Introduction to Forex (2024)

Learn about the basics of forex and important considerations for trading currency pairs.

Forex trading is provided by Charles Schwab Futures and Forex LLC.

What is forex?

Forex, or the foreign exchange, allows investors to speculate on changes in currency prices. Forex is traded in pairs, meaning you are buying one currency while simultaneously selling another. For an in-depth break down of the basics of forex, read our article, "What is Forex trading?"

To trade forex, you must have a brokerage account that is approved for forex trading. Log in to apply for forex approval.

Introduction to Forex (1)

Video: Investing Basics: Forex

Video Transcript:Transcript: Investing Basics: Forex

Upbeat music plays throughout.

Narrator: The foreign exchange, or "forex", market is the world's largest financial market, and it plays a vital role in the global economy. Every day, trillions of dollars are exchanged from one currency to another. This kind of currency exchange is essential for international business.

Forex market participants include governments, businesses, and, of course, investors.

Governments use the forex market to implement policies. For example, when conducting business with another country, whether it's borrowing money, lending money, or offering aid, a country needs to convert its currency into a foreign currency.

Businesses use the forex market to facilitate international trade. For example, they may need to convert payments for goods and services bought overseas or to exchange payments from international customers into their preferred currency.

And investors use the forex market to speculate on changes in currency prices.

On-screen text: Currency trading involves high risks, and you can experience a significant loss of funds invested. Currency products are not suitable for all investors.

Narrator: Currency prices change almost constantly during the week because the forex market is open continuously from Sunday at 4 p.m. Central time until Friday at 4 p.m. Central time. The market is closed on Saturdays. A market day starts at 4 p.m. Central time and ends at 4 p.m. Central time the following day. At Schwab, forex trading hours are 23 hours a day, opening at 5 p.m. Central time, and closing at 4 p.m. Central time, and closed on Saturdays.

Let's go over some basics of how trading forex works. When you trade forex, you're not just trading one product; you're trading two currencies against each other. This is known as a currency pair.

The quote for a forex currency pair defines the value of one currency relative to the other. The easiest way to understand any quote is to read the pair from left to right.

On-screen text: For illustrative purposes only. Not a recommendation of any specific currency or strategy.

Narrator: Let's look at an example using the EUR/USD currency pair.

If the EUR/USD is trading at 1.20, that means one euro is equal to $1.20 USD.

Let's look at an example using the EUR/USD currency pair.

If the EUR/USD is trading at 1.20, that means one euro is equal to $1.20 USD.

Here's another example using the USD/CAD currency pair. If the USD/CAD is trading at 1.25, that means $1 USD is equal to $1.25 CAD.

Even though there are two currencies involved, the pair itself acts like a single entity, similar to a stock or commodity.

And, just like when trading stock, investors profit when they buy a currency pair, and its price increases. Investors can also profit if they sell, or short, a currency pair and the price decreases.

Let's look at an example. Suppose an investor thinks Europe's economy is going to grow faster than the United States, and as a result, she thinks the euro will strengthen against the U.S. dollar. She can buy the EUR/USD pair to speculate on her assumption. If the price of the currency pair rises, she'll make money. Conversely, if the price falls, she'll experience a loss.

Now that we've covered the basics, let's look at a few key aspects of the forex market.

We'll start with margin. When you trade on margin, you only need to put up a percentage of the total investment to enter into a position. This amount is known as the margin requirement.

When you trade other securities like stocks, trading on margin means you're borrowing funds from your broker; however, forex trades can only be covered using funds in the investor's forex account. Investors can't borrow funds to enter a forex trade. If they don't have funds in their forex account, they need to transfer funds before placing a trade.

Forex margin requirements vary depending on the currency pairs and the size of a trade. Currency pairs typically trade in specific quantities known as lots. The most common lot sizes are standard and mini. Standard lots represent 100,000 units and mini lots represent 10,000 units. Depending on your brokerage firm, you may also be able to trade forex in 1,000-unit increments, also known as "micro lots".

Margin requirements can be as small as 2% of a trade or as large as 20%, but the margin requirement for most currency pairs averages around 3% to 5%.

To understand how margin is calculated, let's look at an example using the EUR/USD pair. Say this pair was trading at 1.20, and an investor wanted to buy a standard lot, or 100,000 units.

The total cost of the trade would be $120,000. That's a lot of capital. However, the investor doesn't have to pay that full amount. Instead, she pays the margin requirement.

