Poshmark Seller Reviews - Seller Rating System Demystified - Posh Power Seller (2024)

Poshmark Seller Reviews - Seller Rating System Demystified - Posh Power Seller (1)When a buyer receives an item from you, they can choose to leave you a seller rating. The ratings range from 1-5 stars and include an optional comment, which is called a Love Note.

While a buyer has 72 hours to accept their purchase, they can leave a rating at any time. They can also update it whenever they wish.

You can see the average of all your ratings by going to My Closet Stats in the Poshmark app.

Who can see your ratingsPoshmark Seller Reviews - Seller Rating System Demystified - Posh Power Seller (2)

Anyone can see yourLove Notes from your closet’s About page. Love Notes that you receive and give are visible to users logged in through the mobile app.

Unless the buyer leaves you 5 stars AND leaves a comment, only you can see the rating. This means that no one else in the app, besides you and the buyer, can see bad ratings or negative feedback. The buyer will only be able to see the rating that they gave you within their order history.

One caveat to that is that Poshmark support can access data on each person’s ratings. This can help them resolve any issues that come up between sellers and buyers so they can see if either of you have a history with negative experiences.

What’s the point?

Obviously, it’s a good thing that the 5-star ratings with comments are visible as those can help potential buyers feel more comfortable about shopping your closet.

If they see that you have a whole lot of sales and little or no positive reviews, that might raise a red flag. So be sure to write accurate descriptions, interact politely if the buyer asks you any questions before buying, and ship their purchase with care.

Negative or lukewarm ratings can help you improve as a seller. When the buyer leaves 4 stars or less, they can pick from the following improvement categories: item description, item cleanliness, packaging, ship time, seller responsiveness or other. If there was something the buyer was not satisfied with, you will know what to improve on in the future. Be sure to make any needed improvements right away so the next review will be stellar!

Sometimes, there is no way to satisfy certain people, and they will leave negative reviews for no reason. When this happen, remember that no one else can see it. It’s not anything to be ashamed of. It’s ok to be frustrated for a minute, but don’t dwell on it. Just focus on making your next sale!

How to get a perfect 5-star rating

  1. Make sure your description is as accurate as possible
  2. Have clear photos of the front and back
  3. Disclose any flaws, even if they are super small
  4. Fold and pack the item with care
  5. Include a hand-written note thanking the buyer for their purchase
  6. Ship quickly – try to ship within 2 days

When the buyer doesn’t rate the transaction

Sometimes a buyer will accept the order or the 72-hour window passes, and they don’t leave a rating or any feedback. Don’t assume that they were unhappy! They may have completely forgotten or maybe it was their first time using Poshmark and they don’t understand how much sellers appreciate good reviews.

It is totally fine to contact the buyer and politely ask if they would mind leaving a review. Tag the buyer in a comment on your own listing that was purchased. I prefer not to comment on the buyer’s listings in this situation because it ends up being irrelevant information in their closet. Also, they might not remember who you are or what they bought. Asking for feedback on your own listing that they purchased makes it very clear what you are talking about.

Consider not leaving aLove Note

If you also buy through Poshmark, you are bound to end up with something that just doesn’t quite fit you right or isn’t as flattering as you anticipated. Since this doesn’t qualify you for a return, your next best option is to re-posh what you just bought.

You have a couple of options here. You can try to resell the item for the same price that you paid. And then you will be out 20% + shipping. Or you can try to raise the price to recoup all of what you originally paid.

If you raise the price, you don’t want it to be super obvious that you just bought the listing yourself for a lower price. This would be a situation where you can leave the seller a 5-star rating and just don’t leave a comment with it. That way, the listing will not show up on your profile under Love Notes Given.

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Poshmark Seller Reviews - Seller Rating System Demystified - Posh Power Seller (2024)


Can you see seller ratings on Poshmark? ›

Ratings information is displayed privately in My Closet Stats. Sellers and buyers can also see their individual ratings details under My Purchases and My Sales. We do not have any future plans to display an average rating score for a closet publicly to the community. How are ratings communicated to buyers and sellers?

How do you know if a seller is good on Poshmark? ›

Here are some tips to avoid being scammed on Poshmark as a buyer: Only buy from sellers who have a good track record. Check their feedback score and read through their reviews before making a purchase. Sellers with no feedback who raise any of the below red flags should be avoided.

