How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (2024)

People underestimate the power of fashion. And they usually do it because they’ve dug themselves into such a style rut that it’s easier to chalk it up to fashion being frivolous, or just not having the time.

But defining your style and developing a uniquely you look is one of the most effective communication tools. It’s an expression of creativity, an impactful first impression, and a voice that speaks without words.

If you haven’t started to develop a personal style, or don’t even know where to begin- then this is the place to start.

What is personal style?

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (1)

Your personal style should be reflective of your likes, creativity, and lifestyle. When you develop a personal style you are curating a unique image and wardrobe that helps you to express yourself and embody the person you want to be.
Not only can it vastly impact peoples’ impressions and judgments of you, but it can also be a tool to advance you in the world and help you find your people.
Your personal style is a unique combination of fashion categories (like classic, trendy, boho, etc) that encapsulates what you do, who you are, and what you like.
While your style may have influences from many fashion categories, you will have one dominant fashion category.

Personal Style Quiz

First, take this free personal style quiz to help hone your major fashion preferences. (no email address required for results!)

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (2)

How To Develop Your Personal Style in 8 Easy Steps

1. Find Your Style Inspiration

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (3)

Your true style inspiration will not be one person. Most likely it will be a mix of style influences from a few different people. So hop on over to Pinterest and start perusing celebrities, models, style icons, and anyone else you’d like to get some style inspiration from.

It is super important that you keep in mind what style you like/admire versus what style you actually want to be like.

For instance, I admire Lady Gaga’s and Diane Keaton’s styles, but that doesn’t mean I want to wear leather bras, lame shorts, or moody full dresses. Nor, would these two styles combine easily.

So before you jump into haphazardly searching styles you like, take the personal style quiz here (it’s free and doesn’t require any signs up to anything). This will give you a broad fashion style preference and from there you can dive into picking some style icons.

For instance, if you end up with a trendy fashion style you might be looking at model street style references from Bella Hadid or Emily Ratajkowski. And from there you might search celebrity style icons like Zendaya or Lucy Bolton.

But, pay attention to your search results and decide if it is a style you actually want to wear or just a style you like on other people.

If you’re confused or hit a snag, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I have any of the pieces she/he is wearing in my closet already? (if yes, that’s a good sign)
  2. Would I style myself like this?
  3. Does this fit into my primary fashion style?
  4. Why am I drawn to this look? It could be because you find the subject attractive, or they might have a quality you like, and that is shading your opinion of the outfit

2. Defining your style further

So now you should have some images and style icons in mind, in addition to your dominant fashion style that you found through the personal style quiz.

Next, evaluate what other influences are present in addition to your fashion category and create a uniquely you recipe for your style.

For instance- my style category is trendy with minimalist jewelry and retro influences. This means I love to try new trends, but I gravitate towards simple accessories and love vintage pieces to mix into my outfits. This is a unique, personal style.

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (4)

In order to figure out your unique personal style is you should fill in the blanks:

My dominant fashion category is _________

For jewelry I like __________.

For shoes I like ____________

Other accessories I wear would fall into __________ category

A secondary style category I like in small doses is _________

So your personal style recipe becomes (tweak as needed)

My fashion style is __ dominant category__, I like __favorite fashion jewelry/shoes/accessory___ to be ___style___, and I like to integrate in some __secondary style category___.

This should also give you an idea of how dominant your main fashion style is. You could end up with classic style for all of those answers, therefore your style becomes very defined. Or you might end up like mine which speaks to a combination of styles with trendiness being the glue that holds it together.

3. Check your Closet

Your wardrobe is the foundation of your personal style. And if you don’t feel like your wardrobe works with your style aspirations, check out:

Start going through your closet and seeing what pieces work for your lifestyle (work, family, fun, etc) AND that also work for your style inspiration.

If you need some help cleaning out your closet, read this.

4. Put it into practice

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (6)

So now you have an idea of the styles you like, and a wardrobe that supports your unique style preferences. You need to start trying your own versions of these outfit ideas.