Let's say the margin requirement was 3%. Three percent of $120,000 is $3,600—that's the amount the investor needs in her forex account to place this trade.

On-screen text: Leverage carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Greater leverage creates greater losses in the event of adverse market movements.

Narrator: This brings us to another key element of the forex market: leverage. Leverage enables investors to establish a position in a large investment with a relatively small amount of money. In this example, the investor is able to trade a position worth $120,000 with an initial deposit of $3,600.

On-screen text: Currency products may not be suitable for all investors.

Narrator: The leverage associated with currency pairs is one of the biggest benefits of the forex market, but it's also one of the biggest risks. Leverage gives investors the potential to make large profits…or large losses.

One more important element in the forex market is financing.

This is the calculation of net interest owed or earned on currency pairs, and it happens when an investor holds a position past the close of the trading day.

The U.S. dollar is associated with an overnight lending rate set by the Fed, and this rate defines the cost of borrowing money. Similarly, each foreign currency has its own overnight lending rate.

Remember, when you trade a currency pair, you're trading two currencies against each other. Even though the currency pair acts like a single entity, you're technically long one currency, and short the other. In terms of financing, you're lending the currency that you're long and borrowing the currency you're short. This lending and borrowing occurs at the overnight lending rate of each respective currency.

In general, an investor receives a credit if the currency he is long has a higher interest rate than the currency he is short.

Let's look at an example. Suppose an investor has a position in the AUD/USD currency pair. Say the overnight lending rate for AUD is 2% and the overnight lending rate for USD is 1%. The investor is long the currency pair, which means he is long the AUD and short the USD. Since the AUD has a higher interest rate than the USD, the investor will receive a credit. However, if the investor was short the AUD/USD currency pair, he'd have to pay the debit because he's short the currency that has a higher interest rate.

Financing is performed automatically by your brokerage firm; however, it's important to understand how it works and its financial impact on the trade.

We've reviewed just a few elements of the forex market. As with all investment opportunities, the forex market has a unique set of risks and benefits, and education is the first step to determine if this is the right opportunity for you.

On-screen text: [Schwab logo] Own your tomorrow®

An example of a forex trade

Let's say you believe that the Euro will increase in value in relation to the U.S. dollar; you could then buy the Euro versus the U.S. dollar, which is done by buying the EUR/USD currency pair.

  • If the Euro does go up in value in relation to the U.S. dollar and you'd like to take your profits, you could close your EUR/USD position.
  • Conversely, if the Euro does go down in relation to the U.S. dollar, you can lose money on your position, which may be more than your initial investment.

To learn about the basics of how forex markets work, read our article, "Trading Global: Foreign Exchange (Forex) for Beginners."

Why trade forex?

Capital efficiency

Forex trading involves using margin to establish a position in a larger investment with a relatively small amount of money. This means it's highly leveraged, which creates the potential for larger returns but also puts you at risk of losing more than your initial investment. You can read more about forex margin here.


Forex is generally a very active market, with significant trading volumes, especially with major currency pairs.

Around-the-clock trading opportunities

Respond to market conditions and economic events with trading hours 23 hours per day, six days per week.

Commission-free trading

Pay no commissions with trade costs for forex reflected in the bid-ask spread.

Currency pairs

A critical principle of forex is that it is traded in pairs, meaning you are buying one currency while simultaneously selling another.

Below is a table showing the available currency pairs.

  • Currency


  • Pairs


    • AUD (Australian Dollar)




      • CAD (Canadian Dollar)




        • CHF (Swiss Franc)




          • EUR (Euro)




            • GBP (Pound Sterling)




              • HKD (Hong Kong Dollar)


              • HKD/JPY


                • NOK (Norwegian Kroner)


                • NOK/SEK, NOK/JPY


                  • NZD (New Zealand Dollar)


                  • NZD/CAD, NZD/CHF, NZD/JPY, NZD/USD


                    • SGD (Singapore Dollar)


                    • SGD/HKD, SGD/JPY


                      • USD (U.S. Dollar)




                        • ZAR (South African Rand)


                        • ZAR/JPY


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Introduction to Forex (2024)


How do beginners explain forex? ›

Forex explained

The aim of forex trading is simple. Just like any other form of speculation, you want to buy a currency at one price and sell it at higher price (or sell a currency at one price and buy it at a lower price) in order to make a profit. We all trade forex if we go on holiday abroad.

