Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (2024)

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (1)

Love it or hate it, the School Prom, just like Halloween, has made the trip from across ‘the pond’ and has rapidly grown in popularity, so much so, that it is now cemented into teenage popular culture here in the UK. However, we still hear many parents ask 'what is a prom?' - hopefully this guide will help!

When did the school proom arrive in the UK?

Prior to the Millennium, schools in the UK held the leavers’ ball or leavers’ disco which were very much the poorer English cousin to the US styled prom. Think gloomy school halls with curtains drawn, U2 playing on the less-than-impressive sound systems, ill-fitting cheap suits for the boys and meringue dresses for the girls. Thank goodness social media wasn’t around in the 80s and 90s!

The United States introduced us to a much more lavish affair where attention to detail is paramount! Since the early ‘noughties’ the school prom has grown rapidly in popularity in British schools, so much so, that according to an article in the Telegraph, currently 85% off all UK schools host a school prom.

What age for the school prom?

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (2)

Whereas in American popular culture School Proms are generally associated with 17-18 year old high school leavers (think High School Musical, Carrie, Prom Night etc.) in the UK the school prom tends to most popular for year 11 pupils leaving Secondary School (ages 15/16) and Year 13 following A-Levels (ages 17/18). In Scotland the prom is held at the end of year S6 (ages 17/18).

Not to be outdone by their older peers, Primary school children are now joining in the fun with many schools holding similar ‘Prom’ events for children moving up from Junior school to senior school.

Why is the prom so popular with UK schools?

The school prom is an attractive addition to the school calendar for many head teachers because it provides a ‘reward’ for all the hard working students who have got through their exams and are ready to face the next phase in their lives. Cynics may argue that it also provides a major disincentive for bad behaviour i.e. step out of line once more and you will be banned from attending the prom!

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (3)

Where to hold the school prom?

Venues range from 5 star hotels to the school gymnasium. Some schools go the whole hog and hire out luxury hotels; however this means there is generally a higher associated ticket cost for entry.

What to wear to the school prom

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (4)
Photo by xubangwen CC BY

How you look at the prom seems to be a very big deal for many pupils. Impressive outfits, accessorised with copious bling, topped with expensive hair dos and spray tans – and that’s just the boys! Prom attire is big business in the UK and it seems expensive dresses makes up the lion’s share of the cost.

As with all special occasions some students and their parents have taken the concept to the extreme spending thousands of pounds on couture dresses and bespoke makeovers and luxury transportation, however even the average Prom-goers’ parents can be faced with a hefty bill by the time suits, dresses and cars have been arranged!

How to arrive in style at the prom

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (5)

Getting dropped off by your mate’s mum in her 8 year old Ford Sierra is no longer deemed acceptable by today’s debutantes! Anything from hired stretch limousines, fancy sports cars, VW Camper Vans, to the more whacky and outrageous rides such as horse and carts, Double Decker buses and milk floats are de rigueur nowadays. Interestingly, many pupils and parents have noticed generally there aren't crowds of onlookers marvelling at your grand entry anyway (most attendees are either inside or en route). On reflection spending too much on transportation might be considered a waste of money.

What's the cost of a school prom?

Although the school prom is a relatively new phenomenon here in the UK it’s already estimated to be worth over £90 million per annum! According to a recent report by GoCompare the average UK household spends £220 per teenage daughter and £157 per son attending the school prom! This may seem a huge expense but not when you compare it to our US cousins. A recent report by Visa estimated that the average US parents spend and eye- watering $919 (£630) per teenager attending prom night! Some students help fund the prom by taking part time jobs e.g. baby sitting, paper rounds, waitressing etc. UK parents might not splash out to the same degree as their US counterparts but even so there are many costs that simply cannot be avoided.

These include (approximate costs shown):

Ticket entry between £20 - £30

Professional photographers (often arranged at the school) from £10 per child

Prom dress from £30 - £500+!

Boy’s suit hire - £50 (hire); £140 (purchase)

Make-Up/Hair – £35 - £60 for full ‘prom’ package

Transport – Anything from £150 per hour for a standard Limousine (8 people) to £2000 for a Helicopter (4 people)

Without doubt the school prom is here to stay and is always going to be a significant date in your school child’s calendar. Ultimately we think it provides a great ‘send-off’ for school leavers and a nice reward for all the pupils’ hard work pupils during their school days. Why not congratulate your own prom king or queen with one of our fantastic prom gifts.

