Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (2024)

Generation Z, what do we know about them? Who are they? What are their shopping habits? In this article, we’re going to dive into Generation Z’s world and learn more about them and the new era we’re entering.

The future purchasing power is in the hands of the Millennials and Generation Z. Both generations have become a massive commerce opportunity, thanks to their high buying power, spending power and brand loyalty.

Some interesting statistics about Generation Z and their online shopping habits:

  • 77% have taken some form of action for a cause they believe in.
  • 23% have even boycotted a brand.
  • 65% have purchased something based on an influencer’s recommendations.

Who are they?

Generation Z is the generation after Millenials, and the generation before Generation Alpha.

Generation Z (also called Gen Z, zoomers or iGeneration) is the name for people who grew up spanning both sides of the millennium transition. Although there isn’t an exact date range, Generation Z includes those born between the mid-1990s to the early 2010s.

Generation Z is often described as a more well-educated generation that are more stressed but more depressed compared to previous generations. They often have high expectations of themselves that are often not met.

This is a new type of shopper and consumer to get to know.

Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (1)

Changing the face of online retail

Generation Z has been called the most critical consumer group until now, and has a different view of shopping and consuming than previous generations. They are the latest to enter the workforce and have a strong purchasing power. With a bigger demand for higher-quality items and monitoring their spending more closely, brands have to earn their place in Generation Z’s wallets.

Demands sustainable shopping

Generation Z cares a lot about the planet and the future, which is a huge opportunity for sustainable business growth. They believe that the generations before them represented overconsumption, capitalism and materialism.

Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (2)

Spends more on sustainable products

Gen Z consumers are more likely to buy sustainable, high-quality, products. 73% of Generation Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, according to a report from First Insight. They value personalised products and are often drawn to brands that share their point of view on political issues.

Spends less generally

Many Gen Z-ers grew up watching their parents take huge financial hits and struggled during the Great Recession of 2008. Because of this, they are more economical and price-sensitive.

19% of Generation Z are willing to buy on credit, compared to Millennials, where 30% are inclined to do the same.

The mobile-first, digitally native generation

Social media plays a significant role

It’s a fact: consumer habits have shifted to social media. Generation Z is more or less born with a phone in their hand and has a completely different approach to social media and digitisation in general. They use social media to seek inspiration, research products and connect with their favourite brands.

  • 60% of Generation Z in the US use Instagram to discover new brands, products and services.
  • 48% of Americans aged 18-34 have purchased from social media.

Social commerce growth

Social commerce is expected to account for 4.3% of all retail e-commerce sales in the US in 2021, according to Business Insider. Emarketer forecasts that social commerce will rise from $34.8 billion to $36.09 billion in 2021.

Today, the category that remains the largest for social commerce is fashion, which includes apparel and accessories.

In other words, social commerce is an e-commerce trend that is here to stay, and it will be very powerful in the future.

Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (3)

Influencers have a great influence

Compared to older age groups, Gen Z shoppers are less likely to trust companies. Instead, they choose to follow influencers on Instagram and YouTube, who have a high following and reach.

A study from Google shows that 70% of teenagers who, for example, subscribe to YouTube channels, and see personalities on YouTube as more relatable than traditional celebrities. This is also where they decide if your product is worth buying or not.

So, there is a reason why retailers are increasingly realising the importance of going from traditional digital marketing to influencer marketing.

Mobile payments

Generation Z embraces mobile payments like mobile apps and mobile wallets.

Over the past years, mobile apps have been increasing in popularity, and have given great results. Companies with a mobile app have a big advantage compared to companies that don’t have an app. Mobile apps convert 157% more than a mobile web session.

Even mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Android Pay have increased.

What is a Mobile Wallet, and how does it work?

A mobile wallet is a type of virtual wallet that stores credit and debit card numbers. It’s accessible through an app installed on a mobile device. Mobile wallets allow users to make in-store payments without having to carry a physical wallet, and online purchases are safer and simpler.

Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (4)

Summary of Generation Z and their shopping behaviour

Demands sustainable shopping.

Generation Z has a different view of shopping and consuming than previous generations. They spend more on sustainable products. To meet Gen Z’s requirements, you need to be clear about how your e-commerce works for a better, more sustainable future.

Social media plays a big role.

Generation Z uses social media to seek inspiration, research products and connect with their favourite brands. Influencers account for a large part of the purchasing decision, make sure that your e-commerce is going from traditional digital marketing to influencer marketing.

Mobile payments.

