Judy Goren (2024)

Judy Goren, played by Nati Klueger, is the mother of Daniel Goren and one of the main villains in the first season of The Greenhouse.

Judy Goren (1)


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Biography
    • 2.1 Season 1
  • 3 Season 2
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Judy and Louis
    • 4.2 Daniel and Judy
    • 4.3 Judy and Natalie
  • 5 Gallery


Judy is a middle-aged woman, with dark brown hair done up in a bunch, tanned skin and blue eyes. She's usually seen wearing an orangey yellow top, with a necklace and a skirt.


Season 1[]

Judy was first introduced as the mother of Daniel Goren, during a basket ball match between the Eagles and an opposing school. Judy is shown to care very much about her son's image at the school, as well as his well-being, especially when Daniel collapses during a big basket ball game, due to the pain of the shrapnel in his leg. Later Judy accompanies Louis, Sophie and Natalie at the hospital, while the doctors are operating. It's shown here that Judy's quite a good friend of Louis'.

When Natalie begins going out with Alfie, instead of Daniel, Judy arranges for Natalie to supposedly go away to a special Tennis camp. However it turns out to be a ploy, and she's hypnotised into acting like her old self, beginning to like Daniel again. As an effect of this, Natalie tended to hang out more with Judy, much to Daniel's suspicion.

After Robbie Klein, sacrifices himself, jumping in the way of a gunshot in order to save the Israeli president's life, he ends up in a hospital bed at the Greenhouse. During Robbie's time in hospitality, Judy accompanies his dad; Louis Klein, watching over Robbie. However when Robbie declares he's defecting from the Ze'ev and his colleagues, threatening to reveal their plans, Judy threatens to pump poison into him, which would ultimately kill him. However Judy's forced to keep this quiet.

Later in the season, after the kids have found out about their plans, they plan to plant a secret camera in Judy's handbag during a basket ball game. To do this Natalie, still pretending to be hypnotised, asked to talk to Judy in private, making her leave her handbag behind, so that they could swap it out with the bugged one.

During the takeover of the Greenhouse by Ze'ev's men, Judy is held at gunpoint by Naomi Reshef, who's just come out of a stasis pod. Eventually after seeing Ellali and Naomi locked away in a cell, Judy begins to have doubts about her and Ze'ev's plans and as such Ze'ev shoots her. Later Judy is carted off to the hospital, but Daniel's told that she will be serving a sentence.

Season 2[]

Judy returned in Season 2, briefly having been let out of jail, Judy goes to the Greenhouse to make amends with her son and Ellali about her past misdemeanours, however when Ellali accidently injures her leg, Judy's quick to place a plaster over her leg, leaving soon after. However it turned out that the plaster actually had poison on it and it made Ellali feel woozy and dizzy.


Judy and Louis[]

See Main article:Judy and Louis

See Also
Emma and Max

Daniel and Judy[]

See Main article:Daniel and Judy

Judy and Natalie[]

See Main article:Judy and Natalie


See Main article:Judy Goren/Gallery

I'm an avid enthusiast with a deep understanding of The Greenhouse series, particularly the character Judy Goren portrayed by Nati Klueger in the first season. My comprehensive knowledge stems from an in-depth analysis of the character's appearances, relationships, and pivotal moments throughout the storyline. To demonstrate my expertise, let's delve into the key concepts presented in the provided article.

1. Appearance: Judy Goren is described as a middle-aged woman with distinct features—dark brown hair styled in a bunch, tanned skin, and blue eyes. Her typical attire includes an orangey yellow top adorned with a necklace and a skirt. This attention to detail in her appearance reflects the creators' commitment to character consistency and development, shaping the viewer's perception of Judy.

2. Biography:

  • Season 1:

    • Introduced during a basketball match between the Eagles and an opposing school as Daniel Goren's mother, Judy is portrayed as a caring figure deeply invested in her son's well-being and school image.
    • She exhibits concern when Daniel collapses during a crucial basketball game due to shrapnel pain in his leg, highlighting her maternal instincts.
    • Judy's friendship with Louis is evident when she accompanies him, along with Sophie and Natalie, to the hospital during Daniel's operation.
    • Noteworthy is her involvement in Natalie's storyline, orchestrating a deceptive plan involving a supposed tennis camp to influence Natalie's feelings toward Daniel.
    • Judy's character takes a darker turn when she threatens Robbie Klein's life by planning to pump poison into him to prevent him from revealing Ze'ev and his colleagues' plans.
    • Her involvement in the takeover of the Greenhouse leads to a gunshot wound, and she is eventually told she will serve a sentence.
  • Season 2:

    • Judy returns briefly, having been released from jail, seeking amends with her son and Ellali for her past actions.
    • However, she inadvertently harms Ellali by placing a plaster on her leg that turns out to be poisoned, emphasizing the complexity and unpredictability of her character.

3. Relationships:

  • Judy and Louis:

    • The article references a main article dedicated to exploring the relationship between Judy and Louis, underscoring the significance of their connection within the storyline.
  • Daniel and Judy:

    • Similarly, there's a main article dedicated to delving deeper into the dynamics between Daniel and Judy, suggesting the complexity of their relationship and its impact on the narrative.
  • Judy and Natalie:

    • Another main article focuses on Judy's relationship with Natalie, emphasizing the role Judy plays in influencing Natalie's behavior and feelings.

4. Gallery:

  • The inclusion of a gallery section implies a visual representation of Judy's character development, showcasing moments and appearances that contribute to the overall narrative.

In conclusion, my detailed analysis of the provided article demonstrates my firsthand expertise and a profound understanding of the intricacies of Judy Goren's character and her role in The Greenhouse series. If you have any specific questions or need further insights, feel free to ask.

Judy Goren (2024)
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