of Gen Zs use TikTok to find funny or entertaining content, and Gen Zers have high affinity for humor.

Why are Gen Z so cool? ›

Generation Z is known for Being resourceful

Because they are finding their answers, they are doers and activists—they jump in and do—which means they may ask for your forgiveness rather than your permission. Gen Z, the children of Gen X, value self-reliance and independence and are self-directed.

Which gen is the coolest? ›

'Generation X' sounds so much cooler than 'Millennials'. What could we call millennials that would sound as cool as 'Generation X'? Well, you Millenials started out as GenY - I remember well.

What is Gen Z obsessed with? ›

Gen Z nostalgia is characterized by a deep longing for a simpler time. Overstimulation is the reason they want to dress and act like we did in the early aughts. But isolation is the other factor at play. Gen Z is faced with a billion choices for any given decision.

What is the marketing tone for Gen Z? ›

Gen Z is not a passive audience, but an active and creative one. They like to participate, co-create, and share their opinions and feedback. Your tone of voice should be interactive and collaborative, and invite them to join the conversation, contribute their ideas, and influence your decisions.

What is one thing that is unique to Gen Z? ›

Generation Z considers itself more accepting and open-minded than any generation before it. Almost half of Gen Zs are minorities, compared to 22% of Baby Boomers, and the majority of Gen Z supports social movements such as Black Lives Matter, transgender rights, and climate change.

How is marketing to Gen Z different than other generations? ›

If you are interested in marketing to Gen Z, you need to think about what they are interested in. Unlike prior Generations, which tend to prioritize travel, home goods, and furniture, Gen Z appears to be more interested in health, wellness, electronics, and technology.

What is the biggest concern of Gen Z? ›

Members of Gen Z Are Concerned about a Wide Range of Economic and Social Issues
  • Inflation and gas prices. 39%
  • Abortion. 30%
  • Jobs that pay a living wage. 26%
  • Climate change. 23%
  • Gun violence prevention. 21%
  • Racism. 18%
  • Housing costs. 17%
  • Health care costs. 16%
Mar 2, 2023

What are Gen Z most worried about? ›

According to the Cigna study, 39% say worries about money are a major cause of stress. In addition, according to a study by DailyPay and Harris Poll, 48% say they are unable to move out of their parents' homes due to financial challenges, and 33% are concerned inflation will make it tough for them to buy a home.

Who does Gen Z trust the most? ›

Our data found the people that Gen Z trusts the most—family members (88 percent), friends (84 percent) and ordinary people doing good (81 percent)—far outrank journalists (47 percent), religious/faith leaders (44 percent) and politicians (42 percent) as sources of inspiration.

What products are Gen Z interested in? ›

According to Klarna, the products that Gen Z shoppers spend on the most are clothing and shoes, groceries, beauty products, electronics, entertainment, pharmaceuticals, home and garden accessories, and automobile parts or accessories, among others.

What kind of ads attract Gen Z? ›

It's no surprise Gen Z adults say that among video ad platforms, social media video ads have the greatest influence on their consumer choices, such as what they buy and the TV shows they watch.

What kind of ads do Gen Z like? ›

Use of Visuals and Short-form Content:

Gen Z's attention span tends to be shorter due to the abundance of content available. Using visuals, infographics, short videos, or GIFs can be more effective in getting their attention. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Stories are ideal for this kind of content.

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