General Classification And Explanation Of The Different Type Of Trends (2024)

General Classification And Explanation Of The Different Type Of Trends (1)

There are three way to classify trends, and those are mega, macro and micro trends. The name already says much about them, but understanding perfectly what each of them mean is fundamental for knowing how to deal with trends. Therefore, the intention of this article is to get you familiar with the main three types of trends.


General Classification And Explanation Of The Different Type Of Trends (2)

Megatrends events that occur over a longer period of time and of which we can be sure about, influencing all the aspects of life. These events mostly occur as a reaction to the behavior and activities done by people in the last century but also more recently. Examples of these trends are demographic changes, urbanization, climate change, advance in technology and so on. This kind of tendencies cannot be stopped or influenced easily, but it’s possible – and advised – to respond to them.

As it was mentioned in a previous post, megatrends are the ones dictating the lead, showing us the bigger picture. Identifying them acts as a starting point in trend spotting as most of the other trends came as a response to this category. You can see an extended list of megatrends here.


Macro-trendsare the children of megatrends. They are more numerous and all of them related to the “profession” of their parents. As megatrends are covering a very large area, mega-trends tend to focus on certain parts of the bigger picture.

Take as example climate change – it comesin a package with melting glaciers, natural disasters, rising level of the oceans and so on. Or another example would be the megatrend “advances in technology” which comes with Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Smart Homes, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and many more. Analysing macro-trends is done by looking at certain regions and more specific target audiences. These trends are again a starting point for the next category of Micro-trends. A list with some of the current emerging macro-trends can be found here.


“Micro-trends are at the core of all our trend services and remain true to their format. They organise, support and create transparency for the developments and innovations of the 21st century. Those who understand today what could be commonplace tomorrow can take an important step towards the present and thereby pave the way into the future.” –Nils Müller, founder & CEO of TRENDONE

Micro-trends are the “nephews” of megatrends and “children” of Macro-trends. They are the most active, diverse and appearing very fast one after another. The list of micro-trends is the most lengthy and diverse, and that’s because they are the “solutions” that directly address to consumers. These micro-trends can also be segmented into categories such as marketing & media innovations, new technologies, service innovations, innovative business models, international start-ups, and many others.

Example of micro trend was Facebook when it first appeared as a social-media platform. It was quite a niche service used only by a group of students, which later ended up by being a key driver to the entire social-media movement. More micro-trends can be found here.


Last but not least, fads are the opposite of trends because they only keep for a short period of time. As this article says, this doesn’t mean we need to ignore them, especially if we have to do with people that may be following them. Examples of fads are commonly seen in clothing, diets, exercised, hairstyles and more other areas like this. Fads are easily driven by social media channels today. In fact, social media was a fad until later stages of today in which it can even be perceived almost as a megatrend.


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General Classification And Explanation Of The Different Type Of Trends (2024)


General Classification And Explanation Of The Different Type Of Trends? ›

There are three main types of trends: short-, intermediate- and long-term.

What are the different types of trend? ›

Typically, there are three different types of trends given below: Uptrend. Downtrend. Sideways trend.

What are the types of trends macro? ›

Examples of current macrotrends include urbanization, automation and changing demographics. Within IT (information technology), edge computing, robotic process automation (RPA), and blockchain technologies can all be considered macrotrends.

What is the difference between micro and macro trends? ›

Micro and macro trends

A micro trend typically lasts 3 to 5 years. A macro trend, like social media has become lasts longer more in the 5 to 10 year range. A style of dress may be a fad that only affects one segment of the population, but the use of social media is a trend that reaches a broader segment.

What is fads trends and megatrends? ›

Roughly speaking (1) a 'fad' quickly gains in popularity and may fade just as quickly (2) a 'trend' is a bit slower-paced than fad, but represents something that is occurring on a much wider scale and (3) a 'megatrend' is the long-lasting one, and can go on for years.

What are the 4 types of trends? ›

4 Types of Trends: Trend, Seasonal, Cyclical and Irregular.

What are macro and micro consumer trends? ›

A macro-trend is the exact opposite of a micro-trend. It's a trend that rises slowly and stays around for at least 10-15 years before falling. Macro-trends in fashion can be seen in wardrobe staples as well as trends associated with different decades (shoulder pads in the 80s, bell-bottoms in the 70s, etc.).

What are the elements of a trend? ›

The three fundamental elements – basic needs, external change and innovations – will help you understand consumer trends. But sensing where and how these come together to form new levels of customer expectation will help you act on trends.

