MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (2024)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been around for a very long time, and one of the great joys of the franchise has been watching these characters grow, develop, and change over more than a decade (in some cases). These heroes have certainly come a long way since the MCU's debut in 2008.

RELATED: Marvel Teams That Could Debut In The MCU's Next Phases

These characters have captured the hearts and minds of millions of fans, who love the series so much they need to know every intimate detail of their favorite heroes' lives like their birthdays, ages, and heights. But with just so many Avengers out there, keeping track of these details is no easy feat. So, how old and tall are the MCU's Avengers?

Updated February 08, 2023 by Mark Sammut: On February 17, 2023, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania will be released, officially launching Phase Five of the MCU. Nowadays, the Avengers are officially disbanded, and Earth must look elsewhere for protection.

MCU's Avengers Statistics Chart

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (1)

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe constantly evolves, so does its roster of Avengers. In order to keep track of the major characters, the Avengers' birthdays, heights, and ages have been summarized in a table.

Source for heights:


Age (First/Last Appearances)



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

  • 38/53
  • May 29
  • 6'1 / 185cm

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

  • 27/34³
  • July 4
  • 6'1" / 185cm

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

  • 35/54
  • December 18
  • Banner: 5'9" / 175cm
  • Hulk: Approx 8'2" / 250cm


  • Approx 1047/1059
  • N/A
  • 6'3" / 192cm

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

  • 26/39
  • December 3
  • 5'5" / 164cm

Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

  • 15/19²
  • August 10
  • 5'7" / 170cm

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

  • Approx 41/53
  • June 18¹
  • 5'8" / 173cm

Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes (War Machine)

  • 40/55
  • October 6
  • 5'8" / 173cm (Without Armor)

Samuel Thomas "Sam" Wilson (Falcon/Captain America)

  • 35/40²
  • September 23
  • 5'10" / 178cm

Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

  • 25/30²
  • February 10
  • 5'6" / 168cm


  • 3
  • May
  • 6'3" / 191cm

Scott Lang (Ant-Man)

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 5'10" / 178cm

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

  • Late 50s²
  • April 24¹
  • 5'7" / 170cm

Rocket Raccoon

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 3'1" / 94cm


  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 5'11" / 180cm


  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 5'7" / 170cm

¹ Birthday in the comics. Not confirmed for the MCU.

² Lost five years because of Thanos' Snap.

Tony Stark (Iron Man)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (2)

The hero that started the MCU franchise, Tony Stark has been fighting bad guys since 2008 when he first became Iron Man (and fighting Captain America since 2012). Born on May 29, 1970, the iron avenger was 38 years old in his first movie, making him 50 as of 2021.

However, as Avengers: Endgame was set in 2023, he would have been 53 when he sacrificed his life to beat Thanos. Tony Stark's officially listed height in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is 6'1", although Robert Downey Jr's height is approximately 5'9".

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (3)

The First Avenger and the original holder of the Captain America mantel is one of the oldest members of the superhero group. In his true all-American fashion, the star-spangled Avenger was born on July 4, 1918, making him 104 years old.

Steve Rogers was of course frozen in time back in World War II at the age of 27 and woke up in 2011, so despite being born over 100 years ago, he would essentially be 37 right now on the MCU timeline (had he not traveled back in time in Avengers: Endgame). Steve Roger's original adult height was 5'4", but after a healthy dose of super-soldier serum, he grew to the height of 6'1".

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (4)

The transforming scientist Bruce Banner was born on December 18, 1969, making him 35 when he first got exposed to the overdose of gamma radiation that made him the Hulk, which according to The Incredible Hulk movie happened in 2005.

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This would make his Endgame age 54, just slightly older than his good friend Tony Stark. In human form, Dr. Banner is around 5'9", but when he becomes the Hulk, he shoots up to approximately 8'2", which in a way makes him the tallest original avenger (but only sometimes).


MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (5)

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends. His exact date of birth isn't known, but he was supposedly born around 964 AD, putting him at the grand age of approximately 1059 years old in 2023.

And given the fact that Asgardians supposedly live to around the age of 5000-years-old, Thor will likely remain the oldest living avenger for the foreseeable future (assuming actor Chris Hemsworth sticks around). It's also no surprise that the mighty Thor is one of the taller avengers at 6'3".

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (6)

Natasha Romanoff is nothing if not a hero of many secrets, so it's no surprise the intimate details of her background, save for a few glimpses, are a mystery. This includes her exact birthday, however, it is known she was born sometime in 1984, meaning she was 39 when she gave her life on Vormir in pursuit of the Soul Stone.

RELATED: Every MCU Movie Featuring Black Widow, Ranked By Her Importance To the Plot

Black Widow's height is 5'5", making her the shortest original avenger, although fairly average for an adult woman. Naturally, her height has no influence on her ability to fight evil.

Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (7)

Debuting as a superhero while still in high school, Peter Parker is one of the youngest Avengers, with his official MCU birthday being August 10, 2001. As he lost five years due to the Snap, Parker should be roughly 23 years old around the time of Spider-Man: No Way Home,

However, because Spider-Man was dusted back in Infinity War, his physical age is more like 19 years old. In addition to being one of the youngest avengers, he is also among the shortest at only 5'7".

