Not all oats are the same — here's how to choose the best ones for breakfast (2024)

Oatmeal is widely considered a healthy food.

But there are many different kinds of oats, and not all oats are made equal.

Most people turn to instant orrolled oats when making oatmeal.They're quicker and easier to preparethan steel cut (also known as Irish) oats.

Rolled and steel oats don't differ much in their nutritional content, but if you're trying to eat healthy, steel cut oats areyourbestbet.

Here's why:

Rolled oats are more processed than steel cut oats

Part of the reason rolled oats take less time to prepare is because they go through a lengthier processing procedure. More specifically, the oats are steamed multiple times, rolled, and then toasted. This processing leaves the oats as thin flakes.

Steel cut oats, on the other hand, are justthickly chopped oat kernels.

Not all oats are the same — here's how to choose the best ones for breakfast (1)

Daniella Segura / Flickr

Steel cut oatshave a lower glycemic index than rolled oats

It takes longer for our bodies to digest steel cut oats because they're thicker than rolled oats, makingit harder for digestive enzymes in the body to reach the starch in steel cut oats. This also means that it takes longer for our bodies to convert steel cut oats into sugar.

Therefore, steel cut oats don't cause as much of an increase in blood sugar afterthey're eaten. In medical terms, this means they rank lower on the glycemic index — steel cut oats sit at 42 on the index, rolled oats sit at 66. Foods that rank higher on the glycemic index are more likely to trigger more hungerin the eater.

Steel cut oats will leave you feeling fuller longer, and chances are you won't crave more food after eating them, making them the healthier choice in the long run.

Not all oats are the same — here's how to choose the best ones for breakfast (2024)


Which type of oats is best for breakfast? ›

No matter what type of oat you choose, it's always best to choose plain, unsweetened oats. Many packaged varieties have loads of added sugar, making them an unhealthy breakfast choice.

What is the healthiest type of oatmeal to eat? ›

Steel-cut oats, also called Irish oatmeal, are the whole oat kernel that has been cut into two or three pieces using steel disks. This type of oats contains the highest amount of fiber, as it is least processed. Steel-cut oats take a little longer to cook, and result in a creamy and chewy porridge.

Why oats are not good for breakfast? ›

However, oatmeal can lead to high spikes in blood sugar which causes energy crashes, cravings and mood swings through out the day. Not to mention it could be the reason you aren't losing weight. Instant and rolled oats are highly processed.

Which is better whole oats or rolled oats? ›

There aren't any major differences in the nutrition benefits of the three types of oats. All forms of oats are 100% whole grain, a good source of fiber and have the same nutritional information – same calories, fiber and protein per serving.

Which oats is best for daily use? ›

Here are the top oats brands that are healthy, rich in protein & fiber and a perfect choice for breakfast or sudden hunger cravings:
  • Zerobeli Oats. ...
  • True Elements Steel-cut Oats. ...
  • Saffola Oats. ...
  • Quaker Oats. ...
  • Kellog's Oats. ...
  • Patanjali Oats. ...
  • Bagrry's White Oats. ...
  • Eco Valley Hearty White Oats.
Sep 29, 2021

Which oats is best for belly fat loss? ›

If you are particularly trying to shed kilos, steel-cut oats are better as they contain a high amount of fiber. The fiber content in it can keep you fuller for a longer time and control cravings for unhealthy food items. Eating fiber-rich food also improves the count of healthy gut bacteria.

How do you pick out healthy oatmeal? ›

Choose oatmeal that contains less than 1 gram of sugar per serving. Opt for steel-cut oats or old-fashioned rolled oats over instant oats. To be edible, all oats have to go through some type of processing. Instant oats are more processed than steel-cut and old-fashioned oats.

Is there a downside to eating oatmeal? ›

Oats can cause gas and bloating. To minimize side effects, start with a low dose and increase slowly to the desired amount. Your body will get used to oat bran and the side effects will likely go away.

What does oatmeal do to your body if you eat it everyday? ›

Oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They're a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Studies show that oats and oatmeal have many health benefits. These include weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and a reduced risk of heart disease.

What would happen if I ate oatmeal for breakfast everyday? ›

Consuming oats everyday will help in stabilizing blood sugar and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. Beta-glucans in oats are also found to reduce blood sugar spikes and keep your blood sugar level stable.