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (6)

We also offer exclusive bespoke personalised prom jewellery sets in Rose Gold from £32.99 which you can find in our Prom Gifts section. These would make the perfect accessory for any prom dress!

Hopefully all you parents out there can now answer the question 'what is a prom?'

Handy Guide To The School Prom In The UK (2024)


How does prom in the UK work? ›

Proms are held in June or July, around the end of exam time or the end of term. The idea is to have fun with your school friends and celebrate your time and achievements at school. Some schools hold a luxury party in a five-star hotel. Others have a more basic dinner in the school hall.

What is the British version of prom? ›

Schools in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland predominantly hold their prom, or school formal, at the end of secondary education in year 11 (ages 15/16) and the end of sixth form (aged 18).

What do you wear to school prom UK? ›

School Proms are usually black tie formal wear events, and the outfit for this event can consist of a number of different formal options... Normally accompanied with matching dress trousers. White Tuxedo jackets can be an option too, if you are looking to stand out from the crowd, this is definitely the way to go!

What year is prom in high school UK? ›

in the UK the school prom tends to most popular for year 11 pupils leaving Secondary School (ages 15/16) and Year 13 following A-Levels (ages 17/18). In Scotland the prom is held at the end of year S6 (ages 17/18).

Is prom a big deal in the UK? ›

Prom is an important event for all students in the UK.

Do you have to wear a suit to prom UK? ›

Proms are a smart occasion so you will most definitely want to wear a suit (or even a kilt if you're Scottish) just like you would to any other formal event.

What do boys wear to school prom UK? ›

Boys can wear either a tux or suit to prom. Traditionally, boys have worn tuxedos to prom, but suits are becoming more popular. A tuxedo typically has a black jacket with tails and is worn with a white shirt, black bow tie, and black pants.

Can you wear a short dress to prom UK? ›

Ultimately, you can wear whatever you want to your prom – this includes short and long dresses alike! Should You Wear a Short Prom Dress? It's okay to wear short dresses to prom!

Can you drink at prom UK? ›

If you are concerned about alcohol being consumed at the year 11 prom then don't. At many proms pupils are searched before they enter the premises and often security are now employed. Typically the teachers in attendance will be monitoring the prom for obvious alcohol use.

Is there a dress code in UK schools? ›

In most schools in Britain, public or private, pupils have to wear a uniform: generally a jumper (often a V-neck jumper), a shirt, pants or a skirt, black shoes and sometimes a tie for boys and girls. In some schools, the uniform is more casual: a shirt, a sweatshirt, and black pants or skirts.

What is prom girl dress code? ›

Prom is a formal event and you are expected to wear formal attire. Formal prom attire may be classified as a dress, tuxedo, dress suit, including a tie or bow tie, a dress shirt, which may include a vest or cumme*rbund, and dress shoes. Dresses may be strapless (if they fit properly) or include spaghetti straps.

How much is a prom dress UK? ›

It has been estimated that proms in the UK cost parents £90m a year, with prom dresses costing an average £220. Of course, it's not just about the money – these dresses symbolise leaving school behind, the end of an era that doubles as an irresistible Instagram opportunity.

What grade is prom in USA? ›

Like we have already discussed, for most high schools in the USA, students who are seniors (in the 12th grade) are allowed to attend prom. Students who are in this grade will typically be between 17-18 years old. Some schools will also allow juniors (in the 11th grade) to attend prom dances.

What happens on prom night? ›

Prom night is a custom where high school juniors and seniors dress in formal attire and participate in activities surrounding a dance. Prom activities vary across the United States, but most traditions involve dates, prom dresses, tuxedos, dinner and dancing.

Do parents go to prom pictures? ›

Do Parents Go to Prom Pictures? Traditionally, parents have always been a part of pre-prom photos. However, it's important to remember that teens place a lot of value on prom night. Give your kid the chance to have a great time by giving them a little space during this part of the evening.

Do people dance at prom UK? ›

With all the latest dance hits being played at your prom there is no doubt that you will see your teachers enjoying their time as well by dancing. Obviously, school is the last place where a teacher would dance, so prom is the perfect opportunity for them to showcase their dancing skills to you.

Is prom an American thing? ›

Prom was born in the United States more than 100 years ago and has spread to other parts of the world. In America, it has become an industry similar to the wedding business.

