Men's Fashion: The Pleat is Coming Back in Style (2024)

Guest post by Tom Simon, Operating Partner at The Clotherie

Men's Fashion: The Pleat is Coming Back in Style (1)

Believe it or not, pleats are making a comeback. And not in your grandpa’s pleats kind of way. I call it: The return of the modified pleat. Hear me out and allow me to indulge with a quick trip down fashion memory lane…

Back in the ‘80s, I spent most of my time convincing customers into pleated pants. Then, I went the other direction in the ‘90s; coaxing clients out of pleats and into the modernflat-front trousers of the time.

Nowadays, I’m seeing more and more men who dress in a traditional, classic style from all over the country celebrating the return of the pleat in their everyday wear.

While it may be a little too soon to say for certain (like all styles that recycle, they are always modified just enough to make your old garment not quite right for the moment), I think it’s important to give a nod to the return of the pleat. Expect a more shallow pleat on a trim leg this time around.

Men's Fashion: The Pleat is Coming Back in Style (2)

And before you start rummaging through your closet, don’t worry—there’s no need to immediately swap out all of your flat-front trousers topleated pants, but it’s coming. When the next evolution of the pleat arrives, I’ll be more than happyto help you find your best and most flattering fit. In the meantime, check out some examples of how brands like Paul Smith andEleventy design for the new and improvedpleatin the images above.

P.S. The Clotherie’s semi-annual clearance sale is now happening for a limited time withup to 70% off select men’s and women’s fashion (shoes excluded), including brands like Canali, Eton, Paul Smith and more.

The Clotherie is Arizona’s most prestigious and most awarded men’s store since 1969, now also carrying womenswear. Shop a carefully curated range of the world’s finest luxury fashions at The Clotherie’s store at 3930 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85018.

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Men's Fashion: The Pleat is Coming Back in Style (2024)
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