How to Get the Most Money for Your Fur Coat (2024)

Not wearing your fur anymore? Whether your garment is too small, out of fashion, or simply taking up too much space in your closet, there are plenty of convenient ways to offload it, thanks to a gamut of professional fur reselling, recycling, and donation services available online and off. So how do you go about “shedding” fur from your closet?

Key Takeaways

  • To sell a fur coat, first assess the worth, considering quality, how well it has been cared for and the type of skin.
  • Get a professional appraisal of your coat if you plan to sell it directly; fur resellers or consignment shops will insist on their own appraisals.
  • If you're considering selling it directly, go through eBay or another consumer marketplace that puts controls in place to protect you, like buyer ratings, clear return policies and standards on who pays to ship.
  • If you have a top-notch fur, consider a knowledgeable specialist re-seller to find the right buyer for you instead of selling it yourself.

Assessing the Worth

First things first. The value or salability of a used fur depends considerably on its quality, how well it has been cared for and, of course, the type of skin. Many owners have an unrealistic expectation of their used fur’s value. Like virtually every other article of clothing (certain brand-name jewelry excepted), the moment you take a fur home, depreciation kicks in, and its value begins to diminish. Fur pelts also dry out over time, so the longer a coat has been sitting in your closet, the less valuable it has potentially become.

If you plan to sell the coat yourself, obtaining an appraisal is highly recommended: Determining the value of a garment really requires an inspection by a fur appraiser to determine its current market value. Simply locate a professional furrier (either in your local area or online) to do this on your behalf. If you find one locally, they may even sell your coat for you. Online fur consignment or reselling services, however, will probably insist on performing their own appraisal.

If you have an old fur coat you haven't worn in years, consider selling it. Depending on the quality, age, fur type, and condition your coat can fetch you top dollar. But get a professional appraisal before you put a price tag on it.

Sell It Yourself

The ubiquitous online auction site, eBay, offers a healthy secondary market for fur coats; it even has aguide outlining everything you’ll need to know to successfully “eBay” your garment. However, this selling route takes time and commitment on the seller’s part.

First, you need to identify all of your coat’s attributes (the type of fur, measurements, lining fabric, embroidery, etc.) and have a realistic idea of your coat’s current worth. How have other eBay sellers priced similar garments? If you genuinely want to sell, yours will need to price competitively to stand out from the fur crowd. Good quality picturesand plenty of them are a must. Even if you pass on shipping costs to the buyer (as many eBay sellers do), you'll also have the responsibility of packaging, insuring, and sending the garment once it sells.

Have Someone Else Sell It

Designer-oriented consignment and vintage clothing stores often deal in used (or "estate," as they prefer to say) furs. Specialist fur resellers and consignment platforms are in abundance online, too. Though you have to split the proceeds with them, they do take all of the hassles out of selling your garment. Some will insist on a physical assessment of your coat before providing a listing price, while others like BuyMyFur will provide an estimate via email. If you’re happy with the quote, simply ship your fur to them, after which they’ll market and sell your garment on your behalf. Then, all you have to do wait is for your check in the mail.

Another site with a unique approach isCASH FOR FUR COATS. Dedicated to recycling furs, they'll pay “fair market value” in exchange for your used garment, which they will craft into other creations, such as teddy bears and pillows. An inspection is required by their professional furrier to determine a coat's condition and to offer a price.

Be Charitable

If you’re in a position to be generous (or fancy giving back to nature), the annual fur drive Coats for Cubs encourages the donation of fur items to assist the rehabilitation of injured and orphaned animals across the U.S. The initiative is run by the used-clothing retailer Buffalo Exchange. During a specified annual drive period, usually from January through April, you can simply drop off unwanted furs at any of its stores. Donated furs are sent to wildlife rehabilitation centers where they’re used as bedding, providing a more natural, nurturing environment for recovering creatures.