Do UK schools have homecoming? ›

Register to attend the tailgate here. Homecoming has been a special tradition on UK's campus since 1915. As students come and go, it's always important to pay tribute to those who came before them, and to celebrate the longevity and success of the university.

What is prom night dress code? ›

Prom is a formal event and you are expected to wear formal attire. Formal prom attire may be classified as a dress, tuxedo, dress suit, including a tie or bow tie, a dress shirt, which may include a vest or cumme*rbund, and dress shoes.

When should I get a prom dress UK? ›

Tip 1 - Start shopping early to avoid disappointment

For big year 11 proms, it's a good idea to start thinking about your prom in September when you return back to school for your final year. From October onwards, new collections start to arrive in store so if you want the first choice then you'll need to be quick!

What not to wear to prom? ›

Jeans or sweatpants are way, way too casual no matter how relaxed your prom is. This rule applies to guys and girls alike. Camouflage – Even if you're a wallflower, no one wants to disappear that badly. In fact, wearing camouflage is likely to get you noticed but not in a good way.

Do girls give boys anything for prom? ›

Who buys the corsage and boutonniere for prom? Traditionally, the male brings his date a corsage when he picks her up for prom or a homecoming dance, and the female brings the boutonniere. Of course, females can buy their own corsages, too.

Do boys go to prom without dates? ›

Prom is basically a bunch of teenagers playing dress-up for the night—and maybe doing a little dancing on the side. Make sure your child understands it's common nowadays for groups of friends to go to dances together. Dates are no longer required. This is true even for formal occasions like prom.

Can you go to prom with someone from a different school UK? ›

Yes, you can, but all non-SCHS Prom dates MUST be approved. Remember, your date can not be currently suspended from their high school.

Do I wear a bra under my prom dress? ›

Almost always, prom dresses have some intricate cut. Whether it's a backless style, an off the shoulder style, a halter neck, completely strapless, or a deep V, these dresses will require a specialty bra.

Can I wear jeans to prom? ›

Semi-formal attire may be classified as a dress suit, a dress shirt, slacks or khaki pants and dress shoes. Shirts, ties and/or bow tie must be worn at all times and not removed during the dance. Jeans and shorts are not permitted. Pants should fit properly on the hip and not sag below the waistline.

How many sizes can a prom dress be taken in? ›

Taking a gown one to two sizes down is pretty common, and should still keep the integrity of the original design fairly easily. Of course, the closer to your actual size the better; you'll save money in alterations, and the gown will look best when it is closest to how it was designed.

Do you bring a date to prom? ›

Absolutely! Don't let the fear of going alone keep you from making memories. Going to prom with your friends is much more common than one might think, sometimes more common than actually going with a date. Consider it a fun night out with your friends and make the most of it!

Do you have to go to prom with your girlfriend? ›

Prom is approaching, and while you might feel like you need to find a date, it's totally fine to go to prom without one.

Can singles go to prom? ›

Going to prom single can have plenty of benefits, and speaking from experience, it can be more fun than going to a dance with a date. The first reason why you should go to prom without a date is that there's less stress about what to wear to impress other people.

Can girls wear pants in UK schools? ›

Whilst there isn't a nationwide trouser ban, it is still being enforced by some primary, secondary, public and private, faith and non-faith schools. During the talk the academics will argue that the ban does not comply with the Department of Education's School Uniform document and The Equality Act 2010 and Schools.

Can you wear makeup to school in England? ›

There is no education legislation specifically covering the wearing of school uniform or other aspects of appearance such as hair colour and style and the wearing of jewellery and makeup.

Do any UK schools have no uniform? ›

A few private schools in Surrey, Kent, London, and Hampshire have adopted a no school uniform policy. Reasons why: they have freedom to choose, part of school ethos or founding member covenant mandates the school must follow the tradition.

How much do girls pay for a prom dress? ›

With an average of $30-$150, it's clear that dresses aren't the only prom expense. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, what's the point of the perfect dress if you don't have the matching shoes.

What should a girl bring to prom? ›

Make sure your purse is filled with all of your prom night necessities. We recommend gum or mints, extra bobby pins in case your 'do falls out from all the dancing, and some blotting paper (it's going to get hot on the dance floor), along with your ID, house keys, wallet, and some emergency cash.

Can girls wear white to prom? ›

Is a white dress too formal for prom? No, a white dress is not too formal for prom. White is an appropriate color choice for prom attire.

