It's Been Quite the Season for the Students of 'Greenhouse Academy' (2024)

Why did Grace leave 'Greenhouse Academy'? The Season 4 ending and cliffhangers, explained. Keep reading for details on your favorite show.

By Pippa Raga

Apr. 16 2020, Updated 4:53 p.m. ET

It's Been Quite the Season for the Students of 'Greenhouse Academy' (1)

Real fans of Greenhouse Academy know whether they’re an Eagle or a Raven. Real fans know where their allegiances lie when it comes to the show’s many rivalries. Real fans also know that the show loves to leave audiences shocked with its crazy cliffhangers and huge revelations, as it did once again with the end of Season 4.

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But with all the twists and turns, some viewers are still unclear about what exactly happened at the end of Season 4 and what the ending means for the future of the show.

Read on as we explain the Season 4 ending. Plus, find out why Grace van Dien left Greenhouse Academy so suddenly, even though audiences loved her portrayal of Brooke.

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It's Been Quite the Season for the Students of 'Greenhouse Academy' (2)

A quick Season 3 recap of 'Greenhouse Academy':

The end of Season 3, which premiered last year, had fans shook when a huge revelation turned the entire show on its head. In Season 3’s cliffhanger finale, audiences helplessly watched as Hayley and Leo discovered a cave under Greenhouse Academy while they were following a mysterious beeping sound.

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While looking for the origin of the beeping, Hayley mistakenly steps on a mine that had been left there as a trap! The pair try to escape but audiences only see Leo make it for sure, while Hayley appeared to be crushed by an onslaught on falling rocks.

What happens at the end of Season 4 in 'Greenhouse Academy'?

Thankfully, in Season 4, viewers were able to breathe a sigh of relief as Hayley found her way out of the cave. She also did so just in time, since the well-intentioned rescue efforts of her schoolmates led to the collapse of the cave’s roof that would have most certainly crushed Hayley to death.

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Emma and Max

It's Been Quite the Season for the Students of 'Greenhouse Academy' (3)

However, Hayley’s recovery after the cave incident is short-lived and the kids have to soon contend with a mysterious organization that is threatening them with the extraterrestrial virus from Season 3.

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By the end of Season 4, these masked men have taken over the academy and are about to unleash the virus that nearly killed Leo at the beginning of the season. Thankfully, the Eagles and Ravens decide to put aside their differences and come together against the masked villains and stop them from releasing the virus.

Before the final credits roll, however, there is one more twist. Audiences find out that it’s been Brooke’s brother Jason, who’s been the mastermind behind all the evil schemes that have played out at Greenhouse Academy.

Viewers also see Jason standing in front of a mirror but being reflected back at him is a different face: the mysterious alternate conscience only known as The Client.

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It's Been Quite the Season for the Students of 'Greenhouse Academy' (4)

Speaking of Brooke, why did Grace Van Dien leave in the middle of the series?

Astute viewers may have noticed that the actress who played Brooke Osmond in the first two seasons of the show, Grace Van Dien, was conspicuously swapped out for another actress in Seasons 3 and 4.

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The reason Danika Yarosh became the new Brooke is that Grace Van Dien chose to leave Greenhouse Academy in order to take on a role as a series regular on The Village.

Audiences can now watch her playing pregnant teen Katie, on the NBC drama that follows the neighbors of a Brooklyn apartment building as they navigate the challenges life throws their way, all while sticking together as a family.

Grace’s talents will certainly be missed on Greenhouse Academy, but we’re sure Danika is up to the task of filling Brooke’s empty shoes.

Stream Season 4 of Greenhouse Academy on Netflix.

As a dedicated fan and expert on "Greenhouse Academy," I've closely followed the series, keeping up with each season's intricate plot developments, character dynamics, and the behind-the-scenes decisions that shape the show. My deep understanding of the narrative nuances, coupled with a keen eye for the actors' transitions, allows me to provide comprehensive insights into the Season 4 ending and the departure of Grace Van Dien, who portrayed Brooke Osmond.

Let's start with the Season 4 ending. Season 3 left fans in suspense with a shocking revelation involving Hayley and Leo discovering a cave beneath Greenhouse Academy. The cliffhanger had viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering about Hayley's fate. Season 4 thankfully resolved this by having Hayley escape the cave just in time, avoiding a potentially tragic outcome. However, the plot took an unexpected turn as a mysterious organization threatened the characters with the extraterrestrial virus introduced in Season 3.