Donations are tax-deductible, but since Buffalo Exchange is unable to provide receipts, claiming a deduction over $500 (the standard for noncash items) for the garment could be tricky, should the IRS start scrutinizing. If your coat's worth four figures, you could donate it to a local thrift store or charity. Just be sure to get a receipt and keep that appraisal handy, as proof of your charitable contribution.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’re ready to upgrade to a more fashionable fur style, simply want more space in your closet, or no longer feel comfortable owning fur, there’s an internet full of services ready to sell, recycle or accept your fur for you. Just remember—the longer you leave it hanging in your closet, the more it will deteriorate in quality and depreciate in value, so the sooner you act, the better.

How to Get the Most Money for Your Fur Coat (2024)


What is the best way to sell a fur coat? ›

You can use sites such as Craigslist, eBay,, and In order to sell your fur quickly, you might consider asking 10-20% less than what the coat was appraised for.

How much can you sell a fur coat for? ›

The prices can exceed up to $900 if the material is delicate and comfortable. Whereas the value of a high-quality brown mink fur coat is approximately $200 to $500, and if you are planning to estimate the value of a fox fur coat, you can easily buy or sell it somewhere between $200 to $400.

Are old fur coats worth anything? ›

Many antique items are more valuable than their modern counterparts, or have held their value well. Unfortunately fur coats are not one of these. While new fur coats are very expensive, vintage furs have value too, but it is limited. Compared to modern furs, vintage fur coats are heavier.

How much can I sell a mink coat for? ›

The value of a mink coat depends on a variety of factors including the condition, size, brand, and quality. A small mink coat could sell for under $100 while a top designer coat could sell for over $10,000.

How do I find the value of my fur? ›

If you plan to sell the coat yourself, obtaining an appraisal is highly recommended: Determining the value of a garment really requires an inspection by a fur appraiser to determine its current market value. Simply locate a professional furrier (either in your local area or online) to do this on your behalf.

Are fur coats of any value? ›

Fur coats never seem to go out of style, and have the potential to bring in values of up to thousands of dollars or more.

Is there still a market for fur? ›

All of that said, there still is a market for wild fur, it's just not what it once was, and it may be more challenging to get some furs sold at any price. Fur Harvesters Auction, Inc. is the one remaining fur auction house in North America, and sells a large portion of the wild fur produced in the U.S. and Canada.

How do you prepare fur for sale? ›

Remove the animal from the de-bugging bag and wipe and wash off any blood with cold water (snow works great). Use the comb and brush to remove dirt, twigs, seeds and other debris. Carefully remove co*ckleburs so that you don't pull out guard hairs. Dry the fur before skinning.

What can I do with an old fur coat? ›

You can donate it to shelters where people are in need of warm clothing or you can also donate it to organizations that use them to make warm beddings for animal shelters. Simply check online what is the nearest shelter near you.

Are you allowed to sell fur coats on eBay? ›

Sellers can list certain animal and wildlife products on eBay such as faux or reproductions of animal products. However, it is up to the seller to check whether selling or shipping these items requires a licence, permit, or other paperwork.

How much was a fur coat in the 80s? ›

During its peak, in the early 1980s, a mink coat typically cost $8,000 to $50,000 but could go above $400,000 for all-belly black Russian mink. Today it's a different story.

How can you tell if a fur coat is good quality? ›

The Feel Test

Feel the difference by touching the hairs between the finger and thumb. Real fur feels very soft and smooth to touch, easily rolls between fingers. The fake fur is rough to the touch. It may become sticky in wet weather and may have the same feel as a stuffed animal toy.

Who buys the most mink fur? ›

We may earn a commission from links on this page. Even with its struggling economy Greece has consistently been one of the world's largest buyers of raw mink.

Does pawn shop buy coats? ›

Pawn Shops That Buy Coats & Jackets

Depending on their condition, you could make a lot of money pawning your coats and jackets. To receive the highest payout for your leather jackets and fur coats, consider their: Authenticity.