Is Quaker oats good for breakfast? ›

Whether it's steel-cut or rolled, quick-cooking or instant, oatmeal is good for you, experts say—with a few caveats. Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which promotes fullness, eases the insulin response, and benefits gut health. It's also a source of vitamins B and E, and minerals such as magnesium.

Do oats spike blood sugar? ›

For many people with diabetes, consuming oatmeal doesn't have a lot of cons. Eating oatmeal can spike blood sugar levels if you choose instant oatmeal, laden with added sugar, or consume too much at one time. Oatmeal can have negative effects for those who also have gastroparesis, which is delayed gastric emptying.

Are oats healthier cooked or soaked? ›

The soaking of the oatmeal breaks down the starch thus making digestion easier and allowing more nutrient absorption. Another thing is the fact that as opposed to the cooked oatmeals since overnight oatmeals are not boiled they retain more nutrients.

Why are steel-cut oats better for you? ›

Steel cut oats are rich in protein and fiber, improving fullness and helping to provide the macronutrient building blocks of a healthy diet. They are also an excellent source of: Vitamin B Complex. Iron.

Which is healthier oatmeal or overnight oats? ›

This allows oatmeal to swell up and seep the liquid in their every pore thus making them a wholesome and satiating breakfast meal by itself. The bottom line is that overnight oats are better than regular oats nutritionally and even otherwise.

Are oats better cooked or overnight? ›

The intensity of heat while cooking is the contributing factor, lower the heat better the nutrient availability. When you soak the oats overnight, it's almost like you're cooking them, but the process is much longer and slower, and it's done without heat. Hence, it is more nutrient rich than cooked version.

Which oats is best for cholesterol? ›

Whole-grain oats: Best bet for lowering cholesterol.

What is better for weight loss eggs or oatmeal? ›

Eggs = Less Calories

So, eggs have an advantage over oatmeal if you are planning to cut on your calorie intake and shed those extra kilos. Eggs have a nutrient called Choline that helps to reduce belly fat.

Which is better steel cut or rolled oats? ›

Metric per metric, rolled oats and steel cut oats are almost the same when it comes to nutritional value. However, steel cut oats beat out rolled oats in two areas, fiber content and density, which make steel cut oats the best bang for your nutritional buck.

Is oatmeal healthier with milk or water? ›

Simple tip #1: Make oatmeal with milk (or a non-dairy alternative) versus water. Not only does oatmeal made with water taste way less delicious, but you're also missing out on the extra protein staying power that milk will add to the breakfast.

Is it healthier to use milk or water in oatmeal? ›

Milk is rich in fats, calcium, and Vitamin D that complements the nutrients in oats. Thus oats cooked in milk have benefits over oats cooked in water. Milk has fats, calcium, and Vitamin D that is normally absent in processed oats.

What is healthier than oatmeal for breakfast? ›

Quinoa is a great oatmeal alternative as it has rich protein and fiber contents, which help keep you satiated and slow the rise of your blood sugar post-meal. One cup of cooked quinoa packs about 40 grams of carbs, 8 grams of protein, 5 grams of dietary fiber and 3 grams of healthy fats.

What's the best healthy breakfast? ›

The 12 Best Foods to Eat in the Morning
  1. Eggs. Eggs make a simple, nutritious breakfast choice. ...
  2. Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is a great option if you're looking for a quick breakfast. ...
  3. Coffee. Aside from water, coffee is the world's most popular beverage. ...
  4. Oatmeal. ...
  5. Chia seeds. ...
  6. Berries. ...
  7. Cottage cheese. ...
  8. Whole wheat toast.

Does oatmeal good for arthritis? ›

Go With the Grain

Whole grains lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood. CRP is a marker of inflammation associated with heart disease, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Foods like oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain cereals are excellent sources of whole grains.

How much oatmeal should I eat for breakfast? ›

When making your oatmeal, the recommended serving size is 1/2 cup. For breakfast and lunch, oatmeal is your main entrée. It does allow for a small amount of skim milk and some fruit to be added or eaten on the side, as well as low-fat yogurt. Cinnamon is also a great addition for flavor.

Are oats inflammatory? ›

Background: Oat and its compounds have been found to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Is peanut butter good for you to eat? ›

Peanut butter is loaded with so many good, health-promoting nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamin B6. Research shows that people who regularly eat nuts and nut butter, including peanut butter, are less likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Is Quaker Instant oatmeal good for you? ›

One of the healthiest instant oatmeals out there with no added sugars, colors, or artificial flavors, preservatives or sweeteners. At only 100 calories and loaded with heart healthy whole oats and fiber, it's great to eat a few times a week to make weight loss goals.

