It's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (2024)

It's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (1)
Nooks and cranniesIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (2)
YesteryearIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (3)
Semantic enigmasIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (4)
The body beautifulIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (5)
Red tape, white liesIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (6)
Speculative scienceIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (7)
This sceptred isleIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (8)
Root of all evilIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (9)
Ethical conundrumsIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (10)
This sporting lifeIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (11)
Stage and screenIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (12)
Birds and the beesIt's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? | Notes and Queries (13)

It's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers?

David Smith, Streatham, London UK

  • Camouflage. Stripes blend well into shadowy environments such as darkened streets and forests. Ask a tiger.

    Peter Brooke, By Kinmuck, Scotland

  • Burglary being traditionally carried out in silence, the striped jerseys are obviously worn in homage to the late Marcel Marceau.

    Paul Thompson, Perth, Scotland

  • Discharged Sailors often turned to crime as they had no income. They were depicted in Victorian Newspapers as thieves wearing naval shirts, with the mask added as a joke so that they would not be recognised. The image stayed with us.

    Jim McDonnell, Chorley, Lancs

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It's obvious why burglars wear little black masks to preserve their anonymity, but why do they wear stripy jumpers? |  Notes and Queries (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.