What Makes You Look Fat: Vertical or Horizontal Lines? (2024)

It’s a common belief that if you want to appear slimmer than you actually are, you should wear clothes with vertical stripes. The classical pinstriped business suit would be an example of this sort of clothing hiding a few extra pounds.

It turns out that this folk belief is fundamentally wrong. A square composed of horizontal lines appears taller and narrower than an identical square made up of vertical lines.

What Makes You Look Fat: Vertical or Horizontal Lines? (2)

Copyright: Berit Brogaard

This illusion was discovered by Hermann von Helmholtz in 1925, and is also known as the Helmholtz illusion. Helmholtz’s explanation of the illusion was that a filled out area looks longer than an unfilled area of the same size. His thought was that the figure with horizontal stripes looks filled and hence longer from bottom up, whereas the square with vertical lines looks filled and hence longer from left to right. This then generates the illusion that the square with horizontal lines is taller and slimmer than the same-sized square with vertical stripes, which looks short and fat.

Although Helmholtz mentioned the application to fashion, he didn’t test whether the illusion would persist when actually applied to human figures. Over the years researchers, fashion designers and many others have speculated whether the illusion was an artifact of the two-dimensional square representations that had been used in Helmholtz’ original studies.

What Makes You Look Fat: Vertical or Horizontal Lines? (3)

Peter Thompson and Kyriaki Mikellidou, The 3-D Helmholtz Square illusion: more reasons to wear horizontal stripes, Journal of Vision, August 5, 2009 vol. 9 no. 8 article 50.

In 2009, however, British psychologists Peter Thompson and Kyriaki Mikellidou followed up with similar studies using three-dimensional female models. And lo and behold! The illusion persisted.

When two people are the same size, a person wearing a horizontal-striped dress appears to be the thinner of the two. In order for the them to appear to be the same size, the person wearing the horizontal stripes would have to be six percent wider than the person dressed in vertically-striped clothing.

So, you can throw out the pinstriped suit and get the clothing with horizontal stripes.


What Makes You Look Fat: Vertical or Horizontal Lines? (2024)


What Makes You Look Fat: Vertical or Horizontal Lines? ›

The accepted wisdom from fashion gurus is that an outfit with vertical stripes appears to elongate your figure by drawing the eye up and down. Horizontal stripes supposedly do the opposite, making that unruly paunch look even larger than it actually is.

Do horizontal or vertical stripes make you look fatter? ›

It turns out that some fashion “advice” is just plain wrong: horizontal stripes won't make you look fatter. In fact, they may even make you look thinner. Zebras, eat your hearts out! Applying the Helmholtz illusion to fashion: horizontal stripes won't make you look fatter.

Do horizontal or vertical lines make you look taller? ›

Vertical lines draw the eye up and down. This tricks the viewer into perceiving height where there isn't much of it to speak of otherwise. As such, striped clothing will help any short guy appear a bit taller and longer.

How do vertical lines make a body look? ›

Vertical lines do the opposite to horizontal and are the easiest way to create the look of a longer, slimmer body shape. They also create the illusion of height, which can minimize any width in the body.

Do horizontal lines make me look fat? ›

Do clothes with horizontal stripes make us look fatter? The common belief is that they do. Interestingly, not only horizontal stripes are frequently quite fashionable, but empirical evidence also supports the opposite: horizontal stripes seem to have a thinning effect on the perceived body width.

Do vertical lines make you look bigger? ›

It turns out that this folk belief is fundamentally wrong. A square composed of horizontal lines appears taller and narrower than an identical square made up of vertical lines. This illusion was discovered by Hermann von Helmholtz in 1925, and is also known as the Helmholtz illusion.

Do horizontal stripes slim you? ›

It's simple really – the truth is that worn correctly horizontal stripes will even make you look thinner than vertical stripes. There are of course things to watch out for and a few do's and don'ts, but the main message of this post is a plea to all of you to keep on wearing or try wearing horizontal stripes!

What patterns make you look bigger? ›

How To Look Bigger and Wider. One option is to wear patterns, specifically horizontal stripes or checks. These make you look wider/bulkier, so can make you look more muscular with very little effort.

Which body shape looks good? ›

Rectangular Body Type

Shoulder and hips are of the same proportion with little to no definition in the waist. Most of the models have a rectangular body type. It is a straight silhouette of upper and lower half. The style that looks flattering on such body types is something that defines your waist.

Are vertical lines slimming? ›

Whether horizontal or vertical, wide stripes makes us wider, narrow stripes are more slimming. But if there are only one or two stripes, verticals are more slimming than horizontals.

Which stripes make you look taller? ›

Long, vertical stripes will instantly elongate your body and create the illusion of height.

Which clothes make you look taller? ›

High-waisted pants and skirts can work magic. They lengthen your lower body and give the illusion of longer legs. Pair them with a tucked-in top to show off that elevated waistline and enhance the visual of height. Wearing a single color from head to toe can help create a seamless silhouette, making you look taller.

What do horizontal lines do to the body? ›

Horizontal stripes tend to draw the eye across the body, causing the body to appear wider, wheareas vertical stripes draw the eye up and down, creating an illusion of height.

What feelings do vertical lines give? ›

Vertical lines are stable because they represent a perpendicular resistance to Earth's gravity. They convey a feeling of strength and dignity and are quite appropriate in formal living areas, as well as offices and public meeting and performing spaces.

Do vertical stripes make you look bigger or smaller? ›

Shirts and trousers in a vertical stripe draw the eye downward, elongating the body and visually slimming it. Pinstripe makes for the perfect suit, and also looks good in a dress shirt with dark jeans or black trousers. For casual wear, opt for slim stripes.

Are vertical stripes fattening? ›

The conventional wisdom was not found to be true. Horizontal stripes don't make people look fatter and vertical stripes don't make people look slimmer and taller. BUT sometimes the stripes didn't really make a difference at all.

Which way are stripes more slimming? ›

Whether horizontal or vertical, wide stripes makes us wider, narrow stripes are more slimming. But if there are only one or two stripes, verticals are more slimming than horizontals. For example, horizontal distressing on jeans at the crotch widens the hips whist the vertical fading lengthens.

Who should wear vertical stripes? ›

If you have a petite frame, wearing stripes can add dimension and create the illusion of height. Opt for narrow stripes or pinstripes that are not too overpowering for your smaller frame. Vertical classic stripes can make you appear taller.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.