What are micro trends and trends? ›

Micro trends take what you know about trends and accelerate the process: these trends rise to popularity quicker and then leave the trend cycle faster. While traditional fashion trends typically last a few years, micro trends' life spans are shorter, with some lasting less than one season.

What is the difference between a fad and a micro trend? ›

Microtrends are common to business process management. A fad is an example of a microtrend; it has a short lifespan and sometimes evolves into new trends. The fashion industry has many such short-lived trend cycles, particularly related to fast fashion trends. However, not all microtrends are fads.

What is the difference between mega trend and micro trend? ›

Megatrends are significant overarching trends that change societies and industries. Microtrends all the patterns you notice in the detail. They're the small shifts that have the potential to cause significant changes or small changes.

What is the difference between a micro and a macro explanation? ›

Little-picture microeconomics is concerned with how supply and demand interact in individual markets for goods and services. In macroeconomics, the subject is typically a nation—how all markets interact to generate big phenomena that economists call aggregate variables.

What is an example of a Giga trend? ›

GIGA Trend - From darkness to light

In the far past a maximum of one candle per family, today LED light “everywhere” until the point of causing light pollution. Light stand for Life and Seeing. Examples in business life: Business life around the clock – regardless of daylight.

How do you identify a trend and fad? ›

Fads tend to come and go very quickly, whereas trends tend to last for years or decades, evolving and changing as they go.” Fads often fall into the “too good to be true” category, Buchholz notes.

What is an example of a fad trend? ›

Fads include diets, clothing, hairstyles, toys, and more. Some popular fads throughout history are toys such as yo-yos, hula hoops, and fad dances such as the Macarena, floss and the twist.

How do you identify a trend? ›

In technical analysis, trends are identified by trendlines or price action that highlight when the price is making higher swing highs and higher swing lows for an uptrend, or lower swing lows and lower swing highs for a downtrend.

What are todays trends? ›

Here Are the Top 12 Trends You'll See Everywhere in 2022
  • Scrap Cooking. The zero-waste movement has inspired “scrap cooking,” or whipping up a meal out of would-be kitchen waste. ...
  • Glitter, Sequins And Sparkles. ...
  • Twee Everything. ...
  • Air-fryer Finger Foods. ...
  • Barkitecture. ...
  • Rich Chocolate Hair. ...
  • Moon Parties. ...
  • Hibiscus-flavored Everything.
Jan 11, 2022

What are the different types of trends in society? ›

Trends will be organized into seven categories: Society, Technology, Education, the Environment, Politics (and Government), Economics, and Demographics (STEEPED).

What is a macro trend and examples? ›

Macro trends refer to major shifts in consumer behaviour that will direct the business landscape in the long term. They have a cross-industry impact and evolve over time. Examples of previous global macro trends include the adoption of social media or catering to the ageing population.

How do you identify macro trends? ›

There are three major sources of information for macro trend indicators:
  1. economic data,
  2. financial market data, and.
  3. expert judgment.

What are macro trends about? ›

Macro trends are global behavioral trends that influence the context of societies in general and over a long period of time. Macro trends have the power to cause relevant changes in the social, political, technological, economic, and cultural environment, and have a direct impact on our consumption habits.

What are the three parts of a trend? ›

The three main types of trends are uptrends, downtrends and horizontal trends. Trend analysis can help you understand sales patterns, expense reports, budget forecasting and expenditure tracking.

What are 5 characteristics of a trend? ›

TrendsIt is effective, has more than a year existence, has a high popularity and long term popularity, socially constructed, recurrent phenomenon sustained over time and has a high market demand.

What creates a trend? ›

As stated above, trends are generally created by four major factors: government, international transactions, speculation/expectation, and supply and demand. These areas are all linked as expected future conditions shape current decisions and those current decisions shape current trends.

Is TikTok a microtrend? ›

Microtrends have only become prominent in the fashion industry with the rise of TikTok, as the algorithm allows millions of people to see the same video showing off a certain style, giving a platform to more trends that may be presented through #ootds, hauls, sponsored posts, or #grwms.

What is a mega trend? ›

a major movement, pattern or trend emerging in the macroenvironment; an emerging force likely to have a significant impact on the kinds of products consumers will wish to buy in the foreseeable future.

What is a fad vs fashion vs trend? ›

Fads are objects or activities that are popular with a group of people over a short period of time. Fads are also known as crazes. Fashions are a related phenomenon and are defined as objects or activities that become popular within larger groups over longer periods of time. Fashions are also known as trends.