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (8)

Although very close friends with super-spy Black Widow, Hawkeye is considerably older than her. An exact birthday has not been provided for the MCU version of Clint Barton, but it could be estimated that he was born in the early 1970s. Going by that estimate, Barton would have been 53 during the battle against Thanos in Endgame, making the age gap between the two assassin friends 14 years.

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Often called out by fans for not having the same super abilities as some of his Avenger colleagues, Barton also lacks their stature. At 5'8", Hawkeye was the shortest male Avenger on the original line-up back in 2012, which certainly didn't help in the character's struggle to find his own place among the team.

Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes (War Machine)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (9)

As the best friend of Tony Stark, it makes sense that Rhodey would be close in age to him. Born on October 6, 1968, War Machine is roughly 40 years old during the events of 2008's Iron Man, making him 2 years older than Tony. This age gap allowed the character to often take on the role of an older brother figure to the more reckless Iron Man.

By the time of Endgame, Rhodey is a proper veteran Avenger at the age of 55. While working the armor, War Machine is an imposing figure at a height of 6'1".

Samuel Thomas "Sam" Wilson (Falcon/Captain America)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (10)

Debuting in 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Sam Wilson quickly established himself as Steve Rogers' brother-in-arms. While he spent most of the first decade in the MCU playing a supporting role, Wilson took over the Captain America mantle following the events of Avengers: Endgame, cementing his place as a key player in the MCU's future.

Born on September 23, 1978, Wilson is in his mid-30s by the time of The Winter Soldier. Due to being Snapped by Thanos, he is not all that much older in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (11)

Born on February 10, 1989, Scarlet Witch was only 25 when she burst onto the scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier's mid-credits scene. Although initially an antagonist, Wanda Maximoff reluctantly helped the Avengers in Age of Ultron, and she has been a powerful member of the group ever since.

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At 5'6", Wanda's average height might cause some people to underestimate her, although that perception should change quickly once she demonstrates a fraction of her abilities. Despite being one of the youngest members of the MCU's Avengers, Scarlet Witch has experienced more hardship than most of the other characters.


MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (12)

Brought to life in 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron, Vision is a mix of Ultron and Jarvis. Powered by the Mind Stone, the android instantly became one of the Avengers' most valuable members; unfortunately, Vision's run was cut short by Thanos, who killed the Avenger in Endgame.

Technically, Vision was brought back in WandaVision, initially as Wanda's projection and later as White Vision. The latter is basically the same character as the original Vision, but he was also kind of born again in the TV series.

Scott Lang (Ant-Man)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (13)

Debuting in 2015's Ant-Man, Scott Lang went from robbing a house to being part of the Avengers in the span of around a year. The MCU has yet to reveal Lang's date of birth, and Paul Rudd's timelessness makes it difficult to pinpoint his exact age.

Scott earned a master's degree in electrical engineering, got married in 2007, and spent a few years in prison. Frankly, he could be anywhere from his late '30s to early '50s.

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (14)

Carol Danvers' time with the Avengers was relatively short, and it largely took place off-screen (and off-Earth). Arriving just after Thanos snapped away 50% of the universe, Captain Marvel played a significant role in the Avengers' attack on the villain. After that, she spent the next five years traversing the universe, only to come back for the Battle of Earth.

Born in the mid-60s, Carol was roughly 30 during the events of her self-titled movie, which is set in 1995. Due to gaining powers via the Tesseract, Captain Marvel does not age like a regular human; consequently, while she might be close to 60 in 2023, she still looks like her 1995 self.

Rocket Raccoon

MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (15)

Rocket Raccoon has quite an impressive resume when it comes to superhero teams. While mainly known as a key member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket had a short 5-year stint with the Avengers as he was the only Guardian to not be snapped into oblivion. Although ultimately a bit-part player, Rocket nevertheless helped Thor and the rest of the Avengers set things right.

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Rocket's origin story is defined by tragedy, as he was subjected to countless genetic experiments. His exact age and birthday have not been revealed.


MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (16)

When the first Guardians of the Galaxy dropped, Nebula seemed destined to be a relatively minor figure in the MCU, but that has proven to be far from the case. Gamora's adopted sister has lived through hell as she suffered at the hands of Thanos, her adoptive father. After escaping his grasp, Gamora found her way to Earth, and she spent a couple of years working under Black Widow as an Avenger.

The MCU has not revealed Nebula's exact age, although one has to assume she is roughly as old as Gamora. Going by that metric, they should be around 30 years old, although it should be noted that neither character is human.


MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (17)

A fixture of the Black Panther movies, Okoye temporarily joined the Avengers during the 5-year period between the Battle of Wakanda and the Battle of Earth. Once the effect of the snap was reversed, Okoye returned to her rightful place alongside T'Challa.

An accomplished fighter in Wakanda's armed forces, Okoye can hold her own against nearly anyone, provided they do not possess superpowers.

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MCU: Every Main Avenger's Age, Height, And Birthday (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.