You should not be directly copying the outfits, but rather taking items from your style inspiration and making them your own. This could involve keeping the main outfit pieces the same, but adding different layering pieces, or switching the proportions of the look to better fit your body shape.

related: how to dress for your body shape

5. Snap the winners

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (7)

Find an outfit you love, take a quick pic of it so that you can refer back to it later. You will be essentially creating a style inspiration folder of your own winning outfits.

This can be used as a reference when you feel you have nothing to wear, or for inspiration to further push your style boundaries.

Create spin-off outfits from there. For instance, you might find you love a vintage blouse outfit with jeans, but that it can look equally good and more evening appropriate with leather pants.

6. Find a signature piece

The more you develop your personal style folder, and the more outfits you successfully try- some trends will most likely start to develop.

You will find yourself reaching for one or two items with pretty much every outfit. It could be you always wear trench coats, or you always have a pair of gold hoops on, and eventually, you will find your signature piece.

Having a signature piece helps tie your style together and helps define yourself to the world. It doesn’t have to be something quirky or out-there, just something that defines you.

Jackie O had her sunglasses, Eddie Sedgwick had her statement earrings, what do you have?

For me, it’s that I love to integrate menswear pieces into my outfits.

7. Put your best assets forward

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (8)

What is the one thing people always compliment you on?

Once you have your style slowly defined you can start to really highlight your best features. Maybe people are always telling you what long legs you have, so you start investing in some great skirts to highlight that vertical line. Or perhaps everyone compliments your hourglass frame, so you should start adding some belts and fitted tops to highlight that shape.

When we play to our strengths, our confidence will shine. This will help you use your style as a superpower.

8. Don’t forget the details

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (9)
How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (10)
How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (11)

Just like a birthday cake isn’t a birthday cake without the frosting and decorations, your outfit isn’t complete without the details.

Pay attention to your hairstyle, your beauty look, nail color, and accessories as well.

No matter which fashion category you fall into, those details will remain key to achieving true personal style.

Each of those details is a way to make your look unique and personal. This is also a great way to integrate your signature piece and/or develop a signature beauty look or hairstyle. Like how Alexa Chung is known for her tousled hair and bang fringe, or Cara Delvigne is known for strong eyebrows.

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (12)

If you’re still feeling a bit lost, check out 10 steps to improve your style, here.

Your fashion should be an asset that bolsters your confidence, makes you memorable and tells the world exactly who you are.

That may seem like a lot to ask of your clothes, but if you start taking control of your personal style you will start to see the magic that comes from it.

Now, go find strength through style.

And if you have any style questions, feel free to join my Facebook group and ask there. It’s an easy way to get feedback on a look or get opinions from me and other group members.

Pin the below image so you can always reference these style-developing steps!

How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (14)
How to Define Your Personal Style in 8 Steps - Gabrielle Arruda (2024)


How would you describe your personal style examples? ›

A - I like to be casual and down to earth, I love comfort and easy to care for clothes. B - I am organised and practical and prefer to fill my wardrobe with versatile investment pieces. C - I am spirited and self expressed and originality is key.

How do I establish my personal style? ›

How to Find Your Personal Style in 5 Steps
  1. Look to your own closet. Think about the clothes you have that make you happy. ...
  2. Find fashion inspiration. ...
  3. Create a fashion mood board. ...
  4. Create a capsule wardrobe. ...
  5. Experiment with unique style choices.
Jun 7, 2021

How to find your personal style 5 tips for defining your style? ›

You, too, can find your own personal style—just try these five insider tips to mastering it.
  1. Set aside a day to go look for clothes, not buy clothes. ...
  2. Use Pinterest as a mood board. ...
  3. Step outside of your comfort zone. ...
  4. Start slow and evaluate the clothes you wear on a daily basis.
May 22, 2022

Can you describe your personal style? ›

So, what is personal style? It's when what you wear, how you feel in your clothes, and how you shop reflects your personality and values. Unlocking your personal style not only improves your confidence, but it also refocuses your energy.

What are the stages of style? ›

A fashion trend's life cycle can be divided into five stages, generally speaking: introduction, rise, peak, decline, and obsolescence.