How much does a prom dress cost USA? ›

A major piece of that prom budget is the dress. Girls spend anywhere from under $100 on a dress up to $500 and more (For more information and a breakdown of typical prom costs, check out the Prom Guide).

Is it normal to pay for prom? ›

For most teens, prom is their first formal event, and how much is spent comes down to individual budgets. Some parents opt to pay for expenses, while others don't have the financial means to do so—or, regardless of parental resources, they expect their teens to foot the bill.

What color should my prom dress be? ›

Bold colors like turquoise make dark skin pop, pastels like periwinkle complement pale skin, and earth tones like forest green look great on medium skin tones. Warm, earthy colors like reds, yellows, and browns pair well with warm undertones, while blues, purples, and greens look best on cool undertones.

When did school proms start in the UK? ›

High-school proms as we recognise them now originated in the US in the 1950s, although debutante balls in America were the norm in the 18th century. Proms began to occur in the UK around 15 years ago, and have become increasingly popular since.

Why does a girl wear a garter to prom? ›

Wearing garters

The garter tradition stems from the popular wedding tradition of the garter removal. According to BrideBox, this tradition was based on the belief that it is lucky to keep a piece of a bride's gown.

Is it OK to not go to prom? ›

One night in fancy clothes does not a high school experience make, and prom is not the “end all be all” of experiences that we have propped it up to be. For many teens (my son included) there are many more memorable days and nights in high school than prom night, and not wanting to go is neither abnormal or uncommon.

Can you drink at prom night? ›

Having alcoholic beverages at a school function is prohibited and against the rules. That's not to mention the fact that drinking underage is, you know, illegal. If you're caught drinking underage at prom or in possession of alcohol at prom, you can bet that you're going to be asked to leave.

Should I drink on prom night? ›

Alcohol impairs your judgement and can therefore lead to poor decisions. As dramatic as it may sound, choosing to drink on prom night can deeply impact your future. If you get caught drinking, you may be suspended or even expelled, which could hinder any college plans you have.

Who pays for prom etiquette? ›

The person who asks someone to prom is responsible for paying for the night's expenses, traditionally. However, it is more common now for couples to share the costs of the evening, as proms can be very expensive.

Can girls ask boys to prom? ›

A girl has the same right to ask as the guy! But don't feel dependent on a date. If he turns out to be a jerk, take a friend. Prom is meant to be fun, so make it fun!

Should I let my freshman daughter go to prom? ›

If at all possible, it's best to let your child attend prom and graduation celebrations. However, if you think these events are too much for your child to handle, follow your instincts. If your child was just suspended again for drinking alcohol on school grounds, going to prom might not be a good idea this year.

How old are you when you go to prom UK? ›

"It's different from the American prom in that they tend to be aged around 18 or 19 for their prom, whereas our girls will be a bit younger, so dresses are less revealing.

Do they do prom king and queen in the UK? ›

The British way

If there is to be a prom king or queen at an event this will often be decided by the prom organising committee. The organising committee can include teachers but often is made up of the head boy or head girl as well as students volunteering to be part of the committee.

Do colleges in the UK do prom? ›

In most cases, the answer to this will be yes, colleges do have prom. Although they were originally found in American high schools, over the past decade or so, proms have become nearly as popular in the UK. Colleges are no exception to this.

What do boys wear to prom UK? ›

Boys can wear either a tux or suit to prom. Traditionally, boys have worn tuxedos to prom, but suits are becoming more popular. A tuxedo typically has a black jacket with tails and is worn with a white shirt, black bow tie, and black pants.

Do Brits bow to the Queen? ›

Technically, there are no "obligatory" rules.

For men, this means a neck bow (or bowing the head only), while women traditionally curtsy. Others can also show respect by simply shaking hands. To greet the sovereign, the formal address is "Your Majesty."

What age do Americans go to prom? ›

In America, prom is generally associated with high school leavers who are actually the same age as UK college or sixth form leavers – 17-18. However, in this country, it is celebrated by secondary school leavers of 15-16.

Do American schools have prom? ›

Prom is a dance party held from March to May that is considered a major event in American, British, and Canadian high schools.

What percent of Americans go to prom? ›

75% of Juniors go to Junior prom. 99.9% of seniors go to Senior prom.

Do girls give guys something for prom? ›

Who buys the corsage and boutonniere for prom? Traditionally, the male brings his date a corsage when he picks her up for prom or a homecoming dance, and the female brings the boutonniere. Of course, females can buy their own corsages, too.

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