What are the hierarchy of trends? ›

There are three way to classify trends, and those are mega, macro and micro trends. The name already says much about them, but understanding perfectly what each of them mean is fundamental for knowing how to deal with trends.

What are the 5 mega trends? ›

What are the six global megatrends? The six inter-related megatrends are: Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Transformation, Inequality, Youth, and Ageing Societies.

What is the definition of giga trends? ›

Noun. gigatrend (plural gigatrends) A major trend.

What is an example of a micro and macro environment? ›

The micro environment is specific to a business or the immediate location or sector in which it operates. In contrast, the macro environment refers to broader factors that can affect a business. Examples of these factors include demographic, ecological, political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological factors.

How are macro and micro similar and different? ›

Microeconomics and macroeconomics both explore the same elements, but from different points of view. The main differences between them are: Macroeconomics seeks to find a general perspective, at a national level, while microeconomics focuses on the individual's perspective, at a consumer level.

How do you determine micro and macro? ›

Microeconomics is the field of economics that looks at the economic behaviors of individuals, households, and companies. Macroeconomics takes a wider view and looks at the economies on a much larger scale—regional, national, continental, or even global.

What are 3 examples of megatrend? ›

Examples of megatrends are: health, population growth, urbanisation and digitalisation. The method can inspire to and produce a framework for a project before the idea development phase, or be used to introduce a theme. Drawing inspiration from megatrends supports work that is current, of relevance and has direction.

What are the four global mega trends? ›

Four powerful forces are transforming the global economy—accelerating technological change, urbanization in the developing world, aging, and a new kind of globalization.

What are the 3 processes or ways on how do you spot a trend? ›

How to... spot trends
  • Identify the opportunity. It might seem like only fashion designers or those who work for Apple have the ability to spot trends early on. ...
  • Look outside your business. ...
  • Follow relevant website and blogs. ...
  • Use and exploit social media. ...
  • Don't believe everything you read.
Oct 29, 2013

What are the 3 differentiating factors between a trend and a fad? ›

The difference is that trends have a much longer life span than fads. Trends can be in style for many years. They rise in popularity slowly. Fads come and go quickly.

What is a simple example of trend? ›

It is an average or general tendency. If I say: “There has been a trend towards shorter-term mortgages,” it means more people are now taking shorter-term mortgages. In other words, there has been a tendency towards shorter-term mortgages.

Is TikTok considered a trend or fad? ›

Many believe TikTok's popularity will fade into the background just like Myspace and Tumblr. Whilst this could be a potential future, TikTok is still in its early days, and whether it does or not, the most important thing is that digestible short-form videos are in!

What are examples of fad trend and classic? ›

What is Difference Between Classic Fashion and Fad Fashion?
Classic FashionFad Fashion
Classic dresses are, suits, formal pants, formal shirts, blazer, etc. for men and body fitting salwar suits, saari, etc. for women.Fad dresses are Ripped Jeans, printed loose shirts, tennis skirt, etc.
8 more rows
Oct 13, 2022

What are the 3 major trends? ›

There are three main types of trends: short-, intermediate- and long-term.

What are the 3 types of trend analysis? ›

There are three types of trend analysis methods – geographic, temporal and intuitive.

What are the seven trends? ›

The seven most popular trends and changes show the teaching force to be: (1) larger; (2) grayer; (3) greener; (4) more female; (5) more diverse, by race-ethnicity; (6) consistent in academic ability; and (7) less stable.

How do you identify major trends? ›

How to Identify Market Trends for Long-Term Business Planning
  1. Make use of digital tools and analytics. ...
  2. Listen to your customers. ...
  3. Consumer segmentation. ...
  4. Purchase situation analysis. ...
  5. Direct competition analysis. ...
  6. Stay abreast of industry influencers and publications. ...
  7. Always read up-to-date industry research and trends reports.

What are primary or major trends? ›

A major or primary trend is considered the main trend over a longer period of time. This is the dominant direction of a market movement. Within the major trend we can also have a secondary trend. Smaller movements which tend to last for very short periods of time are referred to as minor trends.

What are four common types of changes and trends? ›

Four common types of changes and trends that offer business opportunities are demographics, inventions and technology, lifestyle, and style and entertainment.

What is six trends? ›

Six Trends is a digital consultancy that offers digital and business strategy, planning and execution.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.