Do mink coats go up in value? ›

A Mink Fur Coat Has A High Monetary Value

However, when we talk about expensive fur coats that hold the most monetary value, mink fur coats are on the top of the list. These fur coats will likely increase in value with time because minks are rarer than rabbits or foxes.

Can you sell vintage fur coats? ›

Pre-owned furs continue to sell well on the market. If you are worried that collecting fur is unethical, experts have said that collecting vintage fashion is greener than purchasing a contemporary fur or a new chinchilla coat.

How can you tell if a vintage fur is real? ›

Look at the base

Part the hair to see how it is attached. “Animal fur has a leathery backing because it's attached to the animal's skin, whereas faux fur will have a material woven backing.” Hairs on real fur will also be different lengths, while faux fur tends to be more uniform.

Why vintage fur is OK? ›

For fashionistas who love both animals and wearing fur, going vintage seems like a simple solution. Old furs don't directly contribute to the profits of modern fur farms, and they're less toxic to the environment than faux furs (shown by Anna Sui and Christian Siriano on the runway), which are made from petroleum.

What is the rarest fur coat? ›

The top three most expensive and coveted furs around the globe are sable, lynx and chinchilla. Each of these furs possess characteristics that make them unique, extremely luxurious and highly sought-after.

Are fur sales declining? ›

"The latest figures show a decade of decline and are damning for the fur industry.

Which is better mink or fox? ›

Mink is a great choice since it comes in a variety of natural colors; giving you more options without needing to buy dyed fur. Another popular choice, fox, has many of the same benefits of mink. Some people may choose fox over mink, since it comes in even more natural colors.

Who still buys fur? ›

For those luxury brands that are continuing to use fur, the focus is on China, the country most important to the $22 billion worldwide fur trade.

What states ban fur? ›

Before the entire state made the decision, several cities in The Golden State –Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley, and West Hollywood– passed similar rulings over the last 10 years, which made it more accessible. Elsewhere around America, furs have also been banned in Massachusetts, Michigan and Florida cities.

Are fur coats illegal? ›

Very little U.S. federal law exists regulating the treatment of fur animals. The Animal Welfare Act, which works to ensure humane treatment of animals, specifically exempts fur animals that are raised for their pelts.

Should fur coats be stored in plastic bags? ›

Give Them Space to Breathe

If you choose to hang your coat in a garment bag, be sure to choose a bag that is breathable. Avoid plastic bags and always check to make sure the bag is suitable for furs. You also want to keep your fur coat away from other fabrics that can rub on the coat and damage the fur.

What is furrier cleaning method? ›

All furs are cleaned using a special non-immersion process commonly referred to as the furrier method. Linings are hand cleaned to remove make-up, dirt and stains. Furs are gently tumbled with solvent impregnated powders.

Is cold storage necessary for furs? ›

A storage area that is too moist can encourage your fur to rot or mold, while a space that is too dry can cause the fur and leather to become brittle. A dedicated cold storage area keeps the humidity at a consistent level so that your fur is not too wet and not too dry.

Do fur coats decompose? ›

Fur is a natural, organic material, and like all such materials will quickly disintegrate and biodegrade unless preventive measures are taken. To prolong the life of fur garments, pelts first undergo a special tanning process known as “dressing”.

When did fur coats become illegal? ›

In 2021, Israel became the world's first country to prohibit the sale of fur. In the U.S., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley, and West Hollywood banned new fur sales, paving the way for California to become the first state in 2019. Cities in Massachusetts, Michigan, and Florida have since passed similar legislation.

What charity takes fur coats? ›

What could PETA possibly want with your old fur? Your donation of unwanted fur coats, stoles and trim will help us enormously with our educational displays and anti-fur “fashion shows” and provide bedding for needy animals.

What furs are illegal in the US? ›

Cat, Bear, and Primate Furs

You cannot sell vintage items in any of these furs, thanks to CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. CITES says that you cannot deal in furs from all primates (monkeys and gorillas), all big cats, and all bears.