The climax of Season 4 sees masked individuals taking control of the academy, poised to release the deadly virus. In a surprising twist, the Eagles and Ravens, usually at odds, unite to thwart the villains and prevent the virus's release. Just when viewers think the dust has settled, a final revelation occurs—the mastermind behind the chaos is revealed to be Brooke's brother, Jason. The suspense reaches its peak as Jason, standing in front of a mirror, sees a different face reflected back at him, identified as The Client.

Now, turning to the departure of Grace Van Dien, who portrayed Brooke Osmond in the first two seasons, her absence in Seasons 3 and 4 did not go unnoticed by astute fans. The torch was passed to Danika Yarosh, who took on the role of Brooke. Grace's decision to leave "Greenhouse Academy" was driven by her commitment to a new opportunity. She accepted a role as a series regular on NBC's drama, "The Village," where she portrays the character Katie, a pregnant teen navigating life's challenges in a Brooklyn apartment building.

While Grace's departure left a void in the show, Danika Yarosh admirably stepped into the role of Brooke, bringing her own interpretation to the character. Fans may miss Grace's contributions, but they can appreciate her talents in her new venture while continuing to enjoy the evolving storyline of "Greenhouse Academy" on Netflix.

It's Been Quite the Season for the Students of 'Greenhouse Academy' (2024)


Is season 4 of Greenhouse Academy the last one? ›

[I] really set the tone for everything, and that's a memory and a milestone in my career that I cherish so much." Orly Atlas-Katz also confirmed to the website that the show would not return for Season 5, meaning that the recent Greenhouse Academy Season 4 season finale was also the show's series finale.

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In September 2018, the role of Brooke Osmond was recast with Danika Yarosh, after Grace Van Dien was cast in The Village which was picked up to series by NBC for the 2018–19 U.S. television season.

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In Room 205, Hayley finds out about the deleted message and gets angry at Daniel. She then tells him that he was jealous and that what he did was wrong. She then proceeds to break up with Daniel only to drag him into saving Leo.

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During the series finale, The Client, Hayley and Leo are kidnapped by Eric and are about to get blown up in his car. Because of Daniels quick thinking, he is able to save Hayley and Leo. Afterwards the couple rekindles their romance after following the events of what happened in season 4.

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Dana Melanie (Wild Nights With Emily) and Rafael Cebrian (Narcos) have joined the upcoming third season of Netflix's tween series Greenhouse Academy as series regulars. Melanie will take over the role of Emma Geller in a recasting, previously played by Aviv Buchler in seasons one and two.

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The miscellaneous elements are the most prevalent on the show and work into the plot. Although GREENHOUSE ACADEMY is appropriate for the most part, the show may be intense for younger viewers. The best audience would be teenagers and young adults. Overall, the series is entertaining and has an interesting plotline.

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In the episode A Piece of Moon Rock, Brooke decides to break-up with Alex, due to her Dad Louis's advice to free up space in her life.

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However, the audiences binging on Season 3 likely have spotted a glaring alteration: instead of Aviv, it was Dana Melanie performing Emma's character. For reasons unknown, the producers decided to swap the two actresses, letting go of Aviv and giving the green light to Dana instead.

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It appears that in the first episode, Ryan was in a shuttle that exploded. Later, she was discovered to be alive in a “stasis pod”.

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Story-wise, the characters indicate that Jackie's mom found Jackie through the news and that Jackie left The Greenhouse to be with her mom. It is also implied that Jackie struggled having a long-distance relationship with Max as she seemed to dismiss his mention of LDR statistics.

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Brooke then comes to Alex and reveals what was going on. At that moment he joined Team Eureka. They then both joke around and they get back together.

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Also the way Enzo and Sophie are, the vibe and actions are kinda inappropriate. So I say 10 and up do to the kissing and cursing. I also want you to know that the kissing is not something that you 10+ year olds can't handle. Also that there is some violence that might be a little scary to younger viewers.

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Real fans know where their allegiances lie when it comes to the show's many rivalries. Real fans also know that the show loves to leave audiences shocked with its crazy cliffhangers and huge revelations, as it did once again with the end of Season 4.

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Denise Petski

Yarosh takes over over the role of Brooke Osmond, played by Grace Van Dien in the first two seasons. Van Dien is exiting for a series regular role in NBC's The Village, which was picked up to series for a midseason premiere.

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After the process, it is shown that Brooke does indeed have feelings for Alex. Brooke and Alex are only officially a couple after Brooke introduces herself to Alex's parents as his girlfriend, in Season 2, Episode 12 (Home).

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