How to describe your style in 3 words? ›

What is the three-word method? The three-word method is as simple as it sounds: identifying your personal style with three adjectives. Maybe your style is cool, elevated, and comfortable, or maybe it's colorful, classic, and bold.

What is your style statement answer? ›

What exactly is a style statement? A style statement is a way to get more clear on your style. Carrie McCarthy & Danielle LaPorte have written a book called Style Statement – Live by your own design, which aims to get you more clarity about yourself and your sense of style.

What is a personal style statement? ›

A personal style statement is a brief phrase that accurately reflects your true spirit and the essence of how you would like to be represented. We begin with the definition of personal: PERSONAL — of, affecting, or belonging to a particular person rather than to anyone else.

What are the elements of personal style? ›

There are two main components of personal style – items and ideas – and these things communicate who you are to the world.

Why is it important to develop a personal style? ›

Good style is more than just »fancy« clothes. The way that we dress seriously affects our self-esteem. This doesn't only reflect in our mentality but also in our interactions with the external world. First impressions are very important because they're almost impossible to change.

How does your style reveal your personality? ›

Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what actually you are as an individual. People wearing gaudy clothes with loud make up are generally extroverts and love partying. You really can make out what sort of person an individual is by his/her dressing.

What are the rules of style? ›

Style: 10 basic style rules that every woman should know
  • When you find your 'look', stick with it. ...
  • Try men's clothing. ...
  • Dress for your body shape, not the trends. ...
  • Invest in good underwear. ...
  • Don't 'save' your outfits. ...
  • Accessories can transform a look. ...
  • Your LBD is your best friend. ...
  • Buy clothes that fit you in the store.

What is the meaning of sense of style? ›

sense of style n

(awareness of what is tasteful or fashionable)

What are examples of style? ›

The most common types of styles are expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative. This kind of writing does not include the author's opinion. Its purpose is to provide non-biased information to an audience using accepted facts and statistics.

What is a good sentence for style? ›

She had not lost her grace and style. His 50 years of experience have given him strong convictions about style. Several styles of hat were available. His thick blond hair had just been styled before his trip.

How describe myself in one word? ›

Positive words to describe yourself in any situation. Words to describe yourself in an interview. Words to describe yourself on a resume.
Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview.
9 more rows
Jan 30, 2023

How do you talk about your style? ›

Talking about your clothing

When talking about the clothing item you wear, you can provide basic details to describe it. You can talk about the material used and the design or the pattern on it. Also, you can ask questions if you are curious about other clothing as well.

What is the meaning of style and example? ›

the mode of expressing thought in writing or speaking by selecting and arranging words, considered with respect to clearness, effectiveness, euphony, or the like, that is characteristic of a group, period, person, personality, etc.: to write in the style of Faulkner; a familiar style; a pompous, pedantic style.

How do I find my style questions? ›

The questions to ask yourself about your style
  1. What do I feel good in? It's simple enough but wearing what makes you feel good is often the key to great style. ...
  2. What do I always gravitate towards when I'm shopping? ...
  3. What words describe my style? ...
  4. What pieces do I wear all the time? ...
  5. What do I want my style to say about me?
Oct 16, 2021

What is a good personal statement like? ›

A clear introduction, explaining why you want to study the course. Around 75% can focus on your academic achievements, to prove how you're qualified to study it. Around 25% can be about any extracurricular activity, to show what else makes you suitable. A clear conclusion.

What does a good personal statement look like? ›

Personal statement structure

Put the most important information at the beginning of your personal statement (e.g. why you're applying for the role and what makes you suitable) Mention any skills and experience you have that are relevant to the job. Finish off with a summary of your professional goals.

What is my personal statement? ›

What is a personal statement? A personal statement is an account of your achievements, talents, interests and goals often included in job or university applications or on resumes. Personal statements for university and jobs have similar content, but university personal statements are usually longer and more detailed.