Tell Me More
What is introduction to forex? ›

The foreign exchange (forex or FX) market is a global marketplace for exchanging national currencies. Because of the worldwide reach of trade, commerce, and finance, forex markets combine to be the world's largest and most liquid asset markets. Currencies trade against each other as exchange rate pairs.

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How can I teach myself forex? ›

Trading Forex for beginners summarized
  1. Learning the basics (currency pairs)
  2. Learn the software (MT4, MT5)
  3. Learn with demo accounts.
  4. Find a reliable service provider.
  5. Use the service provider's resources such as tools and guides.
  6. Read books on trading and watch videos online.
  7. Learn various trading strategies and test them.
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Nov 1, 2023

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Is $1000 enough to start forex? ›

Believe it or not, you can start forex day trading with $1,000 or even less. It requires mastering position sizing and managing risks, but if you navigate your way to success, the rewards can be significant. In this article, we will discuss in detail how you can day trade with $1000.

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Is forex trading like gambling? ›

Forex trading vs. gambling: Forex trading may appear similar to gambling, but there are key differences. While gambling relies on chance and randomness, forex traders can use strategies and tools to tilt the odds in their favour. Importance of self-control: Successful forex trading requires discipline and self-control.

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How long does it take to learn forex? ›

Most traders say it takes at least six months to a year. Start by learning the fundamentals and comprehending currency pairs, market dynamics, and trading strategies from reliable sources. Before making the switch to live trading, practice on demo accounts for at least three months.

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How much money do I need to start forex? ›

Answer - You can start trading with as little as $10 or invest more, like $100, $1,000, or even $15,000. Higher investments can potentially lead to higher profits in forex. However, it often requires substantial investments to achieve significant gains.

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How much do forex traders make a month? ›

Forex Trader Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$192,500$16,041
75th Percentile$181,000$15,083
25th Percentile$57,500$4,791

Keep Reading
What should I learn first in forex trading? ›

Preparing for Your First Forex Trade
  • Step 1: Learn About the Forex Market. ...
  • Step 2: Choose How You Want to Trade Forex. ...
  • Step 3: Choose a Broker. ...
  • Step 4: Open a Trading Account. ...
  • Step 5: Prepare a Trading Plan. ...
  • Step 6: Choose a Forex Pair to Trade. ...
  • Step 7: Analyse the Market. ...
  • Step 8: Buy or Sell.
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Why is it so hard to learn forex? ›

The very lack of rules in the Forex market begs you to make poor decisions. The bottom line is that most people need rules and a process to follow in order to succeed. That's true whether you're trading Forex, writing a book or training for a triathlon.

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Can a beginner make money in forex? ›

You will nevertheless have to invest your time and energy, but it is true - you can start with $0 and make millions. Just like those billionaires. You can always start with demo-contest or an affiliate program. Read about the ways of earning money at Forex without the initial capital.

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Where to start learning forex? ›

If you aren't quite sure whether Forex trading is your thing but want to learn more, you could start with the low-cost option from Udemy or the no-cost option from FX Academy. If you're looking for the best bang for your buck with a comprehensive program, Traders Academy Club may be your best bet.

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Can forex make one a millionaire? ›

Forex trading may make you rich if you are a hedge fund with deep pockets or an unusually skilled currency trader. But for the average retail trader, rather than being an easy road to riches, forex trading can be a rocky highway to enormous losses and potential penury.

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Do you need $25,000 to day trade forex? ›

This rule, set by FINRA, states that any trader who executes four or more day trades within a five-day period is considered a pattern day trader (PDT). PDTs must maintain a minimum equity of $25,000 in their margin account at all times.

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Is it possible to grow a $10 dollar forex account? ›

To be able to grow a small or a $10 forex account easily, you need to trade in a trending market. That is because it makes it easy for you to get nice entry and exit points and also identify your potential profit targets. And that goes by the saying, the trend is your friend.

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What is forex in simple terms? ›

The foreign exchange market, commonly referred to as the Forex or FX, is the global marketplace for the trading of one nation's currency for another. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world, with trillions of dollars changing hands every day.

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How do you explain trading to a beginner? ›

Trading involves the buying and selling of financial assets, such as stocks, to earn profits based on the price fluctuations of these assets. There are different types of trading, and traders use various strategies, techniques, and tools to decide when to buy or sell different assets.

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How do you explain forex movements? ›

Importantly, because forex is traded in currency pairs it means that the start of an uptrend for one currency equates to the start of a downtrend for another. If an investor is trading GBP/USD, for example, the pound can only gain at the dollar's expense or vice-versa.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.