Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (2024)

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (1)

You know that feeling when your crush makes eye contact with you, and your heart skips a beat? Yeah, that's how I feel when I see a really f*cking cute striped shirt. Whenever I'm combing through online sales, I immediately stop scrolling at the sight of those sweet, sweet horizontal and vertical lines.

I can't pinpoint when my obsession began, but I was in middle school when I noticed my closet was filled with the pattern. I fully leaned into it in high school, hitting up the mall and sending photos of my purchases to my friend Michaela, texting her along the lines of, "STRIPES AGAIN" or, "Surprise! Bought more stripes LOL."

These pics all have one thing in common. Any guesses?

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (2)

I wanted to get to the root of my fixation and find out why so many of us lean on the same style all the time, so I turned to fashion psychologist Dawnn Karen, a teacher at the Fashion Institute of Technology and founder of the Fashion Psychology Institute, to learn what it all means. And wow, was it eye-opening.

Here's what's actually going on when you wear the same thing alllllll the time:

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (3)

First up, Karen asked if I was allowed to pick out what I wanted to wear when I went shopping with my parents as a kid. While that usually was the case, my mom *did* override my more unreasonable choices (i.e., buying a dress in the middle of winter).

"The one thing that I find significant is that you were allowed to select your clothing in middle school, so you were able to foster a sense of independence, but you just happened to fall back to the same pattern," she said. "I have a theory for this—it’s called Repetitious Wardrobe Complex."

Repetitious Wardrobe Complex: when someone wears the same outfit to minimize anxiety.

In other words, Karen says someone who is constantly drawn to the same style is minimizing their anxiety or that feeling that of, "I have nothing to wear."

So when did this start, I in a style rut?

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (4)

Karen says fashion dependencies like this begin in childhood, which adds up, because I started wearing stripes when I was a kid: "Whether it’s your favorite color or whatever, it's [always] something significant that’s etched in your memory that gives you a visceral reaction."

Next up, Karen assigned me some emotional homework to really explore my reason for picking out the same pattern every time. It might have been because of this Repetitious Wardrobe Complex, but I wanted to see if there was anything else at play that determined why I would pick out stripes. Ever find yourself repeating the same wardrobe choices? Give this exercise a try, too.

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (5)

"Before your feet touch the ground [each morning], determine what mood you’re in and what mood you want to be in, and when you go to your closet ask yourself, 'Am I going to wear stripes today because I’m in this particular mood? Or non-stripes today because I’m in this [other] mood?'"

Karen has coined two phrases for the emotional reasons behind our wardrobe choices: Mood Illustration Dress and Mood Enhancement Dress. Basically, the first means you're indicating your feelings with your clothing, and the second signals that you're dressing in a particular way to lift your spirits.

When I did my homework, I realized wearing stripes had a tangible positive impact on my emotional state. I felt happier and more confident when I was wearing them as opposed to not.

"You’re actually using the stripes subconsciously to empower yourself," Karen says. "I’m not going to say, 'Do away with something that gives you the most confidence.' That’s like telling a guy not to wear a suit to an interview."

Turns out, people who like stripes actually have similar personality traits.

According to Karen, people who love stripes are often good at multitasking, have a lot going on in their lives, and wear many hats. "They can get overwhelmed," she says, "but it’s also indicative of someone who works well under pressure." I felt like this assessment was spot-on.

In conclusion...

I first spoke to Karen because I was curious if my love for stripes had a deeper meaning and wondered whether I should expand my horizons, style-wise—but I've realized wearing them is just another part of who I am. These alternating lines—no matter how big or small or what color they are—clearly make me happy, so why shouldn't I reserve real estate in my closet for them? And, although not everyone loves stripes as much as I do, if you're wondering whether you wear a certain trend or color too much, don't freak out. You just happen to have a signature style that makes your fashion even more noticeable.

Now, if you'll excuse me, all this stripe talk is making me want to look for more, and if you're with me, shop the items below.

Get All *Lined* Up in These Fashionable Finds

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (6)

Striped Crewneck

Now 30% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (8)

Wrap Dress

Now 70% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (9)

Slouchy Long-Sleeve

Now 18% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (11)

Scallop Neck Sweater

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (13)

Suede Crossbody

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (14)

Bright Cropped Pants

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (15)

Striped Sweater

Now 59% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (16)

Statement Socks

Now 30% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (17)

Railroad-Striped Pants

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (18)

Fluffy Stripes

Now 40% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (19)

Ankle Bootie

Now 70% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (20)

Casual Tee

Now 45% Off

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (22)

Lauren Adhav

Associate Fashion Editor

I'm Cosmopolitan's Associate Fashion Editor and write about any and all trends, major celeb fashion moments, and why wide-leg jeans are basically the best. I originally moved to New York City to audition for RENT, only to find out that the play closed 10 years ago.

Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist (2024)


Here's Why You Tend to Wear the Same Style, According to a Fashion Psychologist? ›

"I have a theory for this-it's called Repetitious Wardrobe Complex." In other words, Karen says someone who is constantly drawn to the same style is minimizing their anxiety or that feeling that of, "I have nothing to wear."

What does psychology say about fashion? ›

Fashion choices can have a profound impact on self-perception, the image a person projects to others, and consequently, the way people interact. In fact, they can influence a wide range of scenarios, from the result of a sporting event to how an interviewer perceives capability to perform well in a job role.

What is the theory of fashion psychology? ›

Fashion Psychology is a branch of applied Psychology that uses psychological theories and principles for understanding and explaining the relationship between fashion and human behavior just as how fashion affects emotions, self-esteem, and identity.

What is the psychology of fashion trends? ›

Clothing choices can act as a conduit for self-expression and are influenced by numerous factors. Therefore, it has the power to shape how we feel about ourselves. The trend of dopamine dressing showcases the positive impact that clothing can have on our mental health.

What is the psychology of dressing? ›

The psychology of dressing well is a reminder that clothing is not just a means of covering our bodies; it's a powerful tool that can shape our self-perception and influence how others perceive us.

Does clothing style reflect personality? ›

Our clothing style can be a reflection of our personality and a means of expressing ourselves. Wearing clothing that aligns with our personal style can boost our mood by reinforcing our sense of identity and individuality.

Does the clothing you wear affect your psychological processes? ›

The color, comfort, fit, and style of our clothes can influence our confidence level, while the symbolic meaning we ascribe to different types of attire can shape our cognitive processes.

What does a fashion psychologist do? ›

A fashion psychologist is someone who works with individuals and companies to define and advise on style choices. According to Dawnn Karen, the woman pioneering the field, fashion psychology examines how colour, image, style, and beauty affect human behaviour.

What are the theories of wearing clothes? ›

Followers of the Modesty theory propose that morality is dependent upon modesty. In other words, modesty is a way to overcome the feeling of shame associated with exposure of the body and therefore seeks its concealment through clothing. The attribute of demureness determines how people dress.

What are the three theories of fashion? ›

There are three theories that explain how a fashion may travel to mass acceptance:
  • Trickle-down theory.
  • Trickle-up theory.
  • Trickle-across theory.

What are the 4 fashion personalities? ›

There are four main style personalities—expressive, romantic, classic, and relaxed—but most women will have elements of two or three personalities. The varying fashion personalities explain why women have different tastes in clothing and styling.

What are the six fashion personalities? ›

Discover the 6 Style Personalities
  • 01 | RELAXED. You are active and cheerful. ...
  • 02 | CLASSIC. You are organized and reliable. ...
  • 03 | POLISHED. You are composed and meticulous. ...
  • 04 | SOFT. You are kind and compassionate. ...
  • 05 | MAGNETIC. You are bold and fearless. ...
  • 06 | CREATIVE. You are an innovator and a creator.

What psychological reasons affect our clothing choices? ›

Psychologists suggest that our clothing choices are often influenced by a myriad of factors, including cultural norms, social context, and personal experiences. Moreover, these choices can also reflect our mood and emotional state, serving as a form of self-expression and a means of coping with life's challenges.

Does dressing well make you more attractive? ›

Women find a well-dressed man attractive for various reasons. His style reflects his personality, providing insight into his individuality and compatibility. The confidence and self-assurance he exudes when dressed well are captivating to women.

What are the psychological benefits of wearing a suit? ›

In a very real way, wearing a power suit does make you more powerful. Psychologists have found that wearing formal clothing impacts the way we think and see the world, making us perceive ourselves as important and therefore feel powerful and confident (The Atlantic).

Does dressing impress a girl? ›

More than just clothes, impressing girls comes down to confidence. Wearing clothing that is your style, flattering, and fits you well, will give you that confidence. Impressing women with the way you dress is about finding your style and putting it together well!

How does the way of dressing influence identity? ›

Also, through dress individuals can internalize these ideals of the group, to influence their view of themselves, and in turn how they interact with the outside world. Furthermore, clothing can also highlight a person's individuality through failure to conform, evoking a different individual-world interaction.

How dressing affects your mood? ›

Our choice of attire reflects our personality, beliefs, values, and mood. It is a way to express ourselves without saying a word. For example, someone who prefers wearing bright colors may be perceived as outgoing and confident, while someone who always chooses black may be seen as more reserved and serious.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.