Over the past years, mobile apps have increased in popularity, which Generation Z embraces. Mobile apps convert 157% more than a mobile web session. Even mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Android Pay have increased.

Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (5)

Meet Generation Z’s expectations with the help of automated online merchandising.

A manual merchandising approach won’t do it.

Online merchandising, carried out manually, can never deliver the sales growth required to justify retailers’ huge investment in driving quality traffic to their online stores. This is because it has too many limitations.

There are simply not enough merchandisers out there, nor hours in the day, to effectively analyse the huge amounts of customer and product data required to optimise product exposure in real-time across catalogues running to tens of thousands of products.

You need a system powered by AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics based on customer behavioural data, context, and crowd wisdom. It presents each shopper with the most relevant selection of products, ordered in an optimum way to maximise sales.

Catching e-commerce trends

One of the most common complaints from online retailers is a lack of agility. As a result, many lose out on vital sales and longer-term brand loyalty by failing to react quickly to trends, especially micro-trends driven by social media. It can take at least 24 hours to respond - that is simply too late.

Merchandising powered by AI and machine learning technologies change the game by automating product assortment and sort order decisions. Trends are spotted in real-time, and this influences everything from search and recommendations to promotional panels, to instantly push trending products to the foreground, and the system adapts just as quickly once trends fizzle out.

Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022] (2024)


Generation Z: Online Shopping Habits and Behaviour [2022]? ›

While Gen Zers have billions in disposable income, it can be difficult to get them to spend their money as they're regarded as thrifty consumers. One of the reasons why they're known as thrifty spenders is because they save about a third of their income on average, according to a Bloomberg report.

What is the spending Behaviour of Gen Z? ›

While Gen Zers have billions in disposable income, it can be difficult to get them to spend their money as they're regarded as thrifty consumers. One of the reasons why they're known as thrifty spenders is because they save about a third of their income on average, according to a Bloomberg report.

What is popular with Gen Z in 2022? ›

Gen Z have embraced gender-fluid style, and they're looking to support brands who can offer them both genderless style, and allyship. Another Gen Z trend with significant sticking power is nostalgia. 66% are attracted to items that tap nostalgic feelings, and 83% enjoy seeing nostalgic content on social media.

What are the factors affecting Gen Z's online impulse buying behavior? ›

variation of 3 main factors: Product Presentation, Positive comments, and Perceived enjoyment. In short conclusion, the Gen Z's Online impulsive buying behavior is significantly positively influenced by three independent variables through the intermediate variable is the urge to buy impulsively.

Does Gen Z prefer to shop in store or online? ›

“Our customer preference data shows that right now Gen Z would prefer to buy items in-store if they're available both online and in-store,” said Keyes. “[On the other hand], millennials are very committed to e-commerce—they had a unique experience of e-commerce growing up, with it being cool, new, and exciting.”

What is Gen Z attitude towards shopping? ›

Summary of Generation Z and their shopping behaviour

Generation Z has a different view of shopping and consuming than previous generations. They spend more on sustainable products. To meet Gen Z's requirements, you need to be clear about how your e-commerce works for a better, more sustainable future.

What do Gen Z consumers want? ›

Gen Z'ers consumer characteristics tend to reflect their pragmatic approach to money and education. Other key influences are their affinity for technology, their belief in social causes, and a strong individualistic streak.

What does Gen Z want most? ›

Accountability on the environment, sustainability, and social responsibility. Gen Zers are passionate about making a difference, and want to work somewhere they feel has a broader mission and purpose that aligns with their own values.

What are the characteristics of Gen Z consumers? ›

7 characteristics of Gen Z in 2023
  • Who are Generation Z? ...
  • Characteristics of Generation Z. ...
  • They're money-driven and ambitious. ...
  • They love to travel. ...
  • They're prone to anxiety. ...
  • They're known to set boundaries. ...
  • They're avid gamers. ...
  • They're nostalgic.
Feb 15, 2023

What are three challenges that Generation Z faces? ›

From climate change to mental health, social equity among race and gender identities, gun control and economic concerns, Gen Z is leading the charge for change on a variety of fronts. Here's a closer look at some of the top Gen Z social issues.

What of Generation Z is impulsive buying? ›

According to research, 41% of Generation Z customers are impulsive shoppers, followed by 34% of Millennials and 32% of Generation X (Djafarova and Bowes, 2021). Gen Z consumers are more persuasive while making purchases (Lee et al., 2022). They want new products faster (Agrawal, 2022).

What are the 3 major factors that affects the customer buying behavior? ›

There are three categories of factors that influence customers buying behavior:
  • Psychological factors.
  • Social factors.
  • Situational factors.

