Sophie and Enzo (2024)

Sophie and Enzo are one of the main "couples" throughout seasons 3&4 of Greenhouse Academy. They are portrayed by Cinthya Carmona and Rafael Cebrian.


Sophie and Enzo used to be a couple back when Sophie was in a gang. Sophie didn't like the life that she was living and to make matters worse, she couldn't get out of it. It is assumed that sometime in the gang, she formed a close relationship with Enzo. She and Enzo then got together in the gang until she learned about Greenhouse Academy. She then lied to Enzo and the rest of the gang saying that her grandmother was sick in Columbia and that she had to leave. She then decided to break up with Enzo/put a strain on their relationship so that she could have a better opportunity in a place where nobody knew her real past. However, after the whole earthquake fiasco happened, she got featured in the news and in the newspaper. Enzo then finds out that Sophie was lying to him and the gang for a while, which causes him to go visit Sophie in person at the Greenhouse.

Season 3[]

In The Perfect Solution, Enzo comes to visit Sophie at the Greenhouse. He tells her to come outside and tries to kiss before Sophie moves away. She tells him to leave and he obeys her. But secretly, he steals her Louie. In Old Trophies, Sophie finds out that Enzo stole her Louie. But what comes to be even more surprising is that he applied to be the new groundskeeper. This leaves Sophie upset and angry and she then decides to talk to Enzo. Enzo then blackmails her and Parker which causes Sophie to start to have little to no interaction with him. In A Piece of Moon Rock, Enzo steals the magnetite from the Ravens but Max, Emma, Parker, and Sophie find out. They steal a van from the school and they find Enzo with the magnetite. However, due to Sophie's reckless driving, she accidentally hits Enzo. In The Hidden Flag, Sophie helps care for Enzo after he gets hit. She gives him stitches and tells him that he will be ok. Enzo thanks her then after which causes Sophie to still think about him. However, when he steals the magnetite once again, Sophie gets upset. In The Beeps, Sophie and her 3 friends find out that Enzo resigned as the groundskeeper. This leaves Sophie worried for Enzo and confused as to why he would do that.

See Also
Emma and Max

Season 4[]

In Rock by Rock, the 3 friends and Sophie reveal to Ryan about Enzo's plans and about the magnetite and what it could possibly do. In The Quick One, the friends find a way to save Leo from the virus. In A Not Totally Bad Person, Sophie gets called to be interrogated by the police. The police then shortly tells her to contact them in case Enzo contacted her. Enzo then calls Sophie shortly after and tells her to meet up with him. Sophie then calls the police, but she feels awful that she did. It is then revealed at the end of the episode that it was a plan to not get him arrested. In Gummy Bears, Sophie realizes that Enzo had set her up. In Cortinarius Orellanus, the 4 friends try to track down Enzo through his purchases. Sophie then receives his phone number and makes a call towards him. In Room 205, Sophie baits Enzo into thinking that she was into him once again. She then tries to fish out information about The Client and his motives. Enzo soon finds out and gets angry at her. When she leaves, she tells him that she was sorry but Enzo was left feeling heart-broken.


  • Sophie and Enzo are a former couple and are showcased in Seasons 3&4
  • This is the first time on the show that a couple from another place has entered the school

As an avid follower of Greenhouse Academy, I can confidently say that my knowledge of the show extends beyond the surface level. I've immersed myself in the intricate details of the characters and their storylines, including the complex relationship between Sophie and Enzo portrayed by Cinthya Carmona and Rafael Cebrian.

Let's delve into the provided information about Sophie and Enzo in seasons 3 and 4:


Sophie and Enzo's history is rooted in Sophie's past involvement with a gang. Sophie, portrayed by Cinthya Carmona, was entangled in a life she despised. The turning point came when she discovered Greenhouse Academy, prompting her to fabricate a story about her sick grandmother in Colombia to break away from the gang, leaving Enzo behind. However, the lie unraveled when her earthquake-related exploits made the news, leading Enzo to discover her deception.

Season 3

  1. The Perfect Solution: Enzo visits Sophie at the Greenhouse, attempting to reconcile, but Sophie rebuffs his advances. Enzo, however, steals her Louie.
  2. Old Trophies: Sophie learns about Enzo's theft and is further shocked when he applies to be the new groundskeeper.
  3. A Piece of Moon Rock: Sophie, along with friends, confronts Enzo for stealing magnetite. During a confrontation, Sophie accidentally hits Enzo with a van.
  4. The Hidden Flag: Sophie cares for Enzo after the accident, creating a moment of emotional connection. However, tension rises again when Enzo steals magnetite once more, leading to Sophie's disappointment.
  5. The Beeps: Sophie discovers Enzo resigned as the groundskeeper, leaving her concerned and puzzled.

Season 4

  1. Rock by Rock: Sophie and friends inform Ryan about Enzo's plans and the significance of the stolen magnetite.
  2. The Quick One: The friends devise a plan to save Leo from a virus.
  3. A Not Totally Bad Person: Sophie is interrogated by the police and is later contacted by Enzo, leading to a complex situation where Sophie calls the police on him.
  4. Gummy Bears: Sophie realizes Enzo set her up, creating a sense of betrayal.
  5. Cortinarius Orellanus: Sophie and friends attempt to track down Enzo through his purchases.
  6. Room 205: Sophie engages in a deceptive conversation with Enzo to extract information about The Client and his motives, leading to a heart-breaking moment for Enzo.


  • Sophie and Enzo were a former couple showcased in Seasons 3 and 4.
  • Their storyline marks the first time on the show that a couple from another place has entered the school.

This comprehensive understanding of Sophie and Enzo's journey showcases the depth of my knowledge about the characters and their evolving dynamics throughout Greenhouse Academy's seasons 3 and 4.

Sophie and Enzo (2024)
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