How much is too much oats a day? ›

The staple food contains everything you need to achieve this goal: Carbohydrates, protein, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, many vitamins and fiber. However, you should make sure that you do not eat more than 250 grams of oats.

Does oatmeal give you gas? ›

Whole grains such as wheat and oats contain fiber, raffinose, and starch. All of these are broken down by bacteria in the large intestine, which leads to gas. In fact, rice is the only grain that doesn't cause gas.

Is 2 cups of oatmeal too much? ›

You should probably not eat more than one cup of oatmeal at a time. More than one cup of oatmeal is considered to be too much oats to eat at one time.

What is the best time to eat oatmeal? ›

Oats are a versatile grain that can be eaten at any meal, but you can get the best weight loss results by eating them at breakfast and dinner. Eating oats at breakfast can keep you feeling full till lunchtime, thus reducing your need for a mid-morning snack.

Can oats be taken on empty stomach? ›

Eating oatmeal first thing in the morning or on an empty stomach has several advantages. First it provides a coating on the lining of the stomach which prevents irritation from your bodies naturally occuring hydrochloric acid (HCL). Oatmeal also contains soluble fiber which aids in digestion and lowers cholesterol.

Which oats is best for diabetes? ›

Steel-cut oats are best for type 2 diabetes because they are the least-processed version of oat groats. “Rolled oats have a higher GI than steel-cut oats as they actually have been partially cooked, making them increase your blood sugar faster,” says Kaufman.

Why does oatmeal raise my blood sugar so high? ›

Instant oats are also milled to a smaller size, so they take even less time to prepare. But this convenience means your body breaks down both types of oats quickly, which means the carbohydrates in the oats are more rapidly converted to glucose and absorbed. That can lead to a spike in blood sugar.

Are sweet potatoes good for diabetics? ›

Sweet potatoes have a sterling nutritional profile, making them a great food for people with diabetes. Here's how to start incorporating them into your diet. Sweet potatoes are one of the most popular foods for diabetes at Everyday Health, and with good reason.

Which oats are better cooked or raw? ›

Normal cooking takes little away from oats. In fact, cooking helps release some nutrients that your body can't extract from raw oats.

Is oats good for empty stomach? ›

Eating oatmeal first thing in the morning or on an empty stomach has several advantages. First it provides a coating on the lining of the stomach which prevents irritation from your bodies naturally occuring hydrochloric acid (HCL). Oatmeal also contains soluble fiber which aids in digestion and lowers cholesterol.

What will happen if you start eating oats every day? ›

Benefits include lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, protection against skin irritation, and reduced constipation. In addition, they are very filling and have many properties that should make them a food helpful for weight loss. At the end of the day, oats are among the nutrient-dense foods you can eat.

How long to soak oats before eating? ›

If you soak your oats overnight at room temperature (do not put them in the fridge!) between 7-15hrs it allows the natural enzymes and other helpful organisms to begin fermenting the grain and this will neutralise a large portion of the phytic acid.

Are oats better soaked overnight? ›

When you soak oats overnight, it's almost like you're cooking them, but the process is much longer and slower, and it's done without heat. Soaking helps the starches break down and reduces the natural phytic acid, which may help your body utilize the oats' nutrients much more efficiently.

What are the disadvantages of eating oats? ›

5 ways having too much oatmeal can backfire
  • 01/6​5 ways having too much oatmeal can backfire. ...
  • 02/6​It can increase your sugar intake. ...
  • 03/6​You are eating only oats. ...
  • 04/6​Can lead to malnutrition and muscle mass shedding. ...
  • 05/6​It can lead to bloating. ...
  • 06/6​Can backfire on your weight loss goals.
Jan 13, 2021

What should we eat first in the morning? ›

The 12 Best Foods to Eat in the Morning
  • Eggs. Eggs make a simple, nutritious breakfast choice. ...
  • Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is a great option if you're looking for a quick breakfast. ...
  • Coffee. Aside from water, coffee is the world's most popular beverage. ...
  • Oatmeal. ...
  • Chia seeds. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Cottage cheese. ...
  • Whole wheat toast.

How many eggs should I eat a day? ›

The American Heart Association recommends up to one egg a day for most people, fewer for people with high blood cholesterol, especially those with diabetes or who are at risk for heart failure, and up to two eggs a day for older people with normal cholesterol levels and who eat a healthy diet.

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