How Gen Z shopping habits differ from millennials? ›

Gen Z is a very spending-conscious generation. When shopping, 73% of millennials are not willing to exchange an item for a lower-priced alternative; however, only 62% of Gen Z are not willing to exchange, according to The Fulfillment Lab.

Why is thrifting so popular with Gen Z? ›

The top three reasons Gen Z are buying used clothing is to save money, to be more sustainable, and to have more fun shopping, the report said. The market for secondhand goods in the United States is expected to more than double to 82 billion dollars by 2026, from 35 billion dollars in 2021, according to the report.

What are Gen Z behaviors and attitudes? ›

In summary, a typical Gen Zer is a self-driver who deeply cares about others, strives for a diverse community, is highly collaborative and social, values flexibility, relevance, authenticity and non-hierarchical leadership, and, while dismayed about inherited issues like climate change, has a pragmatic attitude about ...

What are Gen Z attitudes and Behaviours? ›

What Are the Core Characteristics of Generation Z?
  • Diversity Is Their Norm. ...
  • They Are Our First ​“Digital Natives” ...
  • They Are Pragmatic and Financially Minded. ...
  • Many Factors Contribute to Their Mental Health Challenges. ...
  • They Are Shrewd Consumers. ...
  • They Are Politically Progressive — Even Those on the Right.
Jan 12, 2021

What are Gen Z trends? ›

Social media is a huge trend for this generation. Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are, by far, the most frequently used platforms. One-quarter of Gen Zers spend five hours or more per day on TikTok. TikTok continues to soar in popularity among members of Generation Z (4,600% in 5 years).

Where would Gen Z do the majority of their shopping? ›

Our data shows that 52% of Gen Z in the US prefer to shop online, while 48% prefer to shop in-store.

What does Gen Z spend most money on? ›

What do Gen Z spend money on?
Type of spendingPercentage
Household bills and expenses52.34%
Clothes and accessories44.07%
Going out/entertainment37.49%
Food delivery/eating out36.99%
10 more rows

What type of content do Gen Z like? ›

Use interactive content

Interactive content is a good strategy because Gen Z love to be involved and interact with the world around them. Tactics include: Interactive video content: You can create quizzes, polls, and other types of interactive elements that will encourage Gen Zers to participate.

What is the trend in Gen Z 2023? ›

One of the top Gen Z trends of 2023 is taking to activism and embracing global interests. As per a Pew Research Center report, Gen Zers are the most ethnically diverse generation and 48 percent belong to racial or ethnic minorities.

What Gen Z wants from brands? ›

About three-fourths of Gen Z say that they are to be loyal to a company that speaks to social issues, posts information, or has advertisem*nts about social change1. This generation cares about a lot of issues.

What are Gen Z most worried about? ›

In addition, 34% of Gen Z say they are worried about the future, and 24% are concerned about a lack of learning and jobs. This concern doesn't keep them from looking for the next opportunity however, with 48% of Gen Z and Millennials (those ages 18-35) planning to look for a new job in the next 12 months.

What behavior patterns does Gen Z display? ›

Generation Z, aged 10 to 25, comprises one of the largest groups of Passionates – those who report the most intense feelings about a range of global issues, second only to Millennials. In fact, Gen Zers demonstrate more passion for the issues they care about (31.6% vs. 18.9% for the other three generations combined).

What percentage of Gen Z shop online? ›

According to the Q1 2023 Consumer Trends Report from e-commerce platform Jungle Scout, 43% of surveyed Gen Z consumers start their online product searches on TikTok, a higher number than those who start on Google. And despite inflation, 32% of Gen Z respondents shop online at least once daily.

What motivates Gen Z? ›

Gen Z is often motivated by a sense of purpose and may be drawn to jobs and companies that align with their personal values and beliefs. As a manager, you can help motivate your Gen Z employees by ensuring that their work is meaningful and has a positive impact on others.

What is the biggest problem of Gen Z? ›

In the short term, Gen Z's stress is leading to ambivalence and withdrawal in their professional lives. According to 2022 data from Gallup, they are the most disengaged group at work. They also report more overall stress and work-related burnout than other cohorts.

What are the 4 types of customer buying behavior? ›

Consumer Behavior Types. Experts agree that there are four main types of consumer behavior: complex-buying behavior, dissonance-reducing buying behavior, habitual buying behavior, and variety-seeking buying behavior.