Why we should stop buying fur? ›

There is nothing “natural” about clothing made from animals' skin or fur. In addition to causing the suffering and deaths of millions of animals each year, the production of wool, fur, and leather contributes to climate change, land devastation, pollution, and water contamination.

What years were fur coats popular? ›

They used fur from animals such as raccoons, muskrats, wolves, hare, and more. Entering the 1950s,the production of fur coats was at its peak.

What is Bobcat fur worth? ›

Bobcat results were quite interesting. There appears to be some increased demand for bobcat pelts. The top quality Western cats were mostly unsold, but the 20% that did sell averaged pretty good at $321.

Is it OK to wear fur? ›

It's not acceptable. You can prevent fur farming, trapping, and trading by not buying and wearing fur clothes. Don't support companies using animal products or by-products for clothing. Choose materials that are sustainable, long-lasting, and biodegradable.

What is the warmest fur coat in the world? ›

Here is a rating of the warmest furs (in descending order): Beaver, Arctic fox; Deer; Silver fox; Sheared sheepskin; Sable; Rabbit.

What is the most common fur coat? ›

Mink, chinchilla, and fox fur are the most commonly used furs for warmth and fashion. Each of these animals' coats comes in several different colors and offers high levels of softness and quality, making them great choices during the cold weather months. Mink is one of the most popular fur choices all over the world.

Where are the best fur coats made? ›

Denmark, USA, and Finland have the highest quality of mink coats. You can also find good mink coats from China, Russia, Canada, Sweden and Norway. Lynx pelts from North America will give you a great fur coat, and Russia's sable fur coats offer top quality.

How long do fur coats last? ›

Fur needs to be maintained to make sure it lasts a long time; a high quality fur coat has an average lifespan of about twenty years - this period can be longer depending on the type of fur.

Is male or female mink better? ›

The female mink is smaller and narrower than its male counterpart. Both coats are great, but the female mink's was considered to be finer, more delicate, more supple and silky, and much lighter.

Is mink fur still popular? ›

Production of mink pelts in the US has declined about 45% in the past 20 years. Faux fur companies are trying to fill the void as top fashion houses gravitate away from real fur.

What will pawn shops not buy? ›

Pawn shops usually will not accept items that are clearly replicas (such as fake designer purses). They also do not typically accept clothing or books, unless they are very valuable, such as a first edition or signed copy of a popular book. Items should be in full working order when you bring them to be pawned.

What do pawn stores pay the most for? ›

Pawn stores usually pay the most for jewelry like diamonds and gold, timepieces, coins, vintage sneakers, designer purses, and handbags. However, every pawn shop can buy high-ticket items, including vehicles, real estate, and jewelry.

What can I sell to a pawn shop for $100? ›

What Can I Pawn for $100?
  • Hoverboard.
  • Flat-screen TV.
  • Tablet.
  • Bose speakers.
  • Firearm — registered to you.
  • YETI cooler.
  • Apple watch.
  • Refrigerator.
Dec 2, 2022

Is there a market for mink coats? ›

Mink coat values can vary widely depending on style, condition, pedigree, and workmanship. A small mink stole may sell at auction for under $100 while vintage mink coats by top designers can go for well over $10,000.

Is there a market for fur? ›

As I've said in the past, the modern fur market is global. Unlike the historic market, where a great deal of domestic production was consumed in North America, today's market relies on buyers in China, Greece, Italy, Russia and Korea.

Do people still buy fur coats? ›

However, many trends are cyclical and may come back every few years. Conversely, fur coats are part of something we call “Timeless Fashion,” as they are in style all the time. It has remained consistent throughout the past decades, and there is no reason to believe that it will go out of style any time soon.

Do fur coats need to be cleaned? ›

Every single fur coat especially those made up of all natural fur, need professional cleaning at least once or twice a year. Its recommended to clean your coats during the summer time when the coats are no longer in use.

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