Can you dispute a rating on Poshmark? ›

We've found buyers sometimes accidentally leave a lower rating, mix up purchases or change their mind after resolving a concern with their seller. Can a seller appeal a rating? No, sellers can't appeal ratings. We expect the Poshmark community will almost always be fair and helpful when leaving ratings.

What is the downside to Poshmark? ›

Disadvantages of Poshmark

Apart from great perks that resellers can enjoy, there are some disadvantages that we have to mention: High commission fees - Poshmark's fees are some of the highest among the online selling platforms.

Can sellers delete reviews on Poshmark? ›

As of September 2023, Poshmark does not have a “Delete Comment” feature that allows poshers to delete comments on their listings themselves. However, users could report comments that violated Poshmark's guidelines, and Poshmark's support team would review the report and take appropriate action.

How do you spot a fake seller on Poshmark? ›

Beware of Poshmark Scam When Selling: 5 Signs You Should Look For
  1. People will not usually put their email in the comments for everyone to see. ...
  2. The site is pretty easy to see the photos therefore you really don't need to send anything further. ...
  3. The email address is not correct.
Mar 27, 2023

What I wish I knew before selling on Poshmark? ›

So I thought I would spread my wisdom around to all you side-hustling closet cleaners out there.
  • It's actually a lot of work. ...
  • You should find good lighting. ...
  • Brands matter. ...
  • People can leave you reviews. ...
  • Be realistic about pricing. ...
  • Poshmark takes commission. ...
  • You have to stay on top of it. ...
  • You can make good money.
Dec 7, 2023

Do Poshmark ratings matter? ›

No one but you and the buyer can see your rating on a particular transaction. Only you can see your rating average from all your sales. The only time your average rating affects your closet in any way is when it comes to the Poshmark Ambassador* program, where your rating must remain above 4.5 out of 5.

Should I respond to a bad rating on Poshmark? ›

Stay Professional and Calm: It can be disheartening to receive an unfair feedback rating, but it's crucial to remain professional and calm in your interactions with the customer. Avoid responding with anger or frustration, as this can escalate the situation and reflect poorly on your reputation as a seller.

Can you change a rating on Poshmark? ›

If you'd like to go back and edit your rating:

In the app, select the Account Tab (@username), or on the web, select your profile picture in the top-right corner. Go to My Purchases. Select the order. Select Edit Rating.

Can a seller rate a buyer on Poshmark? ›

Can I rate a buyer on Poshmark? Can I remove Love Notes from my profile? Unfortunately, no, sellers are not able to rate buyers like buyers rate sellers. If you had a difficult buyer, you can warn others by leaving a comment on their Meet the Posher listing (if they have one).

Is Poshmark under investigation? ›

INVESTIGATION NOTICE: Kaskela Law LLC Announces Stockholder Investigation into Fairness of Poshmark, Inc. (POSH) Buyout Offer and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kaskela Law LLC announces that it is investigating Poshmark, Inc.

Is Poshmark or Mercari better to sell on? ›

The best sellers on Poshmark are generally products from big brands; while you may be able to sell a generic pair of jeans, you probably won't be making big money. In contrast, Mercari is more like an upmarket garage sale. The platform lets you sell almost anything, from collectibles to beauty products.

Does anyone still use Poshmark? ›

It seems as if it is just a networking site for people who love clothes. I have been selling fashion items on Poshmark for two years now. I'm amazed at the large clientele that actually purchase items daily on Poshmark! it is a great app and I would advise it to anyone who's interested in starting your own business!

Can you see item views on Poshmark? ›

You can easily find out the date of when you listed something, what category it's in, what price you set for it, how many views it has had on Poshmark.com, etc.

Do sellers rate buyers on Poshmark? ›

Can I rate a buyer on Poshmark? Can I remove Love Notes from my profile? Unfortunately, no, sellers are not able to rate buyers like buyers rate sellers. If you had a difficult buyer, you can warn others by leaving a comment on their Meet the Posher listing (if they have one).

How do you see your stats on Poshmark? ›

To get to your closet stats, click on your profile tab at the bottom right of the app > click on “My Closet Stats.” We'd love to hear your feedback on this tool, Posh sellers!

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.