What are the four 4 characteristics that influence consumer buying behavior? ›

There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour: Motivation, perception, learning, and attitude or belief system.

What five influences most commonly affect a customer's buying behavior? ›

Here are 5 major factors that influence consumer behavior:
  • Psychological Factors.
  • Social Factors.
  • Cultural Factors.
  • Personal Factors.
  • Economic Factors.

What brands are gaining Gen Z love? ›

Along with Square and Whirlpool, the top five also included cosmetics brand Urban Decay, Old Spice and Electronic Arts. Conducted quarterly, the poll ranks brands by how much their equity has changed with Gen Z—that is, how much this generation's perception of these brands is changing from quarter to quarter.

Does Gen Z spend most time online? ›

According to a global survey conducted in 2021, respondents who belonged to Generation Z reported spending on average three hours per day on social media.
CharacteristicAverage time spent per day on social media (in hours)
Gen Z3
Gen X1.5
2 more rows
Sep 16, 2022

Where does Gen Z hangout online? ›

Instagram (76%), TikTok (68%) and Snapchat (67%) are all used by at least two-thirds of Gen Z respondents, followed by Facebook (49%) and Twitter (47%).

Are Gen Z less loyal to brands? ›

Thirty percent of Gen Zers surveyed in the US and UK said they would “revert to their 'go to' brand for a new product or service” when making purchases, according to a recent survey. More than double that portion, 62 percent, said they would check out other options, even if they have a favorite brand.

What makes Generation Z so different from older generations? ›

Generation Z considers itself more accepting and open-minded than any generation before it. Almost half of Gen Zs are minorities, compared to 22% of Baby Boomers, and the majority of Gen Z supports social movements such as Black Lives Matter, transgender rights, and climate change.

What generation spends the most on clothing? ›

Men from Generation Z and Millennials spend more on clothing and shoes than their female counterparts, according to a 2022 survey. The difference is much more exaggerated between Millennials than Gen Z, with men spending roughly 120 U.S. dollars more than women a month on average.

What are Gen Z favorite stores? ›

Amazon, Walmart and Target have more in common than just being among the top retailers across the U.S. — they're also currently among Gen Z's favorite brands. That's according to new data from Morning Consult, which gathered data via surveys conducted between May 1 and Aug. 21, 2022.

Does Gen Z spend a lot of money? ›

America has another 110m of these Gen Zs and millennials, a third of the population. The annual spending of households headed by American Gen Zs and millennials hit $2.7trn in 2021, around 30% of the total.

Are Gen Z willing to spend money? ›

Gen Zs are not afraid to spend,” said Taylor Price, 22, who has gathered over 1 million followers across social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram by sharing advice on spending, saving and investing. This generation is focused on making money, rather than keeping it, she said.

What are Gen Z's top purchases? ›

Here are the other products Gen Z consumers purchase offline and the share of them who do so:
  • Home and garden: 37%
  • Jewelry and accessories: 36%
  • Entertainment: 35%
  • Children's products: 33%
  • Automobile parts or accessories: 27%

What is Gen Z lifestyle? ›

You'll find that they are quite different from the previous generations. Gen Z prioritises positive relationships, work-life balance, schedule flexibility, and job stability. 90% of them want human interaction at work and direct communication from their co-workers.

What kind of content do Gen Z like? ›

Gen Z wants to see authentic, funny, and relatable content. They also want to see content that celebrates individuality and self-expression. What values resonate with Gen Z? Some values that resonate with Gen Z are authenticity, connection, community, and self-expression.

Why does Gen Z have so many side hustles? ›

The careers of their parents' generation are no longer necessarily stable options, so they instead often look to their peers, who are innovating new pathways through experimental side hustles, amplified on digital platforms.” The versatility that side hustles provide are also key to Gen Z.

What do Gen Z want from brands? ›

Brands, stop generalizing gen Z

Gen Zers don't want to see brands targeting them with a one-size-fits-all approach. They want to be recognized for their complexities, differences, needs and anxieties, and supported in a meaningful way.

What is Gen Z characteristics? ›

In summary, a typical Gen Zer is a self-driver who deeply cares about others, strives for a diverse community, is highly collaborative and social, values flexibility, relevance, authenticity and non-hierarchical leadership, and, while dismayed about inherited issues like climate change, has a pragmatic attitude about ...

How does Gen Z feel about money? ›

Nearly 3 in 4 Gen Zers say they would rather have a better quality of life than extra money in the bank. In fact, experiences matter more than money to Gen Z, as 66% say they are only interested in finances as a means to support their current interests.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.