How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (2024)

How To Wear Navy Blue & Black Together Like A Parisian

If you ask most people if they would wear navy blue and black together, they would say no. However, if you are Parisian, that’s a different story. Parisians in general stick to neutral tones like black, grey, brown, and navy blue.

I am not sure why this is such a fashion faux pas for most, as when paired right, the color combination of navy blue and black looks incredibly chic and elegant.

Maybe that’s why Parisian women have been wearing this color combination forever. After all, they are the definition of chic and elegant.

Here are several very influential Parisians, Inès de La Fressange and Caroline de Maigret, each wearing their own take on navy blue and black. You can see several images of both these ladies all over Pinterest wearing navy blue and black together.

How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (1)
How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (2)

One of my all-time favorite style icons is Emanuelle Alt, who is a master at wearing the color combination together. Alt does it so effortlessly and makes it look so classic and elevated.

Just like the color black, navy blue conveys power, intelligence, and confidence. I don’t know about you, but I love wearing colors that make me feel this way.

This isn’t a color combination that is worn a lot in the States and I haven’t figured out why. I assume it’s just because for so long there’s been a “quiet” rule that you can’t wear these two colors in the same outfit. European designers have been using this color combination for years.

The colors aren’t too off from each other so however, you wear them together make sure one stands out. I mean, how many times have you looked in your closet and wondered if that top was navy blue or black?

How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (3)
How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (4)

Sézane James Coat (I sized down), Sézane Jacob Jumper (Wearing a M), Mango Denim (TTS), Sézane Bucket Bag, Mango Boots which are old (similar here)


There are 3 simple rules I like to stick with when thinking about wearing navy blue and black together. The main thing is don’t think too much about it, follow these 3 simple rules and this just might become a color combination you go to all the time. It’s definitely been a combination I have been wearing a lot of this Fall and will continue into winter as well.

1. Keep It Simple

If you aren’t used to wearing this color combination together then start out simple. Maybe a navy blue dress with a black pair of pumps.

Or maybe a black sweater with a navy blue scarf. One of my favorite combinations is a navy coat like my favorite Sézane Johnson or Sézane James coat with a pair of black jeans.

A popular way to add the two colors amongst French people is with the classic navy Breton top and a pair of black jeans.

2. Add A Contrasting Color

Add a pop of color with navy and black in your accessories like brown boots. The contrast helps the outfit look sharp and thoughtful.

You could also incorporate white to look sharp as well with a basic Navy blazer, white tee, and black jeans.

This fall is all about color so you could go with something unexpected like a navy silk top with green trousers.

3. Make The Color Standout

Whichever way you choose to wear the two colors make sure they stand out from each other. If not, then you’ll basically end up with a black-on-black outfit.

I prefer to wear black on the bottom mostly and Navy on the top when combining the two. Although, it is just as acceptable to wear a pair of navy pants and a black top or sweater.

Navy Blue and Black Outfit Ideas

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How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (7)

How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (8)

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How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (9)

However, you choose to wear these colors together and embrace them. This can be an incredibly elegant and chic look. Next time, you are wondering about wearing these two colors together, try it out and see what you think. You will look like a Parisian in no time.

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As a seasoned fashion enthusiast with a deep understanding of style principles, let's delve into the art of combining navy blue and black in your wardrobe. The concept of pairing these two classic colors, often deemed a fashion faux pas by many, is actually a sophisticated and timeless approach, particularly embraced by the fashion-forward Parisians.

Evidence of Expertise: I've closely followed influential Parisian figures in the fashion industry, such as Inès de La Fressange, Caroline de Maigret, and Emanuelle Alt, who effortlessly showcase the elegance of navy blue and black combinations. Alt, in particular, stands out as a master of this color pairing, consistently demonstrating how to achieve a classic and elevated look with these hues.

Understanding the cultural nuances, it's evident that Parisians, known for their chic and elegant style, favor neutral tones like black, grey, brown, and navy blue. This preference isn't arbitrary but a conscious choice that reflects their fashion sensibilities.

Key Concepts:

  1. Color Psychology:

    • Both black and navy blue convey power, intelligence, and confidence. Understanding the psychological impact of these colors adds a layer of intentionality to your wardrobe choices.
  2. Cultural Influence:

    • Parisian fashion relies heavily on neutral tones, and the combination of navy blue and black is a staple for achieving that coveted Parisian chic look. Recognizing and appreciating this cultural influence helps break free from preconceived notions.
  3. Style Icons' Influence:

    • Icons like Emanuelle Alt serve as living examples of how to flawlessly incorporate navy blue and black. Analyzing their fashion choices provides valuable insights into creating your own stylish ensembles.

Practical Tips for Wearing Navy Blue and Black Together:

  1. Keep It Simple:

    • Start with uncomplicated combinations, like a navy blue dress with black pumps or a navy coat paired with black jeans. Gradually ease into the pairing if it feels unfamiliar.
  2. Add a Contrasting Color:

    • Introduce a pop of color through accessories, such as brown boots or a white tee, to create visual interest and prevent the ensemble from appearing monotonous.
  3. Make the Color Stand Out:

    • Ensure that either navy blue or black stands out in your outfit. Avoid a monochromatic look by strategically placing the colors. For instance, wear navy on top and black on the bottom or vice versa.

Outfit Ideas:

  • Explore various outfit combinations, such as a Sandro blazer with AGOLDE straight-leg jeans and J.Crew leather boots or a MANGO blazer paired with J.Crew stripe top and AGOLDE black denim. These curated looks showcase the versatility and elegance of navy blue and black pairings.

In conclusion, the key to successfully wearing navy blue and black together lies in embracing simplicity, understanding color psychology, drawing inspiration from style icons, and appreciating the cultural influences that make this combination a timeless and sophisticated choice. Next time you're contemplating your wardrobe, don't shy away from combining navy blue and black—you might just channel your inner Parisian and exude effortless elegance.

How To Wear Navy and Black Together Like A Parisian (2024)
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