How can you keep your style simple? ›

  1. Invest in quality over quantity. ...
  2. Choose staples over trends. ...
  3. Stay away from having too many colors in one outfit. ...
  4. Wear clothes that fit and compliment your figure. ...
  5. Play with accessories. ...
  6. Don't be afraid of layering. ...
  7. Sunglasses are your best friend.
May 19, 2022

How do I style myself casually? ›

Use contrast to make your outfit pop.
  1. If, say, you dress all in black, wear a pair of white shoes (or a belt, or a tie, or all three).
  2. Pair a skinny pair of pants with a loose-fitting top.
  3. Wear a tighter top or jacket with a billowy skirt or dress.
  4. Pair dark bottoms with light tops, and/or dark tops with light bottoms.

Does everyone have a personal style? ›

Everyone has a sense of style–even if you don't know it yet. I think that our clothing is a fun and easy way to stand out.

What is Rule 7 of elements of style? ›

7. A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject. Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children. The word walking refers to the subject of the sentence, not to the woman.

What are the 7 elements of style? ›

The 7 elements of design consider space, line, form, light, color, texture and pattern.

Do I need a personal style? ›

A personal stylist will help you stop making those mistakes.

Long-term, it really will save you money. It will save you time - if you hate shopping or spend a long time trying to find things that fit (or end up buying something just because it does fit), then working with a stylist will save you lots of time.

What influences personal style? ›

It's influenced by where you come from, your beliefs, where you live and what you do. And when you have a defined sense of style, you don't go chasing after all the latest fashions, you don't dress just to look good, you do it to show up and let your truest self be seen.

How do you dress like you are successful? ›

General Tips Checklist
  1. Wear professional and conservative clothing. ...
  2. Ensure that clothing is clean, pressed and well-fitted.
  3. Wear conservative (dark) shoes that are clean and polished.
  4. Choose accessories that complement your clothing rather than distract from it.
  5. Remove facial and body piercings.

How do you dress so people trust you? ›

Here are a few tips you can use to dress like the responsible and trustworthy professional that you are with this current and more relaxed office wear norm:
  1. Appropriate fit. ...
  2. Color Palette. ...
  3. Comfort and Mobility. ...
  4. Perfume. ...
  5. Attention to Detail and Quality. ...
  6. Footwear. ...
  7. Personal Hygiene. ...
  8. Haircare.
Sep 11, 2019

What is the 3 word rule to find your personal style? ›

What is the three-word method? The three-word method is as simple as it sounds: identifying your personal style with three adjectives. Maybe your style is cool, elevated, and comfortable, or maybe it's colorful, classic, and bold.

What is personal style in psychology? ›

Personal Style of the Therapist Questionnaire

For the authors, personal style refers to the traits related to the therapist's personality that have an influence in the therapeutic relationship and psychotherapy outcomes.

What are the basic style principles? ›

Understanding the basics

There are twelve basic principles of design: contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity.

What are the most important elements of style? ›

Features of style include the following: diction (word choice) • sentence structure and syntax • nature of figurative language • rhythm and component sounds • rhetorical patterns (e.g. narration, description, comparison-contrast, etc.)

Why is finding your personal style important? ›

The way that we dress seriously affects our self-esteem. This doesn't only reflect in our mentality but also in our interactions with the external world. First impressions are very important because they're almost impossible to change. Appearances often speak for us.

How do I know what style I am using in word? ›

On the Home tab, click the Styles Dialog Box Launcher, and then click Options. Under Select styles to show, click All styles. All styles are displayed in the Styles task pane.

What are styles in word examples? ›

What are Styles? Built-in styles are combinations of formatting characteristics that you can apply to text to quickly change its appearance. For example, applying the Heading 1 style might make text bold, Arial, and 16 point, and applying the Heading 2 style makes text bold, italic, Arial, and 14 point.

What are the five types of personal? ›

These five primary personality traits are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

How does your personal style reflect who you are? ›

Your personal style reflects who you are as an individual. It represents aspects of your personality – what you like and dislike, how you see yourself. The clothes you wear are more than just pieces of fabric stitched together, they show who you are.

What is the difference between style and personality? ›

Research has shown that a person's Style remains relatively consistent over time. Once we reach adulthood, our primary behavioral tendencies often stabilize. Personalities on the other hand are not consistent.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.